109 research outputs found

    Generalised t-V model in one dimension

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    We use a strong coupling expansion [1] to solve the one-dimensional extended t V model of fermions [2,3]. The model is solved for a range of densities, including both commensurate – where a charge density wave is present – and incommensurate densities. The first set consists not only of a trivial case of half filling. The method allows us to trace the transition from a Luttinger liquid phase to a Mott insulating phase. This simple yet powerful method is not based on Bethe ansatz and it works for both integrable and non-integrable systems. References [1] C.J. Hamer, Phys. Lett. B, 1979, 82, 75-78. [2] G. Gómez-Santos, Phys. Rev. Lett., 1993, 70, 3780. [3] R.G. Dias, Phys. Rev. B, 2000, 62, 7791

    Damping behavior of 3D woven metallic lattice materials

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    Cu and NiCr metallic lattice materials of two different micro-architectures were manufactured with a 3D weaving process. Dynamic mechanical analysis experiments demonstrated that the damping properties of these materials are much greater than their bulk counterparts and were found to have damping loss coefficients comparable to polymers, but with much higher maximum use temperatures. The magnitude of the damping phenomenon is characterized experimentally, and the importance of Coulomb (frictional) damping and inertial damping are investigated using a finite element mode

    Universality of Entanglement Transitions from Stroboscopic to Continuous Measurements

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    Measurement-driven transitions between extensive and subextensive scaling of the entanglement entropy receive interest as they illuminate the intricate physics of thermalization and control in open interacting quantum systems. While this transition is well established for stroboscopic measurements in random quantum circuits, a crucial link to physical settings is its extension to continuous observations, where for an integrable model it has been shown that the transition changes its nature and becomes immediate. Here, we demonstrate that the entanglement transition at finite coupling persists if the continuously measured system is randomly nonintegrable, and show that it is smoothly connected to the transition in the stroboscopic models. This provides a bridge between a wide range of experimental settings and the wealth of knowledge accumulated for the latter systems

    Disordered monitored free fermions

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    Scrambling of quantum information in unitary evolution can be hindered due to measurements and localization. Both these effects lead to pinning of the quantum mechanical wavefunction resulting in suppression of entanglement in the steady state. In monitored free-fermionic models the steady state undergoes an entanglement transition from a critical logarithmically to area-law entangled steady state due to the coupling to an environment. However, in an isolated system arbitrarily weak disorder in one dimension leads to Anderson localization. We investigate a free-fermion system in a random field subject to continuous monitoring, which enables us to probe the non-trivial interplay between measurement-induced phases and disorder. Through the careful analysis of the effective central charge, entanglement entropy, and density-density correlations, we show that the critical phase with conformal symmetry is stable under disorder perturbations until a finite critical disorder strength. We find that the universality class of the transition at finite disorder and dissipative coupling is consistent with the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless across the extended phase diagram. Furthermore, destructive interference responsible for Anderson localization is destroyed under finite monitoring strength and the steady state orbital wavefunction exhibits a power-law decay. Our results indicate that critical phase is robust to disorder and the area-law phase is distinct from Anderson localization at weak dissipation. Our work opens the avenue to probe this interesting phase transition in experiments involving electrons in quantum dot arrays and nanowires, and allow quantum control of entangled states of electrons.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, 1 tabl
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