90 research outputs found

    Emlékállítás és felejtés. A „málenkij robot” emlékezete a szatmári sváboknál

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    Commemorative practices and oblivion mechanism. The memory of the deportations of the Satu Mare Swabians) In 1945, a series of violent events took place, bringing the greatest individual and collective trauma in the history of the Satu Mare Swabians. The paper presents the various communication situations in which deportation narratives were drafted and transmitted. I wanted to reveal all the channels in which the commemoration of the deportations (both private and public) took/take place, paying special attention to changes in commemoration forms, as historical phenomena, and also making a comparison between the approaches in the Swabian villages from Romania and Hungary. In commemorating practicesof the deportations I distinguished four levels: individual memory, memory of generations, communicative memory and collective memory, all four having different functions and contexts

    Synthetic Test Data Generation for Hierarchical Graph Clustering Methods

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    Recent achievements in graph-based clustering algorithms revealed the need for large-scale test data sets. This paper introduces a procedure that can provide synthetic but realistic test data to the hi- erarchical Markov clustering algorithm. Being created according to the structure and properties of the SCOP95 protein sequence data set, the synthetic data act as a collection of proteins organized in a four-level hierarchy and a similarity matrix containing pairwise similarity values of the proteins. An ultimate high-speed TRIBE-MCL algorithm was em- ployed to validate the synthetic data. Generated data sets have a healthy amount of variability due to the randomness in the processing, and are suitable for testing graph-based clustering algorithms on large-scale data

    Comparison of Various Improved-Partition Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithms in Fast Color Reduction

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    This paper provides a comparative study of sev- eral enhanced versions of the fuzzy c -means clustering al- gorithm in an application of histogram-based image color reduction. A common preprocessing is performed before clus- tering, consisting of a preliminary color quantization, histogram extraction and selection of frequently occurring colors of the image. These selected colors will be clustered by tested c -means algorithms. Clustering is followed by another common step, which creates the output image. Besides conventional hard (HCM) and fuzzy c -means (FCM) clustering, the so-called generalized improved partition FCM algorithm, and several versions of the suppressed FCM (s-FCM) in its conventional and generalized form, are included in this study. Accuracy is measured as the average color difference between pixels of the input and output image, while efficiency is mostly characterized by the total runtime of the performed color reduction. Nu- merical evaluation found all enhanced FCM algorithms more accurate, and four out of seven enhanced algorithms faster than FCM. All tested algorithms can create reduced color images of acceptable quality

    A csanálosi mezőgazdasági társulás, mint a társadalmi reziliencia lokális ágense = The Csanálos agricultural cooperative as a local agent of social resilience

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    A tanulmány egy szatmári sváb település, Csanálos máig működő mezőgazdasági társulásának a lokális gazdaságra és társadalomra gyakorolt hatásait vizsgálja. A romániai rendszerváltozást követő agrárátalakulás folyamatának kezdetén a mezőgazdasági társulások fontos szerepet játszottak. A szocialista mezőgazdasági termelőszövetkezetek immáron önkéntes alapon létrehozott utódszervezetei a hosszúra nyúlt átmeneti időszakban egyrészről ellensúlyozni tudták az újraparasztosodással vagy kényszerparasztosodással együtt járó elszegényedést, stabil anyagi bázist jelentettek a rendszerváltást követő nehéz időszakokban a közösségek számára, sokszor az állami feladatköröket átvállalva a társadalmi együttműködést, a bizalmon alapuló társadalmi lokalitást képviselték. Másrészről viszont monopol helyzetüket kihasználva gátolták az egyéni és családi gazdálkodói réteg megjelenését. A társulások kockázatkerülő, kizárólag önerőre támaszkodó gazdasági modelljéből a paraszti, önellátó üzemszervezet emléke köszön vissza. A társulásokra így a posztszocialista utóparaszti termelési rendszereknek egy igen sajátos formájaként is tekinthetünk. | The study examines the impact of the agricultural cooperative of Csanálos, a Swabian settlement in Satu Mare still in operation today, on the local economy and society. Agricultural cooperatives played an important role at the beginning of the process of agrarian transformation after the regime change in Romania. The successor organizations of the socialist agricultural cooperatives, established on a voluntary basis, were, on the one hand, able to offset the impoverishment brought on by the re-peasantization or forced peasantization during the long transition period, provided a stable financial basis for communities in the difficult periods following the regime change, and, often taking over state responsibilities, represented social cooperation and trust-based social localism. On the other hand, they took advantage of their monopoly position to hinder the emergence of individual and family farmers. The risk-averse, self-reliant economic model of the cooperatives evokes the self-sufficient organization of peasant farms. Cooperatives can thus be seen as a very specific form of post-socialist post-peasant production systems

    Nyelvi tájkép a magyar-román-ukrán hármas határ térségben

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    In my paper I have analysed strategies of language-usage in borderlands through several case-studies. A number of contexts are presented which are constituted as a result of border land language strategies which are accompanying the micro economical processes. Referring exclusively to the adjacent areas of the triple border, the different registers of the language usage of Ukrainian and Romanian in Hungary, Ukrainian in Romanian Szatmár and Romanian in Transcarpathia, are natural consequences of the local cross-border migration. There is a causality between the border usage and the language usage. More the borders are permeable the more multilingual localities will turn out in force

    Parasztok és mezőgazdasági vállalkozók. Piacozási gyakorlatok egy szatmári faluban = Peasants and Agricultural Entrepreneurs. Market Practices in a Village from Satu Mare County

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    The present paper aims to offer an image of the present conditions of the economic structure of a village from Satu Mare region through the analysis of the economic strategies and social attitudes of three families, which are into selling their own products on the markets of the city. The system change was twenty-five years ago, and however long this period of transition was, we probably cannot understand anymore the processes of the rural economy of today if we continue to analyze these from the perspective of socialist–capitalist transition. In the case of the settlement in question this would be a completely wrong starting point, because – and this would be the major conclusion of the fieldwork – today we have only those actors of local agriculture, who have chosen this commitment deliberately and by their own will

    Sensor Drift Compensation Using Fuzzy Interference System and Sparse-Grid Quadrature Filter in Blood Glucose Control

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    Diabetes mellitus is a serious chronic condition of the human metabolism. The development of an automated treatment has reached clinical phase in the last few years. The goal is to keep the blood glucose concentration within a certain region with minimal interaction required by the patient or medical personnel. However, there are still several prac- tical problems to solve. One of these would be that the available sensors have significant noise and drift. The latter is rather difficult to manage, because the deviating signal can cause the controller to drive the glu- cose concentration out of the safe region even in the case of frequent calibration. In this study a linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) controller is employed on a widely used diabetes model and enhanced with an ad- vanced Sparse-grid quadratic filter and a fuzzy interference system-based calibration supervisor