39 research outputs found

    Vállalati etika és társadalmi felelősség: Nézetek és intézményesülés I. rész

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    A Magyarországon kialakult új rendszerben a korábbitól alapvetően eltérő értékrend más képességeket, szemléletet és nagyobb érzékenységet követel a vállalatvezetéstől. A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy a különböző hazai vállalatcsoportok és a közszféra hogyan vélekedik a vállalati etika és a társadalmi felelősség aktuális kérdéseiről. A Soros Alapítvány támogatásával készült országos felmérés eredményei azt jelzik, hogy milyen eltérések mutatkoznak a vizsgálati csoportok nézeteiben

    GluA1 Phosphorylation Alters Evoked Firing Pattern In Vivo

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    AMPA and NMDA receptors convey fast synaptic transmission in the CNS. Their relative contribution to synaptic output and phosphorylation state regulate synaptic plasticity. The AMPA receptor subunit GluA1 is central in synaptic plasticity. Phosphorylation of GluA1 regulates channel properties and trafficking. The firing rate averaged over several hundred ms is used to monitor cellular input. However, plasticity requires the timing of spiking within a few ms; therefore, it is important to understand how phosphorylation governs these events. Here, we investigate whether the GluA1 phosphorylation (p-GluA1) alters the spiking patterns of CA1 cells in vivo. The antidepressant Tianeptine was used for inducing p-GluA1, which resulted in enhanced AMPA-evoked spiking. By comparing the spiking patterns of AMPA-evoked activity with matched firing rates, we show that the spike-trains after Tianeptine application show characteristic features, distinguishing from spike-trains triggered by strong AMPA stimulation. The interspike-interval distributions are different between the two groups, suggesting that neuronal output may differ when new inputs are activated compared to increasing the gain of previously activated receptors. Furthermore, we also show that NMDA evokes spiking with different patterns to AMPA spike-trains. These results support the role of the modulation of NMDAR/AMPAR ratio and p-GluA1 in plasticity and temporal coding

    Üzleti etika a magyar kisvállalatok gyakorlatában

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    A gazdasági átalakulás következményeképpen a kis- és középvállalatok szerepe egyre jelentősebb Magyarországon. Ezzel együtt azonban a kisvállalati szférában is gyakoriakká váltak az erkölcsi konfliktusok és problémák, melyekről eddig csak kevés empirikus felmérés készült. A tanulmány áttekinti, hogy az üzleti etikának milyen sajátosságai figyelhetők meg a kis- és középvállalkozások gyakorlatában, megfogalmazza következtetéseit, és kijelöli a további kutatások irányát

    Low ficolin-3 levels in early follow-up serum samples are associated with the severity and unfavorable outcome of acute ischemic stroke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A number of data indicate that the lectin pathway of complement activation contributes to the pathophysiology of ischemic stroke. The lectin pathway may be triggered by the binding of mannose-binding lectin (MBL), ficolin-2 or ficolin-3 to different ligands. Although several papers demonstrated the significance of MBL in ischemic stroke, the role of ficolins has not been examined.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sera were obtained within 12 hours after the onset of ischemic stroke (admission samples) and 3-4 days later (follow-up samples) from 65 patients. The control group comprised 100 healthy individuals and 135 patients with significant carotid stenosis (patient controls). The concentrations of ficolin-2 and ficolin-3, initiator molecules of the lectin complement pathway, were measured by ELISA methods. Concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) was also determined by a particle-enhanced immunturbidimetric assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Concentrations of both ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 were significantly (p < 0.001) decreased in both the admission and in the follow-up samples of patients with definite ischemic stroke as compared to healthy subjects. Concentrations of ficolin-2 and ficolin-3 were even higher in patient controls than in healthy subjects, indicating that the decreased levels in sera during the acute phase of stroke are related to the acute ischemic event. Ficolin-3 levels in the follow-up samples inversely correlated with the severity of stroke indicated by NIH scale on admission. In follow-up samples an inverse correlation was observed between ficolin-3 levels and concentration of S100β, an indicator of the size of cerebral infarct. Patients with low ficolin-3 levels and high CRP levels in the follow up samples had a significantly worse outcome (adjusted ORs 5.6 and 3.9, respectively) as measured by the modified Rankin scale compared to patients with higher ficolin-3 and lower CRP concentrations. High CRP concentrations were similarly predictive for worse outcome, and the effects of low ficolin-3 and high CRP were independent.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings indicate that ficolin-mediated lectin pathways of complement activation contribute to the pathogenesis of ischemic stroke and may be additive to complement-independent inflammatory processes.</p

    Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century/Gemeiner Mann, Gesellschaft und Religion im 16. Jahrhundert

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    Der zweisprachige Sammelband vereinigt zum Teil bahnbrechende Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Forschungstagung, deren Beiträge sozial-, wirtschafts-, kultur- und kirchengeschichtliche Aspekte der Frühneuzeit im Karpatenbogen aufgreifen. Basierend auf vielfach erstmals ausgewerteten Quellen bearbeiten die Beiträge aktuelle Fragestellungen und Forschungshorizonte zur Interdependenz von sozialen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und religiösen Phänomenen im Karpatenbogen der Frühen Neuzeit, in dem die Osmanen der international dominante politische Faktor wurden. Transformationsprozesse wurden angestoßen durch Bevölkerungs- und Militärbewegungen, ökonomische, politische und religiös-mentale Umwälzungen, die zwischen opportunistischer Anpassung und rebellierendem Widerstand oszillierten und entsprechende politische Maßnahmen und Gegenreaktionen hervorriefen. Dabei wird die bislang geltende Forschungsmeinung zur Toleranzgeschichte Siebenbürgens in Frage gestellt und völlig neu bewertet

    Common Man, Society and Religion in the 16th century/Gemeiner Mann, Gesellschaft und Religion im 16. Jahrhundert

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    Der zweisprachige Sammelband vereinigt zum Teil bahnbrechende Ergebnisse einer interdisziplinären Forschungstagung, deren Beiträge sozial-, wirtschafts-, kultur- und kirchengeschichtliche Aspekte der Frühneuzeit im Karpatenbogen aufgreifen. Basierend auf vielfach erstmals ausgewerteten Quellen bearbeiten die Beiträge aktuelle Fragestellungen und Forschungshorizonte zur Interdependenz von sozialen, ökonomischen, kulturellen und religiösen Phänomenen im Karpatenbogen der Frühen Neuzeit, in dem die Osmanen der international dominante politische Faktor wurden. Transformationsprozesse wurden angestoßen durch Bevölkerungs- und Militärbewegungen, ökonomische, politische und religiös-mentale Umwälzungen, die zwischen opportunistischer Anpassung und rebellierendem Widerstand oszillierten und entsprechende politische Maßnahmen und Gegenreaktionen hervorriefen. Dabei wird die bislang geltende Forschungsmeinung zur Toleranzgeschichte Siebenbürgens in Frage gestellt und völlig neu bewertet

    What causes hidradenitis suppurativa? - 15 years after

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    The 14 authors of the first review article on hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) pathogenesis published 2008 in EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY cumulating from the 1st International Hidradenitis Suppurativa Research Symposium held March 30?April 2, 2006 in Dessau, Germany with 33 participants were prophetic when they wrote "Hopefully, this heralds a welcome new tradition: to get to the molecular heart of HS pathogenesis, which can only be achieved by a renaissance of solid basic HS research, as the key to developing more effective HS therapy." (Kurzen et al. What causes hidradenitis suppurativa? Exp Dermatol 2008;17:455). Fifteen years later, there is no doubt that the desired renaissance of solid basic HS research is progressing with rapid steps and that HS has developed deep roots among inflammatory diseases in Dermatology and beyond, recognized as ?the only inflammatory skin disease than can be healed?. This anniversary article of 43 research-performing authors from all around the globe in the official journal of the European Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation e.V. (EHSF e.V.) and the Hidradenitis Suppurativa Foundation, Inc (HSF USA) summarizes the evidence of the intense HS clinical and experimental research during the last 15 years in all aspects of the disease and provides information of the developments to come in the near future

    Use of green fluorescent protein for the analysis of protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions

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    Restriction modification (RM) systems play a crucial role in preventing the entry of foreign DNA into the bacterial cell. The best studied Type I RM system is EcoKI from Escherichia coli K12. Both bacteriophage and conjugative plasmids have developed a variety of strategies to circumvent the host RM system. One such strategy involves the production of antirestriction proteins that mimic a short segment of DNA and efficiently inhibit the RM system. The main aim of this project was to analyse the interaction of EcoKI and its cognate methylase (MTase) with the T7 antirestriction protein, known as overcome classical restriction (Ocr), and various ArdA antirestriction proteins. Currently, there is a paucity of structural data on the complex formed between the Type I system and the antirestriction proteins. The aim of this work was twofold; (i) compare the interaction of MTase with DNA and Ocr and (ii) quantify the strength of interaction between MTase and various ArdA proteins. The MTase was fused to the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) to facilitate determination of the orientation of interaction with DNA and Ocr. Time resolved fluorescence measurements were carried out using the GFP-MTase fusion to determine the fluorescence lifetime and anisotropy decay. These experiments were conducted using a time resolved fluorescence instrument fabricated in-house. The values determined in these experiments were then used to perform fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements with fluorescently labelled DNA or Ocr. These measurements gave information concerning the relative orientation of the MTase with either DNA or Ocr. The GFP-MTase fusion was also used to quantify the strength of interaction with various ArdA proteins. Previous attempts to determine the strength of interaction between MTase and ArdA proteins by employing conventional techniques have been unsuccessful. Therefore, a novel method was developed that exploits the interaction of MTase with a cation exchange medium, which can subsequently be displaced upon binding to ArdA. This method facilitated the determination, for the first time, of a set of binding affinities for the MTase and ArdA interaction