30 research outputs found

    Prevalence of CD56 /NCAM molecule in nervous system immune system and endocrine glands - accidental coincidence?

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    W pracy przedstawiono postęp badań nad izoformą nerwowej cząsteczki adhezyjnej CD56/NCAM, molekuły, która w ostatnim czasie nabiera coraz większego znaczenia nie tylko w biologii, ale także w medycynie klinicznej. Omówiono aspekty molekularne syntezy CD56 podkreślono uniwersalny charakter tego białka pełniącego ważne funkcje w homeostazie ustroju, a zwłaszcza w interakcjach między układami: nerwowy/odpornościowy i gruczołów wydzielania wewnętrznego. W odniesieniu do układu odpornościowego, istnieją dane sugerujące ważną rolę miejscowych mechanizmów obronnych i regulacyjnych w wątrobie związanych z obecnością antygenu CD56 na komórkach NKT. Wskazano główne miejsca występowania CD56/NCAM, zarówno w warunkach fizjologicznych jak i patologii ludzkiej, związanego przede wszystkim z obecnością nowotworów złośliwych. Wśród tych ostatnich, oprócz guzów pochodzenia neuroektodermalnego i gruczołów dokrewnych, CD56/NCAM może występować także na komórkach licznych nowotworów układu krwiotwórczego, wywodzących się z linii limfoidalnej jak i mieloidalnej. Ponadto zwrócono uwagę na obecność CD56/NCAM o nietypowej lokalizacji, jak np. jej ekspresja na komórkach nabłonka przewodów żółciowych u dzieci z wrodzoną atrezją pozawątrobowych dróg żółciowych, a także na nabłonkach zewnątrzwydzielniczych przewodów trzustki w przebiegu jej przewlekłego zapalenia.The authors presented advances in the research on isoform of neural cell adhesion molecule CD56/NCAM, which appears to raise interest not only in biology, but also in clinical medicine. Molecular aspects of its synthesis have been presented and universal features of this protein have been underlined. It appears to play an important role in body homeostasis and especially in the interactions between neural, immune and endocrine systems. In relation to the immune system there are data suggesting significance of local protective and regulatory mechanisms in the liver linked to so called NKT (CD56+) cells. Main sites of prevalence of CD56/NCAM have been indicated both in physiology and pathology, especially in malignancy. CD56/NCAM incidence is common in tumors of neuroectodermal and endocrine origin. Besides it may be expressed on cells of several hemopoetic neoplasms originated both, from lymphoid and myeloid lineage. Moreover, the attention was paid to CD56/NCAM expression in atypical sites as for example on epithelia of bile ducts in children with extrahepatic biliary atresia and on cells of pancreatic ducts in the course of chronic pancreatitis

    Assessment of expression of luteinizing hormone (LH)/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) receptor (LH/hCGR) and hCG protein in ovarian cancer tissues

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    Abstract Objectives: Ovarian cancers still remain a significant worldwide epidemiological problem. The vast majority of newly diagnosed cases are in advanced clinical stages, and the five -year survival rate in all clinical stages amounts up to less than fifty percent. A better understanding of the biology of ovarian cancer can bring us closer to successful treatment and recovery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of luteinizing hormone (LH)/human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) receptor (LH/hCGR) and the expression of hCG protein in the ovarian cancer tissue. Materials: Histologically proven primary ovarian cancer samples (n=20) were obtained from women undergoing gynecologic surgery. Frozen sections of ovarian cancer tissues were evaluated by means of indirect immunofluorescence. Results: The expression of hCG protein was ubiquitous throughout all samples, while LH/hCGR was detected in only sixty percent of samples. Co-expression of LH/hCGR and hCG protein was detected in some individual cells in tumor tissue. Some cancer cells expressed only hCG protein, but not LH/hCGR. Conclusions: Expression of LH/hCG receptor is a characteristic feature of various histological types of ovarian cancer. Co-expression of LH/hCGR and hCG protein in individual cancer cells may point to an autocrine or paracrine mechanism of _hCG activity in the tumor microenvironment. Further studies are needed to evaluate LH/hCGR and hCG protein function in the course of neoplastic development

    TLR receptors in laryngeal carcinoma - immunophenotypic, molecular and functional studies.

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been shown to play crucial role in the recognition of unicellular pathogens. We have shown the expression of three TLRs on tumor cells of human laryngeal carcinoma by means of immunohistochemistry. In the current study we searched presence of TLR1-10 on protein and molecular level in larynx carcinoma cell lines and the impact of respective TLR ligands on TLR expression. Larynx carcinoma cell lines have been used. Cell were subjected to immunocytochemistry. RNA isolated from the cells was tested by RT-PCR. Cells were cultured in the presence of respective TLR ligands. Cells than were harvested and subjected to flow cytometry, using anti TLR1-10 Moabs. The cells were evaluated of membrane and cytoplasmic cell staining. TLR reactivity varied in individual cell lines. RT-PCR allowed to show mRNA for all TLRs tested. After short-term cell culture each cell line exhibited distinct pattern of expression of TLRs following interaction with respective ligand. Cytoplasmic TLR staining had usually higher MFI value than membrane one, but after culture with ligand it became reversed. TLRs 7 and 9 showed highest expression in the majority of tumor cells tested. In conclusion, larynx carcinoma cell lines exhibit rather universal expression of TLRs, both on protein and molecular level. Culture of TLR expressing tumor cells with ligands points out for potential reactivity of tumor cells with TLR agonists, what may have therapeutic implications


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    The article dosn’t have abstract in english.Artykuł nie zawiera streszczenia w języku polskim

    TGFβ + small extracellular vesicles from head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells reprogram macrophages towards a pro‐angiogenic phenotype

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    Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) is a major component of tumor-derived small extracellular vesicles (TEX) in cancer patients. Mechanisms utilized by TGFβ+ TEX to promote tumor growth and pro-tumor activities in the tumor microenvironment (TME) are largely unknown. TEX produced by head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell lines carried TGFβ and angiogenesis-promoting proteins. TGFβ+ TEX stimulated macrophage chemotaxis without a notable M1/M2 phenotype shift and reprogrammed primary human macrophages to a pro-angiogenic phenotype characterized by the upregulation of pro-angiogenic factors and functions. In a murine basement membrane extract plug model, TGFβ+ TEX promoted macrophage infiltration and vascularization (p < 0.001), which was blocked by using the TGFβ ligand trap mRER (p < 0.001). TGFβ+ TEX injected into mice undergoing the 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4-NQO)-driven oral carcinogenesis promoted tumor angiogenesis (p < 0.05), infiltration of M2-like macrophages in the TME (p < 0.05) and ultimately tumor progression (p < 0.05). Inhibition of TGFβ signaling in TEX with mRER ameliorated these pro-tumor activities. Silencing of TGFβ emerges as a critical step in suppressing pro-angiogenic functions of TEX in HNSCC

    Endoscopic intranasal orbital decompression in the course of Graves’ orbitopathy

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    Problemy diagnostyczne u pacjentki z wodobrzuszem, podwyższonym poziomem Ca 125, przeciwciałami przeciwjądrowymi i przeciwciałami przeciw mięśniom gładkim przypominającym raka jajnika – przypadek kliniczny

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    Abstract The paper describes a case of 26-year-old patient primarily suspected to suffer from the ovarian or peritoneum cancer due to high level of Ca 125 antigen and ascites. During exploratory laparotomy, neoplastic process was excluded, which was confirmed by histopathological examination. Further diagnostic tests were performed. The patient was not infected with hepatitic B or C virus, and there was no biochemical evidence of liver disease. Detailed, wide biochemical and immunological investigations detected antinuclear and anti smooth muscle autoantibodies in the blood serum. Afterwards, the patient was admitted to the Department of Gastroenterology and autoimmune chronic hepatitis was confirmed.Streszczenie Artykuł ten opisuje przypadek 26-letniej pacjentki, u której pierwotnie podejrzewano rozwijającego się raka jajnika lub pierwotnego raka otrzewnej, na co wskazywał wysoki poziom Ca 125. W trakcie laparotomii zwiadowczej wykluczono proces nowotworowy, co zostało potwierdzone badaniem histopatologicznym. Następnie rozszerzono badania diagnostyczne, mające wyjaśnić przyczynę wysokiego poziomu Ca 125. Wykluczono zakażenie wirusem zapalenia wątroby typu B lub C. Nie było żadnych biochemicznych wykładników choroby wątroby. Za pomocą szczegółowych testów biochemicznych i immunologicznych wykryte zostały autoprzeciwciała przeciwjadowe i przeciwko mięśniom gładkim. Ostatecznie pacjentka została przyjęta do Kliniki Gastroenterologii i zostało rozpoznane chroniczne zapalenie wątroby o podłożu autoimmunologicznym

    Immunological Aspects of Chronic Rhinosinusitis

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is related to persistent inflammation with a dysfunctional relationship between environmental agents and the host immune system. Disturbances in the functioning of the sinus mucosa lead to common clinical symptoms. The major processes involved in the pathogenesis of CRS include airway epithelial dysfunctions that are influenced by external and host-derived factors which activate multiple immunological mechanisms. The molecular bases for CRS remain unclear, although some factors commonly correspond to the disease: bacterial, fungal and viral infections, comorbidity diseases, genetic dysfunctions, and immunodeficiency. Additionally, air pollution leads increased severity of symptoms. CRS is a heterogeneous group of sinus diseases with different clinical courses and response to treatment. Immunological pathways vary depending on the endotype or genotype of the patient. The recent knowledge expansion into mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of CRS is leading to a steadily increasing significance of precision medicine in the treatment of CRS. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current state of knowledge regarding the immunological aspects of CRS, which are essential for ensuring more effective treatment strategies