105 research outputs found

    [Rezension zu:] Mária Bieliková: Bipolarität der Gestalten in Hermann Hesses Prosa

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    Rezension zu Mária Bieliková: Bipolarität der Gestalten in Hermann Hesses Prosa. Die Romane Demian und Der Steppenwolf vor dem Hintergrund der daoistischen Philosophie. Hamburg: Dr. Kovač, 200

    Stefan Zweig’s Narratives of Migration and Emigration

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    Stefan Zweig’s relation to the phenomenon of migration is indeed a complicated issue, which can be approached from at least three perspectives. Firstly, there is the biographic aspect: as one of the major representatives of the German exile literature (Exilliteratur), Zweig has one of the most dramatic biographies among the German authors in the 20th century, including his emigration from Austria to England and New York, then to South America, where (in Petrópolis near Rio de Janeiro) he died in February 1942. Secondly, migration is present in his fictional works, such as the short stories Schachnovelle or Incident on Lake Geneva. Thirdly, Zweig published, a year before his death, his book Brazil, Land of the Future, which, lacking fictitious elements, but including biographic ones, basically summarizes the history (also immigration-history) of Brazil and the main cultural features of his host country. Accordingly, the following paper is a brief analysis of three possible dimensions of migration in Stefan Zweig: biographic migration, including his voluntary and, later, his forced migration, finally fictional migration, i.e. migration as a subject of his works

    “Ich war als Neurotiker erkannt…” Illness, Suffering, and Pain in Hermann Hesse

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    Der Beitrag geht dem Themenkomplex Krankheit-Leiden-Schmerz bei Hermann Hesse nach, indem er einen Überblick über einschlägige Texte des Autors bietet. Gefragt wird nach Relationen zwischen Krankheit, Genie und Kunst in Prosatexten wie Taedium vitae, Gertrud, Kurgast oder Der Steppenwolf teils in Bezug auf Hesses Biographie, teils auf zeitgenössische Diskurse über (psychische) Krankheit oder Heilung, wie sie etwa bei Nietzsche oder Freud vorgeprägt waren. Es werden auch Verbindungslinien zwischen Hesses Auffassung der Krankheit als psychogenen Phänomens und seinem Kunstverständnis verfolgt. Schließlich werden die von Hesse etwa im Kurgast oder im Steppenwolf dargestellten psycho-physiologischen Heilungsprozesse ins Auge gefasst.Rad istražuje međusobno povezane teme bolesti, patnje i boli u nekoliko pripovjednih tekstova Hermanna Hessea, poput Taedium vitae, Gertrude, Gosta u toplicama i Stepskog vuka. Analiza se bavi odnosom bolesti, genijalnosti i umjetnosti, djelomično biografskim, a djelomično utemeljenim na suvremenim diskursima o (psihogenim) bolestima i ozdravljenju, kako ih donose Nietzsche i Freud. Isto tako, rad razotkriva poveznice između Hesseova koncepta bolesti kao psihogenog fenomena te njegovog poimanja umjetnosti. U konačnici, rad razmatra psihološke i fiziološke procese ozdravljenja opisane u Gostu u toplicama i Stepskom vuku.The paper examines the interrelated topics of illness, suffering, and pain in several narrative texts by Hermann Hesse, such as Taedium vitae, Gertrud, A Guest at the Spa, and The Steppenwolf. The analysis focuses on the relation between illness, geniality, and art, partly biographical, partly based on contemporary discourses on (psychogenic) illness and healing, as they were prefigured in Nietzsche and Freud. The paper also reveals connections between Hesse’s concept of illness as a psychogenic phenomenon and his understanding of art. Finally, psychologic and physiological processes of healing as described in A Guest at the Spa or The Steppenwolf are also considered

    „Es war an einer der südlichen Küsten…“ - Die Kulturwelt des Mittelmeerraumes in Rudolf Pannwitz’ Mythendichtungen und Publizistik

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    The paper examines the twofold relation of the cultural philosopher Rudolf Pannwitz to the Mediterranean culture. Firstly, the biographical aspect (he lived on the Dalmatian island if Koločep between 1921-1947) and its reflections in some of his texts, mainly in his (only) novel "The New Life" will be discussed. Secondly, his mythopoetic works, such as his five “Dionysian Tragedies” will be interpreted partly as reactions to Nietzsche’s Dionysian philosophy, partly as poetic manifestations of Pannwitz’s own cultural philosophy and cosmology. In order to explain the latter ones, some of his essays and articles will also be taken into consideration.Die folgende Studie geht dem Verhältnis des Kulturphilosophen Rudolf Pannwitz zur Kulturwelt des Mediterraneums in doppelter Hinsicht auf die Spur. Zunächst wird auf den biographischen Aspekt (er lebte auf der dalmatischen Insel Koločep 1921-1947) und seine Reflexionen vor allem in Pannwitz’ einzigem Roman, "Das neue Leben", anschließend auf die dichterischen Bearbeitungen klassischer Mythen eingegangen. Seine Mythendichtungen, wie vor allem seine fünf „Dionysischen Tragödien“, werden teils als Anregungen Nietzsches, teils als Poetisierungen seiner eigenen Kulturphilosophie und Kosmologie interpretiert. Zur Verdeutlichung der letzteren wurden auch einige seiner publizistischen Schriften (Essays, Artikel) herangezogen

    Theodor Däubler’s Intercultural Mythopoetry

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    Vorliegender Beitrag versucht den Dichter Theodor Däubler (1875- 1934) vom Klischee einer expressionistischen Einschachtelung abzuheben und ihn als einen ganz besonderen modernen Mythopoetiker in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Seine mythisch gefärbte Poetik wird im Kontext der alternativen, bis heute nicht kanonisierten Diskurse über Mythos und modernen Dichtung in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts, repräsentiert etwa durch Däublers Briefpartner und verlässlichsten Kenner, Rudolf Pannwitz, behandelt. Es wird dabei vor allem auf einige von Däublers Mythendichtungen und Delos-Essay eingegangen, wobei auch seine interkulturelle Vermittlerposition zwischen dem modernen deutschsprachigen und dem mediterranen (griechischen) Kulturraum konturiert wird. Abschließend widmet sich der Beitrag, basierend nicht zuletzt auf seinen Manuskripten, einigen denkwürdigen Aspekten von Däublers Griechenland-Projekt.Whereas the German-Austrian poet Theodor Däubler (1875-1934) is generally regarded as an expressionist, the paper is trying to go beyond this cliché by interpreting him as an outstanding modern representative of mythopoetry. Däubler is thereby discussed within the frame of alternative, uncanonized discourses upon myths and modern poetry in the first half of the 20th century, represented, for instance, by Rudolf Pannwitz, one of Däubler’s best pen friends and connoisseurs. The paper also discusses some of Däubler’s mythical poems as well as his essay on Delos, emphasizing his mediating role between modern German and ancient Mediterranean (Greek) cultural spaces. Finally, some of the major aspects of Däubler’s project on Greece, as revealed mainly on the grounds of his manuscripts, will be taken into consideration

    The structure of the complex of calmodulin with KAR-2: a novel mode of binding explains the unique pharmacology of the drug

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    3'-(beta- Chloroethyl)-2',4'-dioxo-3,5'-spiro-oxazolidino-4-deacetoxyvinblastine (KAR-2) is a potent anti-microtubular agent that arrests mitosis in cancer cells without significant toxic side effects. In this study we demonstrate that in addition to targeting microtubules, KAR-2 also binds calmodulin, thereby countering the antagonistic effects of trifluoperazine. To determine the basis of both properties of KAR-2, the three-dimensional structure of its complex with Ca2+-calmodulin has been characterized both in solution using NMR and when crystallized using x-ray diffraction. Heterocorrelation (H-1-N-15 heteronuclear single quantum coherence) spectra of N-15-labeled calmodulin indicate a global conformation change (closure) of the protein upon its binding to KAR-2. The crystal structure at 2.12-Angstrom resolution reveals a more complete picture; KAR-2 binds to a novel structure created by amino acid residues of both the N- and C- terminal domains of calmodulin. Although first detected by x-ray diffraction of the crystallized ternary complex, this conformational change is consistent with its solution structure as characterized by NMR spectroscopy. It is noteworthy that a similar tertiary complex forms when calmodulin binds KAR-2 as when it binds trifluoperazine, even though the two ligands contact (for the most part) different amino acid residues. These observations explain the specificity of KAR-2 as an anti-microtubular agent; the drug interacts with a novel drug binding domain on calmodulin. Consequently, KAR-2 does not prevent calmodulin from binding most of its physiological targets