9 research outputs found

    Multitasking effects on individual performance : an experimental eye-tracking study

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    Purpose: The main objective of this research is to identify the impact of parallel performance of various tasks on the individual effectiveness. Moreover, a methodological goal was set for the research to explore the possibilities of using eye-tracking in the studies of multitasking. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was conducted in the form of an experiment. All participants worked at the same computer station time was measured with Eye Tracker. Findings: It was confirmed that multitasking requires more time to accomplish tasks and deteriorates creativity, but not correctness of the answers in case of simple tasks. Interestingly, in case of multitasking under time pressure, the performance was worse. Practical Implications: Deeper understanding of the determinants and effects of multitasking on organizational and individual performance enables the adjustment of work organization and management style in order to achieve optimal results. Originality/Value: This paper brings new insights to the studies of multitasking not only in terms of the results of an experimental research, but also in terms of methodological concerns like eye-tracking as a new method of empirical diagnosis.peer-reviewe

    The dynamic and the direction of changes in polish medium-sized enterprises in 1998–2011

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    The paper presents the part of wider researches dedicated to intensity and directions of transformation of enterprises’ structures in Poland in the years of 1998–2011. Using four simple but comprehensive measures: number of employees, value of fixed assets, investment outlays and total revenue the author examines the state and changes in the group of small enterprises by section.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    The effects of the restructuring of power sector companies in terms of maintaining the energy security in Poland after 1989

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    Artykuł w sposób syntetyczny prezentuje przebieg i efekty przekształceń strukturalno−własnościowych, jakie dokonały się w minionym dwudziestoleciu w sektorze elektroenergetycznym w Polsce ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ich wpływu na bezpieczeństwo energetyczne. Pierwsza część pracy, dla lepszego zrozumienia celów reformy energetyki, przybliża pojęcie bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i prezentuje kilka jego ujęć definicyjnych. W kolejnych częściach autor charakteryzuje sytuację sektora elektroenergetycznego na początku przemian systemowych oraz cele polityki państwa związane z jego reformą. Charakterystyka ta jest następnie podstawą do prezentacji wniosków z własnych badań nad przebiegiem i efektami reformy elektroenergetyki w odniesieniu do stanu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski głównie z punktu widzenia odbiorcy energii. Tekst kończy analiza głównych uwarunkowań procesów przekształceń strukturalno-własnościowych w badanym sektorze wraz z syntetycznym podsumowaniem.The article describes the progress, directions, and effects of structural and ownership transformations in the power sector in Poland in the past two decades, with a particular emphasis on their impact on energy security. In order to explain the objectives of the energy market reform, the paper introduces the concept and definition of energy security. The author characterizes the situation of the power sector at the beginning of the Polish political transformation, and the objectives of the government policy related to the reform. He uses the characteristics to present his own conclusions of the study on the effects of the reform in the power sector with regard to the condition of the Polish energy security, mainly from the point of view of energy consumers. The text closes with an analytical presentation of the main determinants of the structural transformation processes in the power sector in Poland, completing it with a short summary

    Efekty przekształceń strukturalno-własnościowych przedsiębiorstw sektora elektroenergetycznego w Polsce

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    Tyt. z ekranu tytułowego.Promotor: Ryszard Borowiecki.Niepublikowana praca doktorska.Praca doktorska. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny (Kraków). Wydział Zarządzania, 2011.Zawiera bibliogr.Praca dostępna także on-line

    Wizja konkurencyjnego rynku energii jako bodziec do gruntownych zmian w przedsiębiorstwie energetycznym

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    Tyt. z nagł.Bibliogr. s. 335.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Zaprezentowano działania wybranej spółki dystrybucji i obrotu energią skierowanych na budowanie wartości w relacjach z klientami jako drogi prowadzącej do uzyskania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku energetycznym. Tego typu działania charakteryzuje wielowymiarowość oraz współzależność

    Restructuring of the Coal Mining Industry and the Challenges of Energy Transition in Poland (1990–2020)

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    The European Union’s climate policy and the energy transition associated with it force individual countries, their economies and their industrial sectors to carry out thorough changes, often of a deep, high-cost and restructuring nature. The aim of the article is to provide a multidimensional assessment of the forms and effects of the restructuring of coal mining companies in Poland in light of the current energy transition process. The research problem is encapsulated within the following two interdependent questions: Has the restructuring process allowed the coal mining industry to achieve sufficient efficiency to sustainably compete in the open market, and to what extent, if at all, have the objectives of restructuring been achieved from the perspective of changes in the energy mix? The research covers all coal mining companies included in the official statistics. It adopts a long-term perspective (1990–2020), dating from the beginning of the systemic transformation in Poland. The research involved the use of multivariate financial analysis methods, including the logit model for predicting the degree of financial threat, as well as taxonomic methods for assessing the dissimilarity of structures and their concentration. The general conclusion of the research is that there has been a lack of consistency (follow-up) between the forms and effects of restructuring in coal mining companies in Poland on the one hand and changes in the composition of the country’s energy mix as a result of the energy transition on the other. In particular, this means that such restructuring, being neither effective nor efficient, has failed to accelerate change in the energy mix

    Restructuring of the Coal Mining Industry and the Challenges of Energy Transition in Poland (1990–2020)

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    The European Union’s climate policy and the energy transition associated with it force individual countries, their economies and their industrial sectors to carry out thorough changes, often of a deep, high-cost and restructuring nature. The aim of the article is to provide a multidimensional assessment of the forms and effects of the restructuring of coal mining companies in Poland in light of the current energy transition process. The research problem is encapsulated within the following two interdependent questions: Has the restructuring process allowed the coal mining industry to achieve sufficient efficiency to sustainably compete in the open market, and to what extent, if at all, have the objectives of restructuring been achieved from the perspective of changes in the energy mix? The research covers all coal mining companies included in the official statistics. It adopts a long-term perspective (1990–2020), dating from the beginning of the systemic transformation in Poland. The research involved the use of multivariate financial analysis methods, including the logit model for predicting the degree of financial threat, as well as taxonomic methods for assessing the dissimilarity of structures and their concentration. The general conclusion of the research is that there has been a lack of consistency (follow-up) between the forms and effects of restructuring in coal mining companies in Poland on the one hand and changes in the composition of the country’s energy mix as a result of the energy transition on the other. In particular, this means that such restructuring, being neither effective nor efficient, has failed to accelerate change in the energy mix

    Financial Exclusion in Rural and Urban Contexts in Poland: A Threat to Achieving SDG Eight?

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    Financial inclusion, which consists of having a financial system that is easily accessible to citizens, is identified by various international organizations such as the new UN Agenda 2030, as a priority objective. This objective is particularly relevant in rural areas, where access to these services is more difficult, as citizens have to travel several kilometers to access them. In this study, we analyze the current situation of the Polish financial sector in terms of its accessibility, in order to measure the degree of financial inclusion. For this purpose, we use three combined methodologies. Initially, a data extraction from the Central Bank of Poland was carried out. Subsequently, three methodologies are applied to calculate financial inclusion. First, we apply the criteria of the Financial Access Survey (FAS) of the International Monetary Fund. Secondly, the Access to Cash Index (ACI) methodology by calculating a score that describes the access to banking services according to certain items. Finally, we applied the nearest neighbor methodology to detect in each voivodship those points where it is most difficult (measured in km distance) to access banking services. Some areas, especially in rural areas of the different voivodeships, present certain problems when it comes to accessing banking services. Therefore, the fulfillment of SDG 8.10 will be more difficult to achieve in these areas. The public authorities must pay attention to this, in order to reach the commitments acquired with the 2030 agenda, in terms of financial inclusion

    Overcoming Digital Divide Between Europe and Southeast Asia, EU Project, References Dataset Part1

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    <p>This reference list contains publications and data sets concerning the state of digitalization and digital divide in Europe and Southeast Asia including factors affecting it. Research was carried out</p><p>The creation of this list is the result of a review of literature and databases as part of the implementation by the Krakow University of Economics of tasks resulting from Task Package no. 1 included in the ODDEA project</p><p>In the "ODDEA" project some Work Packages were prepared. In Work Package no 1, which is called "<i>The state-of-the-art analysis of the underlying factors of the digital divide within the EU and within the Southeast Asia</i>", the main objective was defined as: "To provide an overview of the literature and existing indicators on the state of digitalization and digital divide in Europe and Southeast Asia including factors affecting it". </p><p>This task is based on the literature review and on the qualitative analysis of recently published indicators (e.g., EIBIS, 2021, CIS of Eurostat, World Bank enterprise dataset) and other relevant country based surveys. This analysis will enable to identify possible economic, social, political, and technological factors that may explain the digital divide in the EU and in the Southeast Asia and formulate relevant hypotheses for individual EU countries, groups/clusters, the European Union as a whole and the Southeast Asia and project countries in that region. A deeper analysis of these clusters will also help to identify any idiosyncratic features that these countries share regarding the use of digital technologies, which will be used in the empirical study implemented within subsequent WPs. </p><p>Adopting the assumptions and objective presented in WP1, appropriate identification was made in the scope of the Literature Review in the relation to the Polish economy as a member of the European Union (EU). </p><p>Because two partners in ODDEA were from Poland – it means AGH University and Krakow University of Economics, the division of the collected bibliography into specific databases between these research centres was developed. The Krakow University of Economics was responsible for finding relevant literature from the following databases:</p><ol><li>Statistics Poland</li><li>EBSCOhost (Polish language only)</li><li>INFONA </li><li>Legalis (CH Beck) </li><li>Lex Informator prawno-gospodarczy (Legal and economic guide)</li><li>ORBIS </li><li>SWAiD Platforma Analityczna (Analitical Platform of Statistics Poland)</li></ol><p>The preparation of the ODDEA domestic literature database (in this example for Poland) is an important component of the implementation of the objective under WP1 of this project.</p><p> </p&gt