43 research outputs found

    Which legal form of agricultural firm based on return on equity should be preferred? A panel data analysis of Slovak agricultural firms

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    This paper examines the impact of the legal form of agricultural firms on the benefit to their owners for a panel of Slovak agricultural firms. We use return on equity (ROE) as a measure of the benefit to owners. Using the repeated measures ANOV A technique, we find that the legal form of a firm is a relevant determinant of the benefit to owners. We conclude that from the point of view of ROE the legal form ‘company’ is preferable over ‘cooperative’

    Risk of agricultural production in russian orel region

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    The paper evaluates the risk of agricultural farms in Russian Orel region by using the modified Markowitz portfolio theory. We analyse individual farm data of agricultural animal and crop production with respect to yield, price and revenue agricultural risk. Farms included in the analyses represent four organizational legal forms and the range of agricultural products produced by these farms is wide. Therefore the research focused on the grain and milk production only. Over the period 2010 to 2014 the effects of Russian ban on import of agricultural products from EU can be observed in form of increased price level of individual commodity prices. Risk and return are negatively related and investors are comparing the risk with profitability. The same stands for farmers. They select the type of production based on expected return. The result show that the systemic yield, price and revenue risk of grain production is higher when compared to milk production. This is due the nature of animal and crop production. Climate and weather risk has much lower effect on animal production when compared to crop production. Therefore the overall risk of crop production is higher. But farmers consider the risk not isolated but in relation to profitability. The profitability of crop production is higher as in Orel region more than 90% of agricultural production is not animal related and farms are profitable with and also without subsidies. Our empirical study shows that in case of equal expected profitability animal production is more profitable for the farmer as it is linked to lower yield, price and revenue risk

    Histerektomija mliječne krave s produljenom maceracijom ploda - prikaz slučaja

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    A Simmental dairy cattle, aged seven years old, was presented with a history of foul smelling discharge from the external genitalia. According to the history, during the latest parturition the foetus had died in the uterus and was partially removed, but parts of the foetus had remained in the uterus for the following fourteen months. Gynaecological examination confirmed an open cervix. Trans-rectal palpation and ultrasound examination revealed extension, thickening and tension of the uterine wall and the presence of putrid parts of the foetus in the uterus. Attempts to remove the foetus by prostaglandin injections were futile, hence left side low flank hysterotomy was performed under cranial epidural anaesthesia and local infiltration anaesthesia. The foetal bones were removed and the other pathological contents were also removed. The cow gained weight and could subsequently be sent for slaughter. It was concluded that left flank hysterotomy can be useful for removal of macerated foetus from cows.Istražena je simentalska mliječna krava, u dobi od sedam godina, kod koje je u anamnezi istaknut iscjedak neugodna mirisa iz stidnice. Za vrijeme posljednjeg teljenja plod je uginuo u maternici i djelomično je uklonjen, dok su preostali njegovi dijelovi ostali u maternici sljedećih 14 mjeseci. Ginekološkim pregledom potvrđen je otvoren cerviks. Transrektalnom palpacijom i ultrazvukom otkriveno je opsežno proširenje, zadebljanje i napetost maternice te prisutnost raspadnutih dijelova ploda. Pokušaj vađenja ploda injekcijom prostaglandina bio je neuspješan stoga se histerektomija radila nisko na lijevom boku pod kranijalnom epiduralnom anestezijom i lokalnom infiltrirajućom anestezijom. Uklonjene su kosti ploda kao i preostali patološki sadržaj. Nakon zahvata, krava je dobila na tjelesnoj masi te je mogla biti upućena u klaonicu sa svrhom ekonomskog iskorištenja. Zaključeno je da histerektomija na lijevom boku može biti korisna pri uklanjanju maceriranih plodova kod krava

    A comparison of the decomposition of consumer food prices in the supply chain in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

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    Táto práca bola podporovaná Vedeckou grantovou agentúrou VEGA č. 1/0768/20 Hodnotenie dopadov Programu rozvoja vidieka na ekonomiku Slovenska, Agentúrou na podporu výskumu a vývoja APVV-20-0359 Covid-19 pandémia, makroekonomický vývoj, potravinová bezpečnosť a blahobyt domácností, APVV-19-0544 Meranie, modelovanie a monitorovanie bioekonomiky a Českou vedeckou nadáciou (GACR) v rámci projektu 19-18080S.The paper evaluates the development of consumer prices of selected types of food in the Slovak and Czech Republic for the period 2010 – 2022 (January – July 2022) and then analyzes the share of individual elements of the food vertical (agricultural primary producer, processor, retailer, as well as the state through indirect taxes - VAT) on total consumer price. The aim of the paper is to evaluate and compare the development and decomposition of consumer prices of representative types of food products, i.e. j. pork and dairy products. The analyzed data are taken from situational and outlook reports, as well as from the results of departmental statistical surveys. The comparative analysis proved only a short-term and limited impact of the reduction of the value-added tax rate on the development of consumer prices. At the same time, she pointed out relatively significant differences in the share of individual elements of the food vertical in the resulting price for which Slovak and Czech consumers buy food products in the retail network

    The impact of metal hydride material activation to storage percentage of hydrogen in this material

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    Currently, a lot of focus is dedicated to metal hydride alloy and options of their utilization. Mankind must solve energy problems due to constant population growth and use of non-renewable energy sources. The World resources of oil are limited and therefore the mankind must start utilizing the alternative energy sources for example hydrogen. Its known that the hydrogen can be stored by metal hydride alloys what it represents the safety way of storage with absence high pressure and temperature. The process by produce of the alloy with good absorption properties the research does not end. Some alloy absorbs the hydrogen after they produce immediately, however a lot of them need the activation for improvement or starting absorption process. Process of activation is very important for achieving the maximum capacity at moderate temperature

    Possibilities of utilization of waste heat of synthesis gas

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    The paper discusses possibilities of energetic utilization of waste heat from synthesis gas, which worsens possibilities of its further utilization. In this case, it is the recovery of synthesis gas with a high proportion of hydrogen produced by the thermal recovery of municipal waste by means of a plasma reactor. High temperatures deteriorate its recovery potential by separating hydrogen from the gas mixture and its subsequent use in fuel cells. Hydrogen separation takes place in the plant using metal hydride materials

    Design of Metal Hydride Pressure Vessel

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    This article describes the issue of hydrogen storage in the structure of metallic alloys and then solves the design and structural analysis in ANSYS Static Structural of low-pressure metal hydride steel vessel for hydrogen storage in metallic alloy based on MnTiVFeZr used for mobile applications

    Online grocery retailing in Germany: an explorative analysis

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    The paper focuses on the German food retailing industry with its market characteristics and the status quo of online food retailing in Germany by analysing data from market research institutes and consumer direct questionnaire. The paper examines the consumers’ perceptions of online as well as offline grocery shopping. As a result, an online grocery model was created using PLS-SEM modelling. It illustrates all major success factors related to the consumer’s willingness to shop for groceries online in Germany. The main factors influencing the willingness to shop for groceries online are awareness of benefits, need for more convenience, and change of the lack of trust in the new distribution channel. We identified some consumer groups that are more open to online shopping as they benefit more from online grocery shopping. Especially working mothers and young professionals are the consumer groups with a high potential interest