33 research outputs found

    Research in Sport and Exercise Psychology Between 2003 and 2013 : an Analysis of the English-Speaking Publication Trends Before the Field's 50th Anniversary

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    Sports and exercise psychology as a scholastic field was officially inaugurated in 1965 in Rome on the occasion of the first World Congress on Sports Psychology. As it nears its 50th anniversary in 2015, we have conducted a content analysis of the existing six subject specific English-speaking international journals in the field to obtain an overview of research and publication trends. Articles (n = 2276) published between 1 January 2003 and 1 January 2013 were examined. The type of publications, subject of the articles, institutional and national origin, and authors' gender were examined. Results revealed that the subject matter of the articles could be grouped into 45 areas. The majority (79.6%) of the work was empirical. Articles originated from 725 institutions located in 43 nations. Most publications (75%) over the decade reviewed stemmed from only five, mainly Anglophone, nations. First and second authorships were largely by male scholars (64.7% vs. 68.2%). Compared to 2003, in 2012 significant changes took place in authorships and the subject areas of the articles. It is concluded that research and publications in the field of sport and exercise psychology are dynamic and growing. At present, the work is largely dominated by English-speaking contributions and male scholars. However, input from British and German scholars was nearly three times higher in 2012 than in 2003.La psicología de la actividad física y del deportees inauguró oficialmente como un campo académico en 1965 en Roma, con ocasión del primer Congreso Mundial de Psicología del Deporte. Se acerca su 50 aniversario en 2015, por lo que se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de las seis revistas internacionales específicas existentes en el campo para obtener una visión general de las tendencias de investigación y publicación. Se han analizado un total de 2276 artículos publicados entre el 01 de enero de 2003 y 01 de enero 2013, examinando el tema de los artículos, el origen institucional y nacional, así como el género de los autores. Los resultados revelan que las temáticas tratadas podrían agruparse en 45 áreas temáticas. La mayoría de los trabajos son de naturaleza empírica (79.6%). Los artículos se originaron a partir de 725 instituciones ubicadas en 43 países distintos. La mayoría de las publicaciones (75%) durante la década revisada provenían de sólo cinco países, principalmente de habla inglesa. Respecto a los autores, los dos primeros firmantes son hombres (64.7% vs. 68.2%). En comparación con 2003, en 2012 tuvieron lugar cambios significativos en la autoría y en las áreas temáticas de los artículos. Se concluye que la investigación y publicaciones en el ámbito de la psicología de la actividad física y del deporte se encuentra en crecimiento, manifestando en la actualidad un dominio preponderante de publicaciones en lengua inglesa y por varones. En la comparación de 2013 y 2012, destaca que la aportación de autores británicos y alemanes se ha triplicado.A psicologia da actividade física e do desporto foi inaugurada oficialmente como um campo académico em 1965 em Roma, por ocasião do primeiro Congresso Mundial de Psicologia do Desporto. Aproxima-se o seu 50 aniversário em 2015, pelo que se realizou uma análise de conteúdo das seis revistas internacionais específicas existentes na área para obter uma visão geral das tendências de investigação e publicação. Foram analisados um total de 2276 artigos publicados entre 01 de Janeiro de 2003 e 01 de Janeiro de 2013, analisando os temas dos artigos, a origem institucional e nacional, assim como o género dos autores. Os resultados revelam que as temáticas tratadas poderiam ser agrupadas em 45 áreas temáticas. A maioria dos trabalhos são de natureza empírica (79.6%). Os artigos são originários de 725 instituições sediadas em 43 países distintos. A maioria das publicações (75%) durante a década revista provinham apenas de cinco países, principalmente de língua inglesa. A respeito dos autores, os primeiros dois autores são homens (64.7% vs. 68.2%). Comparativamente com 2003, em 2012 ocorreram mudanças significativas na autoria e nas áreas temáticas dos artigos. Pode então concluir-se que a investigação e as publicações no âmbito da psicologia da actividade física e do desporte se encontra em crescimento, manifestando na actualidade um domínio preponderante de publicações em língua inglesa e por homens. Com base na comparação entre 2013 e 2012, é destacada a contribuição de autores britânicos e alemães que triplicou

    Analyse der Virulenzsituation des Roggenschwarzrostes (Puccinia graminis f. sp. secalis) im ökologischen Landbau zur Züchtung resistenten Roggens

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    Organic Agriculture is especially affected by the increasing spread of stem rust in rye (Puccinia graminis f. sp. secalis) because there is a lack of resistant cultivars in Germany. To analyze the virulence situation of rye stem rust, 71 single-pustule-isolates were established and 30 of those were tested with a differential set consisting of 19 lines. The isolates could be classified into 22 different pathotypes. Only seven pathotypes could be found more than once. Most of the isolates showed a complexity of five virulences. In a preliminary analysis a Simpson index of 0,98 was found indicating a high level of diversity of German stem rust populations. Nine of 19 tested lines reacted fully resistant in seedling stage. In 2011, 70 and 30 rye populations, were cultivated under organic conditions at three and five field sites, respectively, to determine the level of adult-plant resistance. The most common cultivars Recrut, Conduct, Amilo, Firmament®, Lichtkornroggen®, Rolipa, and Lautenbacher were highly susceptible to stem rust under artificial infection with disease severities of about 50%. Twelve rye populations contained resistant plants in varying frequencies resulting in disease severities ranging from 6-34%

    Wertprüfung der in Deutschland zugelassenen Winterweizen-Populationen

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    Mit dem Durchführungsbeschluss 2014/150/EU fordert die Europäische Kommission die Organisation eines zeitlich befristeten Experiments, welches Ausnahmen in Bezug auf das Inverkehrbringen von heterogenem Pflanzenmaterial zulässt. Das als Populationen bezeichnete heterogene Material muss die DUS-Kriterien der regulären Sortenzulassung nicht erfüllen. Stattdessen wird im Durchführungsbeschluss ein Mindestmaß für die Heterogenität der Populationen vorgeschrieben. In diesem Beitrag stellen wir Ergebnisse von Wertprüfungen der in Deutschland zugelassenen Winterweizen-Populationen vor, die 2016/17 und 2017/18 gemäß den Richtlinien für landwirtschaftliche Wertprüfungen und Sortenversuche des Bundessortenamts durchgeführt wurden. Erfasst wurden der Ertrag, agronomische Eigenschaften und Backqualitätseigenschaften

    Kontrolle des Roggenschwarzrostes, Puccinia graminis f. sp. secalis, im Ökologischen Landbau durch Züchtung resistenten Roggens

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    Der Ökologische Landbau (ÖLB) ist von der zunehmenden Ausbreitung des Roggenschwarz-rostes, Puccinia graminis f. sp. secalis, besonders betroffen, da resistente Roggensorten bisher nicht zur Verfügung stehen. Zur Analyse der Virulenzsituation des Roggenschwarzrostes wurden 389 Einpustelisolate (EPI) hergestellt, von denen 323 mit einem Differentialsortiment aus 15 Inzuchtlinien getestet wurden. Die EPI konnten 226 Pathotypen zugeordnet werden, von denen nur 56 Pathotypen häufiger als einmal vorkamen. Die Mehrzahl der Isolate wies in den Jahren 2011, 2012 und 2013 eine Komplexität von sieben, sechs bzw. fünf auf. Keine der 15 Differentiallinien reagierte vollständig resistent. Mit einem Simpson-Wert von 0,99 zeigt sich eine maximale Diversität der deutschen Schwarzrostpopulation. Das im Rahmen des Projektes entwickelt Isolatesortiment deckt das aktuelle Virulenzspektrum der Schwarzrostpopulationen ab und kann auch zukünftig genutzt werden, um die Wirksamkeit von Schwarzrostresistenzen zu prüfen. Außerdem kann das Auftreten neuer Virulenzen in der Schwarzrostpopulation jetzt rechtzeitig erkannt und wirtschaftlicher Schaden abgewendet werden. Zur Ermittlung der Adultpflanzen-Resistenz wurden bis zu 70 Genetische Ressourcen sowie adaptiertes, selbstfertiles Roggenmaterial unter ökologischen Bedingungen an fünf Feldstandorten je Jahr angebaut. Das Inokulum für die künstlichen Inokulationen wurde am JKI produziert und die Inokulation fand im Entwicklungsstadium BBCH37 (Mai 2013 und Mai 2014) statt. Die im Ökologischen Landbau verwendeten Sorten Recrut, Conduct, Amilo, Firmament®, Lichtkornroggen®, Rolipa und Lautenbacher waren nach künstlicher Infektion hoch anfällig gegenüber Schwarzrost mit Befallsstärken von über 50%. Nach drei Versuchs-jahren konnten insgesamt 17 Populationssorten aus Österreich (Tiroler, Kärntner, Oberkärnt-ner), Russland (Hy75/81, Hy2407/87, Talwoskaja 29, Hy9a/86, Talowskija, Zidlochowicke rane, Instituckie Wcz), den USA (Wheeler, Elbon, Wrens Abruzzi, Gator, Alfa), und Argentinien (Manfredi), mit mittleren Befallswerten von ≤30 % für die Züchtung bereitgestellt werden. Das Projekt leistete damit einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Nutzung der Biodiversität des Roggens und zur Optimierung der Resistenzzüchtung im ÖLB. Resistente Roggensorten werden in Zukunft eine effiziente Kontrolle des Roggenschwarzrostes ermöglichen, die den Grundsätzen des ÖLB entspricht. Das Projekt kann den Hauptaufgaben 2.1, 2.3, 2.4 und 2.14 des Forschungsplanes des BMELV zugeordnet werden und ist Grundlage für die Weiterentwicklung von Strategien zur Nutzung von Schwarzrostresistenzen sowie die Bewertung der Widerstandfähigkeit von Roggen gegenüber Schwarzrost

    Next generation sequencing for characterization of mitochondrial genome in pituitary adenomas

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    Introduction Disrupted mitochondrial functions and genetic variations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been observed in different tumors. Regarding pituitary adenomas mtDNA was evaluated only in oncocytic type using PCR based methods and it showed high prevalence of Complex I variants. Next generation sequencing (NGS) allows high throughput sequencing and it is useful for accurate identification of heteroplasmy of mitochondrial genome as well. Aim We aimed to investigate the entire mitochondrial genome in different adenoma types. Material and methods We collected 22 gonadotroph (GO), 11 growth hormone producing (GH) and 11 null-cell (NC) adenoma specimens from samples removed by transsphenoidal surgery. From fresh frozen tissues DNA extraction was performed using QIAamp Fast DNA Tissue Kit. For library preparation VariantPro™ Amplicon Mitochondrion Panel kit was used. The total mtDNA (16569 bp) was sequenced on Illumina MiSeq Instrument. Following complex bioinformatic analysis Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) of the human mitochondrial DNA was used as reference. Heteroplasmy was determined using 3% cutoff. Results. The whole mitochondrial genome were covered by 630±370 (avg±SE) reads per base. 496 variants were identified in adenomas compared to reference sequence. Overall a low (7.22%) heteroplasmy prevalence was found. Based on mitochondrial sequence variants by hierarchical cluster analysis we could not discriminate different adenoma types. No association between Ki-67 index or recurrent-nonrecurrent status of adenomas and mitochondrial variants were detected. Four variants appeared more often in null-cell adenomas compared to gonadotroph adenomas (chrM_188: 18% vs. 0%, chrM_16093: 18% vs. 0%, chrM_185: 27% vs. 0% and chrM_14798: 36% vs. 5%; Padj=0.0246, 0.0246, 0.01542 and 0.01829, respectively). Of these variants chrM_14798, chrM_4216 and chrM_15452 are non-synonymous polymorphisms leading to amino acid change in MT-CYB (mitochondrially encoded cytochrome b) and in MT-ND1 (mitochondrially encoded NADH dehydrogenase 1) genes. We identified chrM_16189 variant (non-protein coding variant) in 40% (6/15) of nonrecurrent adenomas compared to recurrent ones where this variant was not present (0/11) (p=0.0209). Conclusions Next-generation sequencing is a reliable method for investigating mitochondrial genome and heteroplasmy in pituitary adenomas. In pituitary adenomas the prevalence of heteroplasmy of mitochondrial genome is low suggesting that these alterations may not influence mitochondrial function considerably. Of pituitary tumours only null cell adenomas possess alterations of mitochondrial genome with potential functional consequences suggesting that during the development of this subtype of pituitary tumours mitochondrial function-associated mechanisms may have role

    Aldosterone Antagonists in Monotherapy Are Protective against Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Nephropathy in Rats

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    Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) are the standard clinical therapy of diabetic nephropathy (DN), while aldosterone antagonists are only used as adjuncts. Previously in experimental DN we showed that Na/K ATPase (NKA) is mislocated and angiotensin II leads to superimposed renal progression. Here we investigated the monotherapeutic effect of aldosterone blockers on the progression of DN and renal NKA alteration in comparison to ACEi and ARBs. Streptozotocin-diabetic rats developing DN were treated with aldosterone antagonists; ACEi and ARB. Renal function, morphology, protein level and tubular localization of NKA were analyzed. To evaluate the effect of high glucose per se; HK-2 proximal tubular cells were cultured in normal or high concentration of glucose and treated with the same agents. Aldosterone antagonists were the most effective in ameliorating functional and structural kidney damage and they normalized diabetes induced bradycardia and weight loss. Aldosterone blockers also prevented hyperglycemia and diabetes induced increase in NKA protein level and enzyme mislocation. A monotherapy with aldosterone antagonists might be as, or more effective than ACEi or ARBs in the prevention of STZ-induced DN. Furthermore the alteration of the NKA could represent a novel pathophysiological feature of DN and might serve as an additional target of aldosterone blockers

    Detection and proteomic characterization of extracellular vesicles in human pancreatic juice

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    AIMS: The prognosis of patients with pancreatic cancer has remained virtually unchanged with a high mortality rate compared to other types of cancers. An earlier detection would provide a time window of opportunity for treatment and prevention of deaths. In the present study we investigated extracellular vesicle (EV)-associated potential biomarkers for pancreatic cancer by directly assessing EV size-based subpopulations in pancreatic juice samples of patients with chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. In addition, we also studied blood plasma and pancreatic cancer cell line-derived EVs. METHODS: Comparative proteomic analysis was performed of 102EV preparations from human pancreatic juices, blood, and pancreatic cancer cell lines Capan-1 and MIA PaCa-2. EV preparations were also characterized by electron microscopy, tunable resistive pulse sensing, and flow cytometry. RESULTS: Here we describe the presence of EVs in human pancreatic juice samples. Pancreatic juice EV-associated proteins that we identified as possible candidate markers for pancreatic cancer included mucins, such as MUC1, MUC4, MUC5AC, MUC6 and MUC16, CFTR, and MDR1 proteins. These candidate biomarkers could also be detected by flow cytometry in EVs found in pancreatic juice and those secreted by pancreatic cancer cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: Together our data show that detection and characterization of EVs directly in pancreatic juice is feasible and may prove to be a valuable source of potential biomarkers of pancreatic cancer

    Anticoagulation After Stroke in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation : To Bridge or Not With Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin?

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    Background and Purpose- Bridging therapy with low-molecular-weight heparin reportedly leads to a worse outcome for acute cardioembolic stroke patients because of a higher incidence of intracerebral bleeding. However, this practice is common in clinical settings. This observational study aimed to compare (1) the clinical profiles of patients receiving and not receiving bridging therapy, (2) overall group outcomes, and (3) outcomes according to the type of anticoagulant prescribed. Methods- We analyzed data of patients from the prospective RAF and RAF-NOACs studies. The primary outcome was defined as the composite of ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, systemic embolism, symptomatic cerebral bleeding, and major extracerebral bleeding observed at 90 days after the acute stroke. Results- Of 1810 patients who initiated oral anticoagulant therapy, 371 (20%) underwent bridging therapy with full-dose low-molecular-weight heparin. Older age and the presence of leukoaraiosis were inversely correlated with the use of bridging therapy. Forty-two bridged patients (11.3%) reached the combined outcome versus 72 (5.0%) of the nonbridged patients (P=0.0001). At multivariable analysis, bridging therapy was associated with the composite end point (odds ratio, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.4-3.7; P Conclusions- Our findings suggest that patients receiving low-molecular-weight heparin have a higher risk of early ischemic recurrence and hemorrhagic transformation compared with nonbridged patients.Peer reviewe