293 research outputs found

    N=1 Supersymetric Quantum Mechanics in a Scenario with Lorentz-Symmetry Violation

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    We show in this paper that the dynamics of a non-relativistic particle with spin, coupled to an external electromagnetic field and to a background that breaks Lorentz symmetry, is naturally endowed with an N=1-supersymmetry. This result is achieved in a superspace approach where the particle coordinates and the spin degrees of freedom are components of the same supermultiplet.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    Supersymmetry and Integrability in Planar Mechanical Systems

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    We present an N=2-supersymmetric mechanical system whose bosonic sector, with two degrees of freedom, stems from the reduction of an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with the assumption of spatially homogeneous field configurations and a particular ansatz imposed on the gauge potentials in the dimensional reduction procedure. The Painleve test is adopted to discuss integrability and we focus on the role of supersymmetry and parity invariance in two space dimensions for the attainment of integrable or chaotic models. Our conclusion is that the relationships among the parameters imposed by supersymmetry seem to drastically reduce the number of possibilities for integrable interaction potentials of the mechanical system under consideration.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Mechanisms Underlying Gas Exchange Alterations In An Experimental Model Of Pulmonary Embolism.

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the ventilation/perfusion ratio that contributes to hypoxemia in pulmonary embolism by analyzing blood gases and volumetric capnography in a model of experimental acute pulmonary embolism. Pulmonary embolization with autologous blood clots was induced in seven pigs weighing 24.00 +/- 0.6 kg, anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. Significant changes occurred from baseline to 20 min after embolization, such as reduction in oxygen partial pressures in arterial blood (from 87.71 +/- 8.64 to 39.14 +/- 6.77 mmHg) and alveolar air (from 92.97 +/- 2.14 to 63.91 +/- 8.27 mmHg). The effective alveolar ventilation exhibited a significant reduction (from 199.62 +/- 42.01 to 84.34 +/- 44.13) consistent with the fall in alveolar gas volume that effectively participated in gas exchange. The relation between the alveolar ventilation that effectively participated in gas exchange and cardiac output (V Aeff/Q ratio) also presented a significant reduction after embolization (from 0.96 +/- 0.34 to 0.33 +/- 0.17 fraction). The carbon dioxide partial pressure increased significantly in arterial blood (from 37.51 +/- 1.71 to 60.76 +/- 6.62 mmHg), but decreased significantly in exhaled air at the end of the respiratory cycle (from 35.57 +/- 1.22 to 23.15 +/- 8.24 mmHg). Exhaled air at the end of the respiratory cycle returned to baseline values 40 min after embolism. The arterial to alveolar carbon dioxide gradient increased significantly (from 1.94 +/- 1.36 to 37.61 +/- 12.79 mmHg), as also did the calculated alveolar (from 56.38 +/- 22.47 to 178.09 +/- 37.46 mL) and physiological (from 0.37 +/- 0.05 to 0.75 +/- 0.10 fraction) dead spaces. Based on our data, we conclude that the severe arterial hypoxemia observed in this experimental model may be attributed to the reduction of the V Aeff/Q ratio. We were also able to demonstrate that V Aeff/Q progressively improves after embolization, a fact attributed to the alveolar ventilation redistribution induced by hypocapnic bronchoconstriction.391197-20

    Heart Rate Variability In Athletes And Nonathletes At Rest And During Head-up Tilt.

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine if autonomic heart rate modulation, indicated by heart rate variability (HRV), differs during supine rest and head-up tilt (HUT) when sedentary and endurance-trained cyclists are compared. Eleven sedentary young men (S) and 10 trained cyclists (C) were studied. The volunteers were submitted to a dynamic ECG Holter to calculate HRV at rest and during a 70 masculine HUT. The major aerobic capacity of athletes was expressed by higher values of VO2 at anaerobic threshold and peak conditions (P < 0.05). At rest the athletes had lower heart rates (P < 0.05) and higher values in the time domain of HRV compared with controls (SD of normal RR interval, SDNN, medians): 59.1 ms (S) vs 89.9 ms (C), P < 0.05. During tilt athletes also had higher values in the time domain of HRV compared with controls (SDNN, medians): 55.7 ms (S) vs 69.7 ms (C), P < 0.05. No differences in power spectral components of HRV at rest or during HUT were detected between groups. Based on the analysis of data by the frequency domain method, we conclude that in athletes the resting bradycardia seems to be much more related to changes in intrinsic mechanisms than to modifications in autonomic control. Also, HUT caused comparable changes in sympathetic and parasympathetic modulation of the sinus node in both groups.38639-4

    Presenteeism in hospital nurses

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    This quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research aimed to determine the estimated productivity of health-related limitations at work in 129 nurses working in direct care delivery to critical and potentially critical patients. Instruments were applied for socio-demographic and functional characterization and for the evaluation of presenteeism (Work Limitations Questionnaire). Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software was used for data analysis. In this study, 75% of nurses obtained a lost productivity index of up to 4.84%. The physical demand domain represented the major limitation for these professionals (25%). Presenteeism was directly correlated to health care, occurrence and number of absences, and indirectly related to work time at the unit. It was concluded that organizational or individual factors influence individuals' productivity, in view of the circumstances involving care delivery to critical and potentially critical patients.Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal con el objetivo de determinar la productividad supuesta de las limitaciones en el trabajo relacionadas con la salud de 129 enfermeros que asisten a pacientes críticos y potencialmente críticos. Se utilizó un instrumento para la caracterización sociodemográfica y funcional y para la evaluación de la presencia. Se realizó un análisis estadístico de los datos con el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. En este estudio, 75 % de los enfermeros obtuvieron un índice de productividad perdida de hasta 4,84%. La demanda física fue el dominio que presentó mayor limitación (25%). La presencia se relacionó directamente a: realización de tratamiento de salud, ocurrencia y número de faltas, e indirectamente al tiempo en la unidad. Se concluye que existe influencia de factores organizacionales o individuales en la productividad del individuo frente a las circunstancias que involucran la asistencia al paciente crítico y potencialmente crítico.Este é um estudo quantitativo, descritivo e transversal com o objetivo de determinar a produtividade estimada das limitações no trabalho, relacionadas à saúde, em 129 enfermeiros atuantes na assistência direta a pacientes críticos e potencialmente críticos. Utilizou-se instrumento para caracterização sociodemográfica e funcional e para a avaliação do presenteísmo (questionário de limitações no trabalho). Procedeu-se à análise estatística dos dados com o software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Neste estudo, 75% dos enfermeiros obtiveram índice de produtividade perdida de até 4,84%. A demanda física foi o domínio que representou maior limitação para esses profissionais (25%). O presenteísmo correlacionou-se diretamente à realização de tratamento de saúde, ocorrência e número de faltas, e indiretamente ao tempo de trabalho na unidade. Conclui-se que existe influência de fatores organizacionais ou individuais na produtividade do indivíduo, frente às circunstâncias que envolvem a assistência ao paciente crítico e potencialmente crítico

    Análise de desempenho econômico da produção orgânica de leite: estudo de caso no Distrito Federal

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    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se analisar economicamente a produção orgânica de leite. Para esta avaliação foram utilizados os dados obtidos em uma propriedade certificada como orgânica, localizada no Distrito Federal, durante os períodos de 2002 e 2003. A Renda Líquida (RL) por litro de leite foi positiva no ano de 2002 e negativa no de 2003, considerando-se o preço do leite a R0,40/L,(prec\cohistoˊricopagoaoprodutordeleiteconvencionalnaregia~o),apresentandoresultadospositivoscomoprec\cosimuladodeR 0,40/ L, (preço histórico pago ao produtor de leite convencional na região), apresentando resultados positivos com o preço simulado de R 0,80/L (preço pago aos produtores orgânicos nas Regiões Sul e Sudeste do país). Os índices de produtividade foram semelhantes aos observados nas propriedades convencionais. A produção orgânica de leite pode ser uma alternativa economicamente viável para a pecuária, desde que haja uma remuneração superior à praticada para o leite convencional