852 research outputs found

    A new paradigm of the EU regional development in the context of the Poland’s National Spatial Development Concept

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    New factors inspiring spatial and regional policies in Poland have come out in the recent years. They complement the traditional, hardly spatial, paradigm of the socio-economic development with the concept of place-based economics. The paradigm shift was possible largely thanks to the contributions and inspiration from World Bank as well as the OECD. Additionally, new economic geography has contributed to that. New economic geography underlines the importance of space and its management for the enhancement of growth and development as well as for the formation of economic profiles of the regions or countries. In the EU member states the process has been facilitated by the entering into force of the Reformed Treaty (known as the Lisbon Treaty) which complements the social and economic cohesion with a new dimension of the territorial cohesion. A better understanding of the condition and tendencies of spatial development of Europe has been also possible thanks to the ESPON efforts. Theyregional policy, structural policy, spatial development

    On the political thinking of the Jagiellonian day

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    What is cultural studies as a scientific discipline defined by Polish law?

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    The author of the article concentrates on the long and difficult process of the Faculty of International and Political Studies (at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow) in obtaining the right to educate students in the field of cultural studies. Problematic issues are described on the basis of Polish law which codifies individual disciplines and fields of science. Paying attention to the fundamental differences between Polish, British, French, German or Russian cultural studies was the starting point for taking a deeper reflection on the essence of what cultural studies is and what it should be, with a diverse and thereby rich structure

    Juliusz Bardach (1914-2010)

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    Construction of Trackway Tunnels in Surficial Grounds by Earth Pressure Balance Shields

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    Import 04/07/2011....... jsou také jednoznačným vítězstvím znalostí strojaře, který se řídí normami a fyzikálními zákony, nad umem havíře, který se řídí citem a po generace předávanými zkušenostmi.....[citace z kap. 7, celkem 31 stran] Cílem této bakalářské práce není uvést novou převratnou technologii ražení podzemních děl, ale posoudit v zahraničí již úspěšně používané technologie a aplikovat je v podmínkách České republiky. K tomuto účelu jsem použil nyní budovanou novou část trasy metra A v Praze, která v roce 2014 zaveze první cestující až do stanice Motol. Jelikož výstavba byla teprve zahájena, nelze zatím hodnotit přínos nové technologie, ale úspěchy dosažené v mnoha vyspělých státech podporují pozitivní očekávání celé odborné veřejnosti........are also a clear victory of knowledge of mechanical engineers, who apply the standards and laws of physics, over the skills of a miner, which is guided by his feeling and experience transmitted from generation to generation.....[from chapter 7, total 31 pages] The aim of this thesis isn´t to introduce a new revolutionary technology of underground excavation works, but to review already successfully used technologies and apply them in the Czech Republic. For this purpose I have used just now constructed a new part of line A of subway in Prague that will take the first passengers to the Station Motol in 2014. Because construction has been started, we can not evaluate the benefit of new technology, but the successes achieved in many developed countries promote the positive expectations of all professional public.Prezenční224 - Katedra geotechniky a podzemního stavitelstvívelmi dobř

    Man and his rights

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    The intention and will of the law-giver in John Fortescue

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    Artykuł przedstawia analizę rozważań Johna Fortescue poświęconych genezie wspólnoty politycznej, w których myśliciel ten wyznaczał główny kierunek angielskiego konstytucjonalizmu późnych wieków średnich, a w każdym razie ustalał treść koncepcji na zawsze złączonej z jego imieniem: dominium politicum et regale, władania opartego na prawie politycznym, które wyraża chcenie ludu lub wspólnoty. Korzystając z ustaleń Arystotelesa, Cycerona oraz świętych Augustyna i Tomasza Fortescue twierdził bowiem, że lud nie stanowi ciała póki nie posiada głowy. Gdy jego „rozumne chcenie” domaga się przekształcenia w ciało polityczne (corpus politicum), musi się pojawić jedna osoba rządząca ciałem, zwana zwykle królem, która „wyrasta” z powstającej całości, jak głowa wyrasta z „chcącego się rozumnie rozwijać” każdego innego organizmu lub jak serce, które jest przyczyną sprawczą jego poruszeń i wzrostu. Fortescue odchodził od myślenia w kategoriach właściwych wiekom średnim i wprowadzał kategorie nowe, które stały się charakterystyczne dla kolejnych wieków

    Accuracy and transferability of Gaussian approximation potential models for tungsten

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    We introduce interatomic potentials for tungsten in the bcc crystal phase and its defects within the Gaussian approximation potential framework, fitted to a database of first-principles density functional theory calculations. We investigate the performance of a sequence of models based on databases of increasing coverage in configuration space and showcase our strategy of choosing representative small unit cells to train models that predict properties observable only using thousands of atoms. The most comprehensive model is then used to calculate properties of the screw dislocation, including its structure, the Peierls barrier and the energetics of the vacancy-dislocation interaction. All software and raw data are available at www.libatoms.org

    Political science as an academic discipline aware of its foundations (a biased contribution to the debate containing four remarks)

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    The text presents remarks on four issues political scientists often take into consideration when reflecting on the borders of their research. The first issue concerns the call to scrutinize the course of legislative procedures, the second one – the need to recognize and note various traditions of political thought in the platforms of political parties and the statements uttered by politicians; the third – the fundamental question of whether political topics are grasped in the structure of sensual perceptions reflected in language; and, finally, the disputable postulate that the philosophy of politics, approached as an element of reflection on political science, clarifies exclusively the notions and concepts applied in the political sciences. These considerations pose problems rather than solve them, and they are completed by a warning that political science should not be developed towards common knowledge, and it should not become increasingly indeterminate and blurred.The text presents remarks on four issues political scientists often take into consideration when reflecting on the borders of their research. The first issue concerns the call to scrutinize the course of legislative procedures, the second one – the need to recognize and note various traditions of political thought in the platforms of political parties and the statements uttered by politicians; the third – the fundamental question of whether political topics are grasped in the structure of sensual perceptions reflected in language; and, finally, the disputable postulate that the philosophy of politics, approached as an element of reflection on political science, clarifies exclusively the notions and concepts applied in the political sciences. These considerations pose problems rather than solve them, and they are completed by a warning that political science should not be developed towards common knowledge, and it should not become increasingly indeterminate and blurred