36 research outputs found
Emotional intelligence model for managers in Turkish banking sector and an application
This chapter explores the relationship between the emotional intelligence talents of bank and finance managers and employee job satisfaction. The chapter proceeds as follows: First, the authors carefully reiterate the theoretical review of job satisfaction and emotional intelligence literature. Second, the authors present the methodology, conception of the research, assumptions and limitations, measuring tools, surveys and research hypothesis used in their research. Third, the authors discuss their research findings. Finally, their research conclusions are presented. With regard to the appropriate estimation technique-regression analysis, the authors findings have demonstrated that interpersonal relationship has a significant impact on job satisfaction in the banking and finance sector. Contrarily, there is not any significant relationship between social intelligence and commitment to workplace in the banking, finance, education, computer, health, textile, automotive, electronics, or packing sectors. The contribution of this research shows that the social intelligence factor affects interpersonal relationships, working conditions and impulse control factors of banking and finance managers both directly and intensely
Color stability of different composite resin materials bleached with three bleaching agents
The aim of this study was to compare the color stability of 3
proprietary carbamide peroxide bleaching agents on composite
resins. Specimens were prepared with a polytetrafluoroethylene plate.
After initial color measurements, bleaching agents were applied to
each composite resin for 2 weeks. Second color measurements were
made. Tested specimens including control group were immersed into
distilled water for a - 4 month follow-up period. Third and fourth
color measurements were made again after 2 weeks and 4 months
of follow-up period. Friedman (p<.01), Kruskal Wallis (p<.05) and
Wilcoxon Tests were used for statistically evaluation. The most
significant color change was seen at the Ormocer group (p<.011).
The most significant color change ΔE values were obtained for the
Ormocer-Voco group and color changes remained stable after 4
months of immersion in distilled water. Slight color changes values
were obtained for nanohybrid and fine particle hybrid composite
Çoklu hipotez yöntemi ile çoklu görsel hedef takibi.
Visual target tracking problem consists of two topics: Obtaining targets from camera measurements and target tracking. Even though it has been studied for more than 30 years, there are still some problems not completely solved. Especially in the case of multiple targets, association of measurements to targets, creation of new targets and deletion of old ones are among those. What is more, it is very important to deal with the occlusion and crossing targets problems suitably. We believe that a slightly modified version of multiple hypothesis tracking can successfully deal with most of the aforementioned problems with sufficient success. Distance, track size, track color, gate size and track history are used as parameters to evaluate the hypotheses generated for measurement to track association problem whereas size and color are used as parameters for occlusion problem. The overall tracker has been fine tuned over some scenarios and it has been observed that it performs well over the testing scenarios as well. Furthermore the performance of the tracker is analyzed according to those parameters in both association and occlusion handling situations.M.S. - Master of Scienc
Resistant Starch: Types, Sources, Beneficial Physiological Effects and Functional Properties
Nişasta, diyette önemli bir enerji kaynağıdır. Nişastalar, enzim inkübasyonu sonrasındaki davranışlarına göre hızlı sindirilebilen nişasta, yavaş sindirilebilen nişasta ve dirençli nişasta (DN) şeklinde sınıflandırılmaktadır. Dirençli nişasta DN1, DN2, DN3 ve DN4 olmak üzere dört alt tipe ayrılmıştır. DN, birçok tanımda diyet lifi olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır. Daha çok nişasta-olmayan polisakkaritler gibi kalın bağırsakta fermente edilen bir polisakkarittir. Bu derlemede, dirençli nişasta tipleri, gıda kaynakları, dirençli nişastanın sağlık üzerine yararları ve gıda uygulamaları irdelenmiştir.Starch is an important source of dietary energy. It is classified as rapidly digestible starch, slowly digestible starch and resistant starch (RS) according to the starch behavior after the enzyme incubation. Resistant starch has been classified into four subtypes called RS1, RS2, RS3 and RS4. Resistant starch is now classified in most definitions as dietary fibre. Indeed, being mostly a polysaccharide, it is fermented in large intestines as they are mostly non-starch polysaccharides. In this review, different types of resistant starch, food sources, and beneficial effects of resistant starch on human health and the use of RS in food applications are discusse
Polivinil Pirolidon 'un Çözelti Dinamiği ve Dekstran ile Karışabilirliğinin İncelenmesi
The investigation of miscibility between immiscible or miscible polymers has become an increasingly important technique for developing commercial polymer materials, which may combine the properties of several single polymers.
Compatibility and miscibility of poly(N-vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) and Dextran (Dex) blends have been investigated by using and algorithmic approach (HSPiP; Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice, a computational software) as the theoretical application of the “like dissolves like” principal in two different solvents. The cohesive energy density/solubility parameters, their sub-parameters and sub-parameter combinations of PVP and Dex have been evaluated by using functional group contribution method of HSPiP software pogramme. Then their two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) graphs have been drawn by creating the solubility/affinity profiles of the polymers in different solvents. As a consequence of algorithmic calculations, DMSO was determined to be a better solvents, whereas water poorer solvent for PVP/Dex blend systems.
Initial state of this study, interaction dynamism/chemical affinity of PVP have been investigated in the presences of moisture, by using thermal (DSC, DMA, TGA), spectroscopic (FT-IR, UV-Vis) and viscosimetric methods.
In the light of computational calculations, according to .HSPiP, Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR), UV-Vis Spectroscopy (by using OriginPro8.5 software in order to peak analysis/peak-deconvolution), Differential Scanning Calorimethry (DSC), Termogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Dinamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and Viscosimetry (Ubbelohde Viscosimetry) were used to characterize the spesific interactions between (mainly hyrogen-bond formations) the polymers (PVP-Dextran) and polymer-solvent systems.
FT-IR has been the method of choice to probe the nature and extent of interactions in polymer blends. H-bond formation, when PVP-Dex mixture is prepared, changes the interaction by dynamics between the two molecules at the molecular level, which can be visualized by FT-IR as the primary method. PVP is capable of forming an H-bond either through nitrogen or mainly the carbonyl group on the lactam ring. This will manifest itself as changes in the frequency bandwidth and band shifts of interacting groups (C=O streching vibrations)
Electronic spectral behavior of PVP and PVP-Dex water solutions and PVP-Dex DMSO solutions have been determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry, following electronic transitions.
Viscometric behaviors of PVP, Dex and their blend systems in water and DMSO solutions have been studied. The reduced viscosity and intrinsic viscosity have been evaluated for the polymer/water and polymer/DMSO systems by classical Huggins equation.
Thermal behaviours of PVP-Dex systems, have been studied by DSC and TGA methods and the dynamic mechanical properties, glass transition temperatures (Tg) and glass transition temperatures differences of polymers and their blends have been studied using Storage modulus-T and Derivative storage modulus-T scale and main glass transition changes have been observed in polymer blend-water/DMSO systems.
In addition, the influence of moisture on polymer samples and their interaction dynamism has also been analyzed in details.Birbiri içerisinde karışabilen veya karışamayan polimerlerin karışabilirliklerinin incelenmesi, polimerlerin sahip olduğu özellikleri bir araya getirdiğinden, polimerlerin kullanım alanı genişledikçe giderek önem kazanan bir yöntem olmuştur.
Polivinil pirolidon (PVP) ve Dekstran polimerlerinin uyumu ve karışabilirliği, “benzer benzeri çözer” ifadesinin teorik uygulamasını, algoritmik yaklaşımlar temeliyle (HSPiP; “Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice” hesaplamalı bilgisayar programı ile) iki farklı çözücüde incelenmiştir. Fonksiyonel grupların katkısı yöntemiyle, HSPiP hesaplamalı bigisayar programı kullanılarak, PVP ve Dekstran için, Kohesif Enerji Yoğunluğu/Çözünürlük Parametreleri, alt çözünürlük parametre bileşenleri ve bu bileşenlerin kombinasyonları hesaplanmıştır. Hesaplamalar sonucunda, bu parametreler kullanılarak, polimerlerin farklı çözücülerdeki çözünürlük/ilgi profilleri iki boyutlu (2D) ve üç boyutlu (3D) diyagramlar ile oluşturulmuştur. Algoritmik hesaplamaların sonucunda, polimer ve polimer karışım sistemleri için DMSO daha iyi ve uyumlu çözücü olarak seçilmiş, su ise daha zayıf çözücü olarak belirlenmiştir.
Çalışmamızın başlangıcında, PVP ‘nin etkileşim dinamiği/kimyasal ilgisini araştırmak amacıyla, polimerin yapısında bulundurduğu nem varlığında (bağıl nem) termal (DSC, DMA, TGA), spektroskopik (FT-IR, UV-Vis) ve viskozimetrik yöntemler kullanılmıştır.
HSPiP programı ile gerçekleştirilen, hesaplamalar doğrultusunda, FT-IR ve UV-Vis Spektroskopisi (pik analiz çalışmaları için OriginPro 8.5 programı kullanılarak), Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetri (DSC), Termogravimetrik Analiz (TGA), Dinamik Mekanik Analiz (DMA), ve Viskozimetri (Ubbelohde Viskozimetri) yöntemleri polimerler (PVP-Dekstran) arasındaki ve polimer-çözücü arasındaki spesifik etkileşimleri (özellikle hidrojen bağı oluşumlarını) karakterize etmek amacıyla kullanılmıştır.
FT-IR, polimer karışımlarındaki etkileşimlerin gücünü ve davranışlarını incelemek için kullanılan bir yöntem olmuştur. PVP ve Dekstran karışım sistemi hazırlandığında, moleküler seviyede, iki molekül arasındaki dinamik etkileşimi değiştirmektedir. Bu değişimi gözlemlemek için öncelikli olarak FT-IR yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. PVP ağırlıklı olarak azot üzerinden veya laktam halkası üzerindeki karbonil grubu yoluyla H-bağı oluşturma kapasitesine sahiptir. Bu durumun, etkileşen grupların bant genişliğinde ve bant kaymalarında farklılığa neden olduğunu açıkca göstermektedir (C=O gerilme titreşimleri).
PVP ve PVP-Dekstran için DMSO ve sulu çözeltilerinin, elektronik spektral absorpsiyon davranışları, elektronik geçişleri ile UV-Vis Spektrofotometri ile incelenmiştir.
PVP ile Dekstran ve bu polimerlerin karışım sistemlerinin, su ve DMSO içerisindeki çözeltilerinin viskozimetrik davranışları incelenmiş ve klasik Huggins eşitliği kullanılarak, polimer-su ve polimer-DMSO sistemlerinin indirgenmiş viskozite ve intrinsik viskozite değerleri elde edilmiştir.
PVP ve Dekstranın karışım örneklerinin termal davranışları, DSC ve TGA kullanılarak, dinamik mekanik özellikleri DMA ile incelenmiştir. DMA termogramlarında, polimerler ve karışımlarının camsı geçiş sıcaklıkları (Tg) ve camsı geçiş sıcaklıklarının farklılıkları, Depolama modülüs-Sıcaklık ve Depolama modülüsün türevi-Sıcaklık skalaları ile incelenmiş, polimer karışımlarının su ve DMSO çözücüleri ile hazırlanan örneklerinin temel Tg değişimleri gözlenmiştir.
Bunlara ek olarak, polimer örneklerine nemin etkisi ve bağlı nemin etkileşim dinamiği ayrıntılı olarak tartışılmıştır
Incorporation of Soybean Meal and Hazelnut Meal in Diets for Black Sea Turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus)
The effects of soybean and hazelnut meals as partial replacements of fishmeal were studied in Black Sea turbot (Scophthalmus maeoticus). Juvenile fish (mean 26 g) were fed six isoenergetic (19.1±0.18 kJ/g diet) and isonitrogenous (511±0.48 g protein/kg diet) diets for 60 days. The con- trol diet contained fishmeal as the sole protein source. In two of the six experimental diets, soy- bean meal replaced 20% and 35% of the fishmeal. The other three diets contained 65% fishmeal plus soybean and hazelnut meal at ratios of 25/10, 15/20, 5/30. There was no significant differ- ence (p<0.05) in growth performance between the groups fed the diet containing 20% soybean meal and those fed the control diet. Fish fed the 10% or 20% hazelnut meal diets had similar results as fish fed the diet containing 35% soybean meal. Growth performance, feed utilization, protein efficiency, and nitrogen retention were significantly lower in the group fed the 30% hazel- nut diet. Total nitrogen excretion and retention were similar in all groups except the 30% hazel- nut group. Results indicate that soybean meal can replace up to 20% of the fishmeal without causing reduction in growth performance, nutrient utilization, or nitrogen retention and that hazel- nut meal can be incorporated with 20%, but not 35%, soybean meal at a level of no more than 20% of the diet
Partial Replacement of Fishmeal by Defatted Soybean Meal in Diets for Black Sea Turbot (Psetta maeotica): Growth and Nutrient Utilization in Winter
The objective of the present study was to evaluate replacement of white fishmeal by soybean meal in practical diets for Black Sea turbot (Psetta maeotica) at levels of 0, 10%, and 20%. The diets were fed to triplicate groups of juvenile Black Sea turbot (initial body weight 18 g) for 60 days. At the end of the trial, there were no differences in growth performance, feed utilization, and nitrogen retention between the control group fed 100% fishmeal and the experimental groups fed 10% or 20% soybean meal. In conclusion, 20% inclusion of soybean meal can allow reduction of white fishmeal by up to 14%, leading to savings on fishmeal protein
The effect of implementation intention on speeding and acceleration overtime: A simulator study
Speeding is considered a major risk factor for road safety. In this study, implementation intention, which is a type of cognitive intervention, was designed to reduce speeding. Implementation intentions are self-regulatory ‘if-then’ plans, which are the subordinate concepts of goal intentions. Additionally, the type of goal was considered as a factor that could contribute to the subsequent behavior. An approach-type goal aims to achieve a behavior, whereas avoidance-type goals aim to avoid a negative, undesirable outcome. Following this idea, the present study has two aims: (i) to manipulate intentions towards speeding by using implementation intentions, and second (ii) to manipulate goal types (approaching vs. avoidance) of the intentions towards speeding. At the baseline level, participants in the experimental group were manipulated through implementation intentions by using a volitional help sheet, in which they matched critical items with the appropriate responses, whereas participants in the control group received an irrelevant filler task. After a two-week time interval, a follow-up study was conducted. In order to investigate the first aim, simulated driving behaviors of experimental and control groups were compared at the baseline and follow-up levels. For the second aim, the experimental group was divided into two subgroups, namely, approach-type and avoidance-type goals. The repeated measures mixed-model ANOVA results showed a significant difference between experimental and control conditions, yet the goal type (approaching vs. avoidance) did not differ significantly from one another. The results of the present study revealed that implementation intentions do not reduce speeding, however, they do prevent increased speeding. The results were discussed in the context of the related literature
Normal Olmayan Dağılımlar Altında Tahminin Basit Doğrusal Profil İzleme Üzerine Etkisi
yıllarda, bir ürün veya sürecin kalitesinin tepki ve açıklayıcı değişken(ler)
arasındaki ilişkinin fonksiyonu ile ifade edildiği profillerin izlenmesi için
pek çok kalite şeması önerilmiştir. Bu yöntemlerin çoğu Faz II analizlerinde
kontrol parametre değerlerinin bilindiğini ve artıkların normal dağıldığını
varsaymaktadır. Oysaki uygulamada parametreler Faz I analizlerinde tahmin
edilir ve artıklar normal olmayabilir. Bu çalışmada simülasyon ile artıkların t
dağıldığı ve parametrelerin tahmin edildiği durumlarda basit doğrusal
profillerin izlenmesi için önerilen T2, EWMA-R ve EWMA-3
yöntemlerinin performansları değerlendirilmiştir. Performans ölçüsü olarak hem
ortalama koşu uzunluğu hem de koşu uzunluğu standart sapması dikkate
alınmıştır. En sonunda uygulayıcılar için bazı öneriler tablo halinde
Potential Of Poultry By-Product Meal As A Substitute For Fishmeal In Diets For Black Sea Turbot Scophthlmus Maeoticus: Growth And Nutrient Utilization In Winter
The use of poultry by-product meal as an alternate dietary protein for Black Sea turbot Scophthalmus maeoticus (initial avg wt 18 g) in winter was evaluated. Triplicate groups of 15 fish were fed one of five isoenergetic (gross energy 20.5±0.21 kJ/g) and isonitrogenous (protein con- tent 55±0.35%) diets with 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the fishmeal protein replaced by poultry by-product protein. White fishmeal was the sole protein source in the control diet. There was no significant (p<0.05) reduction in growth performance of the turbot fed the 25% replacement diet compared to the control diet (100% fishmeal). At the replacement levels of 50%, 75%, and 100%, however, there was a severe decrease in feed intake, growth performance, feed utiliza- tion, protein efficiency ratio, and apparent net protein utilization. Results indicate that up to 25% of the fishmeal protein can be replaced by poultry by-product meal with no negative effects in fish performance at temperatures ranging 6-8°C