16 research outputs found

    An Anthropology of Exploitation Techniques in the London Real Estate and Labor Market

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    This study explores the life-mode of Hungarian migrants in their destination country, England, particularly London in the last decade, focusing on their housing conditions and working experiences. Relying on her participant observations and interviews, the author formulates a picture through the eyes of Hungarian migrant laborers regarding how both the real estate and labor market exploits them (micro level). She explains the motives of the main economic actors (entrepreneurs, real estate and employment agencies, employers) leading to exploitations (meso level) in addition to discussing how all of these fit into the wider socio-economic context (macro level)

    Hol született Török Ignác?

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    Building an entrepreneurial environment in rural regions: a possible way to develop human and social capital

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    The main hypothesis behind the paper is that creating an entrepreneurial team learning environment is a way to increase human and social capital in rural regions. Our work, based on literature review and primary research, tries to show that this process could support a shift in people’s attitudes from being reactive to creative and also interdependent. The results of a Delphi survey show that all four ‘spheres’ of the Quadruple Helix model in rural development (government, science/university, business/industry and civil society) should play a role in the development of a learning environment, but that more importance should be attached to ‘pull’ type of learning designed to draw out people and resources as needed to address opportunities and challenges. In a second survey, among farmers in the Hungarian settlement of Mezőcsát, we found significant differences in the use of information channels by different age groups. Personal meetings are preferred by older farmers and the Internet by younger farmers. With regard to the Quadruple Helix model spheres, from the government sphere farmers’ advisors play the most important role while from the business/industry sphere the most important relationship for farmers is with their peers. We conclude that the four spheres must create an ‘outside-in’ and ‘inside-out’ partnership. As creating entrepreneurial culture is a slow process, existing elements, such as the LEADER programme, building on those farmers who are ready to take part in rural development and the preferred usage of the Internet by the younger generation, have to be used

    Desensitization of Capsaicin-Sensitive Afferents Accelerates Early Tumor Growth via Increased Vascular Leakage in a Murine Model of Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    There is growing interest in the role of nerve-driven mechanisms in tumorigenesis and tumor growth. Capsaicin-sensitive afferents have been previously shown to possess antitumoral and immune-regulatory properties, the mechanism of which is currently poorly understood. In this study, we have assessed the role of these terminals in the triple negative 4T1 orthotopic mouse model of breast cancer. The ultrapotent capsaicin-analogue resiniferatoxin (RTX) was used for the selective, systemic desensitization of capsaicin-sensitive afferents. Growth and viability of orthotopically implanted 4T1 tumors were measured by caliper, in vivo MRI, and bioluminescence imaging, while tumor vascularity and protease enzyme activity were assessed using fluorescent in vivo imaging. The levels of the neuropeptides Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP), Substance P (SP), and somatostatin were measured from tumor tissue homogenates using radioimmunoassay, while tumor structure and peritumoral inflammation were evaluated by conventional use of CD31, CD45 and CD3 immunohistology. RTX-pretreated mice demonstrated facilitated tumor growth in the early phase measured using a caliper, which was coupled with increased tumor vascular leakage demonstrated using fluorescent vascular imaging. The tumor size difference dissipated by day seven. The MRI tumor volume was similar, while the intratumoral protease enzyme activity measured by fluorescence imaging was also comparable in RTX-pretreated and non-pretreated animals. Tumor viability or immunohistopathological profile was measured using CD3, CD31, and CD45 stains and did not differ significantly from the non-pretreated control group. Intratumoral somatostatin, CGRP, and SP levels were similar in both groups. Our results underscore the beneficial, antitumoral properties of capsaicin sensitive nerve terminals in this aggressive model of breast cancer, which is presumed to be due to the inhibition of tumor vascular bed disruption. The absence of any difference in intratumoral neuropeptide levels indicates non-neural sources playing a substantial part in their expression

    Kutatási füzetek 19.

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    Szerkesztők: Bene Krisztián; Dávid Ferenc; Deák Máté; Gőzsy Zoltán; Vitári Zsolt | További szerzők: Árvai Tamás Kristóf; Berta János; Csibi Norbert; Farkas Péter; Gazdag László; Glanz, Susan; Hantos-Varga Márta; Madácsy József; Szarka Evelin; Szőke Noémi; Zárol Evelin | Cím: Kutatási füzetek 19. | Megjelenési adatok: Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Pécs, 2013. | ISSN: 1416-0986 | Megjegyzés: A Kutatási Füzetek a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Interdiszciplináris Doktori Iskolájának kiadványsorozata. Az MTA–PTE Magyarország. A kötet a Tudományos képzés műhelyeinek támogatása a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen (TÁMOP 4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0029) projekt támogatásával készült.(1) Árvai Tamás Kristóf: Asszíria mentális háborúja 13-34 | (2) Berta János: Miért adhat a hetvenes évek magyar dokumentumfilmje a (társadalom)történetírás számára? 35-55 | (3) Csibi Norbert: Jubileumi seregszemle - Az 1910. évi magyarországi országos katolikus nagygyűlés és közművelődési szakosztálya 57-77 | (4) Farkas Péter: Bíráskodás a veszprémi püspökség egyházi nemesei felett a 14. században 79-97 | (5) Gazdag László: Herczeg Ferenc és a magyar társadalmi kérdések 99-121 | (6) Glanz, Susan: The Battles of Hunyadi János in America 123-149 | (7) Hantos-Varga Márta: A katolikus politikai cselekvés teoretikus megközelítése a két világháború közötti Magyarországon 151-170 | (8) Madácsy József: Gregory Bateson és az Anonim Alkoholisták II. 171-191 | (9) Szarka Evelin: Az istenek szigete a 21. században – Spirituális építészeti elvek és a városfejlesztés nehézségei Balin 193-214 | (10) Szőke Noémi: A munkásosztálybeli szingli 215-236 | (11) Zárol Evelin: A Dél-Dunántúli Régió időseket gondozó intézményrendszere 237-26

    Labor Olympics: Anthropology of exploitation techniques in the London real estate and labor market

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    A munkamigráció Magyarországról az elmúlt tíz évben, különösen 2012-től emelkedően jelentős társadalmi folyamattá vált, s ennek egyik célországa Anglia, azon belül is kiemelten London. Az erre vonatkozó kutatások feltárták ennek nagyságrendjét és demográfiai sajátosságait, viszont nem ismeretes az a mód, ahogyan az életet ott az emberek megélik. Dolgozatom tulajdonképpen annak a dokumentációja, hogyan zajlik az élete a munkamigráció résztvevőinek Londonban, mely életmódelemzés döntően két területre irányul: az egyik a lakás-, a másik a munkakörülmények, mint ennek az életvitelnek a legjellemzőbb összetevői. Az elméleti keretet azok a történeti/strukturalista szemléletű írások szolgáltatják, amelyek a globális történelmi folyamatok következtében kialakult világgazdaság strukturális megosztottságát az országok közötti egyenlőtlen fejlődésben látják, melynek során alulfejlett/periférikus régiókra és fő kapitalista központokra/magra tagolódik a világ, a nemzetközi migráció pedig ezen a földrajzilag megosztott munkaerőpiacon végbemenő mobilitást jelenti a modern ipari gazdaságok keresletének hívószavára

    Possible role of biochemiluminescent photons for lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-induced phosphenes and visual hallucinations

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    Today, there is an increased interest in research on lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) because it may offer new opportunities in psychotherapy under controlled settings. The more we know about how a drug works in the brain, the more opportunities there will be to exploit it in medicine. Here, based on our previously published papers and investigations, we suggest that LSD-induced visual hallucinations/phosphenes may be due to the transient enhancement of bioluminescent photons in the early retinotopic visual system in blind as well as healthy people