553 research outputs found

    Feeding habits of otters living on three moors in the Pannonian ecoregion (Hungary)

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    Diet composition and feeding habits of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) living on three moors (Balata, Nagyberek and Feherviz) in Hungary were studied over two years using spraint analysis (n = 199, 503 and 3 15 samples from the three moors, respectively). The food and presence of otters in the first moderate and second drought year, when the moors dried during the summer period, generally differed. Area-dependent variations in the diet were also found. The primary food source was fish (biomass estimation for the first and second year: Balata 94.4% and 99.9%: Nagyberek 93.9% and 71.5%; Feherviz 66.4% and 82.1%). Most fish (mean: 94.6-99.9%) were small-sized (below 100,, in weight), and the most frequently taken species was Carassius spp. On moors, which are dependent on rainfall and ground-water only, during or after periods of drought otters temporarily changed their diet from optimal prey (fish) to sub-optimal prey (e.g., waterfowl) and they often left the habitat entirely. On moors with small canals, during periods of drought otters kept fish as the dominant food source, and weathered out extreme environmental local conditions

    Modelling the effect of sowing date on the emergence, silking and yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in a moderately warm and dry production area

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    This research focused on accurately modelling emergence (VEEmergence) and silking (R1) dates using 5 cm deep soil temperature (ST) and how sowing date (SD) affects VEEmergence and R1 date of different maturity hybrids and which is the optimum sowing date in the changed climate. Three sowing dates were used between 4th April and 10th May. The same maize hybrids (FAO 290, FAO 350, FAO 420) were involved in the experiment between 2011–2013. The 5 cm deep soil temperature could be used for simulating the date of VEEmergence and R1 and the Percentage of Predicted Deviation (PD) was below 10%. When calculating the effective heat units (HU) at 5 cm depth, setting 6 °C as base temperature leads to better modelling. SD did not clearly affect yield since due to the influence of genotype and crop years. The FAO 290 hybrid had the lowest yield (11.534 t ha-1) and it responded sensitively to sowing date. Its highest yield (12.788 t ha-1; P < 0.05) could be obtained with SD3. FAO 350 and FAO 420 hybrids provided stable yields without any significant effect of SD. The highest yield was provided by the FAO 420 hybrid (13.494 t ha-1) with a wide SD interval (4th April – 10th May). The obtained findings help farmers in making grounded decisions to obtain high and stable yield under the changed climatic circumstances. The obtained findings help farmers in making grounded decisions to obtain high and stable yield under the changed climatic circumstances

    A Dráva-mellékén élő nyestek (Martes foina) tavaszi táplálék-összetétele | Diet composition of stone martens (Martes foina) living in the Drava district, Hungary, in spring

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    The diet composition of stone martens was investigated in a village (Pettend, Baranya county) and in agricultural environment (Lakócsa, Somogy county) in SW Hungary. Samples (n = 54 and 66 scats, respectively) were collected after the long winter of 2003, in spring period. The diet composition of stone martens living in different environments differed significantly both taxonomically and by zonation of the prey species consumed. 2 figures and 2 tables