70 research outputs found

    Pollen alapú növénytermesztési rekonstrukció a Kárpát-medencében a magyar honfoglalás korában

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    Pollen test results, which are independent of historical sources, are summarized in our article. Based on the Pollen Database covering the entire Carpathian Basin, at the turn of the 9*710* AD century significant cereal grain pollen rate was observed in the Upper Tisza Region, and TransTisza region, Tisza valley, and Transylvanian basin.. As a result, during the Hungarian conquest, we can conclude extensive farming and grain cultivation. Based on the existence of cultivation and grain production, we can conclude the presence of a significant agricultural community in the mass of Hungarian conquerors. Thus, some of the Hungarians were certainly not nomadic or half-nomadic lifestyles in the Hungarian conquerors

    Rendeletek és követelmények a tanári professzió tanulásában

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    A hortobágyi szikesedés eredete = The origins of sodification in the Hortobágy region

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    The chronological analyses, earlier corings and the lithostratigraphical analogies to the sediments indicate that they had been deposited continuously from the Middle Würm to the close of the Holocene. The pollen profile is dominated by non-arboreal pollen, even during the Holocene. In this sense, this pollen profile is unique and it can only be compared to other pollen sequences from the Hortobágy because deciduous arboreal pollen did not become dominant in any one pollen zone. This pollen composition provides evidence that alkalisation was continuous from the Middle Würm to the close of the Holocene. The alkalik species formed a vegetation intermixed with taiga during the Pleistocene, resembling the one which can be observed in southern Siberia, in the Altai foreland, where a steppe belt with alkalik elements was intermixed with deciduous woodland and taiga elements, but breaking up into a mosaic of taiga interspersed with grass steppe and deciduous woodland in consequence of extremely diverse local orographic, hydrological and hydrographical conditions. A landscape showing a similar mosaic patterning with a dominance of steppe elements developed in the Hortobágy region at the close of the Pleistocene and survived throughout the Holocene

    The environmental history of a former salt town in Transylvania (Sic, Northern Romania)

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    The medieval market-town of Sic (Szék in Hungarian) was an important Transylvanian settlement due to its remarkable salt mining. The impact of the mining activities on the environment and the history of water management were investigated based on a palaeoecological study, performed on the large Reedbed of Sic (Stufărişurile/Nádas-tó). We found that in the last 3000 years the anthropogenic impact has been continuous in the territory, but the types and intensity of the disturbances changed with time. The most notable environmental transitions took place after 1000 AD, suggesting a significant intensification of salt mining. Forest cover significantly drop, but salt concentration and the frequency of halophytic species in the investigated marshland increased during the Late Middle Ages. The dominance of halophytic marshland species reached their peak in the 17th century. This coincides with the apogee of mining activities and human lake management. The most remarkable deforestation occurred in the 18th century, when the present-day landscape with negligible forest cover was developed

    A Baláta-tó környezettörténete = The Environmental History of Lake Baláta

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    Sedimentary basins such as Lake Baláta in Southwestern Hungary provide information about the development of lake-bog systems, the climate change through time and about the environment of the surrounding area. The application of different methods, such as sedimentological, geochemical, macrofossil, pollen and charcoal analysis make it possible to reconstruct the climatic, vegetation and hydrological changes of this protected area for the last 3000 years. Lake Baláta is a sedimentary basin developed in a wind-blown yardang system. Due to its deeper location and the higher groundwater-level the boggy lake functioned as a sediment catchment basin. So by the analysis of samples derive form cores we get closer to the formation, development and the temporal changes of the environment of the lake-bog system