11 research outputs found
Ideały wychowawcze w klasztornych szkołach żeńskich w okresie potrydenckim do początków XIX wieku
This paper discusses the upbringing and education of laic girls in convent schools from the last decade of the 16th century until 1815. The analysis is based on archival materials and literature. It focuses on the educational process carried out on the territory of Lesser Poland (Małopolska) which, as a result of the partitions of Poland, was initially partly within the Habsburg Empire and later, a part of it was incorporated into the Duchy of Warsaw. In order to thoroughly analyse the issues raised in the paper, the convent schools that functioned in Lesser Poland are compared to schools from other areas of the Republic. The paper focuses on the problems of girls’ education in convent schools belonging to four types of orders: the Order of the Virgins of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (zakon prezentek), the Order of Saint Claire (zakon klarysek), the Norbertine Order (zakon norbertanek) and the Order of Saint Benedict (zakon benedyktynek). Among 18 female religious orders (with 154 monasteries in total) that functioned in 1772 on the territory of the Republic, only two did not run monastic schools for girls. The schools’ main postulates were: educating girls in the spirit of Catholicism, shaping their morals and developing their devotion, as well as teaching them the ideals of education were implemented in all schools. Their programs only differed when it came to teaching Polish, foreign languages, maths, music, dance and others skills. Such programs had an undeniable influence on the girls’ personality and aimed to prepare them for their future social role.When comparing the patterns in girls’ education during the time of partitions, some changes can be noticed. The schools’ character was conditioned by the shift of supervision over schools away from secular authorities, the introduction of the classroom system and the use of the same curriculum in each school of a particular type
Z dziejów szkoły żeńskiej w Staniątkach w 2. połowie XIX wieku
The convent school for girls had been managed by Benedictines in Staniątki at least since XVI century. After the inclusion into the Austrian annexation in 1784 the transformation of the school from convent into so-called “normal” followed and it was subordinated to secular authorities organizationally and programmatically. The existence of nunnery was depended on the acceptance of school that functioned at it. The situation changed after the introduction of the autonomy in Galicia, then in 1869 the school obtained the status of the private female school, acknowledged equally with schools that had public laws. This was the boarding-school for girls and rules of functioning were qualified by internal regulations some of them remained in monastic archives. The most important aim was the education according to the religious-moral spirit and complete schooling, which gives bases to the further education. Regulations in detail defined to schoolgirls among which there was accustoming of girls to the regularity in working, the order, the sense of duty, the obedience in the face of superiors, the respect in the face of themselves and the others. The limits of behaving were clearly defined and fulfilling of duties was executed meticulously. The breaking of obligatory regulations threatened with the punishment and the expulsion from the school. The schoolgirl’s day was organised so, that all the time it was filled with the education, the prayer and the rest. The unusual attention was paid on the hygiene of the mental work, girls’ health and development and the proper formation of the character, in accordance with the accepted educational ideals.
Patterns of education for family life for girls in convent schools (XVII – half of XIXth century)
The paper aims to analyse the education and upbringing of girls in schools run by nuns in the period
from the seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century. It shows the elements of upbringing and
education that shaped the attitudes and values considered the most important in family life. It
discusses issues related to the education of girls in how to run and manage a household, how to do
household work, how to manage the household expenditure. On the basis of school curricula the
range of intellectual education, the development of personal standards (attitudes, behaviours and
features of character) of women in this period will be shown.
These issues will be presented against a changing historical context, and will focus on girls from
different social backgrounds
The sisters of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, more commonly known as Visitationists, were brought to Poland from France by Marie Louise Gonzaga (known in Poland as Ludwika Maria) in 1654. Visitationists ran a boarding school for girls and provided education for inner-city girls from less well-to-do backgrounds. In addition, the religious order for women accommodated a novitiate for young girls admitted to this religious order for women - the so-called habitki (from the habit of a member under vows), i.e. candidates for the convent. The present article provides the reader with some detailed information on the mentioned group of candidates in relation the period covering the years from the establishment of the convent to the end of the seventeenth century. Habitki's cells were located in the part of the convent that also accommodated nuns, wore habits and participated in regular religious services and prayers with nuns. As a rule, they were usually minors up to girls of several years of age or older. They were supervised by a master-nun, appointed by Mother Superior, who took care of them, while a special rule of conduct determined their duties and responsibilities in the convent. The reasons behind a decision to send little girls to the nunnery varied. At times, still unborn babies were sacrificed to God even before delivery, a custom to be found in particular within families where children were long in coming or where successive deliveries were death experiences for parents. Girls in the convent usually had both parents, but oftentimes they were orphans, disabled, hated by their parents or came from large families. By sending a daughter to a convent parents believed that her future was somehow secured. Occasionally, by doing so they simply got rid of a crippled child that often required extra care, or cleared the situation in prospective property settlement agreements in the family. More often than not, the plans conceived by parents, or foster parents, were not in line with intentions or expectations of girls. A decision to stay within the confinement of the convent, however, was up to a candidate, who, after reaching the age of 15, was entitled to seek for admittance to the full novitiate and, at the age of 16, could take simple vows. Between 1658 and 1697, the Warsaw-based convent had 23 habitki. Only 7 of them took vows. At the time, no other religious order and convent had such a specific rule for chil
Z dziejów klasztoru klarysek chęcińskich w świetle archiwaliów z Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Kielcach
Artykuł został przygotowany na podstawie materiałów archiwalnych znajdujących się w Archiwum Diecezjalnym w Kielcach. Stanowią go dwa tomy akt z XIX w., zawierające w większości korespondencję pomiędzy mniszkami a władzami diecezjalnymi, zakonnymi i świeckimi.Klaryski zamieszkiwały w Chęcinach w latach 1643-1902. Chociaż kasata nastąpiła w 1864 r., mniszkom pozwolono pozostać w nim do czasu wymarcia większości zakonnic.Konwent należał do niewielkich pod względem liczby zakonnic. Sytuacja materialna sióstr w XIX w. była bardzo trudna, bieda i brak funduszy stanowiły przyczynę poszukiwania różnych źródeł dochodu, które często nie były zgodne z przepisami prawa kanonicznego. Powodowało to liczne spory i kłótnie wśród zakonnic. Wizytatorzy próbowali różnymi sposobami przywrócić dyscyplinę zakonną.Konwent klarysek w Chęcinach został zamknięty w 1902 r., od 1930 r. do chwili obecnej istnieje w tym miejscu klasztor bernardynek.The article was prepared on the basis of archival materials found in the Diocesan Archives in Kielce. The archival resources consist of two volumes of 19th century files, mostly containing correspondence between nuns and diocesan, religious, and secular authorities. Poor Clares lived in Chęciny from 1643 to 1902. Even though the dissolution took place in 1864, the nuns were allowed to remain there until most of them died. The convent was small in terms of the number of nuns. The financial situation of the nuns in the nineteenth century was very difficult, poverty and lack of funds were the reason for the search for various sources of income, which were often not in accordance with canon law. This caused numerous disputes and quarrels among the nuns. Visitors tried in various ways to restore religious discipline. The convent of Poor Clares in Chęciny was closed in 1902; from 1930 to date there has been a Bernardine monastery
"Good education and since youth trained". The role model of a schoolgirl in monastic schools in the seventeenth and eighteenth century
The upbringing model of girls stood on the basis of religious and moral education, intellectual development and providing practical knowledge of so-called woman works. The monastic schools prepared girls for the role of wife and mother. A woman should perform all its duties according to the principles of the Catholic religion and Christian morality. Knowledge of the behavior and customs of society was an important element shaping the pattern of woman. Important were also practical skills related to the performance of activities belonging to the duties of women. Much less importance were attributed to education, although the evolution of views on the subject is visible. Starting from the knowledge on elementary level, by teaching foreign languages, the elements of geography and music, to the implementation of secular curriculum in the initial period of the partitions of Poland. In the spirit of the Enlightenment reforms sought to create educational opportunities for both wealthy and poor schoolgirls. Poor girls were taught skills to ena1ble them to earn their own living in the future.Anna Szylar (Sandomierz), dr hab., Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa im. prof. S. Tarnowskiego w Tarnobrzegu. Zainteresowania naukowe koncentruje na dziejach klasztorów żeńskich na ziemiach polskich w XVII–XIX wieku oraz historii edukacji, opieki i wychowania w epoce nowożytnej.PWSZ TarnobrzegArchiwum Sióstr Klarysek w Krakowie, rkps Przepisy dla szkół normalnych krakowskich panien świeckich przy klasztorze WW. PP. Franciszkanek od roku 1804, sygn. SzP 10.Archiwum Sióstr Klarysek w Krakowie, rkps Piotr Gembicki z łaski Bożej i Stolicy Apostolskiej Biskup Krakowski, książę siewierski, wielebnej w Chrystusie Panu Pannie Ksieni i wszystkiemu zgromadzeniu Panien zakonnych pod Regułą świętej Klary [1643], sygn. A 17.Archiwum Sióstr Wizytek w Warszawie, rkps Kutumiarz i directorium dla sióstr zakonnic Nawiedzenia NMP z francuskiego na polski przetłumaczony, sygn. A 15.Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Przedmioty nauk w szkole płci żeńskiej PP. Franciszkanek u S. Andrzeja podczas danego popisu w Krakowie dnia 25 i 26 lipca 1814, sygn. SI 626.Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Raport o egzaminach i popisach publicznych szkół w objęciu miasta Krakowa znajdujących się (...) dnia 1 go lipca 1815 roku rozpoczętych, a 25 tegoż miesiąca i roku skończonych przez Michała Dymidowicza Konsyliarza Dyrekcji Edukacyi Narodowej, członka Dozoru Szkolnego Dep[artamen]tu Kraków (...), sygn. S I 620.Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, rkps K. Wohlfeiel do Prześwietnej Komisji Akademickiej 16 VIII 1809, sygn. SI 617.Archiwum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, sygn. 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Busko in light of the description of Bishop Michał Jerzy Poniatowski’s visitation of 1782
The article is based on the description of the visitation of 1782 held in the convent of Norbertine Sisters in Busko. This description is placed in the manuscript book entitled „The act of the general visitation…”. The manuscript, including 130 pages of text, is an extremely valuable source of information on the town owned by the nuns and the convent of the Norbertine Sisters. This manuscript helps to recreate the appearance of Busko in this period, its urban character, the appearance and equipment of the church dedicated to Immaculate Conception of the Holy Mary (it was also a parish and a monastic church), wooden Church of St Leonard, the convent and the buildings forming part of the monastic grange. It is also possible to gain information on the financial status of the nuns in the context of their salaries and the financial and economic problems. Wooden buildings, the falling number of craftsmen and the disappearance of trade traditions confirm the deteriorating economic condition of the convent. In the post-visitation recommendations, we find points relating to the necessity of the settlement of Jewish merchants and artisans in the vicinity of Busko. These observations demonstrate the ways to recover the town economy indicated by the bishop.The most valuable thing, however, seems to be the opportunity to learn about the inner structure of the convent at that time, people who were part of the convent, functions performed by the nuns, the organization of the inner life, nun spirituality and the nunnery-town relations. On the pages of the manuscript we find the mention of the nunnery and the parish school, the hospital for the poor, the urban guilds and their participation in religious life, brotherhoods, and the privileges and responsibilities of burghers to the owners of the town and vice versa. This source is even more valuable because of the fact that the urban books of Busko did not survive and the materials about the Norbertine convent are in a fragmentary state
Patterns of education for family life for girls in convent schools (XVII – half of XIXth century)
The paper aims to analyse the education and upbringing of girls in schools run by nuns in the period
from the seventeenth to the mid-nineteenth century. It shows the elements of upbringing and
education that shaped the attitudes and values considered the most important in family life. It
discusses issues related to the education of girls in how to run and manage a household, how to do
household work, how to manage the household expenditure. On the basis of school curricula the
range of intellectual education, the development of personal standards (attitudes, behaviours and
features of character) of women in this period will be shown.
These issues will be presented against a changing historical context, and will focus on girls from
different social backgrounds
Camera rolling, action, reaction. Interactive document – study of development prospects in Poland
Interactive documentaries bring new possibilities of artistic expression. They allow innovative ways of engaging the viewer, personalizing experiences, and building a community. At the same time interactive documentaries bring challenges: the need of new production skills, openness to experimentation, the development of new financing models. There is still a need to create a language to describe new formats. The semantic elusiveity of this area seems to be reflected in its market position. The genre is suspended between film, documentary film and computer games and both the audience and the distributors have difficulties defining it. This text is an attempt to describe what an interactive documentary might be, what sets it apart from other formats, and what’s the viewer’s role in this type of audio-visual formats. We present a few flagship projects from different countries and we look at the Polish audio-visual industry. We conducted a survey, asking Polish artists working on so-called new narratives about their work conditions and the biggest challenges they are facing. The second part of the text covers the results of our study.Interactive documentaries bring new possibilities of artistic expression. They allow innovative ways of engaging the viewer, personalizing experiences, and building a community. At the same time interactive documentaries bring challenges: the need of new production skills, openness to experimentation, the development of new financing models. There is still a need to create a language to describe new formats. The semantic elusiveity of this area seems to be reflected in its market position. The genre is suspended between film, documentary film and computer games and both the audience and the distributors have difficulties defining it. This text is an attempt to describe what an interactive documentary might be, what sets it apart from other formats, and what’s the viewer’s role in this type of audio-visual formats. We present a few flagship projects from different countries and we look at the Polish audio-visual industry. We conducted a survey, asking Polish artists working on so-called new narratives about their work conditions and the biggest challenges they are facing. The second part of the text covers the results of our study