7 research outputs found

    Use of video laryngoscopes by inexperienced personnel in difficult intubations

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    The current gold standard in securing airway patency remains to be endotracheal intubation. It is the only method, which allows for nearly 100% protection of the bronchial tree from aspiration of gastric contents as well as providing the most ideal circumstances for control of ventilation parameters. Endotracheal intu- bation, although in many aspects superior to other methods of securing airways, can only be performed by skilled and experienced personnel in ideal conditions. An example of such conditions are in an operating room in the preoperative period when an anesthesiologist is able to proficiently perform the task with all of the tools and equipment needed at hand. However, in many situations, especially in emergencies, such ideal conditions are difficult or impossible to achieve. One of the many reasons behind this is often the lack of experienced personnel at the scene of an emergency. Another significant difficulty arises from trauma patients who must maintain an immobilized cervical spine, as well as those patients who are undergoing active cardiopulmonary resuscitation when providing high quality chest compressions is the highest priority. Therefore, it seems reasonable to look for the methods which on one hand will secure an airway with a tube inserted directly into the larynx, and on the other hand will make the procedure more accessible to less expe- rienced personnel by maintaining the proper patient safety throughout the whole procedure. A noteworthy method, which achieves this goal, is the use of the video laryngoscopes for endotracheal intubation. The participation in a short introductory training, regarding the use of the device itself, is sufficient to allow for the efficient intubation. The parameters which can be used to compare these different intubation methods include the ease of use, the rate of effectiveness of the first intubation trial as well as the total time needed for the procedure. The authors of this article attempt to compare classic laryngoscopes to video-assisted laryngoscopes. 

    Stand Composition, Tree-Related Microhabitats and Birds—A Network of Relationships in a Managed Forest

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    Forest ecosystems contain many tree-related microhabitats (TreMs), which are used by various groups of organisms. Birds use TreMs for shelter, foraging and breeding. The abundance and variability of TreMs is related to tree stand composition and age. Over the last few centuries there has been a drastic decline in the structural and biological diversity of temperate forests over large areas of the Northern Hemisphere. These changes have reduced the diversity and quantity of TreMs. In this study we showed the relationships between stand composition, the abundance of TreMs, and the species richness of birds in a managed forest. We focused on TreMs that are important to birds: woodpecker breeding cavities, rot holes, dead branches, broken treetops, and perennial polypores. Our study was performed in a managed lowland temperate forest. In 94 plots (10 ha each) we made bird surveys and inventoried the stand composition and TreMs. Our results show that the tree stand composition of a managed forest affects the abundance of TreMs. The share of deciduous trees in the stand favors the occurrence of such TreMs as dead branches, rot holes and perennial polypores. The overall richness of bird species and the species richness of primary cavity nesters depended on the total basal area of oak, hornbeam and birch, whereas the species richness of secondary cavity nesters increased with the total basal area of birch and oak

    Stand Composition, Tree-Related Microhabitats and Birds—A Network of Relationships in a Managed Forest

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    Forest ecosystems contain many tree-related microhabitats (TreMs), which are used by various groups of organisms. Birds use TreMs for shelter, foraging and breeding. The abundance and variability of TreMs is related to tree stand composition and age. Over the last few centuries there has been a drastic decline in the structural and biological diversity of temperate forests over large areas of the Northern Hemisphere. These changes have reduced the diversity and quantity of TreMs. In this study we showed the relationships between stand composition, the abundance of TreMs, and the species richness of birds in a managed forest. We focused on TreMs that are important to birds: woodpecker breeding cavities, rot holes, dead branches, broken treetops, and perennial polypores. Our study was performed in a managed lowland temperate forest. In 94 plots (10 ha each) we made bird surveys and inventoried the stand composition and TreMs. Our results show that the tree stand composition of a managed forest affects the abundance of TreMs. The share of deciduous trees in the stand favors the occurrence of such TreMs as dead branches, rot holes and perennial polypores. The overall richness of bird species and the species richness of primary cavity nesters depended on the total basal area of oak, hornbeam and birch, whereas the species richness of secondary cavity nesters increased with the total basal area of birch and oak

    Supporting Information from Relatives reproduce in synchrony: kinship and individual condition shape intraspecific variation in masting phenotype

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    Masting, synchronous and interannually variable seed production, is frequently called a reproductive strategy. Yet, it is unclear whether the reproductive behaviour of individuals has a heritable component. To address this, we used 22 years of annual fruit production data from 110 Sorbus aucuparia L. trees to examine the contributions of genetic factors to the reproductive phenotype of individuals, while controlling for environmental variation. Trees sharing close genetic relationships and experiencing similar habitat conditions exhibited similar levels of reproductive synchrony. Trees of comparable sizes displayed similar levels of year-to-year variation in fruiting, with relatedness contributing to this variation. External factors, such as shading, influenced the time intervals between years with abundant fruit production. The effects of genetic relatedness on the synchrony of reproduction among trees and on interannual variation provide long-awaited evidence that the masting phenotype is heritable, and can respond to natural selection

    Diversity and geographic distribution of haplotypes of Dirofilaria immitis across European endemic countries

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    Abstract Background Dirofilaria immitis, also known as heartworm, is one of the most important parasitic nematodes of domestic dogs, causing a potentially serious disease, cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis, which can be lethal. This species seems to be less 'expansive' than its sister species Dirofilaria repens, and it is believed that climate change facilitates the spread of this parasite to new non-endemic regions. Methods In total, 122 heartworm isolates were analysed from nine endemic countries in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine) and a single isolate from Bangladesh by amplification and sequencing of two mitochondrial (mt) DNA markers: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and dehydrogenase subunit 1 (NADH). The main aim of the current study was to determine the genetic diversity of D. immitis and compare it with D. repens haplotype diversity and distribution. DNA was extracted from adult heartworms or microfilariae in blood. Most isolates originated from dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) while 10 isolates originated from wildlife species from Romania, including eight isolates from golden jackals (Canis aureus), one isolate from a Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and one isolate from a red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Results Median spanning network analysis was based on the combined sequence (1721 bp) obtained from two mt markers and successfully delineated nine haplotypes (Di1-Di9). Haplotype Di1 was the dominant haplotype encompassing 91 out of the 122 sequences (75%) from all nine countries and four host species. Haplotype Di2 was the second most common haplotype, formed solely by 13 isolates from Italy. The remaining sequences were assigned to Di3-Di9 haplotypes, differing by 1–4 SNPs from the dominant Di1 haplotype. There was evidence for geographical segregation of haplotypes, with three unique haplotypes associated with Italy and four others associated with certain countries (Di4 and Di7 with Slovakia; Di8 with Greece; Di6 with Hungary). Conclusion Diversity in D. immitis mt haplotypes was lower by half than in D. repens (9 vs. 18 haplotypes in D. immitis and D. repens, respectively), which may be associated with the slower expansion of heartworm in Central and NE Europe. NADH gene appears to be conserved in Dirofilaria sp. by showing lower genetic diversity than the analysed COI gene. Graphical Abstrac

    Diversity and geographic distribution of haplotypes of Dirofilaria immitis across European endemic countries

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    Dirofilaria immitis, also known as heartworm, is one of the most important parasitic nematodes of domestic dogs, causing a potentially serious disease, cardiopulmonary dirofilariosis, which can be lethal. This species seems to be less \u27expansive\u27 than its sister species Dirofilaria repens, and it is believed that climate change facilitates the spread of this parasite to new non-endemic regions.In total, 122 heartworm isolates were analysed from nine endemic countries in Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Ukraine) and a single isolate from Bangladesh by amplification and sequencing of two mitochondrial (mt) DNA markers: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and dehydrogenase subunit 1 (NADH). The main aim of the current study was to determine the genetic diversity of D. immitis and compare it with D. repens haplotype diversity and distribution. DNA was extracted from adult heartworms or microfilariae in blood. Most isolates originated from dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) while 10 isolates originated from wildlife species from Romania, including eight isolates from golden jackals (Canis aureus), one isolate from a Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) and one isolate from a red fox (Vulpes vulpes).Median spanning network analysis was based on the combined sequence (1721 bp) obtained from two mt markers and successfully delineated nine haplotypes (Di1-Di9). Haplotype Di1 was the dominant haplotype encompassing 91 out of the 122 sequences (75%) from all nine countries and four host species. Haplotype Di2 was the second most common haplotype, formed solely by 13 isolates from Italy. The remaining sequences were assigned to Di3-Di9 haplotypes, differing by 1-4 SNPs from the dominant Di1 haplotype. There was evidence for geographical segregation of haplotypes, with three unique haplotypes associated with Italy and four others associated with certain countries (Di4 and Di7 with Slovakia; Di8 with Greece; Di6 with Hungary).Diversity in D. immitis mt haplotypes was lower by half than in D. repens (9 vs. 18 haplotypes in D. immitis and D. repens, respectively), which may be associated with the slower expansion of heartworm in Central and NE Europe. NADH gene appears to be conserved in Dirofilaria sp. by showing lower genetic diversity than the analysed COI gene