286 research outputs found

    Notes about the Caratheodory number

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    In this paper we give sufficient conditions for a compactum in Rn\mathbb R^n to have Carath\'{e}odory number less than n+1n+1, generalizing an old result of Fenchel. Then we prove the corresponding versions of the colorful Carath\'{e}odory theorem and give a Tverberg type theorem for families of convex compacta

    On the toughness of thermoplastic polymer nanocomposites as assessed by the essential work of fracture (EWF) approach

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    The essential work of fracture (EWF) approach is widely used to determine the plane stress fracture toughness of highly ductile polymers and related systems. To shed light on how the toughness is affected by nanofillers EWF-suited model polymers, viz. amorphous copolyester and polypropylene block copolymer were modified by multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT), graphene (GR), boehmite alumina (BA), and organoclay (MMT) in 1 wt% each. EWF tests were performed on deeply double-edge notched tensile-loaded specimens under quasistatic loading conditions. Data reduction occurred by energy partitioning between yielding and necking/tearing. The EWF prerequisites were not met with the nanocomposites containing MWCNT and GR by contrast to those with MMT and BA. Accordingly, the toughness of nanocomposites with homogeneously dispersed and low aspect ratio fillers may be properly determined using the EWF. Results indicated that incorporation of nanofillers may result in an adverse effect between the specific essential and non-essential EWF parameters

    A Tverberg type theorem for matroids

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    Let b(M) denote the maximal number of disjoint bases in a matroid M. It is shown that if M is a matroid of rank d+1, then for any continuous map f from the matroidal complex M into the d-dimensional Euclidean space there exist t \geq \sqrt{b(M)}/4 disjoint independent sets \sigma_1,\ldots,\sigma_t \in M such that \bigcap_{i=1}^t f(\sigma_i) \neq \emptyset.Comment: This article is due to be published in the collection of papers "A Journey through Discrete Mathematics. A Tribute to Jiri Matousek" edited by Martin Loebl, Jaroslav Nesetril and Robin Thomas, due to be published by Springe

    Diszkrét matematika = Discrete mathematics

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    A pályázat résztvevői igen aktívak voltak a 2006-2008 években. Nemcsak sok eredményt értek el, miket több mint 150 cikkben publikáltak, eredményesen népszerűsítették azokat. Több mint 100 konferencián vettek részt és adtak elő, felerészben meghívott, vagy plenáris előadóként. Hagyományos gráfelmélet Több extremális gráfproblémát oldottunk meg. Új eredményeket kaptunk Ramsey számokról, globális és lokális kromatikus számokról, Hamiltonkörök létezéséséről. a crossig numberről, gráf kapacitásokról és kizárt részgráfokról. Véletlen gráfok, nagy gráfok, regularitási lemma Nagy gráfok "hasonlóságait" vizsgáltuk. Különféle metrikák ekvivalensek. Űj eredeményeink: Hereditary Property Testing, Inverse Counting Lemma and the Uniqueness of Hypergraph Limit. Hipergráfok, egyéb kombinatorika Új Sperner tipusú tételekte kaptunk, aszimptotikusan meghatározva a halmazok max számát bizonyos kizárt struktőrák esetén. Több esetre megoldottuk a kizárt hipergráf problémát is. Elméleti számítástudomány Új ujjlenyomat kódokat és bioinformatikai eredményeket kaptunk. | The participants of the project were scientifically very active during the years 2006-2008. They did not only obtain many results, which are contained in their more than 150 papers appeared in strong journals, but effectively disseminated them in the scientific community. They participated and gave lectures in more than 100 conferences (with multiplicity), half of them were plenary or invited talks. Traditional graph theory Several extremal problems for graphs were solved. We obtained new results for certain Ramsey numbers, (local and global) chromatic numbers, existence of Hamiltonian cycles crossing numbers, graph capacities, and excluded subgraphs. Random graphs, large graphs, regularity lemma The "similarities" of large graphs were studied. We show that several different definitions of the metrics (and convergence) are equivalent. Several new results like the Hereditary Property Testing, Inverse Counting Lemma and the Uniqueness of Hypergraph Limit were proved Hypergraphs, other combinatorics New Sperner type theorems were obtained, asymptotically determining the maximum number of sets in a family of subsets with certain excluded configurations. Several cases of the excluded hypergraph problem were solved. Theoretical computer science New fingerprint codes and results in bioinformatics were found

    Tverberg-type theorems for intersecting by rays

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    In this paper we consider some results on intersection between rays and a given family of convex, compact sets. These results are similar to the center point theorem, and Tverberg's theorem on partitions of a point set

    Analogues of the central point theorem for families with dd-intersection property in Rd\mathbb R^d

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    In this paper we consider families of compact convex sets in Rd\mathbb R^d such that any subfamily of size at most dd has a nonempty intersection. We prove some analogues of the central point theorem and Tverberg's theorem for such families

    Knaster's problem for (Z2)k(Z_2)^k-symmetric subsets of the sphere S2k1S^{2^k-1}

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    We prove a Knaster-type result for orbits of the group (Z2)k(Z_2)^k in S2k1S^{2^k-1}, calculating the Euler class obstruction. Among the consequences are: a result about inscribing skew crosspolytopes in hypersurfaces in R2k\mathbb R^{2^k}, and a result about equipartition of a measures in R2k\mathbb R^{2^k} by (Z2)k+1(Z_2)^{k+1}-symmetric convex fans

    Few smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points

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    We prove that, for fixed n there exist only finitely many embeddings of Q-factorial toric varieties X into P^n that are induced by a complete linear system. The proof is based on a combinatorial result that for fixed nonnegative integers d and n, there are only finitely many smooth d-polytopes with n lattice points. We also enumerate all smooth 3-polytopes with at most 12 lattice points. In fact, it is sufficient to bound the singularities and the number of lattice points on edges to prove finiteness.Comment: 20+2 pages; major revision: new author, new structure, new result

    Excitation and relaxation in atom-cluster collisions

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    Electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom in atom-cluster collisions are treated simultaneously and self-consistently by combining time-dependent density functional theory with classical molecular dynamics. The gradual change of the excitation mechanisms (electronic and vibrational) as well as the related relaxation phenomena (phase transitions and fragmentation) are studied in a common framework as a function of the impact energy (eV...MeV). Cluster "transparency" characterized by practically undisturbed atom-cluster penetration is predicted to be an important reaction mechanism within a particular window of impact energies.Comment: RevTeX (4 pages, 4 figures included with epsf