20 research outputs found

    Multichannel queueing behaviour in urban bicycle traffic

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a method to analyse and describe cyclists’ behaviour at signalized intersections with specific focus on the multichannel (multi-lane) queue phenomenon. As we observed, cyclists form queues without a fixed-lane and FIFO discipline, for which the classical, car-oriented analytical approach becomes insufficient. Cyclists’ multichannel queueing behaviour is common and characterized by substantial degree of variability, especially in case of shorter queues which emerge regularly at cycle crossings. Although cyclist behaviour has been widely studied by transportation research community, their queueing behaviour picture is still incomplete. Namely, there is no method addressed to analyse the full scope of these phenomena and to quantify their impact on the cyclist queue performance. To bridge this gap, we introduce the technique to observe multichannel queues and report relevant observations, which we then complement with a methodological framework to analyse obtained results and provide a complete multichannel queue description. We video-record cyclists as they enqueue to one of multiple channels, form the queue and smoothly merge into a single lane again as the queue discharges. We apply the method to analyse results from a pilot study of 160 cyclists forming 50 queues in the city of Krakow, Poland. The proposed method allows us to analyse and quantify the observed queue performance and its characteristics: the number of channels, their emergence process, channel and queue lengths, discharge process with FIFO violations, starting and discharging times. Findings from pilot study reveal that both queue length and discharge times strongly depend on queue formation process. The contribution of this paper is the method to describe multichannel cyclist queueing behaviour, enriching current picture of bicycle flow and cyclists’ behaviour. Since the method has been developed on relatively short queues (up to 10 cyclists), findings included in this paper primarily refer to such queue sizes. Nonetheless, the method is formulated in a generic way, applicable also for longer bicycle queues. Possible practical implications are new estimates for queue lengths and discharge times - useful for bicycle infrastructure design and traffic engineering purposes


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    This paper presents results of applying Fuzzy Inference System for estimation of the number of potential Park and Ride users. Usually it is difficult to evaluate the number of users because it depends on human factor and data in the considered system are uncertain. In such situation the traditional mathematical approaches can not take into consideration rough data. Therefore a fuzzy approach can be applied in this case. A fuzzy methodology is treated as a proper way to describe choice of mode of transport, and especially that uncertainty accompanied of choosing process has rather fuzzy character. The proposed approach is based on the Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System and for calculation there is used Matlab software with Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. Mamdani model requires, as an input data, knowledge of the shape of membership function. These functions can be calibrated taking into consideration results of questionnaires conducted among users of Park and Ride system. Due to lack of representative sample of users, one has decided to use results of experts' questionnaires as a input data for calibration the shape of membership functions. Describing factor will be generalized cost of the trip for different modes of transport. Proposed approach consists of two main stages: modeling of share of public/private transport trips and Multimodal model estimating number of Park and Ride users. Verification of presented methodology is treated as an indirect proof. Proposed approach can be applied for estimation of bi-modal split. Then the results are compared with traditional approaches based on logit functions. Comparable results of proposed fuzzy approach with traditional logit models can be treated as a confirmation of chosen methodology

    Investigating the Impact of Public Transport Service Disruptions upon Passenger Travel Behaviour—Results from Krakow City

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    Public transport (PT) service disruptions are common and unexpected events which often result in major impediment to passengers’ typical travel routines. However, attitudes and behavioural responses to unexpected PT disruptions are still not fully understood in state-of-the-art research. The objective of this study is to examine how PT users adapt their travel choices and what travel information sources they utilize once they encounter sudden PT service disruptions. To this end, we conduct a passenger survey among PT users in the city of Kraków (Poland), consisting of a series of stated- and revealed-preference questions. Results show that passengers’ reported choices during past PT disruptions mostly involve adjusting the current PT travel routine, exposing a certain bias with their stated choices (which tend to overestimate the probability of modal shifts). Factors influencing travel behaviour shifts include frequency and recency of PT disruption experience, as well as propensity to arrive on-time. With regards to travel information sources, staff announcement and personal experience play an important role in recognizing the emerging disruption, but real-time information (RTI) sources are the most useful in planning the onward journey afterwards. Based on these, we highlight the implications for future RTI policy during PT service disruptions; in particular, the provision of a reliable time estimate until normal service conditions are resumed. Such RTI content could foster passengers’ tendency to use PT services in uncertain conditions, especially as their stated wait time tolerance often matches the actual duration of PT disruptions

    Should I stay or should I board? Willingness to wait with real-time crowding information in urban public transport

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    Overcrowding is a major phenomenon affecting travel experience in urban public transport, whose negative impacts can be potentially mitigated with real-time crowding information (RTCI) on public transport vehicle departures. In this study, we investigate the willingness to wait (WTW) with instantaneous RTCI to avoid the in-vehicle (over)crowding the passenger faces, focusing specifically on urban crowding context (i.e. bus and tram systems). We conduct a stated-preference survey in Krakow (Poland), where we examine the choice probability between boarding now a more crowded vehicle vs. waiting at the stop for a less-crowded PT departure, and estimate a series of discrete choice models.Results show that 50–70% of respondents consider skipping a first departure which is excessively overcrowded and 10–30% would skip a vehicle with moderate standing crowding on-board. Acceptable waiting times typically range between 2 and 13 min, depending on crowding level and propensity to arrive on-time, but may even exceed 20 min in individual cases. These findings indicate that RTCI can induce a substantial WTW, affecting travel behaviour. We discuss its implications for mitigating service disruptions and demand management policies, including prospective support for public transport recovery in the aftermath of covid-19 crisis

    Analiza wielkości parkingów Park and Ride zlokalizowanych w obszarach metropolitarnych

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    The main purpose of the paper is to estimate P&R demand, which can be useful in estimation of its capacity. The proposed approach is based on the assessment of parking location in terms of connections with public transport system, attractiveness of the location and spatial development of surroundings. Within the analysis, the number of Park and Ride trips was estimated. The proposed approach has been applied to six planned locations of Park and Ride system in Warsaw agglomeration and the analyses were conducted on a simulation model of the whole agglomeration.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ocena wielkości popytu na podróże w systemie Park and Ride (P&R), które pozwolą na weryfikację założeń funkcjonalnych dotyczących budowy tego typu parkingów. Proponowane podejście będzie bazować na ocenie poszczególnych lokalizacji w aspekcie powiązań z układem komunikacji zbiorowej, atrakcyjności położenia oraz zagospodarowania przestrzennego przyległego obszaru. W toku analizy zostanie wyznaczona liczba podroży odbywanych z wykorzystaniem systemu P&R. Przykład aplikacji modelu będzie wykonany w oparciu o symulacyjny model transportowy aglomeracji warszawskiej

    Modern technologies in construction LiDAR, BIM, GIS, AI - selected issues

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    W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesne narzędzia wspomagające proces projektowania i zarządzania inwestycją budowlaną. Wykorzystując technologię BIM, nowoczesne metody skanowania laserowego oraz wspomaganie sztuczną inteligencją, omówiono przykłady zastosowań dla konkretnych inwestycji. Wybrane przykłady dotyczą zarówno inwestycji kubaturowych, jak i infrastrukturalnych.The article presents modern tools supporting the process of designing and managing a construction investment. Using BIM technology, modern methods of laser scanning and artificial intelligence, examples of applications for specific investments were discussed. Selected examples concern both cubature and infrastructure investments

    The role of Polish infrastructural projects in creating high speed railway network in Central Europe

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    The projects of construction high speed lines in Poland have also international aspects. The lines planned in Poland are part of Trans-European network of high speed railways. In the newest version of CEF funds Polish project of HSL Warszawa–Lodz–Poznan/ Wroclaw is part of corridor North Sea–Baltic Sea connecting high speed railways network in Germany and Baltic countries (planned on 2027). Project of high speed railways network based on, at least initial phase, on Warszawa–Lodz–Poznan/Wroclaw (Y) line and Warsaw–Katowice/Krakow (CMK) line, which is stated in UE documents as „double Y”, is key part of Trans-European Network, which connects high speed railway network of neighbour countries, allowing to create high speed system in Central Europe

    The impact of road infrastructure failures on traffic conditions and travel behaviour in urban areas – the case of the Lazienkowski Bridge in Warsaw

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    This article deals with the problems of failures of transport infrastructure sections and their consequences. The article presents the research problem of assessing the impact of the fire on Lazienkowski Bridge, in Warsaw, on the travel behaviour of city residents as well as traffic conditions in the city. Changes occurring directly after the bridge’s failure during the period up to several months after the event were analysed. In order to assess the consequences of the failure, data obtained from traffic measurements on selected bridge crossings and interview surveys carried out among city residents were used. The results of the surveys proved that the exclusion of the Lazienkowski Bridge from traffic resulted in a significant increase in traffic volumes on other bridges, especially neighbouring ones, and resulted in longer rush hours on the bridge crossings in question. 42% of the city‘s residents felt the negative consequences of the failure in the form of worse conditions of travel and 36% of the residents reported a longer travel time to work/school. The failure also caused changes in travel behaviour as regards the choice of means of transport, travel route or not travelling altogether. The consequences of the failure affected, to the greatest extent, the residents of areas most functionally connected with the bridge

    Simulating a Macrosystem of Cargo Deliveries by Road Transport Based on Big Data Volumes: A Case Study of Poland

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    Simulation models of transport systems are a key tool for solving many problems in the field of management of these systems. The methodologies for creating such models use datasets on both transport infrastructure and demand for the delivery of goods or passenger transport, however, many factors are considered based on assumptions due to the complexity. This article describes the approach to modeling the cargo transportation system for road transport in Poland based on data obtained by the Central Statistical Office from the TD-E survey. This approach avoids many assumptions about demand as the demand parameters are estimated based on a sample representing the general population—a set of all economic entities generating freight traffic. Basic procedures in the developed approach have been implemented as Python scripts. As a result of the use of the proposed methodology, a country-wide road transport model was obtained based on the TD-E survey from 2018. The adequacy of the developed model was assessed based on the results of the General Traffic Measurement from 2015. The obtained model is of satisfactory quality (the coefficient of determination equals 0.62), which can be improved after calibrating the space resistance functions and improving the traffic distribution procedure

    The Application of the Multiple Criteria Decision Aid to Assess Transport Policy Measures Focusing on Innovation

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    The sustainable development of transport is fostered by innovations. To implement innovations, the European Commission issues different regulations, programs and initiatives and the European Transport Policy has a significant impact on transport policy in the member states. At the same time, transport policy is dynamic and requires new solutions that will allow the planned goals to be achieved. In this context, it is important to analyze the effectiveness of the current innovation policies, and to create recommendations for future actions that bring innovations to the market. This article concerns the subject of innovation policy in the transport sector. It illustrates the possibility of applying one of the methods of the multiple criteria decision aid, i.e., the simple additive weighting (SAW) method to assess the European Union (EU) and national policy measures in surface transport in terms of their influence on the market take-up of innovations. The use of this method allows for the analyzed policy measures to be contemplated in terms of various criteria and to identify those that best meet the adopted criteria, and thus those that could contribute the most to the stimulation of innovation. The article focuses on the method itself, indicating its flexibility and ease of use, while the analyzed collection of policy measures constitutes only the background of the deliberations