73 research outputs found

    Human vomeronasal epithelium development: An immunohistochemical overview

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    The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is the receptor structure of the vomeronasal system (VNS) in vertebrates. It is found bilaterally in the submucosa of the inferior part of the nasal septum. There are ongoing controversies regarding the functionality of this organ in humans. In this study we propose the immunohistochemical evaluation of changes in components of the human vomeronasal epithelium during foetal development. We used 45 foetuses of different age, which were included in three age groups. After VNO identification immunohistochemical reactions were performed using primary antibodies against the following: neuron specific enolase, calretinin, neurofilament, chromogranin, synaptophysin, cytokeratin 7, pan-cytokeratin and S100 protein. Digital slides were obtained and following colorimetric segmentation, surface area measurements were performed. The VNO was found in less than half of the studied specimens (42.2%). Neuron specific enolase and calretinin immunoexpression showed a decreasing trend with foetal age, while the other neural/neuroendocrine markers were negative in all specimens. Cytokeratin 7 expression increased with age, while Pan-Ctk had no significant variations. S100 protein immunoexpression also decreased around the VNO. The results of the present work uphold the theory of regression of the neuroepithelium that is present during initial stages of foetal development

    Mikrobák zsírbontásának vizsgálata szilárd táptalajon

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    Auf einem, eine Fettemulsion enthaltenden Nähragar rufen die Mikroorganismen zuerst ein Durchscheinendwerden des Nährbodens, später eine Trübung des die Kolonie umgebenden Hofes hervor. Der Nährboden eignet sich zur Untersuchung einiger Bakterienteststämme, sowie zur Keimzählung. Versuche hinsichtlich der Qualität der Fettzersetzung auf dem Nährboden konnten nicht durchgeführt werden. In an agar-agar nutrient containing fat emulsion, on the effect of fat-decomposing microbes at first the nutrient becomes transparent, than the halo around the colony of bacteria turns opaque. The nutrient lends itself to the investigation of strains of bacteria and to bacterial counts as well. However, it was not possible to carry out in this nutrient investigations into the nature of fat decomposition. Sur un milieu nutritif á gélose contenant de l’emulsion de graisse les microbes decomposant les graisses rendent d’abord translucide le milieu nutritif, ensuite l’aréole autour de la colonie s’obscurcit. Le milieu nutritif peut servir pour l’étude des differentes races et pour le recensement des germes. L’on n’a pás réussi a faire des essais concernant la nature de la décomposition des graisses sur ce milieu

    Improvement in pain intensity, spine stiffness, and mobility during a controlled individualized physiotherapy program in ankylosing spondylitis

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    Physical therapy in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is important for maintaining or improving mobility, fitness, functioning, and global health. It also plays a role in the prevention and management of structural deformities. In this study we assessed the functional status of AS patients in relation to disease duration and activity. Furthermore, in volunteering patients we analyzed the efficacy of a controlled, individualized physiotherapeutic program. Altogether, clinical data of 75 AS patients were retrospectively analyzed. Anthropometrical data, duration since diagnosis and disease activity, pain intensity, tender points, sacroiliac joint involvement determined by X-ray, functional condition, and physical activity level were recorded. Subjective, functional, and physical tests were performed. Out of the 75 patients, 10 volunteered to undergo a complex physical exercise program twice a week for 3 months. The program included 1.5 h of general posture reeducation, manual mobilization of the spine, and pelvic-, upper-, and lower-extremity exercises, stretching with joint prevention strategies and functional exercises. In AS, pain intensity recorded on a 10-cm visual analog scale (VAS), BASFI, BASDAI, modified Schober index, chest expansion and occiput-to-wall distance values showed significant correlation with disease activity. The 3-month physical therapy improved several subjective and functional parameters, and markedly reduced pain intensity and spine stiffness. A complex, individualized physical therapy program may be useful and should be introduced to AS patients in order to maintain and increase spine mobility, preserve functional capacity, decrease the pain and stiffness