18 research outputs found

    Short report on the excavations in Brigetio in 2015

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    In 2015, first time in the history of excavations in Brigetio, the Department of Classical and Roman Archaeology of Eötvös Loránd University and the Klapka György Museum of Komárom carried out excavations in all three major parts of Brigetio: the civil town, the canabae and the legionary fortress.At the site Szőny-Vásártér, the excavation was concentrated on a Roman cellar with collapsed wooden ceiling and a large pit nearby. Most important results are the complete excavation of the cellar, where a large amount of pottery vessels, a Dressel 20 amphora and a bronze cavalry parade helmet came to light. In the territory of the canabae (Szőny-Dunapart) two horrea and another stone building with uncertain function have been found. At the legionary fortress (Szőny-MOL-Kiskertek), the fieldwork was concentrated on the principia and its surroundings

    Short report on the excavations at Brigetio (Szőny-Vásártér) in 2013

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    Excavations in the 2013 season at the site Brigetio/Szőny-Vásártér were concentrated on unearthing a cellar which had been found in 2012 as well as taking observations in the vicinity of the previously excavated metal-workshop nearby. According to these aims, we opened 12 sections – on both new and already excavated places – on a total surface of 210 m2, where a cellar with collapsed wooden ceiling and remains of other organic materials, and several objects indicating metalworking activity were found.</p

    Excavations in the legionary fortress of Brigetio in 2019

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    In 2019 the excavations in Brigetio focused on the area of the northern gate of the legionary fortress, as the geophysical surveys conducted in the previous year allowed the identification of both the porta praetoria and the via praetoria leading through it. These fieldworks, beside providing new information on the topography of the legionary fortress regarding the porta praetoria and the via praetoria, were also significant from a methodological point of view as they allowed the verification of the results of geophysical surveys conducted in the area earlier, thus contributing greatly to the planning and fine-tuning of future measurements

    Short report on the excavations in the legionary fortress of Brigetio (2017–2018)

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    After the aerial archaeological surveys of the preceding years, a new excavation project has been started in 2017 in the northern part of the legionary fortress of Brigetio. The main result of the seasons of 2017 and 2018 were the unearthing of a large Late Roman apsidal building, which can be most probably connected to the death of Valentinian I

    "Soli Deo Gloria" A protestáns egyházak története Komáromban, a Duna két partján

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    A kötet a magyarországi és a szlovákiai Komárom protestáns egyházainak a történetét bemutatja, hiszen a két Komárom valaha egy város volt és a magyarországi (Dél-)Komárom református és evangélikus egyháza az I. világháborút lezáró Trianoni béke következtében _ hivatalosan is – elcsatolt északi városrészből áttelepült egyházi emberek és hívek összefogásával jött létre. Ehhez csatlakozik még az 1977-től közigazgatásilag Komáromhoz tartozó nagy múltú település, Szőny református egyháza. Ily módon a kiállítás 7 protestáns egyház (és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó oktatás, gyülekezeti élet) történetét fogja össze az egyházközségekben fellelhető történeti munkák, jegyzőkönyvek, a régi és mai lelkészek és presbiterek összegyűjtött életrajza segítségével. A képekkel és dokumneumokkal gazdagon illusztrált, 420 oldalas kötet méltón mutatja be a komáromi protestáns egyházak gazdag történetét

    Excavations in Brigetio in 2020

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    In 2020, excavations were carried out simultaneously at several locations both in the territory of the legionary fortress and the military town of Brigetio. As a result, new information was gained regarding the structure of the legionary fortress and a number of late Roman period graves were also identified. The most significant result of the campaign was the excavation of an almost intact cellar in the western zone of the canabae