44 research outputs found

    Operational risk and e-banking

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    Banking involves a variety of risks. Under Basel II, the main risks are the monitored credit risk, market risk and operational risk. Frequently, operational risks are underestimated, considering that they would not affect the optimal activity of a bank. However, past experience of some credit institutions have shown that operational risk is an important cause of financial losses in the banking sector. Operational risk is generated by a complex of factors that manifests primarily as a result of direct customer interaction with the credit institution. In this context, the provision of e-banking services reduces direct contact with bank customers and thus reduces potential losses arising from operational risk. In sum, we consider it necessary to be aware of the link between operational risk and e-banking services promoted by banks and of the importance of this connection especially in a financial environment affected by the financial crisis

    Vascular access for program hemodialysis if complications exhaustion and vascular reservs

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    IMSP CNŞPMU, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Introducere: Asigurarea pacienților cu AV optimal în cazul complicațiilor fistulei arterio-venoase şi epuizării rezervelor vasculare (ERV) rămâne controversat. Scopul – evaluarea eficacității grefelor sintetice PTFE în calitate de AV la pacienții dializați. Material şi metodă: În studiu au fost incluși 22 pacienți dializați cu epuizarea rezervelor vasculare şi 4 pacienți cu complicații tardive ale AV. Vârsta medie - 47.27±1.36 ani. Raportul bărbați/femei – 6/12. Durata medie a tratamentului prin HD a constituit 7.45±0.85 ani (1-16 ani). Duplex ecografia a fost efectuată la toți pacienții pentru aprecierea stării sistemului vascular periferic. La 18 pacienți în urmă ERV a fost formată FAV sintetică, fiind efectuate 21 intervenții. La 4 pacienții cu dilatări anevrismale ale FAV cu scopul prezervării AV sau efectuat reconstrucții prin interpoziție cu segment PTFE. În formarea FAV sintetică a fost utilizată grefa sintetică - Gore-Tex® (stretch PTFE vascular graft, USA) cu diametrul intern de 6mm. Localizarea FAV la braţ - 15 cazuri şi antebraț – 3 cazuri. Rezultate: Durata medie de funcționare a FAV sintetice a constituit: 16.54±4.17 (2-51) luni. Complicații ale FAV sintetic s-au dezvoltat în 11 cazuri. Structura complicațiilor: tromboză - 5 (45.4%), pseudoanevrism - 4 ( 36.3%), infectare – 1(9,1%) sindrom de „furt” sanguin – 1 (9.1%). Trombectomia reuşită a fost efectuată în 3 cazuri la 2,11,30 luni după implantarea grefei. Concluzii: Grefele sintetice reprezintă o oportunitate justificată în formarea sau prezervarea AV în cazul complicațiilor FAV şi ERV şi prezintă o alternativă instalării cateterelor venoase centrale.Introduction: Vascular access (VA) presents a vulnerable point in hemodialysis (HD). Ensuring the patients with optimal VA for complications of arteriovenous fistulae (AVF) and exhausted vascular reserve (EVR) remains controversial.Study aim - To evaluate the efficacy of synthetic PTFE grafts as VA for dialysis patients.Materials and methods: In the study were included 22 patients with EVR and 4 patients with late complications of VA. The mean age was – 47.27 ± 1.36 years. Male to female ratio was – 6 / 12. The mean duration of treatment with programmed HD was 7.45 ± 0.85 years (1-16 years). Preoperative dupplex ultrasound was performed in all the patients in order to assess the peripheral vascular system. In 18 patients with EVR synthetic AVF was created, being performed 21 interventions. In 4 cases with aneurysms expansion of AVF in order to preservation of existing VA reconstructive interventions were made by interposition of PTFE segment.In order to construct a AVF synthetic graft was used – Gore-Tex ® (PTFE vascular graft stretch, USA) with internal diameter of 6mm. Location AVF was the arm in 15 cases and forearm in 3 cases.Results: The mean graft’s functional period was: 16.54 ± 4.17 (2-51) months. Complications of synthetic AFV developed in 11 cases. Structure of complications was: thrombosis – 5 (45.4%), pseudoanevrism – 4 (36.3%), infection – 1 (9.1%), “steal” syndrome – 1 (9.1%). Successful thrombectomy was performed in 3 cases at 2;11; and 30 months after graft implantation.Conclusions: A synthetic graft is justified opportunity for the formation or preservation of VA in case EVR of complicated AVF and presents an alternative to installation central venous catheters

    Topological methods for searching barriers and reaction paths

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    We present a family of algorithms for the fast determination of reaction paths and barriers in phase space and the computation of the corresponding rates. The method requires the reaction times be large compared to the microscopic time, irrespective of the origin - energetic, entropic, cooperative - of the timescale separation. It lends itself to temperature cycling as in simulated annealing and to activation-relaxation routines. The dynamics is ultimately based on supersymmetry methods used years ago to derive Morse theory. Thus, the formalism automatically incorporates all relevant topological information.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTex

    Relationship between paraclinick manifestation in patients with bone renal disease

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    Catedra Medicină Internă Nr.1 FP SCMetabolic bone disease develops often in patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). Effective clinical management includes measures to control phosphorus retention and prevent hyperphosphataemia, to maintain serum calcium concentration within the normal range and to prevent excess parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion by the judicious use of vitamin D sterols. Hyperphosphataemia thereby contributes to the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism and its skeletal expression, namely osteitis fibrosa, also promotes, together with calcium, the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in soft tissues, in particular in the vessel wall and in periarticular regions, with potentially dramatic consequeces. The occurrence of such extraskeletal calcifications is favoured by age, exessive intake of calcium, phosphate (protein) and vitamin D. Soft-tissue calcium deposits are now observed with increasing frequency in uraemic patients heaving low to normal serum PTH levels, in the sitting of adinamic bon disease. Tulburările metabolismului mineral şi osos în Insuficienţa Renală Cronică (IRC) ocupă unul din locurile de frunte printre patologiile pacientului dializat. În asociere cu un şir de factori favorizanţi: vârsta, durata aflării la tratament prin hemodializă (HD), patologia de bază ce a dus la dezvoltarea IRC, hiperparatiroidismul secundar, excesul de calciu, fosfaţi (proteină), conţinutul de vitamină D, determină pronosticul maladiei şi caliatea vieţii pacienţilor (4, 5). Toate aceste schimbări provoacă depunerea de cristale de pirofosfat de calciu în ţesuturile moi şi calcificare a pereţilor arteriolelor la pacienţii cu IRC, care în consecinţă duc la sporirea morbidităţii cardiovasculare. Unele metode de tratament al tulburărilor metabolismului fosforului şi calciului au fost reevaluate prin prizma descoperirii complicaţiilor tardive ale tratamentului de lungă durată, în efortul de a reduce şi a preântâmpina efectele nedorite posibile (6). Controlul retenţiei de fosfaţi şi prevenirea hiperfosfatemiei la pacienţii cu IRC este una din punctele strategice al managementului contemporan al dereglărilor metabolismului fosfaţilor, dar uneori insuficientă, în particular restricţiile de fosfaţi obţinută prin dietă hipoproteică (7). Boala renală osoasă (BRO) reprezintă termenul ce defineşte o multitudine de sindroame printre care sunt: osteoporoza, osteomalacia, boala renală aplastică, osteoartropatia amiloidică

    Homogeneous nucleation under shear in a two-dimensional Ising model: cluster growth, coalescence and breakup

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    We compute rates and pathways for nucleation in a sheared two dimensional Ising model with Metropolis spin flip dynamics, using Forward Flux Sampling (FFS). We find a peak in the nucleation rate at intermediate shear rate. We analyse the origin of this peak using modified shear algorithms and committor analysis. We find that the peak arises from an interplay between three shear-mediated effects: shear-enhanced cluster growth, cluster coalescence and cluster breakup. Our results show that complex nucleation behaviour can be found even in a simple driven model system. This work also demonstrates the use of FFS for simulating rare events, including nucleation, in nonequilibrium systems.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    The results of multicentric study of prostate pathology in some localities of Republic of Moldova

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    IP USMF "Nicolae Testemiţanu", IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, IMSP Spitalul Republican ACSR, IMSP SR Cahul, IMSP SR Edineţ, IMSP SR Drochia, IMSP SR Orhei, Compania farmaceutică Berline-Chemie Menarini, Reprezentanţa în R. Moldova, Al VI-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (21-23 octombrie 2015)Rezumat. în lucrare sunt analizate rezultatele unui studiu multicentric a patologiei prostatei efectuat în baza screening-ului la bărbaţi din 7 localităţi ale R. Moldova. Conform protocolului adoptat au fost examinaţi 508 pacienţi cu vârsta medie de 63,3±9,1 ani. Au fost studiate structura patologiilor depistate (adenom de prostată (HBP), cancer de prostată (CP), prostatită), particularităţile clinice ale HBP, incidenţa CP, metodele de tratament recomandate în dependenţă de rezultatele screening-ului. Cea mai frecventă patologie a constituit HBP - 425 cazuri, sau 83,7%, în 8 cazuri (1,6%) a fost diagnosticat CP, iar prostatita cronică la 62 (12,2%) pacienţi. Majoritatea pacienţilor cu HBP - 76,8% au primit indicaţii pentru tratament conservator, 9,1% din pacienţi pentru prostatită cronică; tratamentul chirurgical a fost indicat la 30 pacienţi (5,9%) pentru HBP, iar tratament specializat pentru CP s-a indicat la 3 pacienţi (0,6%). La 12 pacienţi a fost necesar de efectuat o serie de investigaţii suplimentare pentru diferenţierea diagnosticului dintre adenom şi cancer de prostată.Summary. In article were analyzed the results of a multicenter screening study of the prostate pathology in men from 7 regions of R. of Moldova. According to the adopted protocol were examined 508 patients with a mean age of 63,3 ± 9,1 years. The structure of the identified pathologies (binign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer (PC), prostatitis, the clinical features of BPH, the incidence of PC, the recommended treatment methods depending on the results of the screening were studied. The most frequent pathology was BPH - 425 cases or 83,7%, PC was diagnosed in 8 patients (1,6%) and chronic prostatitis in 62 (12,2%) patients. Most of the patients with BPH — 76,8% received indications for conservative treatment, 9,1% of patients received treatment for chronic prostatitis. Surgical treatment was indicated in 30 patients (5,9%) with BPH and specialized treatment for PC was indicated in 3 patients (0,6%). In 12 patients it was necessary to perform a number of additional investigations for differential diagnosis of adenoma and prostate cancer

    Experienţa Clinicii de Urologie în tratamentul litiazei ureterale prin litotriţie extracorporeală cu unde de şoc (ESWL)

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    Summary During 5 years we have analyzed a group of 290 pacients with ureteral stones, The analyzing criterious of results were the following: rate of success, number of failures, duration of expulsion of fragments, complications and their solving way. Rate of success was 97,9%. Expulsion of fragment were in 93,7% cases. Rate of failures was 2,1%. The complications were solved by antibiotics and ureteral catheter. Conclusion: ESWL is a method of choise in the tretment of small (<10mm) nonobstructiv ureteral stones, noninvasive with high success rate

    Thermodynamic formalism for systems with Markov dynamics

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    The thermodynamic formalism allows one to access the chaotic properties of equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium systems, by deriving those from a dynamical partition function. The definition that has been given for this partition function within the framework of discrete time Markov chains was not suitable for continuous time Markov dynamics. Here we propose another interpretation of the definition that allows us to apply the thermodynamic formalism to continuous time. We also generalize the formalism --a dynamical Gibbs ensemble construction-- to a whole family of observables and their associated large deviation functions. This allows us to make the connection between the thermodynamic formalism and the observable involved in the much-studied fluctuation theorem. We illustrate our approach on various physical systems: random walks, exclusion processes, an Ising model and the contact process. In the latter cases, we identify a signature of the occurrence of dynamical phase transitions. We show that this signature can already be unravelled using the simplest dynamical ensemble one could define, based on the number of configuration changes a system has undergone over an asymptotically large time window.Comment: 64 pages, LaTeX; version accepted for publication in Journal of Statistical Physic

    Adenoprosin efficacy in benign prostate hyperplasia treatment

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    Catedra de Urologie şi Nefrologie Chirurgicală USMF ”N. Testemiţanu”, Secţia Urologie IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, Spitalul raional Drochia, Spitalul raional Cahul, Al V-lea Congres de Urologie, Dializă şi Transplant Renal din Republica Moldova cu participare internaţională (1-13 iunie 2011)Summary. Conservative treatment occupies new positions in the therapy of BPH. This is due to several factors, including the increasing number of elderly patients and increasing of their associated diseases (60-90%), which does not allow radical treatment. Efficacy of conservative treatment is already proven by many clinical investigations, which induces an increased popularity of this method of treatment among urologists. The purpose of conservative treatment is not only to defer surgery in time, but is to obtain a high effect of sclerosis of prostate adenoma, and thereby cancellation of the surgery. Currently, pharmaceutical companies come with new and new groups of drugs, most effective in the treatment of BPH. One direction of future therapy in the treatment of BPH is bio-regulatory therapy with suppositories “Adenoprosin”, which is used successfully in the pharmacological treatment of prostate adenoma complicated with inflammatory processes such as acute and chronic prostatitis

    A Simplified Method for Patterning Graphene on Dielectric Layers

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    The large-scale formation of patterned, quasi-freestanding graphene structures supported on a dielectric has so far been limited by the need to transfer the graphene onto a suitable substrate and contamination from the associated processing steps. We report μm scale, few-layer graphene structures formed at moderate temperatures (600–700 °C) and supported directly on an interfacial dielectric formed by oxidizing Si layers at the graphene/substrate interface. We show that the thickness of this underlying dielectric support can be tailored further by an additional Si intercalation of the graphene prior to oxidation. This produces quasi-freestanding, patterned graphene on dielectric SiO2 with a tunable thickness on demand, thus facilitating a new pathway to integrated graphene microelectronics