45 research outputs found

    Wpływ delegowania sędziów na realizację prawa do sądu

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of delegations of judges on the right to a fair trial and public hearing of a case by a competent, autonomous, impartial and independent court, guaranteed in Article 45 par. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Although the issue of admissibility of entrusting the Minister of Justice with the competence to delegate judges has already been discussed in the doctrine and judicial decisions, the introduction of significant changes in the scope of functioning of the judiciary, as well as the recently established practice of delegating judges by the Minister of Justice justify the necessity of re-analysing this subject matter. Deliberations herein lead to a conclusion that delegation of judges may be a mechanism of depending the court on the executive, whereas, the participation in the judicial panel of a judge delegated by the Minister of Justice casts doubt on the court’s attributes of competence, autonomy, independence and impartiality.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza wpływu delegowania sędziów na realizację prawa do sprawiedliwego i jawnego rozpatrzenia sprawy przez właściwy, niezależny, bezstronny i niezawisły sąd, zagwarantowanego w art. 45 ust. 1 Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Chociaż problem dopuszczalności powierzenia Ministrowi Sprawiedliwości kompetencji do delegowania sędziów był już wcześniej podnoszony w doktrynie i orzecznictwie, to jednak wprowadzenie istotnych zmian w zakresie funkcjonowania wymiaru sprawiedliwości, jak również ukształtowana w ostatnim czasie praktyka delegowania sędziów przez Ministra Sprawiedliwości uzasadniają konieczność ponownego przeanalizowania tej problematyki. Rozważania podjęte w artykule prowadzą do wniosku, że instytucja delegowania sędziego może być mechanizmem uzależnienia sądu od władzy wykonawczej, zaś fakt zasiadania w składzie sędziowskim sędziego delegowanego przez Ministra Sprawiedliwości poddaje pod wątpliwość atrybuty sądu w postaci jego właściwości, niezależności, niezawisłości oraz bezstronności

    Freiheits- und Sozialrechte im modernen Verfassungsstaat

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    Simplified fabrication of complex multilayer microfluidics: enabling sophisticated lab-on-a-chip and point-of-care platforms

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    Complex multilayer microfluidics have generated a lot of interest in recent years. Early research introduced elastomer microvalves and postulated they would bring about a revolution for microfluidic systems, similar in scale to introduction of the transistor for electronic systems. In the following years, many researchers have been active in the use of complex multilayer microfluidic systems, with numerous high impact research outcomes using these systems as precise and active control components, providing fluidic isolation, switching or fluidic actuation, and allowing unprecedented sophistication and precise control and automation of experimental conditions. While application of complex multilayer microfluidic platforms has been demonstrated in numerous research settings, there is little evidence that the technology has become ubiquitously accepted, with a lack of evidence for point-of-care application, or widespread acceptance within the research community. While the advantages that the technology offers have been well documented, the field seems to have failed to gain traction, or facilitate the revolution that was predicted on its introduction. There are various possible explanations for this lack of acceptance, as with any technology, there are caveats to the application of complex multilayer microfluidic systems, however given the broad range of demonstrated applications, it is unlikely that the bottleneck in their application is related to a fundamental application related limitation. In contrast, fabrication technology utilised in realisation of complex multilayer microfluidic systems, has not advanced at the same rate to the multitude of application-based publications in the past decade. This thesis explores the hypothesis that one of the fundamental limiting factors in widespread application of complex multilayer microfluidic systems, is related to the challenges associated with fabrication of these systems. To explore this hypothesis, firstly, a new fabrication approach is introduced which aims to eliminate many of the challenges associated with traditional multilayer fabrication methods, this technique is demonstrated in a proof of concept capacity, fabricating common multilayer microfluidic structures and doing so with surprising ease. Having developed method with simpler fabrication, it is possible to explore whether overcoming the multilayer fabrication bottleneck would allow the advantages inherent to complex multilayer microfluidic systems to be applied to fields which would otherwise be considered prohibitively difficult, if reliant on traditional fabrication methods. This hypothesis is investigated through harnessing the new, simplified fabrication technique to advance point-of-care photonic biosensor research through short term collaborative engagements.  It is found that the use of modular building blocks and the simple, rapid fabrication enables sophisticated microfluidic chip prototypes to be developed in a very short period of time achieving multiple iterations over a matter of weeks and even facilitating collaboration on these integrated platforms remotely. The outcomes of these short-term collaborations have produced publications automating the fluid handling of highly sensitive interferometric waveguide biosensors and environmental control for a single cell analysis platform utilising integrated plasmonic biosensors.       Having demonstrated that simplifying complex microfluidic fabrication can accelerate the development and deployment of these systems to enhance research platforms, the next step was to explore whether this simplified system could also lower the barrier to deployment in a clinical setting. The ability for the fluidic system to handle whole blood was chosen as a deliberately challenging target with great sensitivity to fluid dynamics and large variability in patient samples and environmental factors, requiring large number of replicate devices to determine statistical significance. Here the fabrication technique is applied to enable a study investigating the hemocompatibility of common multilayer control components, paving the way for point of care blood handling devices.  It is shown that not only can the technique be used to rapidly develop platforms that can be used with blood, but the same technique can produce even hundreds of replicates required for limited clinical trials, leading the collaborating clinicians to seriously consider these complex microfluidics for future point of care diagnostics. In Summary, it has been demonstrated that access to complex multilayer microfluidic systems without the fabrication overheads generally associated with these systems can allow their application to areas that would otherwise be prohibitively difficult. The fabrication method presented can allow rapid development, and rapid and reliable deployment to various research applications, while allowing the consistency and throughput required enabling large volume fabrication required for clinical investigations.  The fact that such a large advancement toward real world application within the scope of a single PhD is possible, supports the hypothesis that lowering the barrier to fabricating complex microfluidic devices has the potential to significantly increase their scope of application

    Das Verschwinden der Sinnfrage

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    An automated optofluidic biosensor platform combining interferometric sensors and injection moulded microfluidics

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    A primary limitation preventing practical implementation of photonic biosensors within point-of-care platforms is their integration with fluidic automation subsystems. For most diagnostic applications, photonic biosensors require complex fluid handling protocols; this is especially prominent in the case of competitive immunoassays, commonly used for detection of low-concentration, low-molecular weight biomarkers. For this reason, complex automated microfluidic systems are needed to realise the full point-of-care potential of photonic biosensors. To fulfil this requirement, we propose an on-chip valve-based microfluidic automation module, capable of automating such complex fluid handling. This module is realised through application of a PDMS injection moulding fabrication technique, recently described in our previous work, which enables practical fabrication of normally closed pneumatically actuated elastomeric valves. In this work, these valves are configured to achieve multiplexed reagent addressing for an on-chip diaphragm pump, providing the sample and reagent processing capabilities required for automation of cyclic competitive immunoassays. Application of this technique simplifies fabrication and introduces the potential for mass production, bringing point-of-care integration of complex automated microfluidics into the realm of practicality. This module is integrated with a highly sensitive, label-free bimodal waveguide photonic biosensor, and is demonstrated in the context of a proof-of-concept biosensing assay, detecting the low-molecular weight antibiotic tetracycline

    Super-resolution:A comprehensive survey

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    Exploring novel therapeutic strategies in neuroblastoma

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most frequently diagnosed extracranial tumour in children, which arises from transient embryonal tissue of the neural crest that fails to complete terminal differentiation into neurons. Even after completion of successful therapy, high risk neuroblastoma patients typically suffer from post-treatment induced toxicity which impacts on their ability to lead a normal life. Traditional protocols including chemotherapeutic and radiation therapy treatments are associated with toxic side effects due to a lack of specificity for malignant cells. Therefore, a rapidly expanding panel of targeted therapy agents are actively being explored. One example of targeted therapy is the use of small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), a number of which have been developed and FDA approved as cancer therapeutics. Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is one such TKI target in NB, where genetic analysis has identified ALK mutations in both sporadic and inherited NB, and at a higher frequency in relapsed cases. ALK TKIs are currently employed in adult ALK-positive cancer patients where they elicit good responses, prior to development of resistance. In this thesis, we have focused on improving our understanding of known and novel molecular pathways involved in NB progression for further targeting (study I and III). We also tested a recently developed novel ALK TKI (study II) in a preclinical setting as an alternative strategy to treat NB patients in the future

    Aktywizm sędziowski w Polsce - uwagi na tle uchwały składu połączonych Izb: Cywilnej, Karnej oraz Pracy i Ubezpieczeń Społecznych

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    The paper aims at analyzing the phenomenon of judicial activism in Poland against the background of a resolution of the formation of the combined Civil Chamber, Criminal Chamber and Labor Law and Social Security Chamber of the Supreme Court of 23 January 2020 (BSA I-4110-1/20). The author discusses the Supreme Court’s powers to resolve divergences in the interpretation of law and then provides an analysis of the nature of the resolution of the Supreme Court. The considerations made in the context of the paper lead to the conclusion that in situations of a threat to the rule of law the courts not only have a right but also an obligation to take active measures to protect the common good.Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 23 stycznia 2020 r. (BSA I-4110-1/20) Celem artykułu jest analiza zjawiska aktywizmu sędziowskiego w Polsce na tle uchwały składu połączonych izb: Cywilnej, Karnej oraz Pracy i Ubezpieczeń Społecznych Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 23 stycznia 2020 r. (BSA I-4110-1/20). Autor omawia kompetencję Sądu Najwyższego do rozstrzygania rozbieżności w wykładni przepisów prawa, a następnie dokonuje oceny znaczenia uchwały Sądu Najwyższego w kontekście zjawiska aktywizmu sędziowskiego. Rozważania podjęte na gruncie niniejszej pracy prowadzą do wniosku, że w sytuacji zagrożenia dla praworządności, sądy nie tylko mają prawo, lecz także obowiązek podjąć aktywne działania na rzecz ochrony dobra wspólnego

    Concession in Geological and Mining Law in the light of the recent legislative change

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    The aim of the article is to discuss the amendment to the Act of 9 June 2011 – Geological and Mining Law (Journal of Laws from 2017, item 2126 with further amendments), as a consequence of the entry into force of the Act of 6 March 2018–Law of Entrepreneurs (Journal of Laws from 2018,item 646), as well as the assessment of relevance of the changes devised. The author analyzes in detail a legal nature of the concession and then the changes introduced to the Geological and Mining Law in Chapter I of Section III, concerning concession rules. Paying particular attention to the context, causes and effects of the changes, the author indicates that the amendment was in fact only a technical activity, however, not devoid of the practical significance. This article attempts to answer the question whether the legislative practice of transferring general provisions to the sectorial act, which is undoubtedly the Geological and Mining Law, will contribute to a better understanding of the regulations among their potential recipients

    Parliamentary inviolability and COVID-19

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    Opracowanie jest poświęcone relacjom pomiędzy instytucją nietykalności parlamentarnej a niektórymi rozwiązaniami stosowanymi w celu zapobiegania lub zwalczania chorób zakaźnych, w tym COVID-19. Z art. 105 ust. 5 Konstytucji RP wynika zakaz pozbawiania lub ograniczania wolności członka parlamentu bez zgody właściwej izby, z wyjątkiem ujęcia go na gorącym uczynku popełnienia przestępstwa i jeżeli jego zatrzymanie jest niezbędne do zapewnienia prawidłowego toku postępowania. Tymczasem w przepisach przeciwepidemicznych odnoszących się m.in. do COVID-19 przewidziano rozwiązania, takie jak kwarantanna, izolacja domowa czy przymusowa hospitalizacja, które kolidują z literalnie odczytywaną konstytucyjną regulacją nietykalności parlamentarnej. W stosunku do osób opierających się zastosowaniu wymienionych rozwiązań istnieje możliwość skorzystania ze środków przymusu bezpośredniego. Autorzy, opierając się na skonstruowanej przez Trybunał Konstytucyjny koncepcji oceny wartości dóbr prawnie chronionych, dochodzą do wniosku, że pomimo braku wyraźnej regulacji konstytucyjnej w tym zakresie, jest możliwe zastosowanie przepisów przeciwepidemicznych w stosunku do członków polskiego parlamentu. W tym przypadku takie wartości jak życie i zdrowie ludzi przeważają nad dobrem prawnym chronionym przez nietykalność parlamentarną.The article is devoted to the relationship between the institution of parliamentary inviolability and certain measures used to prevent or combat infectious diseases, including COVID- 19. Article 105 sec. 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland prohibits deprivation or restriction of freedom of a member of parliament without the consent of the competent chamber, except his apprehension in the act of committing a crime and if a detention is necessary to ensure the proper course of the proceedings. At the same time, anti-epidemic regulations relating, inter alia, to COVID-19, provides for the possibility to apply measures such as quarantine, home isolation or forced hospitalization that appear to conflict with constitutional regulation of parliamentary inviolability. Furthermore, the law foresees a possibility to apply direct coercion to people resisting the application of such measures. The authors, relying on the concept of assessing the value of legally protected goods, developed by Constitutional Tribunal, conclude that, despite the lack of an explicit constitutional regulation in this regard, it is possible to apply anti-epidemic regulations to members of the Polish parliament. In this case, values such as human life and health prevail over the legal good protected by the institution of parliamentary inviolability