26 research outputs found

    Jesper Olesen: Børn som tv-seere

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    What is visual-numeric literacy, and how does it work?

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    Worlds and Readers: Augmented Reality in Modern Polaxis

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    This article presents a close reading of the augmented reality (AR) comic Modern Polaxis, which was created by Stuart Campbell. Possible Worlds Theory was applied to discuss how fiction, which creates its own possible worlds, integrates the additional layer(s) of AR into its storyworld. The analysis additionally sheds light on the reader’s position and how the augmented layer may affect the literary experience. We also discuss how the AR interface may contribute to digital literature more generally.publishedVersio

    Kronprinsbryllupet som nasjonalt gledesspill

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    This article gives an analysis of the Royal wedding between the Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby in Oslo in August 2001, regarded as a Media Event. The Media Event is analysed in terms of genre and rhetoric, in order to show how an âordinary single motherâ is transformed into a Royal Highness. The analysis is based on the proposition that mediation shapes an event by composing a dramaturgy to fit the genres of the medium and the expectations of the viewers. In this case the melodramas of popular culture and the transformations of narratology are of special interest. Two plot points form a perfect symmetry in a steep dramaturgic curve: the âconfessionâ of Miss Høiby at the press conference on August 22, and the sermon by Bishop Gunnar Stålsett at the wedding three days later. The rhetoric of the sermon grasped the criticism confirmed by the brideâs confession, and then raised her to new dignity. The love of the single mother for her child was connected to the love of God for his children, as well as her passion for the Prince, and the coming Monarchâs love for his people. Thus the coming princess seemed to pass the last glorifying test, and the rhetoric of the wedding sermon made the viewers âfall in love with loveâ

    Oppsummering, drøfting og nye utfordringer

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    Exploring Multimodal Literacy in Language Teaching and Learning

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    Source at https://myersedpress.presswarehouse.com/browse/book/9781975502133/Data-Analysis-Interpretation-and-Theory-in-Literacy-Studies-Research.In this chapter, we present the research method we used to investigate multimodal literacy in an English-language classroom in a Norwegian lower secondary school. The analytic approach we present combines multimodal analysis with a design-oriented view on learning as a social meaning-making process. The analysis is applied in a smallscale qualitative study of multimodality and literacy in an English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom in Norway. In what follows, we present how we dealt with observations, interviews, and learning materials from work with the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Alexie, 2007) in a Year 10 classroom. In particular, this chapter aims to demonstrate the process from data to multimodal analysis and go behind the scenes of writing it up. Multimodality serves the double role as an object of study and an analytical approach

    Litterært engasjement og innlevelse i bildebokapper: En empirisk studie av applesing i barnehagen

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    I denne artikkelen settes søkelyset på den litterære opplevelsen når barn leser bildebokapper i små grupper i barnehagen. Vi ser på hvordan det Rosenblatt (1994) kaller estetisk lesemåte kan komme til uttrykk i lesernes engasjement og innlevelse. Vi har gjort et strategisk utvalg av eksempler fra et empirisk materiale med totalt 24 filmer av applesing i barnehager, der barna enkeltvis og som gruppe viser et stort engasjement. Analysen søker å svare på spørsmålet: Hva er det som skaper dette engasjementet blant barna? Og hvordan blir engasjementet ivaretatt i samspill med barnehagelæreren som leder lesingen? I analysen utdyper vi den estetiske lesemåten ved hjelp av Marie-Laure Ryans (2015, 2019) begrepsapparat for digital lesing av litteratur, der hun ser på samspillet mellom innlevelse (immersion), narrativitet og interaktivitet. Innlevelsen kan skje som respons på ulike dimensjoner ved fortellingen: settingen (spatial immersion), historien som utfolder seg i tid (temporal immersion), eller karakterene (emotional immersion). Analysen viser at ulike former for fortellinger har ulikt potensial for innlevelse: Når appen har et kausalt drevet plot, understreker lydsporet spenningen rundt hva som dukker opp på neste bilde. Et mer dvelende plot gir derimot mer rom for at barna kan trykke på skjermen og utforske fortellingsrommet, uten at det forstyrrer historiens gang. Digital lesing tilfører sanseopplevelser i form av multimodale meningsressurser og interaktivitet, som på sitt beste kan samspille med historiens egenart.publishedVersio

    Dagens Rødhette i en flerkulturell kontekst – mulighet for en ny identitet?

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    Published version of an article in the journal: Barnboken. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/clr.v36i0.21830 Open accessThe starting point for this article is the tendency in recent Norwegian children’s and Ya fiction to thematize cultural encounters in an increasingly multicultural and globalized world. The picturebook Little Miss Eye Flap (Skylappjenta, 2009) written by the Pakistani-Norwegian author and actor Iram Haq and illustrated by Endre Skandfer, presents a modern version of traditional folktales such as Little Red Riding Hood and Rapunzel. However, the traditional structure of home – away – home gives particular emphasis to the phase of homelessness, not providing any safe return to harmony. This condition of liminal space between cultures is discussed in light of the concepts of reflexive identity (Anthony Giddens), cultural identity (Stuart Hall) and hybridity (Homi K. Bhabha). Written by an author who herself comes from a multicultural background, and who presents the book as partly autobiographical, Little Miss Eye Flap offers a double perspective on questions of cultural identity, including critical views on Norwegian as well as Pakistani tradition. The book ends by showing Miss Eyeflaps in a big open space, where it is more certain what she leaves behind than what the future will bring. The open ending and the focalization of the girl with the multicultural background opens up to a discursive space where new hybrid identities may be explored

    Metode og data

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    Semiotisk arbeid i læringsprosesser

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