239 research outputs found

    Erzsébet királyné a populáris kultúrában : a modern nőkép tükrében Gödöllő példáján

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    The memories about Elizabeth are deeply embedded in the cultural memory of Hungarians, which led a multitude of different generations to action, focusing on transmitting the gained knowledge. Since her death the scope of the cult-makers had changed several time, therefore her manifestations are not the same as it was in her life, or immediately after her death occurred in 1898.Therefore, in this present study I try to reflect on the aspects of contemporary worship, and I undertake to draw on a new approach to the topic. I study that in addition to the cult memorials, what are the new forms and "locations" appeared in preserving the memory of the queen's content and what are the characteristics of these. What are the factors that make Queen Elizabeth current today in the 21st century for the members of its female fan base ? How to cultivate the memory of the queen, how is it manifests itself, at what forums and events

    Újabb szenzációs őslénytani leletek a pulai alginitbányából = Further remarkable palaeontological finds at the alginite quarry in Pula

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    Remains of a volcanic crater from the Pliocene (4 million years ago), fi lled with alginite,were discovered near the village of Pula, Veszprém County, in 1973. Paleontological research begun at the Pula alginite mine in 2003 has yielded several hundred specimens for the collections at the Bakony Museum of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. The latest collections have yielded large numbers of insects (mayfl y larvae, dragonfl ies, bugs, mosquitoes, grasshoppers, fl ies, wasps, beetles, etc.) and specimens of moss. Many of the specimens are from extant genera and the species can be identifi ed in some cases. Specimens of two groups of such insect fossils have presentday relatives in the Mediterranean basin (Isoptera; Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae: Dicladispa). The aquatic and shoreline fauna of the lake must have been extremely diverse. The climate in the area was warmer than today. With 18 figures

    Characterisation of moulds from apple fruit in Hungary

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    The surface microbial contamination is of great interest in case of fruit because of the threat of postharvest spoilage. Apple is a valuable product from growing, commercial, as well as from nutritional points of view. Apple diseases during the growing season can be satisfactorily controlled by different plant protection technologies, but postharvest decay of apples caused by the so called storage moulds cannot be completely avoided. Cold storage — alone, or in combination with other methods — is the main technology used to successfully prolong the shelf life of apples. The origin of the moulds causing the decay of apples during storage is not well understood. In this work the surface mycobiota of apple fruit grown in Soroksár, in the orchard of the Corvinus University of Budapest was investigated

    Extending the limits of globule detection -- ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey Observations of interstellar clouds

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    A faint I170=4I_{\rm 170}=4 MJysr1^{-1} bipolar globule was discovered with the ISOPHOT 170 μ\mum Serendipity Survey (ISOSS). ISOSS J 20246+6541 is a cold (Td14.5T_{\rm d}\approx 14.5 K) FIR source without an IRAS pointsource counterpart. In the Digitized Sky Survey B band it is seen as a 3\arcmin size bipolar nebulosity with an average excess surface brightness of 26\approx 26 mag/\square \arcsec . The CO column density distribution determined by multi-isotopic, multi-level CO measurements with the IRAM-30m telescope agrees well with the optical appearance. An average hydrogen column density of 1021\approx 10^{21}cm2^{-2} was derived from both the FIR and CO data. Using a kinematic distance estimate of 400 pc the NLTE modelling of the CO, HCO+^+, and CS measurements gives a peak density of 104\approx 10^4cm3^{-3}. The multiwavelength data characterise ISOSS 20246+6541 as a representative of a class of globules which has not been discovered so far due to their small angular size and low 100μ\mu m brightness. A significant overabundance of 13^{13}CO is found X(13CO)150×X(C18O)X(^{13}CO) \ge 150\times X(C^{18}O). This is likely due to isotope selective chemical processes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The embeddness of media education in the Hungarian education system Edifications of school fieldwork

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    Abstract—In the study we are interpreting the concept of Hungarian media education in a wide range: we observed the professional work of the courses, the solutions of the course concentration, the curricular and extracurricular activities. The observation was completed with three focus group interviews recorded on film- according to the conversations with the parents

    Cut mowing and grazing effects with grey cattle on plant species composition in case of Pannon wet grasslands

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    Examined area can be found at Balaton Uplands National Park (Hungary). 5 sample areas were examined in Badacsonytördemic: 1: 32 hectare under-grazed pasture, 2: 38 hectare overgrazed pasture, 3: 34 hectare hayfield, 4: trampled area, 5: beaten track. Livestock population was 118 in the monitored pastures. Sampling was executed along five 52m long circular transects, within 5cm × 5cm interlocking quadrates. Based on the data we can state that the curve of the drinking area was the highest of speciesarea examinations however weed appeared because of degradation which provided more species. According to species-area examinations overgrazed areas were richer in species then other examined areas. Based on diversity data drinking area considered degraded, while meadow and overgrazed areas was considered as proper state. Diversity of meadow was larger, but dominance of economically useful species was smaller. The amount of less valuable species – Carex hirta – increased