8,695 research outputs found

    Ab-initio Gorkov-Green's function calculations of open-shell nuclei

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    We present results from a new ab-initio method that uses the self-consistent Gorkov Green's function theory to address truly open-shell systems. The formalism has been recently worked out up to second order and is implemented here in nuclei for the first time on the basis of realistic nuclear forces. We find good convergence of the results with respect to the basis size in Ca44 and Ni74 and discuss quantities of experimental interest including ground-state energies, pairing gaps and particle addition/removal spectroscopy. These results demonstrate that the Gorkov method is a valid alternative to multireference approaches for tackling degenerate or near degenerate quantum systems. In particular, it increases the number of mid-mass nuclei accessible in an ab-initio fashion from a few tens to a few hundreds.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Ab-initio self-consistent Gorkov-Green's function calculations of semi-magic nuclei - II. Numerical implementation at second order with a two-nucleon interaction

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    The newly developed Gorkov-Green's function approach represents a promising path to the ab initio description of medium-mass open-shell nuclei. We discuss the implementation of the method at second order with a two-body interaction, with particular attention to the numerical solution of Gorkov's equation. Different sources of theoretical error and degrees of self-consistency are investigated. We show that Krylov projection techniques with a multi-pivot Lanczos algorithm efficiently handle the growth of poles in the one-body Green's function when Gorkov's equation is solved self-consistently. The end result is a tractable, accurate and gently scaling ab initio scheme applicable to full isotopic chains in the medium-mass region.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Doubly magic nuclei from Lattice QCD forces at MPS=M_{PS}=469 MeV/c2^2

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    We perform ab initio self-consistent Green's function calculations of the closed shell nuclei 4^{\rm 4}He, 16^{\rm 16}O and 40^{\rm 40}Ca, based on two-nucleon potentials derived from Lattice QCD simulations, in the flavor SU(3) limit and at the pseudo-scalar meson mass of 469~MeV/c2^{\rm 2}. The nucleon-nucleon interaction is obtained using the HAL QCD method and its short-distance repulsion is treated by means of ladder resummations outside the model space. Our results show that this approach diagonalises ultraviolet degrees of freedom correctly. Therefore, ground state energies can be obtained from infrared extrapolations even for the relatively hard potentials of HAL QCD. Comparing to previous Brueckner Hartree-Fock calculations, the total binding energies are sensibly improved by the full account of many-body correlations. The results suggest an interesting possible behaviour in which nuclei are unbound at very large pion masses and islands of stability appear at first around the traditional doubly-magic numbers when the pion mass is lowered toward its physical value. The calculated one-nucleon spectral distributions are qualitatively close to those of real nuclei even for the pseudo-scalar meson mass considered here.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RIKEN-QHP-286, RIKEN-iTHEMS-Report-1

    Cancellation of Infrared Divergences in Hadronic Annihilation Decays of Heavy Quarkonia

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    In the framework of a newly developed factorization formalism which is based on NRQCD, explicit cancellations are shown for the infrared divergences that appeared in the previously calculated hadronic annihilation decay rates of P-wave and D-wave heavy quarkonia. We extend them to a more general case that to leading order in v2v^2 and next-to-leading order in αs\alpha_s, the infrared divergences in the annihilation amplitudes of color-singlet QQˉ(2S+1LJ)Q\bar{Q}(^{2S+1}L_J) pair can be removed by including the contributions of color-octet operators QQˉ(2S+1(L1)J)Q\bar{Q}(^{2S+1}(L-1)_{J'}), QQˉ(2S+1(L3)J)Q\bar{Q}(^{2S+1}(L-3)_{J''}), ... in NRQCD. We also give the decay widths of 3DJLH^3D_J\rightarrow LH at leading order in αs\alpha_s.Comment: 8 pages, LaTex(3 figures included), to be publishe

    Rigorous QCD Predictions for Decays of P-Wave Quarkonia

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    Rigorous QCD predictions for decay rates of the P-wave states of heavy quarkonia are presented. They are based on a new factorization theorem which is valid to leading order in the heavy quark velocity and to all orders in the running coupling constant of QCD. The decay rates for all four P states into light hadronic or electromagnetic final states are expressed in terms of two phenomenological parameters, whose coefficients are perturbatively calculable. Logarithms of the binding energy encountered in previous perturbative calculations of P-wave decays are factored into a phenomenological parameter that is related to the probability for the heavy quark-antiquark pair to be in a color-octet S-wave state. Applying these predictions to charmonium, we use measured decay rates for the \chione and \chitwo to predict the decay rates of the \chizero and hch_c.Comment: 13 page

    Optical phase coherent timing of the Crab nebula pulsar with Iqueye at the ESO New Technology Telescope

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    The Crab nebula pulsar was observed in 2009 January and December with a novel very fast optical photon counter, Iqueye, mounted at the ESO 3.5 m New Technology Telescope. Thanks to the exquisite quality of the Iqueye data, we computed accurate phase coherent timing solutions for the two observing runs and over the entire year 2009. Our statistical uncertainty on the determination of the phase of the main pulse and the rotational period of the pulsar for short (a few days) time intervals are 1μ\approx 1 \, \mus and ~0.5 ps, respectively. Comparison with the Jodrell Bank radio ephemerides shows that the optical pulse leads the radio one by ~240 μ\mus in January and ~160 μ\mus in December, in agreement with a number of other measurements performed after 1996. A third-order polynomial fit adequately describes the spin-down for the 2009 January plus December optical observations. The phase noise is consistent with being Gaussian distributed with a dispersion σ\sigma of 15μ\approx 15 \, \mus in most observations, in agreement with theoretical expectations for photon noise-induced phase variability.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    GUT, Neutrinos, and Baryogenesis

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    It is an exciting time for flavor physics. In this talk, I discuss recent topics in baryogenesis and leptogenesis in light of new data, and implications in B and neutrino physics. I also discuss current situation of grand unified theories concerning coupling unification, proton decay, and indirect consequences in lepton flavor violation and B physics. I explain attempts to understand the origin of flavor based on flavor symmetry, in particular "anarchy" in neutrinos.Comment: Talk presented at 5th KEK Topical Conference: Frontiers In Flavor Physics, 20-22 Nov 2001, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. Includes comments on SUSY GUT contribution to B->phi K

    Supersymmetry, Naturalness, and Signatures at the LHC

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    Weak scale supersymmetry is often said to be fine-tuned, especially if the matter content is minimal. This is not true if there is a large A term for the top squarks. We present a systematic study on fine-tuning in minimal supersymmetric theories and identify low energy spectra that do not lead to severe fine-tuning. Characteristic features of these spectra are: a large A term for the top squarks, small top squark masses, moderately large tan\beta, and a small \mu parameter. There are classes of theories leading to these features, which are discussed. In one class, which allows a complete elimination of fine-tuning, the Higgsinos are the lightest among all the superpartners of the standard model particles, leading to three nearly degenerate neutralino/chargino states. This gives interesting signals at the LHC -- the dilepton invariant mass distribution has a very small endpoint and shows a particular shape determined by the Higgsino nature of the two lightest neutralinos. We demonstrate that these signals are indeed useful in realistic analyses by performing Monte Carlo simulations, including detector simulations and background estimations. We also present a method that allows the determination of all the relevant superparticle masses without using input from particular models, despite the limited kinematical information due to short cascades. This allows us to test various possible models, which is demonstrated in the case of a model with mixed moduli-anomaly mediation. We also give a simple derivation of special renormalization group properties associated with moduli mediated supersymmetry breaking, which are relevant in a model without fine-tuning.Comment: 56 pages, 24 figure

    Toward the Ab-initio Description of Medium Mass Nuclei

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    As ab-initio calculations of atomic nuclei enter the A=40-100 mass range, a great challenge is how to approach the vast majority of open-shell (degenerate) isotopes. We add realistic three-nucleon interactions to the state of the art many-body Green's function theory of closed-shells, and find that physics of neutron driplines is reproduced with very good quality. Further, we introduce the Gorkov formalism to extend ab-initio theory to semi-magic, fully open-shell, isotopes. Proof-of-principle calculations for Ca-44 and Ni-74 confirm that this approach is indeed feasible. Combining these two advances (open-shells and three-nucleon interactions) requires longer, technical, work but it is otherwise within reach.Comment: Contribution to Summary Report of EURISOL Topical and Town Meetings, 15-19 October 2012; missing affiliations added and corrected errors in Tab

    Evaluation of the Maudsley Addiction Profile (MAP) for use with an American Substance Abuse Population

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    Multi-dimensional instruments in the addiction field developed in the United States as well as in other countries are limited. The Maudsley Addiction Profile (MAP), a brief, multi-dimensional instrument developed in the United Kingdom (UK), is designed to assess the treatment outcome of individuals with alcohol and/or drug (AOD) problems and associated issues. This measure consists of sixty items across the domains of substance use, health risk, physical/ psychological health and personal/social functioning. The MAP, which has been validated on British as well as on several European samples of substance abusers, has been suggested for further validation. The current study was designed to examine the psychometric features of the MAP on a sample of American AOD users. Subjects included 133 patients who had been admitted for treatment in an inpatient psychiatric hospital; they had been identified with a recent substance abuse history. Seven interviewers were trained to criterion; 90 percent agreement with the investigator was achieved. The test-retest reliability of the MAP was good (average concordance of 0.96 across eight substances and 0.77 across health risk, health symptoms, and personal/social functioning). The interrater reliability among seven interviewers (one researcher and six clinicians) was also good (coefficients across eight substances were 0.95 and 0.78 across problem areas). The Pearson Correlation Coefficients of physical/psychological health symptoms between US and UK samples ranged between r = 0.97 and r = 0.98. Correlations among problem areas indicate several significant interactions between substance use and problem areas. Overall, the present study has shown that the MAP is a reliable outcome measure with several distinct advantages; it is an instrument which can be recommended for use in the US