475 research outputs found

    Secondary succession of overgrazed Pannonian sandy grasslands

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    We assessed vegetation changes on acidic sandy soils in permanent plots to follow secondary succession after cessation of intensive goose breeding in E Hungary.We also aimed to estimate the time required for vegetation regeneration and indicate differences in secondary succession patterns at different altitudes in sand dunes. Two sites in the low and two in the high parts of the dunes were chosen and sampled for twelve years. The initial stages are characterized by ruderal communities dominated by nitrophilous annual weeds. Ruderal vegetation was soon replaced by nutrient-poor communities dominated by short-lived pioneer dicotyledonous plants and grasses. In the last few years of the study, coinciding with a rainy period, the low sites were dominated by the perennial grasses, Poa angustifolia, P. pratensis and Cynodon dactylon. In contrast, in the high sites a less dense cover of perennials developed. The influence of initial composition on vegetation development decreased with time and the influence of altitude increased during succession. The altitude of the site had a significant effect on regeneration. Species richness and Shannon diversity of the high sites increased during vegetation development and that of the lowsites decreased. Most annuals persisted in the high sites but became extinct in the low sites. The mean species turnover rate, irrespective of altitude, decreased during the study

    Személyiségi jogok az informåciós tårsadalomban = Personal rights in the information society

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    A pĂĄlyĂĄzatban szereplƑ munkaterv elƑírĂĄsainak megfelelƑen kezdtĂŒk el 2009. ĂĄprilis hĂłnapban a kutatĂĄsi tevĂ©kenysĂ©get. BelsƑ ĂŒtemterv kialakĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra kerĂŒlt sor. Sajnos az erre a feladatra alkalmazott kutatĂł – aki egyĂ©bkĂ©nt a pĂĄlyĂĄzatban sajĂĄt alĂĄĂ­rĂĄsĂĄval vĂĄllalta a feladat elvĂ©gzĂ©sĂ©t – a tĂ©nyleges kutatĂłmunkĂĄt nem vĂ©gezte el. Így nem kerĂŒlt sor, kĂŒlönösen a szemĂ©lyisĂ©g polgĂĄri vĂ©delmĂ©nek törtĂ©neti ĂĄttekintĂ©sĂ©re, valamint a hatĂłsĂĄgok Ă©s bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgok joggyakorlatĂĄnak elemzĂ©sĂ©re, bĂĄr többször lehetƑsĂ©get teremtettem bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgi gyakorlĂł bĂ­rĂĄkkal, illetve igazsĂĄgĂŒgyi, törvĂ©ny-elƑkĂ©szĂ­tƑ munkĂĄval foglalkozĂł kollegĂĄkkal valĂł interjĂș kĂ©szĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re, de ezek feldolgozĂĄsĂĄt a kutatĂł nem vĂ©gezte el. Az elƑbbiek miatt nem jĂĄrultam hozzĂĄ a munkatervben szereplƑ kĂŒlföldi utazĂĄshoz, illetve dologi kiadĂĄsokhoz. 2009 vĂ©gĂ©re nyilvĂĄnvalĂłvĂĄ vĂĄlt, hogy az összesen 5 Ă­v terjedelemben vĂĄllalt hĂĄrom tanulmĂĄny közĂŒl egyik sem kĂ©szĂŒl el hatĂĄridƑre. Sajnos 2010. augusztus 31-ig nem sikerĂŒlt többszöri prĂłbĂĄlkozĂĄsom ellenĂ©re sem megfelelƑ munkatĂĄrsat talĂĄlni a pĂĄlyĂĄzat folytatĂĄsĂĄhoz. Ilyen körĂŒlmĂ©nyek között a kutatĂĄs folytatĂĄsĂĄnak nincs reĂĄlis esĂ©lye. Fentiek alapjĂĄn tisztelettel kĂ©rem a pĂĄlyĂĄzat 2010. augusztus 31-i napjĂĄval törtĂ©nƑ lezĂĄrĂĄsĂĄt. | A pĂĄlyĂĄzatban szereplƑ munkaterv elƑírĂĄsainak megfelelƑen kezdtĂŒk el 2009. ĂĄprilis hĂłnapban a kutatĂĄsi tevĂ©kenysĂ©get. BelsƑ ĂŒtemterv kialakĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra kerĂŒlt sor. Sajnos az erre a feladatra alkalmazott kutatĂł – aki egyĂ©bkĂ©nt a pĂĄlyĂĄzatban sajĂĄt alĂĄĂ­rĂĄsĂĄval vĂĄllalta a feladat elvĂ©gzĂ©sĂ©t – a tĂ©nyleges kutatĂłmunkĂĄt nem vĂ©gezte el. Így nem kerĂŒlt sor, kĂŒlönösen a szemĂ©lyisĂ©g polgĂĄri vĂ©delmĂ©nek törtĂ©neti ĂĄttekintĂ©sĂ©re, valamint a hatĂłsĂĄgok Ă©s bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgok joggyakorlatĂĄnak elemzĂ©sĂ©re, bĂĄr többször lehetƑsĂ©get teremtettem bĂ­rĂłsĂĄgi gyakorlĂł bĂ­rĂĄkkal, illetve igazsĂĄgĂŒgyi, törvĂ©nyelƑkĂ©szĂ­tƑ munkĂĄval foglalkozĂł kollegĂĄkkal valĂł interjĂș kĂ©szĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re, de ezek feldolgozĂĄsĂĄt a kutatĂł nem vĂ©gezte el. A kollega ugyan ĂĄllandĂłan Ă­gĂ©rte az eredmĂ©nyek produkĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt, azonban magatartĂĄsa alapjĂĄn arra a következtetĂ©sre jutottam, hogy a kutatĂĄs vele nem folytathatĂł, ezĂ©rt kĂ©rtem 2009. december 15-Ă©n a kutatĂĄs felfĂŒggesztĂ©sĂ©nek engedĂ©lyezĂ©sĂ©t. Sajnos 2010. augusztus 31-ig nem sikerĂŒlt többszöri prĂłbĂĄlkozĂĄsom ellenĂ©re sem megfelelƑ munkatĂĄrsat talĂĄlni a pĂĄlyĂĄzat folytatĂĄsĂĄhoz. Ilyen körĂŒlmĂ©nyek között a kutatĂĄs folytatĂĄsĂĄnak nincs reĂĄlis esĂ©lye. Fentiek alapjĂĄn tisztelettel kĂ©rem a pĂĄlyĂĄzat 2010. augusztus 31-i napjĂĄval törtĂ©nƑ lezĂĄrĂĄsĂĄt

    Assessment of the Current Status of Intelligent Transport Systems Serving the Improvement of Road Safety in Hungary

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    Reducing the number of road accident victims is a declared purpose of the European Union. The lowering of the number of accidents and victims has a positive financial effect, besides social interests. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can be effective tools to improve road safety by warning and supporting the drivers and decreasing accident risks based on all the three pillars of traffic systems: the vehicle, the infrastructure and the human factor.The aim of our research was to structure the ITS solutions serving the improvement of road safety based on their characteristics and to analyze exemplary applications from each category. During the analysis - besides the structure of the systems - the presentation of data collection and data processing methods, and linkage options have also been touched upon.The research highlights the comprehensive opportunities to improve road safety by the presented applications, therefore facilitating public acceptance and revealing the importance of widespread of the Intelligent Transport Systems

    Static System Optimum of Linear Traffic Distribution Problem Assuming an Intelligent and Autonomous Transportation System

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    The aim of this article is to present the research results of the authors in the field of defining the system optimum regarding the traffic distribution assuming an intelligent and autonomous transportation system. Authors define the linear programming framework of the traffic distribution problem in case of pre-defined demand structure, network properties and alternative routes related to each origin-destination zone pair. In the paper the description of the applied method and its verification are presented in a simplified model example. As a basic result, it is clearly shown that in case of the introduced static conditions the approach is applicable to determine the optimal solution of the traffic distribution problem in a given sample time period of an autonomous transportation system

    Effects of Injection Molding Screw Tips on Polymer Mixing

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    In all fields of industry it is important to produce parts with good quality. Injection molded parts usually have to meet strict requirements technically and aesthetically. The aim of the measurements presented in our paper is to investigate the aesthetic appearance, such as surface color homogeneity, of injection molded parts. It depends on several factors, the raw material, the colorants, the injection molding machine and the processing parameters. In this project we investigated the effects of the injection molding machine on surface color homogeneity. We focused on injection molding screw tips and investigated five screw tips with different geometries. We produced flat specimens colored with a masterbatch and investigated color homogeneity. To evaluate the color homogeneity of the specimens, we used digital image analysis software developed by us. After that we measured the plastication rate and the melt temperature of the polymer melt because mixing depends on these factors. Our results showed that the screw tips (dynamic mixers) can improve surface color homogeneity but they cause an increase in melt temperature and a decrease in the plastication rate

    Unbridgeable Gap Between Transport Policy and Practice in Hungary

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    Due to the increasing energy demand and mobility of the human population and in order to pursue sustainable development and decrease fossil fuel dependency there is a major need to use alternative energy sources. Nowadays the 20-20-20 policy is under revision. It has become clear that the transport sector on the EU level will not be able to meet the goal of 20% usage of renewable energy sources by 2020. Our paper investigates the possibilities of Hungary for reaching 10% of renewable energy sources in transport sector. Our research indicates that blending bioethanol and biodiesel with conventional fuels is not sufficient not provide an effective and alternative way to fulfill 10% part of transport-related energy demand. Further efforts are needed that can only be done by deep analysis of the current situation and active participationin policymaking as an additional tool of reaching the target: changing our social behaviour. Furthermore, our investigationshows that this general problem can occur not only in Hungary but in those European countries that targeted the 10% renewable energy share in their transport sector

    The Sectoral Adaptive Capacity Index of Hungarian Road Transport

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    The understanding of different adaptive capacities is a prerequisite for targeting interventions aiming to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Indicators and indices are common tools in this process, but their construction is fraught with many uncertainties. This paper aims to investigate the application of the Adaptive Capacity Index applied to the road transport sector. Authors sought to describe the effects of climate change on road transport and have modeled its adaptive capacity as a probability function of a combination of variables. The authors have designed and created the Sectoral Adaptive Capacity Index for the Hungarian transport sector, and investigated the trends in the historical data series of this indicator
