13 research outputs found

    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) - 2018 Summary Report

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    The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a TeV-scale high-luminosity linear e+ee^+e^- collider under development at CERN. Following the CLIC conceptual design published in 2012, this report provides an overview of the CLIC project, its current status, and future developments. It presents the CLIC physics potential and reports on design, technology, and implementation aspects of the accelerator and the detector. CLIC is foreseen to be built and operated in stages, at centre-of-mass energies of 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV and 3 TeV, respectively. CLIC uses a two-beam acceleration scheme, in which 12 GHz accelerating structures are powered via a high-current drive beam. For the first stage, an alternative with X-band klystron powering is also considered. CLIC accelerator optimisation, technical developments and system tests have resulted in an increased energy efficiency (power around 170 MW) for the 380 GeV stage, together with a reduced cost estimate at the level of 6 billion CHF. The detector concept has been refined using improved software tools. Significant progress has been made on detector technology developments for the tracking and calorimetry systems. A wide range of CLIC physics studies has been conducted, both through full detector simulations and parametric studies, together providing a broad overview of the CLIC physics potential. Each of the three energy stages adds cornerstones of the full CLIC physics programme, such as Higgs width and couplings, top-quark properties, Higgs self-coupling, direct searches, and many precision electroweak measurements. The interpretation of the combined results gives crucial and accurate insight into new physics, largely complementary to LHC and HL-LHC. The construction of the first CLIC energy stage could start by 2026. First beams would be available by 2035, marking the beginning of a broad CLIC physics programme spanning 25-30 years

    Novel XX-band transverse deflection structure with variable polarization

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    A collaboration between DESY, PSI and CERN has developed and built an advanced modular XX-band transverse deflection structure (TDS) system with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force. The prototype of the novel XX-band TDS, the polarizable XX-band (PolariX) TDS, was fabricated at PSI following the high-precision tuning-free production process developed for the C-band Linac of the SwissFEL project. Bead-pull rf measurements were also performed at PSI to verify, inparticular, that the polarization of the dipole fields does not have any rotation along the structure. The high-power test was performed at CERN and now the TDS is at DESY and has been installed in theFLASHForward beamline, where the first streaking experience with beam has been accomplished. We summarize in this paper the rf design of the TDS and its key components, such as the XX-band pulse compressor, E-rotator, and phase shifter, the results of the bead-pull measurements and the high power test and finally the rf setup at DESY

    The PolariX TDS Project: bead pull measurements and high power test on the prototype

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    A collaboration between DESY, PSI and CERN has been established to develop and build an advanced modular X- band transverse deflection structure (TDS) system with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force. The prototype of the novel X-band TDS, the Polarizable X-band (PolariX) TDS, was fabricated at PSI following the high-precision tuning-free production process developed for the C-band Linac of the SwissFEL project. Bead-pull RF measurements were also performed at PSI to verify, in particular, that the polarization of the dipole fields does not have any rotation along the structure. The high-power test was performed at CERN and now the TDS is at DESY and has been installed in FLASHForward, where the first streaking experience with beam will be accomplished. We summarize in this paper the status of the project, the results of the bead-pull measurements and the high power test

    Beam-based commissioning of a novel X-band transverse deflection structure with variable polarization

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    Longitudinal electron-beam diagnostics play a critical role in the operation and control of x-ray free-electron lasers, which rely on parameters such as the current profile, the longitudinal phase space, or the slice emittance of the particle distribution. On the one hand, the femtosecond-scale electron bunches produced at these facilities impose stringent requirements on the resolution achievable with the diagnostics. On the other, research and development of novel accelerator technologies such as beam-driven plasma-wakefield accelerators (PWFA) demand unprecedented capabilities to resolve the centroid offsets in the full transverse plane along the longitudinal bunch coordinate. We present the beam-based commissioning of an advanced X-band transverse-deflection rf structure (TDS) system with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force: the PolariX-TDS. By means of a comprehensive campaign of measurements conducted with the prototype, key parameters of the rf performance of the system are validated and a phase-space characterization of an electron bunch is accomplished with a time resolution of 3.3 fs. Furthermore, an analysis of second-order effects induced on the bunch from its passage through the PolariX-TDS is presented

    Beam-based commissioning of a novel X-band transverse deflection structure with variable polarization

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    Longitudinal electron-beam diagnostics play a critical role in the operation and control of x-ray free-electron lasers, which rely on parameters such as the current profile, the longitudinal phase space, or the slice emittance of the particle distribution. On the one hand, the femtosecond-scale electron bunches produced at these facilities impose stringent requirements on the resolution achievable with the diagnostics. On the other, research and development of novel accelerator technologies such as beam-driven plasma-wakefield accelerators (PWFA) demand unprecedented capabilities to resolve the centroid offsets in the full transverse plane along the longitudinal bunch coordinate. We present the beam-based commissioning of an advanced X-band transverse-deflection rf structure (TDS) system with the new feature of providing variable polarization of the deflecting force: the PolariX-TDS. By means of a comprehensive campaign of measurements conducted with the prototype, key parameters of the rf performance of the system are validated and a phase-space characterization of an electron bunch is accomplished with a time resolution of 3.3 fs. Furthermore, an analysis of second-order effects induced on the bunch from its passage through the PolariX-TDS is presented