32 research outputs found

    Assessment of Exercise Intensity During Amateur Running Competitions in the Sudety Mountains

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    The aim of the study is to determine the intensity of exercise during amateur running competitions taking place in the Sudeten Mountains, based on results of measurements of energy expenditure. The study covered those participating in 2015-17 and included details on themselves and their preparation. Their energy consumption was measured using a CALTRACTM device. Routes are described by distance (km) and altitude (m). Average energy output values for 19.2 km and 613.8 m were calculated from measurements taken which was characterized as ‘unduly heavy’. In women this value was 11.6 kcal/1 min/55 kg and in men - 12.7 kcal/1 min/65 kg

    Ocena intensywności wysiłku fizycznego w trakcie amatorskich zawodów biegowych w Sudetach

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    Celem badań było określenie stopnia intensywności wysiłku fizycznego w trakcie amatorskich zawodów biegowych, odbywających się w Sudetach, na podstawie wyników pomiaru wydatku energetycznego. Badaniami objęto osoby biorące udział w tych zawodach w latach 2015–2017. Wydatek energetyczny zmierzono za pomocą przyrządu pomiarowego typu CALTRACTM. Wśród zawodników zebrano także dane metrykalne. Trasy zawodów charakteryzowały się ustalonym dystansem (w km) i przewyższeniami (w m). Dla amatorskich zawodów biegowych, podczas których przeprowadzono pomiary, obliczono średnie wartości wydatku energetycznego dla 19,2 km dystansu i 613,8 m przewyższeń. Był on na poziomie bardzo bardzo ciężkim. U kobiet wartość ta wyniosła 11,6 kcal/1 min/55 kg, a u mężczyzn – 12,7 kcal/1 min/65 kg

    The market of tourism services and its potential for development in the municipalities of Złocieniec and Drawsko Pomorskie (Poland)

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    High competition in the tourism market services requires conducting marketing activities based on cooperation between entities in a given area. The paper aims to investigate the current state of tourism market services in the municipalities of Złocieniec and Drawsko Pomorskie and to analyze their potential for development. The Sokal-Michner coefficient was used and a review of key strategy papers was provided. The study concluded that Złocieniec and Drawsko Pomorskie municipalities have a very high potential for tourism and that it is not fully realized. Their offer includes sustainable, green as well as qualified tourism. Underdeveloped transport and tourism infrastructure impede tourism development of the municipalities considered. Both municipalities have the necessary potential for tourism development: natural values, geographic location, and cultural values. Tourism provides an opportunity for economic growth for those municipalities

    The Electrophoretic Mobility of Cell Nuclei (EMN) Index and Changes in Acid-Base Homeostasis under Conditions of the Intensive Physical Exercise

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    The relationship between the Electrophoretic Mobility of Cell Nuclei (EMN) index before and after super-maximal and maximal exercises and changes in physiological parameters associated with acid-base balance of the blood (pH, BE) and lactic acid concentration (LA) were examined in junior (N=33, X=15.6 y.o. SD=1.16 y.), and senior (N=10, X=22.0 y.o. SD=2.70 y.) female rowers. The following parameters: pH, BE and LA changed significantly (p<0.05) from pre- to post-exercise status, while the EMN index changed only in junior female rowers under super-maximal conditions. Correlations between the EMN index and physiological parameters reflect the homeostatic disturbance associated with intensive exercise conditions. The decline in the EMN index appears to depend on the post-exercise changes of an organism’s acidity. The results suggest that changes in the EMN index are associated with variation in physiological parameter, i.e. changes in acidity. We conclude that the EMN index reflects acid-base alterations and may be useful in evaluating systematic reactions to stress

    Adaptive Changes of the Electrophoretic Mobility of Cell Nuclei (EMN) Index in the Intensive Physical Exercise of Male Rowers with Different Training Experience

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    The aim of this study is to attempt to determine the relationship between the degree of the EMN index and the depth of changes of selected hormones and metabolic parameters as an effect of intensive physical exercise during the training process in male rowers. Juniors (N=62; chronological age 16.4 y.o. SD=1.14 y.; training experience 3.0 y.o. SD=1.05 y.) and seniors (N=27; chronological age 21.4 y. SD=1.73 y.; training experience 5.5 y.o. SD=1.10 y.), in the preparatory period of the training process, performed physical exercise of maximum intensity on a rowing ergometer. Acid-base balance parameters (pH, BE) and the concentration of lactic acid (LA) were determined as the result of physical exercise. Some selected hormones were also indicated (hGH, PrL and Prg) to show their exercise changes. A sample of buccal epithelium cells was taken from each of the male rowers, before and after the exercise, to evaluate the percentage of the EMN index by intracellular microelectrophoresis. A greater differentiation of metabolic changes during exercise was manifested in juniors than seniors. This was reflected in changes of acid-base balance parameters, exercise physiological parameters, hormone concentration and also in changes of the EMN index. These changes were probably dependent on deep metabolic processes of an acid character during exercise. This could prove a more stable homeostasis through more economical metabolic reactions in seniors as the effect of the training process, meaning that seniors were better adapted to heavy physical exercise than juniors

    Internet jako medium o doniosłym wpływie na zdrowie człowieka u progu dorosłości

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    One of the most modern and dynamically developing media is the internet. The Internet is treated as a specific area for human functioning. That is a new phenomenon people know little about. The Internet is phenomenon that does not have a precedent in the history of civilization. The omnipresent and uniform network appeared in the world and very quickly entered into all companies, institutions, schools, hospitals and as well as to our houses. The purpose of the research was to look at an elaborate impact of the Internet and the addiction to the it among youth a especially high school leaves. The research was conducted among all third and fourth class students in Zespół Szkół Komunikacji in Poznań. The method chosen in the research was a diagnostic poll. The object of diagnostic research is a particular social phenomenon. The use of Internet is a pleasure for many young people to such degree that they almost can not live without it. Using the Internet one can easily become an internet – addict. Nowadays the Internet is very popular and it has big influence on life of a young people

    Opinie studentów wychowania fizycznego i fizjoterapii o podejmowaniu udziału w różnych formach aktywności ruchowej (doniesienie z badań)

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    Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Nr 424

    Analiza potencjału turystycznego uzdrowisk i jego odzwierciedlenie w rozwoju turystyki zdrowotnej (na przykładzie Inowrocławia i Ciechocinka)

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    Turystyka zdrowotna jest dziś jedną z najpotężniejszych dziedzin turystyki. Jest to związane nie tylko ze zmianami demograficznymi (przede wszystkim starzeniem się społeczeństwa, wzrostem wykształcenia i samoświadomości, dbaniem o kondycję i zdrowie w wielu jego aspektach), ale także z koniecznością ożywienia gospodarczego dotychczasowych obszarów lecznictwa uzdrowiskowego. Zdiagnozowanie istniejącego potencjału miejscowości uzdrowiskowych i analiza czynników rozwojowych są podstawą określenia zasadniczych kierunków przyszłych działań mogących pozytywnie wpłynąć na rozwój miejscowości uzdrowiskowych. Współczesne trendy turystyki zdrowotnej mogą stać się impulsem do aktywizacji i zwiększenia konkurencyjności miejscowości uzdrowiskowych. W artykule podjęto problematykę aktywizującej roli turystyki zdrowotnej w kontekście jej wpływu na rozwój miejscowości uzdrowiskowych na przykładzie Inowrocławia i Ciechocinka. Przeprowadzone badania i analizy pozwoliły na określenie istniejącego potencjału turystycznego i leczniczego oraz możliwości jego wykorzystania. Obie miejscowości posiadają potencjał istotny dla regionu, ale jest on niedostatecznie wykorzystywany, choć z roku na rok rośnie zainteresowanie nowymi formami turystyki zdrowotnej oraz lepszym wykorzystaniem istniejących zasobów strukturalnych i funkcjonalnych obu miejscowości. Tendencja ta jest wyraźna w uzdrowisku Ciechocinek, które ma największe szanse na to, by przekształcić się w nowoczesny, wysokiej klasy kurort spa

    Physical activity and normal body mass of women aged 45-55

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the degree to which physical activity in women aged 45-55 was an independent influence on body mass, as expressed by BMI, and to what degree it occured in interaction with their level of education, financial status, and self-evaluated physical effieciency and health status. The material consisted of 212 female inhabitants of three cities in Poland, participating in physical exercises for at least one year. Statistical analysis of the collected data was carried out by the chi-squared test, the H test, the Mann-Whitney U test, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). A statistically significant relation between the level of physical activity and BMI values was observed. Women with a medium and high level of physical activity were most often of normal body mass, whereas women with low activity were characteristically overweight. Analysis of the data revealed that the normal body mass of women aged 45-55 was influenced by: the level of physical activity, level of education, and financial status of respondents. Physical activity was an independent factor influencing normal body mass of women, irrespective of social features (i.e., education and financial status)