32 research outputs found

    Conceptualizing professional development in mathematics: elements of a model

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    This theoretical paper discusses the concept of models for mathematics professional development. After examining the related literature, we propose a definition of this concept that includes four elements: goals, theories, contexts, and structure. We present aspects of professional development that comprise each element

    Designing Professional Learning Tasks for Mathematics Learning Trajectories

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    In this paper, we present an emerging set of learning conjectures and design principles to be used in the development of professional learning tasks that support elementary teachers’ learning of mathematics learning trajectories. We outline our theoretical perspective on teacher knowledge of learning trajectories, review the literature concerning mathematics professional learning tasks, offer a set of initial conjectures about teacher learning of learning trajectories, and articulate a set of principles to guide the design of tasks. We conclude with an example of one learning trajectory professional learning task taken from our current research project

    Mathematics Professional Development Researchers as Stakeholders

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    In this paper I argue that since the publication of The Reflective Practitioner (Schön, 1983), mathematics professional development researchers have focused on bringing teachers’ knowledge to the foreground, leaving behind the value of their own research community’s knowledge. I revisit Schön’s criticism of the technical rationality and use examples from my own practice in mathematics professional development to suggest that instead of continuing to reject technical rationality, mathematics professional development researchers should consider a revised version of it to move the field forward: one that values both teachers’ and researchers’ knowledge

    Designing professional learning tasks for mathematics learning trajectories

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    In this paper, we present an emerging set of learning conjectures and design principles to be used in the development of professional learning tasks that support elementary teachers’ learning of mathematics learning trajectories. We outline our theoretical perspective on teacher knowledge of learning trajectories, review the literature concerning mathematics professional learning tasks, offer a set of initial conjectures about teacher learning of learning trajectories, and articulate a set of principles to guide the design of tasks. We conclude with an example of one learning trajectory professional learning task taken from our current research project.Diseño de tareas de aprendizaje profesional para trayectorias de aprendizaje de matemáticasEn este artículo, presentamos un conjunto emergente de conjeturas de aprendizaje y de principios de diseño para ser empleados en el desarrollo de tareas de aprendizaje profesional que apoyan el aprendizaje de trayectorias de aprendizaje de matemáticas de maestros de primaria. Describimos brevemente nuestra perspectiva teórica sobre el conocimiento del profesor acerca de trayectorias de aprendizaje; revisamos la literatura sobre tareas de aprendizaje profesional, presentamos un conjunto de conjeturas iniciales acerca del aprendizaje del profesor sobre trayectorias de aprendizaje; y articulamos un conjunto de principios para guiar el diseño de tareas. Concluimos con un ejemplo de una tarea de aprendizaje profesional que ha sido tomada de nuestro proyecto de investigación actual.Handle: http://hdl.handle.net/10481/24791Nº de citas en WOS (2017): 3 (Citas de 2º orden, 2)Nº de citas en SCOPUS (2017): 3 (Citas de 2º orden, 1

    Diseño de tareas de aprendizaje profesional para trayectorias de aprendizaje de matemáticas

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    In this paper, we present an emerging set of learning conjectures and design principles to be used in the development of professional learning tasks that support elementary teachers’ learning of mathematics learning trajectories. We outline our theoretical perspective on teacher knowledge of learning trajectories, review the literature concerning mathematics professional learning tasks, offer a set of initial conjectures about teacher learning of learning trajectories, and articulate a set of principles to guide the design of tasks. We conclude with an example of one learning trajectory professional learning task taken from our current research project.En este artículo, presentamos un conjunto emergente de conjeturas de aprendizaje y de principios de diseño para ser empleados en el desarrollo de tareas de aprendizaje profesional que apoyan el aprendizaje de trayectorias de aprendizaje de matemáticas de maestros de primaria. Describimos brevemente nuestra perspectiva teórica sobre el conocimiento del profesor acerca de trayectorias de aprendizaje; revisamos la literatura sobre tareas de aprendizaje profesional, presentamos un conjunto de conjeturas iniciales acerca del aprendizaje del profesor sobre trayectorias de aprendizaje; y articulamos un conjunto de principios para guiar el diseño de tareas. Concluimos con un ejemplo de una tarea de aprendizaje profesional que ha sido tomada de nuestro proyecto de investigación actual.The research reported is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number DRL-1008364. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation

    Conceptualización del desarrollo profesional en matemáticas: Elementos de un modelo

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    This theoretical paper discusses the concept of models for mathematics professional development. After examining the related literature, we propose a definition of this concept that includes four elements: goals, theories, contexts, and structure. We present aspects of professional development that comprise each element.En este artículo teórico discutimos sobre el concepto de modelos para el desarrollo profesional en matemáticas. Después de examinar la literatura relacionada, proponemos una definición de este concepto que incluye cuatro elementos: metas, teorías, contextos y estructura. Presentamos los aspectos del desarrollo profesional que abarca cada elemento

    Using design experiments to conduct research on mathematics professional development

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    In this paper, we propose that the emerging transformation of mathematics professional development from a practice-based to a research field would benefit from stronger connections to research on learning. In particular, we contend that design experiments represent a premier emerging methodology to study learning, and we argue that a better understanding of teacher learning through the use of design experiments in mathematics professional development can lead to improvement of mathematics professional development as both an area of practice and a field of research

    Using Design Experiments to Conduct Research on Mathematics Professional Development

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    In this paper, we propose that the emerging transformation of mathematics professional development from a practice-based to a research field would benefit from stronger connections to research on learning. In particular, we contend that design experiments represent a premier emerging methodology to study learning, and we argue that a better understanding of teacher learning through the use of design experiments in mathematics professional development can lead to improvement of mathematics professional development as both an area of practice and a field of research

    Olhando Teresa e pensando parâmetrosp.51-67

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    O presente trabalho pretende enriquecer a discussão sobre Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais através do estudo de caso de uma professora que se depara com um documento curricular e tenta implementá-lo em sua sala de aula. O documento em questão é o Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 1989) e Teresa, a professora, leciona na terceira série primária. Apesar das diferenças entre o caso americano e a realidade brasileira, olhando as dificuldade enfrentadas por Teresa, podemos pensar nas dificuldades que a implementação dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais gerará para o ensino de Matemática, trazendo novas questões para o debate sobre a mudança curricular. Palavras-chave Currículo; Reforma; Prática educacional Abstract This article adds to the discussion on curriculum initiated by the publication of Brazilian national curriculum guidelines. It does so through the case study a third grade teacher, Teresa, who faces the challenge of implementing in her classroom the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM, 1989). Although the Standards is an American document, and despite the differences between American and Brazilian realities, understanding the difficulties Teresa had helps us think about the problems one will have when implementing the Brazilian document, and brings new questions to the debate on mathematics curriculum change. direction to prepare professionals ready to act at the XXI century. Keywords Curriculum; Reform; Educational practic