80 research outputs found
The Work of the International Law Commission in Relation to the Effect of Armed Conflict on Treaties
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Camus Gondolatok a halálbüntetésről - nemzetközi színezettel
Reflections on the Guillotine is an essay by Albert Camus, published in 1957, arguing very persuasively in favour of abolition of the death penalty, which at the time was considered an almost “heretic” thought around the world. Today there’s a universal cooperation among many actors of the international arena, campaigning for the total ban. Two-third of all the States have abolished death penalty however there are still 58 using it. Right to life is not a new idea, it is incorporated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), but it does not prohibit death penalty if sentenced to and executed in fair proceedings. Interpretation of the right to life is increasingly widening, containing several rights, thus nowadays we see an array of international treaties against death penalty. Issues arising in connection to death penalty also relate to the prohibition of torture, the right to fair proceedings and rights of the child. Attitude of the States toward death penalty usually mirrors their relation to and interpretation of human rights, which represents the different social and cultural traditions
Milyen magasra tehető egy villanyóra? : 2000/43/EK sz. faji diszkrimináció elleni irányelvvel kapcsolatos kisebbségi és roma ügyekről
The European Union adopted the 2000/43/EC Racial Equality Directive nearly twenty years ago, most of the provisions of which has been interpreted at either European Union or national level. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the interpretation of the directive through legal practice, in focus with the most significant cases relating to minorities, especially to the Roma. Detailed analysis of the differentiation of direct and indirect discrimination, association with the protected characteristic and the issues of the burden of proof are provided. Since C-303/06 Coleman v Attridge Law, a person may bring a claim for direct discrimination if they are treated less favourably because they are associated with a protected characteristic, such as disability or race, even if they do not share that protected characteristic. In C-83/14 CHEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD the CJEU has upheld a claim for indirect discrimination by association. The ECJ expressed that the Racial Equality Directive does not restrict the principle of equal treatment to persons who suffer discrimination based on their own racial or ethnic origin. The principle of equal treatment is intended to benefit those people who, although not themselves a member of the race or ethnic group concerned, nevertheless suffer less favourable treatment or a particular disadvantage on one of those grounds. Special attention is dedicated not only to the case-law of the European Court of Justice, but also to the practice of national equality bodies and courts. Enforcement of the decisions of national authorities has been a challenge and the issue provides the narrowly understood actuality of the study, since the Administrative Court of Sofia, Bulgaria, (which requested the preliminary ruling of the ECJ in the CHEZ Bulgaria case), recently ruled to quash the decision of the Bulgarian Equality Body, which has to restart the procedure, originally initiated ten years ago
Kétoldalú nemzetközi szerződés alkalmazásának felfüggesztése fegyveres konfliktus miatt
The effect of armed conflict on bilateral international treaties of the belligerent parties has undergone a considerable change in the past century. From the concept of termination as the effect of armed conflict by the time of World War II practice of the States had reached the position of suspension of application or no effect at all. This question is regulated solely under customary international law, but the practice of states and doctrine is not readily available and sometimes may be contradictory.Suspension in the case of armed conflict considerably differs from the rules set out in the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The lengthy procedure which is based on the negotiation of the parties of the relevant bilateral treaty is almost impossible in the circumstances of an armed conflict, especially with respect to the hostile relationship between the parties.When dealing with this issue one finds that in the practice of States non-application of treaties during an armed conflict exists, however from the viewpoint of principles of international law, namely the principles of pacta sunt servanda, good faith, ex injuria jus non oritur and rule of law this practice - to say the least - is questionable
Nemzetközi szerződések
A nemzetközi szerződés a nemzetközi jog egyik legfőbb jogforrása. A szócikk áttekinti a
nemzetközi szerződések jogának történetét, a nemzetközi szerződés fogalmát, a megkötésre
vonatkozó szabályokat, a fenntartásokat, az érvénytelenség problematikáját, a szerződés hatályát,
értelmezését és végrehajtásának elveit, valamint a megszűnését. A nemzetközi szerződések jogát
nemcsak az 1969. évi bécsi egyezmény alapján mutatja be, hanem a nemzetközi bíróságok és az
államok gyakorlatán keresztül, valamint a jogtudomány fényében is elemzi
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