11 research outputs found


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    The study aimed to determine the differences between exercise intensities at the anaerobic threshold values (VAT) calculated with methods of lactate curve analysis such as LTvisual, LTloglog, LT4.0, LTΔ1, and LTD-max, and to build regression equations that allow athletic training specialists to compare VAT values obtained from LTvisual, LTloglog, LTΔ1, LTD-max with that calculated with LT4.0. The sample analysed during the study consisted of 19 judoka and 22 MMA practitioners in a preparation period for competition. Each of the two disciplines has its own hierarchy of VAT values. The analysis aimed to determine the effect of the athletic discipline factor and of the method factor on VAT values. Results: The coefficient of variation (CV) values obtained indicate that the effective exercise intensities have bigger variation in judoka aerobic endurance training. VAT values assessed for judoka using different methods for analysing the blood lactate concentration curve are more consistent than in MMA competitors. Conclusions: Judo and MMA competitors have their specific hierarchies of running velocities at the anaerobic threshold, with both the athletic discipline factor and the method factor having an interaction effect on the VAT level. VAT levels assessed from the different methods used to analyse the blood lactate concentration curve are more consistent (ANOM) in judoka than in MMA practitioners

    Ergometriniai jėgos ir laiko tarpusavio santykio kriterijai vertinant 18-mečių ledo ritulininkų anaerobinę galią ir pajėgumą

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    Studies of power parameters’ changes depending on a leading source of energy is conducted from the beginning of the twentieth century. The presented work is based on a method of logarithmic transformation of values in order to establish exactly the value of power at which a change in the dominant source of energy begins. The analysis was based on the values recorded during the power WAnT. The examined group consisted of hockey-players - Polish representation up to 18 years old (U-18). As a result of the analysis four specific areas of work intensity were set which were characteristic for the 30-s effort. Segment I reflects the 2nd phase of starting acceleration. Only at this moment the level of power increment is recorded. Segment II reflects the anaerobic alactic capacity, for which the holding of power at the maximal level occurs. Segment III reflects the power and high effectiveness of anaerobic glycolytic metabolism capacity, whereas segment IV reflects the rate of depletion of glycolytic anaerobic capacity with increasing share of aerobic metabolism.Galios parametrų pokyčių priklausomybės nuo vyraujančio energijos šaltinio tyrimai atliekami jau nuo XX a. pradžios. Pateikiamas darbas grindžiamas logaritminės verčių transformacijos metodu, kai siekiama tiksliai nustatyti galią, ties kuria pradeda keistis dominuojantis energijos šaltinis. Analizė remiasi duomenimis, kurie buvo užfiksuoti galios WAnT. Tiriamąją grupę sudarė Lenkijos nacionalinės ledo ritulio jaunimo komandos atstovai, jų amžius – iki 18 metų. Analizuojant buvo nustatytos keturios darbo intensyvumo zonos, kurios būdingos 30 s trukmės krūviui. I segmentas rodo antrąją, greitėjimo pradžios pradžią. Tik šiuo momentu fiksuojamas jėgos lygio sumažėjimas. II segmentas rodo anaerobinį alaktinį pajėgumą, kai jėga palaikoma aukščiausio lygio. III segmente pasireiškia jėga ir didelis anaerobinio glikolitinio metabolizmo pajėgumo efektyvumas, o IV segmentas rodo glikolitinių anaerobinių pajėgumų išsieikvojimą, kartu didėjant aerobinio metabolizmo daliai

    The direction of the changes of rates of the internal and external training load under the influence of high-altitude hypoxia on mountain bikers

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    The aim of the research carried out was to establish the direction, and scope of the changes in internal, and external load indicator values in cyclists, men, and women, in high-altitude hypoxia conditions. The participants of the study were mountain bike cyclists, members of Russian and Polish Nationals Teams (women n=11, men n=9). They have done the graded incremental exercise test at the altitude of 170 m (Lonato del Garda, Italy) and 2250 m (Livignio-Trepale Italy). In the course of effort VO2, VE, VCO2 was measured by means of K4b2 analyser (Cosmed Italy). Effort intensity was determined at ventilators thresholds VT1 (AT), and VT2. Internal and external load indicators undergo changes during physical effort in cyclists under the influence of high altitude hypoxia. In groups of men and women, the changes in indicator values reach VE: 9% and 12%, HR: 0,5% and 15, O2HR: 7% and 15%, VO2: 14% and 20% respectively, as well as a decrease in 5 and 4% of the generated power, respectively. A decrease in the generated power by 5%, higher ventilation, amounting to 10%, a higher VO2max, amounting to 17% in hypoxic conditions, in comparison with the conditions similar to those at sea level, show that it is necessary to modify training loads

    Efektivita zátěžového tréninku s využitím systému zavěšení u pacientů po infarktu myokardu

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    Cílem studie bylo posoudit účinky odporového tréninku s použitím systému zavěšení na toleranci zátěže, hodnocené zátěžovým testem, a změny vybraných echokardiografických parametrů pacientů po infarktu myokardu. Do studie bylo zařazeno 44 mužů. Subjekty byly rozděleny do dvou skupin: Standard (20) a Suspension system (24). Všechny subjekty podstoupily angioplastiku s implantací stentu. Skupiny standardních a závěsných systémů provedly 24denní program zlepšování zahrnující 22 tréninkových jednotek. Každé sezení sestávalo z vytrvalosti, obecné výdrže a silového tréninku. Namísto odporového tréninku experimentální skupina provedla vícebodová cvičení s odpruženým systémem. Statisticky významné změny v obou skupinách byly pozorovány v parametrech echokardiografického zátěžového testu, jako je doba trvání testu (p = 0,000), ujetá vzdálenost (p = 0,000), MET (p = 0,000), VO2max (p = 0,000) a SBPrest (p = 0,013). Navíc se zlepšila hodnota SBPmax ve skupině s odpruženým systémem (p = 0,035). Echokardiografický test odhalil významné zlepšení ejekční frakce levé komory u obou skupin (skupina SP p = 0,001, standardní skupina p = 0,005). Test lipidového profilu ve skupině SP odhalil statisticky významné zlepšení TC (p = 0,003), HDL (p = 0,000) a LDL (p = 0,005). Cvičení se závěsným systémem mělo pozitivní vliv na změnu úrovně tolerance zátěže, funkce levé komory a profil lipidů v krvi.The aim of the study was to assess the effects of resistance training with the use of a suspension system on exercise tolerance, evaluated through an exercise test, and the changes in selected echocardiographic parameters of patients after myocardial infarction. The study involved 44 males. The subjects were divided into two groups: Standard (20) and Suspension system (24). All the subjects had undergone an angioplasty with stent implantation. The standard and suspension system groups carried out a 24-day improvement program comprising 22 training units. Each session consisted of endurance, general stamina and resistance training. Instead of resistance training, the experimental group made multijoint exercises with a suspension system. Statistically significant changes in both groups were observed in the parameters of the echocardiographic exercise test, such as test duration (p = 0.000), distance covered (p = 0.000), MET (p = 0.000), VO2max (p = 0.000) and SBPrest (p = 0.013). Additionally, SBPmax in the suspension system group improved (p = 0.035). The echocardiographic test revealed significant improvement of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in both groups (SP group p = 0.001, standard group p = 0.005). The lipid profile test in the SP group revealed statistically significant improvement of TC (p = 0.003), HDL (p = 0.000) and LDL (p = 0.005). Training with the suspension system had a positive effect on the change of exercise tolerance level, left ventricular function and blood lipid profile

    Indoor cycling training in rehabilitation of patients after myocardial infarction

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    Background Standard endurance training used from the second stage of cardiac rehabilitation has many common features with indoor cycling training which is used in fitness clubs. In the study, an attempt was made to evaluate the usefulness of this form of training in a 24-day rehabilitation program for patients after myocardial infarction. The study examined a group of 64 patients (51.34 +/- 8.02 years) who were divided into two groups: the IC group (32 patients aged 53.40 +/- 4.31 years) with indoor cycling training instead of standard endurance training; and the ST group (32 patients aged 55.31 +/- 6.45 years) performing standard training. The level of exercise tolerance (cardiopulmonary exercise testing on a treadmill-Bruce's protocol), hemodynamic indicators of the left ventricle (echocardiography) and blood lipid profile (laboratory test) were assessed. Results In the IC group there was a significant increase in the test duration (9.21 +/- 2.02 vs 11.24 +/- 1.26 min; p < 0.001), the MET value (9.16 +/- 1.30 vs 10.73 +/- 1.23; p = 0.006) and VO(2)max (37.27 +/- 3.23 vs 39.10 +/- 3.17 ml/kg/min; p < 0.001). Parallel changes were observed in the ST group, where the following parameters improved: the test duration (9.41 +/- 0.39 vs 10.91 +/- 2.22; p < 0.001), MET value (8.65 +/- 0.25 vs 9.86 +/- 1.12; p = 0.002) and VO(2)max (36.89 +/- 6.22 vs 38.76 +/- 3.44; p < 0.001). No statistically significant changes were found in the hemodynamic indices of the left ventricle and the lipid profile. Also, the intergroup analysis did not show any statistical significance. Conclusion Based on the research results, it was found that indoor cycling training in the second phase of cardiac rehabilitation is a safe form of therapy and therefore may be an interesting alternative method to the classic bicycle ergometer exercise in the stage of early cardiac rehabilitation

    Metabolic and Cardiorespiratory Responses of Semiprofessional Football Players in Repeated Ajax Shuttle Tests and Curved Sprint Tests, and Their Relationship with Football Match Play

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    In this study, the Ajax Shuttle Test (AST) and the Curved Sprint Test (CST) were conducted on semiprofessional football players to evaluate (1) their test performance, (2) the extent of anaerobic glycolysis by measuring blood lactate, (3) performance decrement and onset of fatigue, and (4) the correlation between selected physiological variables and test performance. Thirty-two semiprofessional Polish football players participated in this study. Both AST and CST were conducted on an outdoor football ground and were conducted in two sets; each set had six repetitions. In the case of AST, the total duration for 6 repetitions of the exercise in Sets 1 and 2 were 90.63 ± 3.71 and 91.65 ± 4.24 s, respectively, whereas, in the case of CST, the respective values were 46.8 ± 0.56 and 47.2 ± 0.66 s. Peak blood lactate concentration [La] after Sets 1 and 2 of AST were 14.47 ± 3.77 and 15.00 ± 1.85 mmol/L, and in the case of CST, the values were 8.17 ± 1.32 and 9.78 ± 1.35 mmol/L, respectively. Performance decrement in AST was more than in CST, both after Set 1 (4.32 ± 1.43 and 3.31 ± 0.96 in AST and CST, respectively) and Set 2 (7.95 ± 3.24 and 3.71 ± 1.02 in AST and CST, respectively). Only in a few of the repetitions, pulmonary ventilation (VE) and oxygen uptake (VO2) were found to be significantly correlated with the performance of the volunteers in both AST and CST. Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was significantly correlated with most of the repetitions of AST, but not with CST. The study concludes that (1) AST shows more dependence on the anaerobic glycolytic system than shorter repetitive sprints (as in CST), (2) there is more performance decrement and fatigue in AST than in CST, and (3) early decrease in performance and fatigue in the semiprofessional football players in AST and CST may be due to the insufficiency of their aerobic energy system

    Využití vibračního tréninku u mužů po infarktu myokardu

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    Cílem studie bylo zhodnotit účinky aplikovaného celotělového vibračního tréninku (WBV) jako doplňkového tréninku ke standardnímu rehabilitačnímu programu na toleranci zátěže, hodnocenou zátěžovým testem, krevní lipidový profil a změny vybraných echokardiografických parametrů pacientů po infarktu myokardu. Studie se zúčastnilo 63 mužů. Subjekty byly rozděleny do dvou skupin: standardní – ST (27) a s vibračním tréninkem – ST + WBV (36). Všichni jedinci podstoupili angioplastiku s implantací stentu. Standardní a vibrační tréninková skupina absolvovala 24denní program zahrnující 22 tréninkových jednotek. Každá lekce se skládala z tréninku vytrvalosti, obecné výdrže a odporový trénink. Místo odporového tréninku experimentální skupina prováděla cvičení na vibrační plošině. Statisticky významné změny v obou skupinách byly pozorovány v parametrech echokardiografického zátěžového testu, jako je délka testu (p < 0,001), překonaná vzdálenost (p < 0,001), MET (p < 0,001), VO2max (p < 0,001) a HRrest (p < 0,01). Echokardiografický test odhalil signifikantní zlepšení ejekční frakce levé komory v obou skupinách (skupina ST + WBV p = 0,024, skupina ST p = 0,005). Nebyly zjištěny žádné statisticky významné změny v profilu krevních lipidů, tělesné hmotnosti a složení těla.The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of the applied whole-body vibration training (WBV) as additional training to standard rehabilitation programme on exercise tolerance, evaluated through an exercise test, blood lipid profile, and the changes in selected echocardiographic parameters of patients after myocardial infarction. The study involved 63 males. The subjects were divided into two groups: standard—ST (27) and with vibration training—ST + WBV (36). All the subjects had undergone angioplasty with stent implantation. The standard and with vibration training group carried out a 24-day improvement program comprising 22 training units. Each session consisted of endurance, general stamina, and resistance training. Instead of resistance training, the experimental group performed exercises on the vibration platform. Statistically significant changes in both groups were observed in the parameters of the echocardiographic exercise test, such as test duration (p < 0.001), distance covered (p < 0.001), MET (p < 0.001), VO2max (p < 0.001), and HRrest (p < 0.01). The echocardiographic test revealed significant improvement of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in both groups (ST + WBV group p = 0.024, ST group p = 0.005). There were no statistically significant changes in blood lipid profile and body mass and composition

    The Use of Artificial Hypoxia in Endurance Training in Patients after Myocardial Infarction

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    The presence of a well-developed collateral circulation in the area of the artery responsible for the infarction improves the prognosis of patients and leads to a smaller area of infarction. One of the factors influencing the formation of collateral circulation is hypoxia, which induces angiogenesis and arteriogenesis, which in turn cause the formation of new vessels. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of endurance training conducted under normobaric hypoxia in patients after myocardial infarction at the level of exercise tolerance and hemodynamic parameters of the left ventricle. Thirty-five patients aged 43–74 (60.48 4.36) years who underwent angioplasty with stent implantation were examined. The program included 21 training units lasting about 90 min. A statistically significant improvement in exercise tolerance assessed with the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) was observed: test duration (p < 0.001), distance covered (p < 0.001), HRmax (p = 0.039), maximal systolic blood pressure (SBPmax) (p = 0.044), peak minute ventilation (VE) (p = 0.004) and breathing frequency (BF) (p = 0.044). Favorable changes in left ventricular hemodynamic parameters were found for left ventricular end-diastolic dimension LVEDD (p = 0.002), left ventricular end-systolic dimension LVESD (p = 0.015), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (p = 0.021), lateral e’ (p < 0.001), septal e’ (p = 0.001), and E/A (p = 0.047). Endurance training conducted in hypoxic conditions has a positive effect on exercise tolerance and the hemodynamic indicators of the left ventricle

    Srovnávací studie výkonového profilu hráčů házené U17 a U19 trénujících ve školním sportovním systému

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    Tato studie hodnotí somatické profily, skok, sprint, výkony, vytrvalost a maximální hladinu laktátu v krvi ([LA] (vrchol)) hráčů házené dvou věkových skupin - U17 (n = 77) a U19 (n = 46) -a analyzuje roli tréninku v jejich fyzických schopnostech. Výkon vertikálního skoku byl určen testy proti pohybu pohybu (CMJ) a proti pohybu pohybu s volnými rameny (CMJFA). Běžecký anaerobní sprinterský test (RAST) určil relativní výkon (watty / kg tělesné hmotnosti) a absolutní výkon (watty) hráčů. Byl vyhodnocen výkon sprintu na vzdálenosti 5 m, 10 ma 30 m. Ke stanovení aerobního prahu (AeT), anaerobního prahu (AnT) a [LA] (vrchol), byl navržen inkrementální test člunkového běhu (40 m) Všechny parametry byly měřeny u spojek, křídel, pivotů a brankářů každé skupiny. Hráči U19 byli výrazně těžší než skupina U17, ale obě skupiny byly téměř stejné výšky. Skupina U19 vyskočila výše než členové U17, i když jediný významný rozdíl (p = 0,032) byl pozorován mezi křídly skupin v CMJ. Výkon sprintu se mezi skupinami nepatrně lišil a pouze u pivotů U19 bylo zjištěno, že jsou významně (pro vzdálenosti 5, 10 a 30 m: p = 0,047, p = 0,018 a p = 0,021) rychlejší než čepy U17. Nebyl zaznamenán žádný rozdíl v relativním výkonu mezi skupinami, ačkoli hráči U19 zaznamenali vyšší absolutní výkony. Maximální rychlost a rychlosti na AeT a AnT byly ve skupinách téměř podobné. Vzdálenost ujetá skupinami při intenzitách AeT a AnT se lišila jen málo. Vyšší [LA] (vrchol) byl pozorován u hráčů U19. Hráči U19 nedokázali převést svoji nadřazenou sílu na rychlost a skok. Je třeba revidovat tréninkový model házenkářů, aby se hráči U19 rychleji rozvíjeli své pohybové schopnosti a dosahovali lepších výkonů než skupina U17.This study evaluates the anatomical profiles, jump, sprint, power outputs, endurance, and peak blood lactate levels ([LA](peak)) of handball players of two age groups-U17 (n = 77) and U19 (n = 46)-and analyses the role of training in their physical abilities. Vertical jump performance was determined by counter movement jump (CMJ) and counter movement jump with free arms (CMJFA) tests. A running-based anaerobic sprint test (RAST) determined the relative power output (watts/kg body weight) and absolute power output (watts) of the players. Sprint performance over 5 m, 10 m, and 30 m distances was evaluated. An incremental shuttle run test (40 m) was designed to determine aerobic threshold (AeT), anaerobic threshold (AnT), and [LA](peak). All parameters were measured for pivots, wingers, backs, and goalkeepers of each group. The U19 players were significantly heavier than the U17 group, but both the groups were nearly equal in height. The U19 group jumped higher than the U17 members, although the only significant difference (p = 0.032) was observed between the wingers of the groups in CMJ. Sprint performance varied marginally between the groups and only U19 pivots were found to be significantly (for distances of 5, 10, and 30 m: p = 0.047, p = 0.018, and p = 0.021, respectively) faster than U17 pivots. No difference in relative power output between the groups was noted, although the U19 players recorded higher absolute power outputs. Maximal velocity and velocities at the AeT and AnT were almost similar in the groups. Distance covered by the groups at the intensities of AeT and AnT varied only little. Higher [LA](peak) was observed in the U19 players. U19 players failed to convert their superior power into speed and jump. The training pattern of the handball players needs to be revised so that U19 players may develop faster and be more enduring than the U17 group