3,618 research outputs found

    The Role of NMDA Currents in State Transitions of the Nucleus Accumbens Medium Spiny Neuron

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    The nucleus accumbens (NAcb) integrates information from a wide range of glutamatergic afferent inputs, including the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala. One of the glutamatergic receptors, the NMDA channel, has been implicated in the non-linearity of the current–voltage relationship in these cells under certain input conditions. In order to examine the relationship of the different glutamatergic receptors to the membrane response, we modeled the AMPA, GABAA and NMDA receptors in the medium spiny (MSP) cells and their afferent input. The model demonstrates that the NMDA current is capable of sustaining certain membrane states and contributes to the non-linearity of the membrane response to input

    Quantum and random walks as universal generators of probability distributions

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    Quantum walks and random walks bear similarities and divergences. One of the most remarkable disparities affects the probability of finding the particle at a given location: typically, almost a flat function in the first case and a bell-shaped one in the second case. Here I show how one can impose any desired stochastic behavior (compatible with the continuity equation for the probability function) on both systems by the appropriate choice of time- and site-dependent coins. This implies, in particular, that one can devise quantum walks that show diffusive spreading without loosing coherence, as well as random walks that exhibit the characteristic fast propagation of a quantum particle driven by a Hadamard coin.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; revised and enlarged versio

    Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces

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    We propose a more direct approach to constructing differential operators that preserve polynomial subspaces than the one based on considering elements of the enveloping algebra of sl(2). This approach is used here to construct new exactly solvable and quasi-exactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians on the line which are not Lie-algebraic. It is also applied to generate potentials with multiple algebraic sectors. We discuss two illustrative examples of these two applications: an interesting generalization of the Lam\'e potential which posses four algebraic sectors, and a quasi-exactly solvable deformation of the Morse potential which is not Lie-algebraic.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Bounded Determinization of Timed Automata with Silent Transitions

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    Deterministic timed automata are strictly less expressive than their non-deterministic counterparts, which are again less expressive than those with silent transitions. As a consequence, timed automata are in general non-determinizable. This is unfortunate since deterministic automata play a major role in model-based testing, observability and implementability. However, by bounding the length of the traces in the automaton, effective determinization becomes possible. We propose a novel procedure for bounded determinization of timed automata. The procedure unfolds the automata to bounded trees, removes all silent transitions and determinizes via disjunction of guards. The proposed algorithms are optimized to the bounded setting and thus are more efficient and can handle a larger class of timed automata than the general algorithms. The approach is implemented in a prototype tool and evaluated on several examples. To our best knowledge, this is the first implementation of this type of procedure for timed automata.Comment: 25 page

    Kleene Algebras and Semimodules for Energy Problems

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    With the purpose of unifying a number of approaches to energy problems found in the literature, we introduce generalized energy automata. These are finite automata whose edges are labeled with energy functions that define how energy levels evolve during transitions. Uncovering a close connection between energy problems and reachability and B\"uchi acceptance for semiring-weighted automata, we show that these generalized energy problems are decidable. We also provide complexity results for important special cases

    On the families of orthogonal polynomials associated to the Razavy potential

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    We show that there are two different families of (weakly) orthogonal polynomials associated to the quasi-exactly solvable Razavy potential V(x)=(\z \cosh 2x-M)^2 (\z>0, MNM\in\mathbf N). One of these families encompasses the four sets of orthogonal polynomials recently found by Khare and Mandal, while the other one is new. These results are extended to the related periodic potential U(x)=-(\z \cos 2x -M)^2, for which we also construct two different families of weakly orthogonal polynomials. We prove that either of these two families yields the ground state (when MM is odd) and the lowest lying gaps in the energy spectrum of the latter periodic potential up to and including the (M1)th(M-1)^{\rm th} gap and having the same parity as M1M-1. Moreover, we show that the algebraic eigenfunctions obtained in this way are the well-known finite solutions of the Whittaker--Hill (or Hill's three-term) periodic differential equation. Thus, the foregoing results provide a Lie-algebraic justification of the fact that the Whittaker--Hill equation (unlike, for instance, Mathieu's equation) admits finite solutions.Comment: Typeset in LaTeX2e using amsmath, amssymb, epic, epsfig, float (24 pages, 1 figure

    Quantum Inozemtsev model, quasi-exact solvability and N-fold supersymmetry

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    Inozemtsev models are classically integrable multi-particle dynamical systems related to Calogero-Moser models. Because of the additional q^6 (rational models) or sin^2(2q) (trigonometric models) potentials, their quantum versions are not exactly solvable in contrast with Calogero-Moser models. We show that quantum Inozemtsev models can be deformed to be a widest class of partly solvable (or quasi-exactly solvable) multi-particle dynamical systems. They posses N-fold supersymmetry which is equivalent to quasi-exact solvability. A new method for identifying and solving quasi-exactly solvable systems, the method of pre-superpotential, is presented.Comment: LaTeX2e 28 pages, no figure

    Solutions for the General, Confluent and Biconfluent Heun equations and their connection with Abel equations

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    In a recent paper, the canonical forms of a new multi-parameter class of Abel differential equations, so-called AIR, all of whose members can be mapped into Riccati equations, were shown to be related to the differential equations for the hypergeometric 2F1, 1F1 and 0F1 functions. In this paper, a connection between the AIR canonical forms and the Heun General (GHE), Confluent (CHE) and Biconfluent (BHE) equations is presented. This connection fixes the value of one of the Heun parameters, expresses another one in terms of those remaining, and provides closed form solutions in terms of pFq functions for the resulting GHE, CHE and BHE, respectively depending on four, three and two irreducible parameters. This connection also turns evident what is the relation between the Heun parameters such that the solutions admit Liouvillian form, and suggests a mechanism for relating linear equations with N and N-1 singularities through the canonical forms of a non-linear equation of one order less.Comment: Original version submitted to Journal of Physics A: 16 pages, related to math.GM/0002059 and math-ph/0402040. Revised version according to referee's comments: 23 pages. Sign corrected (June/17) in formula (79). Second revised version (July/25): 25 pages. See also http://lie.uwaterloo.ca/odetools.ht

    Inflaton Fragmentation and Oscillon Formation in Three Dimensions

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    Analytical arguments suggest that a large class of scalar field potentials permit the existence of oscillons -- pseudo-stable, non-topological solitons -- in three spatial dimensions. In this paper we numerically explore oscillon solutions in three dimensions. We confirm the existence of these field configurations as solutions to the Klein-Gorden equation in an expanding background, and verify the predictions of Amin and Shirokoff for the characteristics of individual oscillons for their model. Further, we demonstrate that significant numbers of oscillons can be generated via fragmentation of the inflaton condensate, consistent with the analysis of Amin. These emergent oscillons can easily dominate the post-inflationary universe. Finally, both analytic and numerical results suggest that oscillons are stable on timescales longer than the post-inflationary Hubble time. Consequently, the post-inflationary universe can contain an effective matter-dominated phase, during which it is dominated by localized concentrations of scalar field matter.Comment: See http://easther.physics.yale.edu/downloads.html for numerical codes. Visualizations available at http://www.mit.edu/~mamin/oscillons.html and http://easther.physics.yale.edu/fields.html V2 Minor fixes to reference lis

    Parameterized Verification of Safety Properties in Ad Hoc Network Protocols

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    We summarize the main results proved in recent work on the parameterized verification of safety properties for ad hoc network protocols. We consider a model in which the communication topology of a network is represented as a graph. Nodes represent states of individual processes. Adjacent nodes represent single-hop neighbors. Processes are finite state automata that communicate via selective broadcast messages. Reception of a broadcast is restricted to single-hop neighbors. For this model we consider a decision problem that can be expressed as the verification of the existence of an initial topology in which the execution of the protocol can lead to a configuration with at least one node in a certain state. The decision problem is parametric both on the size and on the form of the communication topology of the initial configurations. We draw a complete picture of the decidability and complexity boundaries of this problem according to various assumptions on the possible topologies.Comment: In Proceedings PACO 2011, arXiv:1108.145