1,178 research outputs found

    High dispersive and monolithic 100% efficiency grisms

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    We present a type of grism, a series combination of transmission grating and prism, in which we reduce the number of diffraction orders and achieve a configuration with very high angular dispersion. The grism can be fabricated from a single dielectric material and requires no metallic or dielectric film layers for high transmission diffraction efficiency. One can reach 100% in the -1st transmission diffraction order and the equal damage threshold as the dielectric bulk material. We realized such an element in fused silica with an efficiency of more then 99%. The bevel backside reflection is reduced by a statistical antireflective structure, so we measured an efficiency of the entire grism of 95% at a single wavelength

    La evaluación y acreditación de la calidad en América Centra

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    En América Central, el Consejo Superior Universitario Centroamericano (CSUCA)1 ha sido el organismo pionero, no sólo de la integración regional de la educación superior, sino también de los procesos de aseguramiento de la calidad académica y del reconocimiento regional de estudios y títulos profesionales.Peer Reviewe

    Cancellation of lateral displacement noise of 3-port gratings for coupling light to cavities

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    Reflection gratings enable light coupling to optical cavities without transmission through substrates. Gratings that have three ports and are mounted in second-order Littrow configuration even allow the coupling to high-finesse cavities using low diffraction efficiencies. In contrast to conventional transmissive cavity couplers, however, the phase of the diffracted light depends on the lateral position of the grating, which introduces an additional noise coupling. Here we experimentally demonstrate that this kind of noise cancels out once both diffracted output ports of the grating are combined. We achieve the same signal-to-shot-noise ratio as for a conventional coupler. From this perspective, 3-port grating couplers in second-order Littrow configuration remain a valuable approach to reducing optical absorption of cavity coupler substrates in future gravitational wave detectors

    Asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized light at optical metamaterials

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    We experimentally demonstrate a three-dimensional chiral optical metamaterial that exhibits an asymmetric transmission for forwardly and backwardly propagating linearly polarized light. The observation of this novel effect requires a metamaterial composed of three-dimensional chiral metaatoms without any rotational symmetry. Our analysis is supported by a systematic investigation of the transmission matrices for arbitrarily complex, lossy media that allows deriving a simple criterion for asymmetric transmission in an arbitrary polarization base. Contrary to physical intuition, in general the polarization eigenstates in such three-dimensional and low-symmetry metamaterials do not obey fxed relations and the associated transmission matrices cannot be symmetrized

    Table-Top Milliwatt-Class Extreme Ultraviolet High Harmonic Light Source

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    Extreme ultraviolet (XUV) lasers are essential for the investigation of fundamental physics. Especially high repetition rate, high photon flux sources are of major interest for reducing acquisition times and improving signal to noise ratios in a plethora of applications. Here, an XUV source based on cascaded frequency conversion is presented, which delivers due to the drastic better single atom response for short wavelength drivers, an average output power of (832 +- 204) {\mu}W at 21.7 eV. This is the highest average power produced by any HHG source in this spectral range surpassing precious demonstrations by more than a factor of four. Furthermore, a narrow-band harmonic at 26.6 eV with a relative energy bandwidth of only {\Delta}E/E= 1.8 x 10E-3 has been generated, which is of high interest for high precision spectroscopy experiments.Comment: 4 Pages, 4 Picture

    High photon flux table-top coherent extreme ultraviolet source

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) enables extreme ultraviolet radiation with table-top setups. Its exceptional properties, such as coherence and (sub)-femtosecond pulse durations, have led to a diversity of applications. Some of these require a high photon flux and megahertz repetition rates, e.g. to avoid space charge effects in photoelectron spectroscopy. To date this has only been achieved with enhancement cavities. Here, we establish a novel route towards powerful HHG sources. By achieving phase-matched HHG of a megahertz fibre laser we generate a broad plateau (25 eV - 40 eV) of strong harmonics, each containing more than 101210^{12} photons/s, which constitutes an increase by more than one order of magnitude in that wavelength range. The strongest harmonic (H25, 30 eV) has an average power of 143 μ\muW (3⋅10133\cdot10^{13} photons/s). This concept will greatly advance and facilitate applications in photoelectron or coincidence spectroscopy, coherent diffractive imaging or (multidimensional) surface science

    Mechanical losses in low loss materials studied by Cryogenic Resonant Acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials (CRA spectroscopy)

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    Mechanical losses of crystalline silicon and calcium fluoride have been analyzed in the temperature range from 5 to 300 K by our novel mechanical spectroscopy method, cryogenic resonant acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials (CRA spectrocopy). The focus lies on the interpretation of the measured data according to phonon-phonon interactions and defect induced losses in consideration of the excited mode shape.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the PHONONS 2007, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie
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