534 research outputs found

    Smoking in inflammatory bowel diseases: Good, bad or ugly?

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    Smoking is an important environmental factor in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), having different effects in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). A recent meta-analysis partially confirmed previous findings that smoking was found to be protective against ulcerative colitis and, after onset of the disease, might improve its course, decreasing the need for colectomy. However, smoking increases the risk of developing Crohn’s disease and worsens its course, increasing the need for steroids, immunosuppressants and re-operations. Smoking cessation aggravates ulcerative colitis and improves Crohn’s disease. Data are however, largely conflictive as well as the potential mechanisms involved in this dual relationship are still unknown. In this review article, the authors review the role of smoking in inflammatory bowel diseases

    Public Health Concerns Regarding Reproduction Structured by Race/ Ethnicity and Class during State Socialism in Hungary

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    This paper describes the means by which medical professionals of the socialist period integrated interwar public hygiene practices into the health management of gypsies from the perspective of the public health interest of the majority. In these practices, ethnic/racial stereotypes shaped public health action. Public-health officials justified these actions on the basis of their fear that gypsies would spread diseases if their hygiene issues were not controlled. A further development occurred in the discourse when gypsy ethnic identity came to be recognized as an important statistical variable in determining healthy birth rates. Regarding this question, it will be demonstrated that ethnic identity as a variable, appeared in the medical discourse as a problem that offset the overall reproductive statistics of the state. It is argued that the medical professional discourse with its arguments, practices, and measures, point towards a continuity between the interwar and socialist periods’ public health regarding racial thinking

    Spencerian influence on the early moral philosophy of Ákos Pauler regarding racial and gender inequality

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    In this paper I argue that the early moral philosophy of Ákos Pauler was informed by eugenic and racial hygienic theories of his age. Perhaps one of the key social theorists of his time was the British philosopher Herbert Spencer who arguably had an influence on the moral theories of Pauler as well. Pauler became an influential theoretician in Hungary during the interwar period. His ideological commitments to Christinity and national values made him favorable to the authoritarian politics of the 1920s and 30s. His significance lasted until the end of the 1940s; during the Socialist period from 1948 to 1989 Pauler’s heritage was played down because of the idological divide between the two political eras. However, after the transition, the works of Pauler were re-discovered and my study contributes to this strand of research from an intersectional perspective. In this paper I will analyze how conceptulizations of race and gender structured their moral theories in which the responsibility of women was understood in terms of their reproductive contribution to their country’s racial future. I claim that Pauler’s early moral philosophy rests on racially informed principles that justify gender subordination


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    The excess free enthalpy of metal surfaces is calculated using Ising's model for both one- and two-dimensional surfaces. The result is in good agreement with experimentally obtained data

    Sustainability study for wheat straw torrefaction technology

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    The aim of this article is to examine the torrefaction production technology placed in two power plant environment (Rankine-Clausius, and Organic Rankine-Clausius circular procedures). The torrefaction is a heat treatment process at 280 – 300 °C obturated from oxygen, this heat treatment effectively changing the structure of the material, and the feedstock’s heating value improves. Our study is restricted is wheat pallet because we conducted the laboratory experiments with material. In Hungary the agricultural industry produces raw materials in big amounts (mainly combustibles that is energetically renewables) which are at the moment, mixed with nitrogen-based fertilizers and biodegradable anaerobe bacteria ploughed back into the tillage as a form of nutrient supply. It takes 9 months to become nutriment from this inorganic material. The object of our study is the key equipment of a production technology which continuously works, double-jacketed, and can be subjected to vacuuming. This equipment is a cylindrical furnace in which the torrefaction is realized.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A nemszteroid gyulladáscsökkentő gyógyszerek kiválasztásának szempontjai a biztonságosság tükrében = Recommendation for the substantial choice between various nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs based on their safety profile

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    Absztrakt: A nemszteroid gyulladáscsökkentő gyógyszerek a leggyakrabban javasolt fájdalomcsillapítók. A reumatológiai gyakorlatban a fájdalom és a gyulladás csökkentésére egyaránt használjuk, ugyanakkor a terápiás ajánlások is fokozott óvatosságra intenek e gyógyszercsoport használata során, azok jól ismert lehetséges – gastrointestinalis, cardiovascularis és renalis – mellékhatásai miatt. Különösen igaz ez az idősebb életkorú vagy fiatalabb, de polimorbid betegek esetében. Miután hazánkban is öregedő populációval kell számolnunk, alapvető fontosságú, hogy a gyakorló orvos tisztában legyen a nemszteroid gyulladáscsökkentők alapvető farmakokinetikai sajátosságaival, gyógyszer-interakcióival, mellékhatásprofiljával, és a saját szakterületén belül mindig a legújabb irányelvek mentén használja ezeket a gyógyszereket. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(44): 1783–1788. | Abstract: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are the most commonly used painkillers. Both analgetic and antiinflammatory effects of these medications are important in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. Despite their well-recognized efficacy, professional societies recommend using nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs with caution, balancing the various potential gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and renal adverse events. Clinicians should consider advanced age and history of concomitant diseases even in younger patients when considering treatment choice. As our Hungarian society is aging, prescribers must be aware of the basic pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs as well as drug interactions and potential adverse effects should be taken into consideration when using them according to the latest professional guidelines. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(44): 1783–1788