9 research outputs found

    Exploring Challenges in Deep Learning of Single-Station Ground Motion Records

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    Contemporary deep learning models have demonstrated promising results across various applications within seismology and earthquake engineering. These models rely primarily on utilizing ground motion records for tasks such as earthquake event classification, localization, earthquake early warning systems, and structural health monitoring. However, the extent to which these models effectively learn from these complex time-series signals has not been thoroughly analyzed. In this study, our objective is to evaluate the degree to which auxiliary information, such as seismic phase arrival times or seismic station distribution within a network, dominates the process of deep learning from ground motion records, potentially hindering its effectiveness. We perform a hyperparameter search on two deep learning models to assess their effectiveness in deep learning from ground motion records while also examining the impact of auxiliary information on model performance. Experimental results reveal a strong reliance on the highly correlated P and S phase arrival information. Our observations highlight a potential gap in the field, indicating an absence of robust methodologies for deep learning of single-station ground motion recordings independent of any auxiliary information.Comment: 9 Pages, 12 Figures, 5 Table

    Su tutma eğri̇leri̇ni̇n yapay si̇ni̇r ağlari tekni̇ği̇ i̇le tahmi̇ni̇

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    Soil water-retention curve (WRC) relates tension in soil water to soil suction. WRC information has pivotal importance for revealing the behavior of unsaturated soils. Methods for obtaining retention curves are either too expensive or time consuming. Instigated by the demand on fast predictions, this study expressed a composition of a 88 NN designs opened up with (i) hyperparameter tuning, (ii) reexamination of expressions of WRC and GSD. The data was extracted from UNSODA database which encompasses a broad type of soils and widely varied suction ranges, without excluding or subsampling any of the textural group or suction ranges of observations as most of the existing studies did. This inclusive approach rendered the originality of the study and yet spawned a series of problems in methodology and low accuracy in predictions. Among those models, Fredlund and Xing (1994) model held the highest accuracy measure, , which varied from 0.51 to 0.85.Su tutma eğrisi (STE) su muhtevası ile zemin emmesini ilişkilendirir. STE bilgisi, suya doygun olmayan zeminlerin davranımını açıklamakta önemlidir. Bunun için geliştirilmiş çoğu metod ya zaman alıcı ya da pahalıdır. Hızlı tahminlere olan talebin teşvik ettiği bu çalışma, (i) hiperparametre optimizasyonu, (ii) su tutma ve dane büyüklüğü dağılımı temsillerinin yeniden değerlendirilmesi ile derinleştirilerek 88 yapay sinir ağı tasarımının bir kompozisyonunu sunar. Mevcut çalışmaların çoğunda gözlemlendiğinin aksine, tekstürel sınıfı veya emme aralığı göz önünde bulundurulmaksızın UNSODA veri tabanından elde edilen veriler kullanıldı. Bu kapsayıcı yaklaşım, çalışmayı özgün kılarken, metodolojide bir dizi problem ve tahminlerin doğruluğunun düşmesine sebebiyet verdi. Geliştirilen modeller arasında Fredlund ve Xing (1994) modeli, 0.51 ile 0.85 arasında değişen 2 R değerlerinin en yükseğini yakaladı.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Guidelines for establishing criteria for the assessment of translation tests at YADIM, Çukurova University

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    Ankara : The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 1999.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1999.Includes bibliographical references leaves84-86The assessment of the quality of a translation has long been an issue under discussion both in the field of translation studies and in the teaching of translation in second language curriculum. Variables such as the purpose, type and audience of the translation, viewpoint of the assessor and the context of the act of translating are intricately connected. A combination of these variables leads the assessors to adopt specific criteria for the assessment of each translation. As is the case with the marking of translation tests at The Center for Foreign Languages (YADIM), assessment requires standardisation of the criteria adopted by different assessors. The necessity of achieving standardisation among assessors introduces the problem of establishing clearly-defined criteria for assessing translation. The purpose of this study was to suggest guidelines for establishing criteria for the marking of translation tests given to intermediate level students at YADIM, Çukurova University. To collect data, ten translation teachers were interviewed and observed once and then they marked eight mock-exam papers. The course outline for the translation courses in the institution was analysed. In the interviews, questions about the institutional and course aims, teachers’ priorities regarding the translation process and formative evaluation and the problems perceived in summative evaluation were asked. In the observations, the teaching stages and their sequencing and the distribution of teachers’ feedback on various aspects of students’ translations were observed. In the mock-exam markings, the same teachers marked eight student translations. To analyse the data collected through interviews, a coding technique was used. The frequencies and percentages of the themes under each category were quantified for each teacher and teachers’ priorities were identified individually. The frequencies of teachers’ feedback on various aspects of students’ translations in the observed courses were quantified. The mock-exam papers marked by teachers were analysed, error categories were identified and teachers’ priorities regarding the errors were determined. The results revealed that teachers differed in the ways they approached translation. Four teachers favoured information translation which took contextual elements of the source texts into consideration and six teachers favoured literal translation which mainly took the structures in the source text into consideration to the exclusion of contextual elements. In accordance with the methods they favoured, their materials selection criteria and evaluation priorities also differed. To minimise the discrepancies among teachers in the marking of the translation tests, an analytic scoring scale and guidelines for testing and marking were suggested.Türkmen, MelekM.S

    Eleştirel düşünmenin Türkçe öğretiminde planlama ve uygulama süreçlerine entegrasyonu : üç öğretmenin karşılaştırmalı durum çalışması

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    This study aimed to investigate how teachers integrated the development of students' critical thinking skills into their teaching during the three major phases of their teaching, namely, their planning practices, interactive practices, and reflective practices and to evaluate the influence of their instruction as felt by students in fourth grade Turkish course. The study was conducted as a comparative case study in which three teachers from three different primary schools participated. Data were collected through classroom observations, interviews with teachers and their students, logs written by students and documents. The findings of the study indicated that, in the planning stage, factors such as autonomy, methodological stance and relevance played a role on the level of teachers' incorporation of critical thinking into the process. In the lessons, their classroom climate and management, perception of their realm of influence, their approach to challenge and tendency to create a common frame of reference were found to have an effect on the ways their students were involved in critical thinking processes. Furthermore, metacognitive skills and critical reading skills, together with others, were addressed by teachers in different ways. In their reflection, the way they referred to the strengths and weaknesses of their lessons and the way they evaluated their students' learning as well as their discrimination of thinking concepts and the ways they dealt with assumptions underlying students' reasoning involved elements revealing their approach to critical thinking. Among students, some interactive patterns, curiosity and interest constituted the factors that motivated students to think critically.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra


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    Suya doygun olmayan zeminlerle birçok geoteknik mühendisliği problem ve uygulamalarında karşılaşılmaktadır. Doygun olmayan zeminlerde su ve havanın beraber boşluklarda bulunmasından dolayı, iki fazlı doygun zemin mekaniği modellerinde bulunmayan, su-hava arayüzündeki yüzey gerilmesi gibi faktörler zeminin davranışlarına ve onu modellemeye yarayacak parametrelere etki eder. Ancak bu husus, doygun olmayan zeminleri incelemek için uygun bünye denklemlerinin kısıtlı olması, geliştirilmiş deneysel yöntemlerin yüksek maliyetleri ve ayrıca teknik kullanım zorluklarından dolayı pratikte çok fazla göz önüne alınamamaktadır.Buradan yola çıkarak, suya doygun olmayan zeminlerin davranışını gözlemlemek için ileri teknikler kullanılarak deneyler yapılması, deney sonuçlarına bağlı olarak kullanımı kolay bünye denklemlerinin geliştirilmesi ve ileri teknik deneylere alternatif olabilecek klasik zemin mekaniği deneylerine dayalı test prosedürlerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Buna paralel olarak zeminin doygun olmayan durumdaki hidrolik özelliklerinin elde edilmesi için yapay sinir ağ algoritmalarının kullanımı hedeflenmiştir


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    Amaç: Denosumab, kemik remodellingini düzenleyen önemli bir ligand olan NFkB ligandının (RANKL) reseptör aktivatörünü spesifik olarak bağlar ve inaktive eder. Tümör hücreleri tarafından uyarılan kemik yıkım döngüsünü azaltarak İİÖ’yü önlemede etkin bir ajandır. Denosumab, ağırlıklı olarak retiküloendotelyal sistem yoluyla temizlenen bir monoklonal antikordur. Denosumab böbrekler tarafından atılmadığından, böbrek fonksiyonunun izlenmesi ve önceden var olan böbrek yetmezliği için doz ayarlaması gerekli değildir ve önerilmemektedir. Gereç-Yöntem: Ocak 2011-Aralık 2021 tarihleri arası tüm solid organ malignitesi olan hastalarda denosumab kullanan hastaların, bu tedaviyi alma süresi, yan etkilerinin sıklığı ve derecesi retrospektif olarak incelendi.Türkiye Onkoloji Grubu(TOG) projesi kapsamında toplam 17 merkezden 266 hasta incelendi.11 hasta verileri ulaşılamadığı için çıkarıldı. Hastalar KBH’ı olanlar ve olmayanlar olarak iki gruba ayrılıp incelendi, yan etkileri, görülme sıklıkları, iskelet ilişkili olayların sıklığı ve sağkalıma etkileri incelendi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan hastaların 157(%59.5)’si kadındı. Ortalama takip süresi 64.86(57.19-72.53) aydı. Grade 3 toksiste toplam 18 hastada görüldü. Bunların 15’inde hipokalsemi,2’sinde kreatinin artışı, 1’nde osteonekroz görüldü. GFR 60’ın altında olan hastalar ile grade 3 toksisite ilişkisi anlamlı olarak görüldü(18 grade 3 toksiste’nin 8’inde GFR 60’ın altındaydı.p&lt;0.001) Grade 3 toksiste sağkalım ilişkisine bakıldığında grade 3 toksiste gelişen hastalarda sağkalım oldukça kısaydı(36.4 ay v 165.38 ay, p&lt;0.001) Sonuç: Denosumab alan ve GFR’si 60’ın altında olan hastalarda grade 3 yan etki görülme oranı ve buna bağlı olarak iskelet ilişkili olay görülme sıklığı daha fazladır. Anahtar Kelimeler: denosumab, glomerüler filtrasyon hızı, hipokalsemi</p