393 research outputs found

    Comments on Intracellular Studies of Presynaptic Inhibition

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    The use of intracellular electrodes, e.g., (micropipettes), in electrophysiological studies of the central nervous system, has enhanced our understanding of the basic function of the nervous system. The purpose of this paper is to review a study in which this microtechnique was successfully employed in the spinal cord

    Efficiency of MEMS Inertial Sensors Used in Low-dynamics Application

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    The analysis presents the performance of navigation application driven with MEMS and FOG inertial sensors. The inertial sensors were working under conditions simulating a potential robotic mission, which reduce accuracy of some of the navigation applications. Empirical results of the test confirm degradation of the navigation system performance in the presented demanding mission. Influence of the testing conditions and of the inertial sensor technology is presented and discussed in the paper

    Analysis of users of computer games

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    Uwarunkowania wykorzystania gier komputerowych w procesie nauczania

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    The major goal of this article is to analyse the behaviour of e-gamers and their opinion regarding possibility to use computer games in didactic process at the university or other higher education institutions. The research was done randomly in an academic environment, using questionnaires, distributed via the Internet. This article is to continue the set of articles dedicated to the analysis of e-gamers profile and environment that he/she belongs to. The current research is focused on behavioural patterns of e-gamers and possibility to use computer games to support didactic process at universities. After gathering results of questionnaires, the authors discussed those results and accompanied conclusions. Głównym celem artykułu jest analiza zachowań e-graczy i ich opinie dotyczące wykorzystania gier komputerowych w procesie dydaktycznym na uniwersytecie lub w innej instytucji edukacyjnej. Badania dokonano losowo w środowisku akademickim, używając ankiet rozprowadzanych przez Internet. Artykuł ten jest kontynuacją serii opracowań dedykowanej analizie profii e-graczy i środowiska, do którego oni należą. Badanie koncentruje się na tworzeniu wzorców zachowań e-graczy i możliwości zastosowania gier komputerowych do wspomagania procesu dydaktycznego na uniwersytetach. Po uzyskaniu wyników badań ankietowych autorzy przeprowadzili dyskusję wyników i wyciągnęli wnioski z badań

    Attitudes of students toward people with disabilities, moral identity and inclusive education : a two-level analysis

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    Background : attitudes toward people with disabilities are a frequent subject of studies. However, there are few complex studies with personal explanatory variables. Thus, in our study we have conducted an analysis at both the individual and classroom level, as well as we have examined between-levels interactions. Methods: 1525 students without disabilities participated in the cross-sectional study, in which we analyzed attitudes toward people with disabilities, and moral identity in traditional and in inclusive classroom settings. Results: the results show that individual and classroom moral identity, as well as learning in an inclusive classroom, predict a reduction of negative attitudes toward people with disabilities. Moreover, we have reported some interesting interactions between these two levels. Conclusions: the results obtained are important for educational practice

    Theory of mind goes to school : does educational environment influence the development of theory of mind in middle childhood?

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    Previous research has shown that the development of theory of mind (ToM) depends on various individual and social factors, but very little research has examined the role of the natural educational environment in the development of ToM in middle childhood. In accordance with the importance of social factors in development, in this longitudinal study of 156 typically developing children, we investigated whether educational setting - classes containing children with disabilities (inclusive) or without such children (general education) - is associated with enhanced ToM development. ToM was measured with the ToM Scale, the Chocolate task and the Faux Pas Recognition Test. Analysis showed that ToM development was better among children educated in inclusive classes than among those educated in traditional classes. The results have implications for ToM development among children with and without disabilities as well as for educational practice

    Źródła do historii Polaków w Rosji sowieckiej i ZSRR w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym w zbiorach proweniencji sowieckiej w Archiwum Instytutu Hoovera

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    The article presents an analysis of the post-Soviet collections preserved in the Hoover Archives conducted through the lens of Polish issues. In the proposed approach, the history of the Polish nation in the twentieth century is not limited to the history of the Polish state and Polish citizens. The research possibilities offered by the Hoover Institution make it possible to broaden the field of research into the Soviet issues based on materials of the Soviet provenance difficult to access in their place of permanent storage.Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza zbiorów posowieckich w zasobach Archiwum Instytutu Hoovera przeprowadzona pod kątem polskiej problematyki. W prezentowanym ujęciu dzieje narodu polskiego w XX w. nie ograniczają się do historii państwa polskiego i osób będących obywatelami polskimi. Możliwości badawcze oferowane przez amerykańską placówkę pozwalają na rozszerzenie obszaru badań sowietologicznych w oparciu o trudno dostępne w miejscu stałego przechowywania materiały proweniencji sowieckiej

    Examining the effectiveness of naturalistic social skills training in developing social skills and theory of mind in preschoolers with ASD

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    We compared the effectiveness of two programs for developing social skills, ‘Play Time/Social Time’ (PT/ST) and ‘I Can Problem Solve’ (ICPS), in improving the social skills and theory of mind (ToM) of preschoolers with ASD. The experiment took place in a classroom setting. Fifty-two children attended and data were analyzed with latent growth curve models. Comparison with a control group indicated that both programs were effective in developing social skills. The PT/ST program was more effective than ICPS in developing interaction skills; both programs improved children’s ability to cope with difficult social situations. The ICPS program was marginally effective in developing ToM when compared with PT/ST and control condition. These results are relevant to children with ASD and their teachers