563 research outputs found

    The Role of HRM Practices in Organized Retailing with Special Reference to Bangalore City

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    Retailing displayed its significance in India’s market with tremendous contribution to the Indian economy. The development in the organized retail sector has showed the perfect platform to the Indian companies to enter into this sector. The entry of global players in retailing business has created huge challenges to the Indian companies. The organized retailer’s in order to respond to the competition, started to realize the need for efficient man power. The Human Resource practices and the employee satisfaction became the primary concern for the organized retailers. The present study will provide a clear picture on the issues related to the HR practices and its impact on employees. The study will also focus on the various problems and challenges faced by the HR department in procuring and retaining the employees of organized retailing companies

    Influence of Nanosilica on Solvent Deasphalting for Upgrading Iraqi Heavy Crude Oil

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    في هذه الدراسة، تم تحسين النفط الخام العراقي الثقيل من خلال عملية إزالة الأسفلتينات بالمذيبات (SDA) وعملية تحسين إزالة الأسفلتينات بالمذيبات (e-SDA) بإضافة السليكا النانوية. (NS)  وتم تحضير NS من الرمل المحلي. وقد اشارت نتيجة XRD إلى السليكا ذات الطور الغير متبلور ولها قمة واسعة عند 22-23º=2 Θ. أظهر التحليل الطيفي بتقنية (FTIR) إدراج مجموعة silanol المرتبطة بالهيدروجين (Si – O – H) ومجموعة siloxane ( (Si – O – Si . وقد تم اجراء عملية SDA باستخدام مذيب n-pentane باستخدام ظروف مختلفة منها نسبة المذيب إلى النفط (4-16 / 1 مل / جم)، وبدرجة حرارة الغرفة والارتجاع، عند وقت خلط 0.5 ساعة. وفي عملية e-SDA، تم استخدام نسب مختلفة من السليكا النانوية(1-7) نسب وزنية ذات حجم جسيم 61 نانومتر ومساحة سطحية بلغت 560.86 متر مربع / غم مع 12 مل / جم نسبة المذيب الى النفط ووقت الخلط 0.5 ساعة في درجة حرارة الغرفة والارتجاع. وقد اظهرت النتائج أن النفط الخام الثقيل تم تحسينه إلى أقصى حد باستخدام 7 ٪ نسبة وزنية من السليكا النانوية. حيث زادت قيمة API إلى 35.9، بينما زادت نسبة إزالة الأسفلتينات إلى 87.22٪. وزادت نسب إزالة الكبريت والفناديوم والنيكل إلى 51.17٪ و55.07٪ و69.87٪ على التوالي.In this study, the upgrading of Iraqi heavy crude oil was achieved utilizing the solvent deasphalting approach (SDA) and enhanced solvent deasphalting (e-SDA) by adding Nanosilica (NS). The NS was synthesized from local sand. The XRD result, referred to as the amorphous phase, has a wide peak at 2Θ= (22 - 23º) The inclusion of hydrogen-bonded silanol groups (Si–O–H) and siloxane groups (Si–O–Si) in the FTIR spectra. The SDA process was handled using n-pentane solvent at various solvent to oil ratios (SOR) (4-16/1ml/g), room and reflux temperature, and 0.5 h mixing time. In the e-SDA process, various fractions of the NS (1–7 wt.%) have been utilized with 61 nm particle size and 560.86 m²/g surface area in the presence of 12 ml/g SOR with 0.5 hr. mixing time at room and reflux temperature. The results showed that heavy crude was upgraded maximally using 7 wt.% of NS. The API increased to 35.9, while the asphaltene reduction increased to 87.22%. The removal of sulfur, vanadium, and nickel increased to 51.17%, 55.07%, and 69.87%, respectively

    The planning policy of bilingualism in education in Iraq

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    Iraq as a multicultural and multilingual country has different languages as Arabic, which is the dominant language, and it also has some other minority languages, such as Kurdish, Turkish, Syriac....etc. Over the last 80 years, Iraq which was involved in some political struggles, had faced many internal problems regarding the Arabic domination that occurred, and this was owing to the absence of clear language policy used. Children learning in the Iraqi system, for instance, speak and study all courses in Arabic, while speaking and using their own culture at home tend to be done in their first language. The minorities’ language usage in Iraq was ignored both inside the schools as well as in the curriculum construction. So this study focuses on the following issues: the first issue is, What is the strategy of language planning policy in Iraq? the study discusses the strategy and the planning educational system that Iraq applies now, the second issue is, What is the status of minority languages in Iraq? Iraq is a multicultural county and has many minorities communities with different languages, the third issue is, What are the challenges of language in Iraq? as long as there is different languages within one country the study also focuses on the challenges that been faced in the planning policy system, and the last issue is, Is there a homogenous relationship during the current policy? How? the study shows the homogenous relationship inside the current policy and the researches give many suggestions and recommendations regarding to the current policy and what is needed for improving the educational planning policy system

    Effective deep learning training for single-image super-resolution in endomicroscopy exploiting video-registration-based reconstruction

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    PURPOSE: Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) is a recent imaging modality that allows performing in vivo optical biopsies. The design of pCLE hardware, and its reliance on an optical fibre bundle, fundamentally limits the image quality with a few tens of thousands fibres, each acting as the equivalent of a single-pixel detector, assembled into a single fibre bundle. Video registration techniques can be used to estimate high-resolution (HR) images by exploiting the temporal information contained in a sequence of low-resolution (LR) images. However, the alignment of LR frames, required for the fusion, is computationally demanding and prone to artefacts. METHODS: In this work, we propose a novel synthetic data generation approach to train exemplar-based Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). HR pCLE images with enhanced quality are recovered by the models trained on pairs of estimated HR images (generated by the video registration algorithm) and realistic synthetic LR images. Performance of three different state-of-the-art DNNs techniques were analysed on a Smart Atlas database of 8806 images from 238 pCLE video sequences. The results were validated through an extensive image quality assessment that takes into account different quality scores, including a Mean Opinion Score (MOS). RESULTS: Results indicate that the proposed solution produces an effective improvement in the quality of the obtained reconstructed image. CONCLUSION: The proposed training strategy and associated DNNs allows us to perform convincing super-resolution of pCLE images

    Zero-shot super-resolution with a physically-motivated downsampling kernel for endomicroscopy

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    Super-resolution (SR) methods have seen significant advances thanks to the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). CNNs have been successfully employed to improve the quality of endomicroscopy imaging. Yet, the inherent limitation of research on SR in endomicroscopy remains the lack of ground truth high-resolution (HR) images, commonly used for both supervised training and reference-based image quality assessment (IQA). Therefore, alternative methods, such as unsupervised SR are being explored. To address the need for non-reference image quality improvement, we designed a novel zero-shot super-resolution (ZSSR) approach that relies only on the endomicroscopy data to be processed in a self-supervised manner without the need for ground-truth HR images. We tailored the proposed pipeline to the idiosyncrasies of endomicroscopy by introducing both: a physically-motivated Voronoi downscaling kernel accounting for the endomicroscope’s irregular fibre-based sampling pattern, and realistic noise patterns. We also took advantage of video sequences to exploit a sequence of images for self-supervised zero-shot image quality improvement. We run ablation studies to assess our contribution in regards to the downscaling kernel and noise simulation. We validate our methodology on both synthetic and original data. Synthetic experiments were assessed with reference-based IQA, while our results for original images were evaluated in a user study conducted with both expert and non-expert observers. The results demonstrated superior performance in image quality of ZSSR reconstructions in comparison to the baseline method. The ZSSR is also competitive when compared to supervised single-image SR, especially being the preferred reconstruction technique by experts

    Learning from irregularly sampled data for endomicroscopy super-resolution: a comparative study of sparse and dense approaches

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    PURPOSE: Probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy (pCLE) enables performing an optical biopsy via a probe. pCLE probes consist of multiple optical fibres arranged in a bundle, which taken together generate signals in an irregularly sampled pattern. Current pCLE reconstruction is based on interpolating irregular signals onto an over-sampled Cartesian grid, using a naive linear interpolation. It was shown that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) could improve pCLE image quality. Yet classical CNNs may be suboptimal in regard to irregular data. METHODS: We compare pCLE reconstruction and super-resolution (SR) methods taking irregularly sampled or reconstructed pCLE images as input. We also propose to embed a Nadaraya-Watson (NW) kernel regression into the CNN framework as a novel trainable CNN layer. We design deep learning architectures allowing for reconstructing high-quality pCLE images directly from the irregularly sampled input data. We created synthetic sparse pCLE images to evaluate our methodology. RESULTS: The results were validated through an image quality assessment based on a combination of the following metrics: peak signal-to-noise ratio and the structural similarity index. Our analysis indicates that both dense and sparse CNNs outperform the reconstruction method currently used in the clinic. CONCLUSION: The main contributions of our study are a comparison of sparse and dense approach in pCLE image reconstruction. We also implement trainable generalised NW kernel regression as a novel sparse approach. We also generated synthetic data for training pCLE SR

    GIFT-Grab: Real-time C++ and Python multi-channel video capture, processing and encoding API

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    GIFT-Grab is an open-source API for acquiring, processing and encoding video streams in real time. GIFT-Grab supports video acquisition using various frame-grabber hardware as well as from standard-compliant network streams and video files. The current GIFT-Grab release allows for multi-channel video acquisition and encoding at the maximum frame rate of supported hardware – 60 frames per second (fps). GIFT-Grab builds on well-established highly configurable multimedia libraries including FFmpeg and OpenCV. GIFT-Grab exposes a simplified high-level API, aimed at facilitating integration into client applications with minimal coding effort. The core implementation of GIFT-Grab is in C++11. GIFT-Grab also features a Python API compatible with the widely used scientific computing packages NumPy and SciPy. GIFT-Grab was developed for capturing multiple simultaneous intra-operative video streams from medical imaging devices. Yet due to the ubiquity of video processing in research, GIFT-Grab can be used in many other areas. GIFT-Grab is hosted and managed on the software repository of the Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) at University College London, and is also mirrored on GitHub. In addition it is available for installation from the Python Package Index (PyPI) via the pip installation tool

    Effect of Helicobacter pylori and its virulence factors on portal hypertensive gastropathy and interleukin (IL)-8, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels

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    Background/Aim: We aimed to assess the influence of Helicobacter pylori and its virulent factors, cytotoxin associated gene (cag) A and E, on portal hypertensive gastropathy (PHG) and the levels of interleukin (IL)-8, IL-10, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Patients and Methods: The patients with cirrhosis underwent screening endoscopy and the lesions related to PHG were graded. Biopsies were obtained for histology, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of H. pylori 16S rRNA, cagA, cagE, and tissue cytokine levelswas carried out. Absent or mild PHG was compared with moderate to severe PHG. Results: One hundred and forty patients with cirrhosis were studied; males numbered 92 and the mean age of the patients was 50.3 ± 12.0 years, H. pylori positivity in 87 (62.1%) patients was associated with male gender (P = 0.032), younger age (P = 0.029), hepatitis D etiology (P = 0.005), higher serum albumin (0.000), lower Child Pugh score (P = 0.001), and lower portal vein diameter (P = 0.001). There was no significant difference in the levels of TNF-α and IL-8. However, a decrease in the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 was noted with moderate to severe gastropathy. Four H. pylori strains were positive for both cagA and cagE, while four were positive for cagA only. All the four patients with both virulent factors had mild gastropathy only. Conclusion: The presence of H. pylori infection neither affected the severity of PHG nor augmented the IL-8 and TNF-α levels. There was a decline of virulent H. pylori strains and IL-10 levels in patients with advanced PHG

    Bruker2nifti: Magnetic Resonance Images converter from Bruker ParaVision to Nifti format

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    In clinical and pre-clinical research involving medical images, the first step following a Magnetic Resonance Imaging dataset acquisition, usually entails the conversion of image data from the native scanner format to a format suitable for the intended analysis. The proprietary [Bruker ParaVision](https://www.bruker.com/products/mr/preclinical-mri/software/service-support.html) software currently does not provide the tools for conversion of the data to suitable and open formats for research, such as nifti [@cox2004sort], for which most of the available tools for medical image analysis are implemented. For this purpose we have designed and developed [bruker2nifti](https://github.com/SebastianoF/bruker2nifti), a pip-installable Python tool provided with a Graphical User Interface to convert from the native MRI Bruker format to the nifti format, without any intermediate step through the DICOM standard formats [@Mildenberger2002]. Bruker2nifti is intended to be a tool to access the data structure and to parse all parameter files of the Bruker ParaVision format into python dictionaries, to select the relevant information to fill the Nifti header and data volume. Lastly it is meant to be a starting point where to integrate possible future variations in Bruker hardware and ParaVision software future releases

    Ecological Agro-ecosystem Sustainable Development in Relationship to Other Sectors in the Economic System, and Human Ecological Footprint and Imprint☆

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    Abstract Sustainable agriculture is the major economic sector (i.e. about 30% of Global economy) with the industrial and trading system in the world's economy. It is important to understand why the sustainable development is very important to the point of view of improving of human life and reducing the poverty. Additionally, we need to sustain our natural resources to be replenished and continue support our human population growth that is continued to increase in alarming rate rather than development, which is in a slow rate that does not meet the demands. This paper is to discuss the importance of global agro-ecosystems, to support humans' needs for feeding and continue their lives in a healthy and sustainable life and to function within the society. In addition, the paper will show the availability of the agriculture natural resources in terms of global ecological biological capacities in hectares and the trends in using these resources in terms of an ecological footprint in hectares. Additionally, we study the term of ecological human imprint in relation to the agro-ecosystem as suggested by Shakir Hanna et al., 2014 . Further the paper will address the impacts of agro-ecosystem on global economy and, further discuss the impacts of human technological advances on agro-ecosystems ecologically, economically, and social importance. Our results show that the global population will be 10.50 billion people in 2050 (i.e. 1.1% the current population growth). The available global cropped land is 2.36 billion global hectares in 2008.The question is the Earth able to provide food and other agricultural products to support the healthy living of all human beings in year 2050 at the current growth rate? The paper is discussing these concerns