25 research outputs found

    Fusion Hindrance and Quadrupole Collectivity in Collisions of A≃50 Nuclei: The Case of 48Ti + 58Fe

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    International audience; The fusion excitation function of Ti-48 + Fe-58 has been measured in a wide energy range around the Coulomb barrier, covering 6 orders of magnitude of the cross sections. We present here the preliminary results of this experiment, and a full comparison with the near-by system Ni-58 + Fe-54 where evidence of fusion hindrance shows up at relatively high cross sections. The sub-barrier cross sections of Ti-48 + Fe-58 are much larger than those of Ni-58 + Fe-54. Significant differences are also observed in the logarithmic derivatives, astrophysical S-factors and fusion barrier distributions. The influence of low-energy nuclear structure on all these trends is pointed out and commented. Coupled-channels calculations using a Woods-Saxon potential are able to reproduce the experimental results for Ti-48 + Fe-58. The logarithmic derivative of the excitation function is very nicely fit, and no evidence of hindrance is observed down to around 1 mu b. The fusion barrier distribution is rather wide, flat and structureless. It is only in qualitative agreement with the calculated distribution

    Exploring the influence of transfer channels on fusion reactions: the case of 40Ca + 58, 64Ni

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    Fusion cross sections have been measured in the 40Ca + 58Ni and 40Ca + 64Ni systems at beam energies ranging from Elab = 104.75 MeV to 153.5 MeV using the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro electrostatic deflector. Distributions of barriers have been extracted from the experimental data. Preliminary coupled channel calculations were performed and hints of effects of neutron transfers on the fusion below the barrier in the 40Ca+64Ni are discussed

    Transfer Reaction Studies with Spectrometers

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    The revival of transfer reaction studies benefited from the construction of the new generation large solid angle spectrometers, coupled to large gamma arrays. The recent results of gamma-particle coincident measurements in Ca-40+Zr-96 and Ar-40+Pb-208 reactions demonstrate a strong interplay between single-particle and collective degrees of freedom that is pertinent to the reaction dynamics. The development of collectivity has been followed in odd Ar isotopes populated in the Ar-40+Pb-208 reaction through the excitation of the 11/2(-) states, understood as the coupling of single particle degrees of freedom to nuclear vibration quanta. Pair transfer modes is another important degree of freedom which is presently being studied with Prisma in inverse kinematics at energies far below the Coulomb barrier. First results from the Zr-96+Ca-40 reaction elucidate the role played by nucleon-nucleon correlation

    Mass correlation between light and heavy reaction products in multinucleon transfer 197Au+130Te collisions

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    We studied multinucleon transfer reactions in the 197Au+130Te system at Elab=1.07 GeV by employing the PRISMA magnetic spectrometer coupled to a coincident detector. For each light fragment we constructed, in coincidence, the distribution in mass of the heavy partner of the reaction. With a Monte Carlo method, starting from the binary character of the reaction, we simulated the de-excitation process of the produced heavy fragments to be able to understand their final mass distribution. The total cross sections for pure neutron transfer channels have also been extracted and compared with calculations performed with the grazing code

    Structure of 24Mg excited states and their influence on nucleosynthesis

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    The main idea of the two presented experiments is to study the decay of resonances in 24Mg at excitation energies above the 12C+12C decay thresh- old, in the astrophysical energy region of interest. The measurement of the 12C(16O,α)24Mg* reaction was performed at INFN-LNS in Catania. Only the α+20Ne decay channel of 24Mg is presented here, because it was a motivation for conducting a new experiment, a study of the 4He(20Ne,4He)20Ne reaction, performed at INFN-LNL in Legnaro. Some preliminary results of this measurement are also presented

    Spin distribution measurement for 64Ni + 100Mo at near and above barrier energies

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    Spin distribution measurements were performed for the reaction 64Ni + 100Mo at three beam energies ranging from 230 to 260 MeV. Compound nucleus (CN) spin distributions were obtained channel selective for each evaporation residue populated by the de-excitation cascade. A comparison of the spin distribution at different beam energies indicates that its slope becomes steeper and steeper with increasing beam energy. This change in slope of the spin distribution is mainly due to the onset of fission competition with particle evaporation at higher beam energies