22 research outputs found

    Characteristics and regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in pepper - review

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    Pepper is an important horticultural crop due to its culinary as well as ornamental applications. Some Capsicum varieties build up anthocyanins in their different organs. The biosynthesis of these pigments – beside genetic determinism – depends on diverse factors such as the environment, developmental stage and type of tissue. Though anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway has been first described in the 1800s and from then on it has been well established even in species belonging to Solenaceae , information on the pathway is scarce in case of Capsicum spp. This review comprises the current knowledge on the biochemistry and molecular biology of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway

    A levegőben terjedő kórokozó gombák teljes körű előrejelzésének lehetőségei a hazai növénytermesztésben = An Integrated Approach to Pathological Predictions for Hungarian Crop Production

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    A növénybetegségek kialakulása három feltétel együttes meglétéhez kötött: 1) a fogékony gazdanövény, 2) a fertőző kórokozó(spóra), valamint 3) a fertőzésnek kedvező környezeti feltételek (időjárás, talajtani adottságok). Ma már kellő mennyiségű és minőségű információt szerezhetünk e három alapfeltételre vonatkozóan, azaz rendelkezhetünk megfelelő fajtaismerettel, kimutathatjuk a kórokozó spórákat és mérhetjük a szükséges meteorológiai, ill. talajtani paramétereket. Amennyiben megszereztük ezeket az információkat (tehát a „háromszög” minden csúcsa adott), jelentősen megnő a növénykórtani előrejelzés haszna, vagyis: nő az előrejelzés pontossága, a termelés biztonsága, csökkenhet a környezetterhelés és a környezetegészségügyi kockázat. Számos korszerű eszköz áll jelenleg is rendelkezésünkre, melyek együttes használatával ez megvalósítható. A dolgozat célja ezen eszközökről áttekintést adni

    Antioxidant capacity of capsicum genotypes exhibiting differential lilac colouration during maturity

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    Total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity of 7 coloured Capsicum genotypes in four different maturity stages were investigated. The total phenolic content of the genotypes determined by the Folin-Ciocalteau method was in average higher in the early phenophases than in the fully ripe phase. Among the genotypes the extreme lilac exhibited the highest amount of TPC as a result of the putative additive effect of the high levels of anthocyanins. On dry weight basis there was a 4.5-fold difference at the ripe stage in between the extreme lilac and the white berry genotypes. Antioxidant capacity of the samples during ripening followed a similar pattern than the TPC and the values showed positive correlation from green stage 2 onwards. The study indicates that anthocyanin pigmentation could add up to the functional properties of the peppers

    Kehida-Fövenyes 8–9. századi népességének történeti embertani vizsgálata

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    In our work, 167 individuals from the Late Avar Period cemetery of Kehida-Fövenyes (8–9th century) were analysed. Altogether 65 children, 36 males and 50 females were examined, however in the case of 16 adults the sex determination was not possible. The newborn age group (0–1 year) is underrepresented in the cemetery. A biological imbalance can be observed between the ratio of males and females. According to the demographic data and pathological changes related to lifestyle and haematological aetiology, sex difference can be seen in the case of adult individuals. Females possessed a higher value of probability of death in almost every age group, and they also were more often affected by haematological disorders than males. The aforementioned phenomena can be related to the fact that women had to deal with physiological and pathophysiological stress originated from pregnancy and menstruation. During the taxonomical analysis, no individuals with clear Mongolid ancestry were identified. However, many skulls determined as Europid ancestry possesses Mongolid traits. The population is mostly characterized by dolichokran skull as Cromagnoid-A and Mediterranean were the most common types. Based on craniometric measurements it was possible to compare the population of Kehida-Fövenyes to other communities from this region what can shed a light of their biological relations. According to the biodistance calculations, males and females might share a different origin, since females showed a closer relation to the Early Avar Period population of the region. While males were rather connected to the Late Avar Period population of present-day Somogy county. During paleopathological investigations, a possible case of leprosy was identified based on the morphological alterations. In more cases paleoradiological investigations were also performed to provide a more reliable diagnosis