240 research outputs found

    Gene fusions in vascular tumors and their underlying molecular mechanisms

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    Introduction: The group of vascular tumors contains many different entities, and is considered difficult by pathologists, as they often have overlapping histological characteristics. Chromosomal translocations have been identified in similar to 20% of mesenchymal tumors and are considered the drivers of tumor formation. Many translocations have been discovered over the past decade through next-generation sequencing. This technological advancement has also revealed several recurrent gene fusions in vascular tumors.Areas covered: This review will discuss the various vascular tumors for which recurrent gene fusions have been identified. The gene fusions and the presumed molecular mechanisms underlying tumorigenesis are shown, and potential implications for targeted therapies discussed. The identification of these gene fusions in vascular tumors has improved diagnostic accuracy, especially since several of these fusions can be easily detected using surrogate immunohistochemical markers.Expert opinion: The identification of gene fusions in a subset of vascular tumors over the past decade has improved diagnostic accuracy, and has provided the pathologists with novel diagnostic tools to accurately diagnose these often difficult tumors. Moreover, the increased understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms can guide the development of targeted therapeutic strategies.Molecular tumour pathology - and tumour geneticsMTG

    NFATC2 (nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2)

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    Review on NFATC2 (nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 2), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Nodular fasciitis: a comprehensive, time-correlated investigation of 17 cases

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    The self-limited nature of nodular fasciitis (NF) is well-known but its precise mechanism has not yet been clarified. We observed that "young" NF (preoperative duration 3 months) (similar to 20%). Thus, we hypothesized that our original observation may reflect a connection with the self-limited nature of NF. Seventeen cases with reliable data concerning the onset were selected, thus approximating the lifetime of each tumor. Besides the USP6 interphase FISH examination, we also checked the most common MYH9-USP6 fusion using RT-PCR. Because of the known pathways of the tumorigenesis of NF, the mRNA level of USP6, TRAIL, IFN-beta, JAK1, STAT1, STAT3, JUN, and CDKN2A was measured using qRT-PCR. Regarding proteins, USP6, p16, p27, TRAIL, and IFN-beta were examined using immunohistochemistry. Targeted gene panel next-generation sequencing (NGS) of three cases was additionally performed. We found a strong negative correlation (p = 0.000) between the lifetime and percentage of USP6 break-apart signals and a strong positive relationship (p = 0.000) between USP6 break-apart signals and mitotic counts. Results of immunostainings, along with qRT-PCR results, favored the previously-suggested USP6-induced negative feedback mechanism through activation of TRAIL and IFN-beta, likely resulting in apoptosis and senescence of tumor cells harboring USP6 fusions. Targeted-NGS resulted in the detection of several variants, but no additional recurrent changes in the pathogenesis of these tumors. We revealed on a cellular level the USP6-induced negative feedback mechanism. In conclusion, we emphasize that in "old" NF, the percentage of USP6 break-apart FISH signals can be as low as 14-27% which can be very important from a differential diagnostic point of view. We emphasize that a careful examination and interpretation of the NGS data is needed before clinical decision-making on treatment.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Multiplex ligatiofüggő szondaamplifikáció az onkohematológiai kutatásban és diagnosztikában

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    Absztrakt: A malignus hematológiai betegségek kialakulását, progresszióját, illetve terápiával szemben mutatott rezisztenciáját kísérő genetikai eltéréseket ma már egyre alaposabban ismerjük. A klinikailag releváns abnormalitásoknak a mindennapi diagnosztika keretein belül való célzott kimutatása gyors, megbízható és költséghatékony módszereket igényel. A multiplex ligatiofüggő szondaamplifikáció a genomikus kópiaszám-eltérések vizsgálatának hatékony eszköze, mellyel 55–60 lókusz egyidejűleg analizálható. Az eljárás lehetőséget nyújt prognosztikai és prediktív markerek átfogó felderítésére, így alkalmazása hatékonyan kombinálható a kariotipizálással és fluoreszcencia in situ hibridizációval, melyek jelenleg a legelterjedtebb diagnosztikus technikák citogenetikai aberrációk kimutatására. Ezenkívül a módszer képes a metilációs státusz célzott meghatározására és specifikus mutációk detektálására is, 24 órán belül eredményt szolgáltatva. Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk a multiplex ligatiofüggő szondaamplifikáció technikai hátterét, összefoglaljuk előnyeit és korlátait, valamint megbeszéljük az onkohematológiai kutatásban és diagnosztikában betöltött szerepét. Végezetül, az új generációs szekvenáláshoz kapcsolódó, közelmúltbeli technológiai újítások fényében tárgyaljuk a módszerben rejlő jövőbeli lehetőségeket. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(15): 583–592. | Abstract: Genetic abnormalities associated with the development, progression and treatment resistance of hematological malignancies are extensively characterized. Rapid, reliable and cost-efficient techniques are needed to screen the clinically relevant aberrations in routine diagnostics. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification is an efficient tool to analyze genomic copy number aberrations at 55–60 different genomic loci. The method allows the profiling of prognostic and predictive markers; thus, it can efficiently be combined with karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization, the most commonly used diagnostic techniques to detect cytogenetic lesions. Furthermore, the method can interrogate methylation status and unravel point mutations at specific sites, providing results in 24 hours. Here, we describe the technical background of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, summarize its advantages and limitations as well as discuss its role in oncohematological diagnostics and research. Finally, future outlook is provided, with emphasis on recent technological advances related to next-generation sequencing. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(15): 583–592

    Unraveling the resistance of IGF-pathway inhibition in ewing sarcoma

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    Simple SummaryThe insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) is a receptor commonly overexpressed and overactivated in a variety of cancers, including Ewing sarcoma, and promotes cell growth and survival. After promising results with targeting and inhibiting the receptor in vitro, multiple different IGF1R targeting compounds have been clinically tried but showed limited efficacy. Here we discuss several possible resistance mechanisms which could explain why IGF1R targeting fails in the clinic and discuss possible ways to overcome these resistances.Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) inhibitors are effective in preclinical studies, but so far, no convincing benefit in clinical studies has been observed, except in some rare cases of sustained response in Ewing sarcoma patients. The mechanism of resistance is unknown, but several hypotheses are proposed. In this review, multiple possible mechanisms of resistance to IGF-targeted therapies are discussed, including activated insulin signaling, pituitary-driven feedback loops through growth hormone (GH) secretion and autocrine loops. Additionally, the outcomes of clinical trials of IGF1-targeted therapies are discussed, as well as strategies to overcome the possible resistance mechanisms. In conclusion, lowering the plasma insulin levels or blocking its activity could provide an additional target in cancer therapy in combination with IGF1 inhibition. Furthermore, because Ewing sarcoma cells predominantly express the insulin receptor A (IRA) and healthy tissue insulin receptor B (IRB), it may be possible to synthesize a specific IRA inhibitor.Metabolic health: pathophysiological trajectories and therap

    Expanding the editable genome and CRISPR-Cas9 versatility using DNA cutting-free gene targeting based on in trans paired nicking

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    Genome editing typically involves recombination between donor nucleic acids and acceptor genomic sequences subjected to double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) made by programmable nucleases (e.g. CRISPR-Cas9). Yet, nucleases yield off-target mutations and, most pervasively, unpredictable target allele disruptions. Remarkably, to date, the untoward phenotypic consequences of disrupting allelic and non-allelic (e.g. pseudogene) sequences have received scant scrutiny and, crucially, remain to be addressed. Here, we demonstrate that gene-edited cells can lose fitness as a result of DSBs at allelic and non-allelic target sites and report that simultaneous single-stranded DNA break formation at donor and acceptor DNA by CRISPR-Cas9 nickases (in trans paired nicking) mostly overcomes such disruptive genotype-phenotype associations. Moreover, in trans paired nicking gene editing can efficiently and precisely add large DNA segments into essential and multiple-copy genomic sites. As shown herein by genotyping assays and high-throughput genome-wide sequencing of DNA translocations, this is achieved while circumventing most allelic and non-allelic mutations and chromosomal rearrangements characteristic of nuclease-dependent procedures. Our work demonstrates that in trans paired nicking retains target protein dosages in gene-edited cell populations and expands gene editing to chromosomal tracts previously not possible to modify seamlessly due to their recurrence in the genome or essentiality for cell function.Stem cells & developmental biolog

    Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of bone of the femur and humerus: a case report and review of the literature

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    Lymphoma of bone is a rare neoplasm composed of malignant lymphoid cells, producing a tumefactive lesion within bone. We report a 13-year-old male who presented with progressively increasing swellings at the right shoulder and right mid-thigh for one month. Radiological images revealed lytic destructive lesions associated with soft tissue masses in both sites and a pathological fracture on the right humerus. The patient had no significant medical history. Histological, immunohistochemical and fluorescent in-situ hybridization assessment of biopsies from the lesions confirmed the diagnosis of primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma of bone. Unfortunately, due to coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, the patient was unable to follow-up treatment and died shortly after establishment of the diagnosis. Delay in diagnosis and treatment is of serious concern when it comes to improve the prognosis of patients with this disease.Cancer Signaling networks and Molecular Therapeutic

    Mesenchymal stromal cells of osteosarcoma patients do not show evidence of neoplastic changes during long-term culture

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    Background: In vitro expanded mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are increasingly used as experimental cellular therapy. However, there have been concerns regarding the safety of their use, particularly with regard to possible oncogenic transformation. MSCs are the hypothesized precursor cells of high-grade osteosarcoma, a tumor with often complex karyotypes occurring mainly in adolescents and young adults.Methods: To determine if MSCs from osteosarcoma patients could be predisposed to malignant transformation we cultured MSCs of nine osteosarcoma patients and five healthy donors for an average of 649 days (range 601679 days). Also, we compared MSCs derived from osteosarcoma patients at diagnosis and from healthy donors using genome wide gene expression profiling.Results: Upon increasing passage, increasing frequencies of binucleate cells were detected, but no increase in proliferation suggestive of malignant transformation occurred in MSCs from either patients or donors. Hematopoietic cell specific Lyn substrate 1 (HLCS1) was differentially expressed (fold change 0.25, P value 0.0005) between MSCs of osteosarcoma patients (n = 14) and healthy donors (n = 9).Conclusions: This study shows that although HCLS1 expression was downregulated in MSCs of osteosarcoma patients and binucleate cells were present in both patient and donor derived MSCs, there was no evidence of neoplastic changes to occur during long-term culture