4 research outputs found

    Das Big Five Modell der Persönlichkeit und Primärprevention im Jugendalter

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    Titelseite und Inhaltsverzeichnis Introduction 1\. Personality in adolescence 1.2 Developmental Big Five Research 2\. Method. 2.1 The longitudinal design 2.2 The adaptation of the FFPI 3\. Results 3.1 General results and prevention effects 3.2 FFPI-Scales 3.3 Personality and psychosomatic symptoms 3.4 Personality and smoking 3.5 Personality and alcohol use 4\. Discussion and summary Zusammenfassung References AppendicesThis research provides an opportunity to study health related intervention effects of longitudinal prevention in adolescence from a personality psychological point of view. The thesis focuses on the possible health relevant predictive effects of personality characteristics in adolescence. Two important fields in adolescent research are brought together in the realms of this study: the Big Five Model and the competence oriented school-focused primary prevention. A multifactorial approach is applied to investigate the relationship between these two scientific domains. Adolescents between the ages of 10 to 12 base the present study on self-reports. This work is the first study where personality characteristics were assessed with a Big Five personality inventory, namely the Five Factor Personality Inventory (FFPI; Hendriks, Hofstee & De Raad, 1999) in relation to health behavior in adolescence. It can be concluded that personality characteristics do already play a determining role in early adolescence, contribute to the individual developmental process and have a significant effect in the development of health relevant attitudes and problems such as legal drug use and psychosomatic complaints. The here presented studies expressed the need for more individualistic and personality tailored prevention programs that start around the age of ten and last through adolescence. The results showed that personality has predicting power in the development of unhealthy behavioral and psychosomatic symptoms and also supports the emergence of a firm resistance against legal drugs. Moreover, these studies provided useful information for school oriented primary prevention and supported the relevance of the Big Five model in applied adolescent personality research. An inventory, such as the FFPI, was apparently capable to cover developmental changes and it proved to to be a useful self-rating measure in adolescence. Nevertheless, the discrepancies compared to the adult structure showed that more research is needed on developmental transformation on linking child personality development to adult personality.Die vorliegende Dissertation setzte sich die Aufklärung des Einflusses von Persönlichkeitscharakteristiken in der schulischen Suchtprävention im Kindes- und Jugendalter als Ziel. In der Dissertation wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen und gesundheitsrelevantem Verhalten im Rahmen eines mehrfaktoriellen schulischen Gesundheitsförderungsprogrammes bei Jugendlichen untersucht. Die Studie beruhte auf Selbstbeurteilungen von Kindern im Alter von 10 bis 12 Jahren. Als Grundlage für die Untersuchung dienten zwei wissenschaftlichen Ansätze: der eine war der Big Five Ansatz und das fünf- faktorielle Persönlichkeitsmodell aus der Persönlichkeitspsychologie und der andere war der Life-Skills-Ansatz aus der Präventionsforschung. Wie in der Arbeit gezeigt wurde, erwiesen sich Persönlichkeitscharakteristiken schon im Jugendalter als bedeutend. Sie bewiesen ihre Relevanz in den Entwicklungsprozessen, zeigten signifikante Effekte in der Entwicklung gesundheitsbezogener Einstellungen, zeigten ihre Vorhersagefunktion in Alkohol- und Tabakkonsum aber auch bei der Entstehung psychosomatischer Symptomatik. Die hier präsentierten Studien betonten die Notwendigkeit von mehr Individualität und Persönlichkeitsrelevanz in der schulischen Primärprävention und wiesen auf die Vorteile der früh und langfristig angelegten Präventionsprogramme hin. Darüber hinaus brachten die Studien wichtige Informationen für die schulische Suchtpräventionsforschung und untermauerten die Relevanz der Big Five Dimensionen in der angewandten Persönlichkeitsforschung. Der FFPI erwies sich als geeignet für die Untersuchung entwicklungsspezifischer Veränderungen im Jugendalter und war auch ein geeignetes Instrument für den Erwerb von Selbstbeurteilungen im Jugendalter

    Only Three Factors of Personality Description Are Fully Replicable Across Languages: A Comparison of 14 Trait Taxonomies

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    De Raad B, Barelds DPH, Levert E, et al. Only Three Factors of Personality Description Are Fully Replicable Across Languages: A Comparison of 14 Trait Taxonomies. JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 2010;98(1):160-173.We tested the hypothesis that only 3 factors of personality description are replicable across many different languages if they are independently derived by a psycholexical approach. Our test was based on 14 trait taxonomies from 12 different languages. Factors were compared at each level of factor extraction with solutions with I to 6 factors. The 294 factors in the comparisons were identified using sets of markers of the 6-factor model by correlating the marker scales with the factors. The factor structures were pairwise compared in each case on the basis of the common variables that define the 2 sets of factors. Congruence coefficients were calculated between the varimax rotated structures after Procrustes rotation, where each structure in turn served as a target to which all other structures were rotated. On the basis of average congruence coefficients of all 91 comparisons, we conclude that factor solutions with 3 factors on average are replicable across languages; solutions with more factors are not

    The HEXACO-100 across 16 languages: a large-scale test of measurement invariance

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    The HEXACO Personality Inventory–Revised (HEXACO–PI–R) has become one of the most heavily applied measurement tools for the assessment of basic personality traits. Correspondingly, the inventory has been translated to many languages for use in cross-cultural research. However, formal tests examining whether the different language versions of the HEXACO–PI–R provide equivalent measures of the 6 personality dimensions are missing. We provide a large-scale test of measurement invariance of the 100-item version of the HEXACO–PI–R across 16 languages spoken in European and Asian countries (N = 30,484). Multigroup exploratory structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analyses revealed consistent support for configural and metric invariance, thus implying that the factor structure of the HEXACO dimensions as well as the meaning of the latent HEXACO factors is comparable across languages. However, analyses did not show overall support for scalar invariance; that is, equivalence of facet intercepts. A complementary alignment analysis supported this pattern, but also revealed substantial heterogeneity in the level of (non)invariance across facets and factors. Overall, results imply that the HEXACO–PI–R provides largely comparable measurement of the HEXACO dimensions, although the lack of scalar invariance highlights the necessity for future research clarifying the interpretation of mean-level trait differences across countries