102 research outputs found

    Changes of nucleic acids of wheat seedlings under spaceflight conditions

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    The effects of space flight on the growth of wheat seedlings and their nucleic acid content were studied. It was shown that both space and ground seedlings have almost the same appearance, dry weight and nucleic acid content in the root, coleoptile and leaves. The only difference found is in the RNA and DNA content, which is twice as much in the ground seedling apices as in the space-grown seedlings

    Ultrastructure of meristem and root cap of pea seedlings under spaceflight conditions

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    Data of electron microscopic analysis of meristem and root cap of pea seedlings grown aboard the Salyut-6 orbital research station in the Oazis apparatus and in the laboratory are presented. The main morphological and anatomical characteristics of the test and control plants are shown to be similar. At the same time, some differences are found in the structural and functional organization of the experimental cells as compared to the controls. They concern first of all the plastic apparatus, mitochondria and Golgi apparatus. It is assumed that cell function for certain periods of weightlessness on the whole ensures execution of the cytodifferentiation programs genetically determined on the Earth. Biochemical and physiological processes vary rather markedly due to lack of initially rigorous determination

    The Investment Security of Ukraine: Status and Prospects of Improvement

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    The article is aimed at studying the current status of investment security of Ukraine and determining prospective ways to improve its investment attractiveness. The role of investment security of the State in the economic development is substantiated and its main goals at both the national and the international levels are identified. The components of the investment security system and principles of its functioning in the conditions of modern development of economic processes are considered. Ukraine’s positions in the global rankings, characterizing the investment climate and the business environment of the State, are researched. The authors systematize information on the volume of foreign direct investments in the Ukrainian economy, the main countries-investors of these capital investments, as well as on the main sectors of the national economy the investment resources were directed to. On the basis of macroeconomic calculations, the most important indicators of investment security in 2017 are analyzed. Practical recommendations for increasing the volume of investment capital in the national economy and improving the level of its Investment security. are proposed. Prospects for further research in this direction are development of the strategic investment policy to ensure the reliability of investment security, taking attention of all factors to influence its current status

    Дитяча безпритульність як фактор втягнення неповнолітніх у злочинну діяльність

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    Ситник, О. М. Дитяча безпритульність як фактор втягнення неповнолітніх у злочинну діяльність / Олена Миколаївна Ситник // Фонові для злочинності явища: запобігання та протидія : зб. тез доп. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 27 квіт. 2018 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ ; Кримінол. асоц. України. – Харків : ХНУВС, 2018. – С. 94-96.Зазначено, що дитяча безпритульність є для злочинності неповнолітніх вельми показовим (в аспекті реалізації сигнальної функції) фоновим явищем та, водночас, комплексним криміногенним фактором, потужним джерелом генерації детермінант злочинності найбільш широкого спектру. В структурі останнього особливе місце посідає втягнення неповнолітніх у злочинну діяльність , що є формою кримінальної експлуатації дітей, які потрапили у складні життєві обставини. Тож перспективним напрямом запобігання вказаним злочинам є протидія безпритульності.It is noted that child homelessness is a very indicative (in terms of implementation of the signaling function) background phenomenon for juvenile delinquency and, at the same time, a complex criminogenic factor, a powerful source of generation of determinants of delinquency of the widest spectrum. In the structure of the latter, a special place is occupied by the involvement of minors in criminal activity, which is a form of criminal exploitation of children who have fallen into difficult life circumstances. Therefore, combating homelessness is a promising direction for the prevention of these crimes.Отмечено, что детская беспризорность для преступности несовершеннолетних весьма показательным (в аспекте реализации сигнальной функции) фоновым явлением и, одновременно, комплексным криминогенным фактором, мощным источником генерации детерминант преступности наиболее широкого спектра. В структуре последнего особое место занимает вовлечение несовершеннолетних в преступную деятельность, являющуюся формой криминальной эксплуатации детей, попавших в сложные жизненные обстоятельства. Так что перспективным направлением предотвращения указанных преступлений является противодействие беспризорности

    Reducing charge trapping in PbS colloidal quantum dot solids

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    Understanding and improving charge transport in colloidal quantum dot solids is crucial for the development of efficient solar cells based on these materials. In this paper, we report high performance field-effect transistors based on lead-sulfide colloidal quantum dots (PbS CQDs) crosslinked with 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA). Electron mobility up to 0.03 cm(2)/Vs and on/off ratio above 10(5) was measured; the later value is the highest in the literature for CQD Field effect transistors with silicon-oxide gating. This was achieved by using high quality material and preventing trap generation during fabrication and measurement. We show that air exposure has a reversible p-type doping effect on the devices, and that intrinsically MPA is an n-type dopant for PbS CQDs. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Prospects for the Tax Reform «10-10-10» in Ukraine

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    In the wake of the war in Ukraine and the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have either suspended or closed their operations. The introduction of martial law requires rapid adaptation of tax legislation to new realities. To do this, the State must, in particular, distribute its burden to promote the survival of businesses in the wartime conditions. One of such plans is to carry out the tax reform «10-10-10», which provides for amendments to tax legislation, revision of preferential taxation of certain business segments and reduction of basic tax rates. Making adjustments to these tax rates will lead to serious changes in the State budget itself. The main taxes that will be changed during the reform are VAT, personal income tax and business income tax. Analysts argue that reducing them to 10% and strengthening tax control over entrepreneurs and enterprises will lead to the withdrawal of a significant part of business from the «shadow». The important point is that, in contrast to reducing the rates on basic taxes, the authors of the reform propose to strengthen control over the activities of not only registered entrepreneurs, but also the population that receives income without registering as a business entity. This will entail an increase in fines for violating tax legislation. Among the important shortcomings of the reform are the potential increase in the budget deficit resulting from a significant reduction in taxes, as well as the conditions of the European Directive 112, which Ukraine has to adhere to within the framework of European integration and according to which the VAT rate cannot be less than 15%. In turn, the advantages are strengthening tax control, de-shadowing the economy and reducing the tax burden on the wage fund, improving the standard of living of the population, supporting business and attracting foreign investment. Thus, after a detailed consideration of the reform, familiarization with the opinions of leading experts and a brief analysis, it can be argued that in such a difficult situation in which Ukraine finds itself now, it is appropriate to make fundamental changes to the tax system in order to improve the financial condition of the population, enterprises and the economy in general

    Radial increment dynamics in Pinus sylvestris stands within the Northern Steppe of Ukraine

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    The parameters of periodic increment (5-years) and peculiarities of its change depending on age, diameter, height and volume of trunk of Scots pine are determined. The influence of climate conditions (air temperature and precipitation) on the dynamics of radial increment change of Scots pine trees are established. The results of experimental studies, obtained from 20 temporary sample plots of pine stands within the Northern Steppe of Ukraine are presented. We conducted an estimate of radial increment of Scots pine trunks as a basis for development of normative and information support for assessment of biotic productivity of this category of forest. All selected sample trees had different age and biometric parameters. The age of sample trees ranged from 9 to 90 years; diameter at breast height – from 4.0 to 41.7 cm; height – from 4.2 to 30.0 m, trunk volume – from 0.002 to 1.748 m3. It is found that the radial increment of pine stem was significantly dependent on tree age. The highest values of radial increment of Scots pine trees were observed for trees aged up to 20 years. With increasing age, radial increment had a decreasing trend, including 90-year old trees. Regression models of the dependence of radial increment of pine trees on the age and diameter are presented. In the article, the dependence of the values of radial increment of sample trees from types of forest are demonstrated. The highest values of Scots pine radial increment was observed in sugruds and gruds, which were presented in tree samples of 20 years. Comparative analysis of radial increment change in the trees of one age category, which grew in different conditions, was conducted. The older trees had the maximum increment in the conditions of dry sugrud, and the minimum increment in conditions of fresh subor. Also in this article we used generalized chronology of Scots pine radial increment reflecting regional variability of growth in pine trees. The results supplemented the research obtained earlier with new data on the dependence of the pine radial growth rate on forest-biometric parameters. These experimental data, their graph-analytical evaluation yielded an information basis for modeling the radial increment of pine trees, created on the basis of dependence of this parameter on biometric indexes – age and diameter at breast height

    Teacher’s imageas a basis of increasing competitiveness of higher education: a paradigm of modern educational process

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    The urgency of the research topic is that the attempt, through the prism of higher education in Ukraine, is to outline the factors and opportunities for forming a positive image of a modern teacher as the basis for the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The purpose of the article is: rethinking the teacher’s image in conditions of growing demands and increasing competitiveness among higher education institutions. The objectives of the study are to summarize the data of the investigated problem and to develop a model for the development of theoretical aspects of forming a teacher’s positive image in the context of the growth of the status of the university, and an analysis of the interdependence of the teacher’s image and his professional competence, practical skills, and the ability to associate theory with practice. The research methodology is general scientific and special-disciplinary methods of scientific research. In particular, the methods of theoretical generalization, analogy and abstraction are used to clarify the conditions, specifics and realities of the modern educational process, in particular – in higher educational institutions; deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis – to identify systemic problems of Ukrainian universities the needs satisfaction of educational services users; the synthesis of progressive ideas on designing ways to enhance the teacher’s positive image in the context of the growth of the status of higher education institutions. Also, special-disciplinary methods of scientific research are used: comparison, systematization and grouping – to generalize the model of development of theoretical aspects of creating of a positive image of the teacher in the context of the formation of the image of the university; analytical – in the analysis of the interdependence of the teacher's image and his professional competence, practical skills and ability to associate theory with practice, etc. The result of the study is a theoretical understanding of the teacher’s image in the context of the formation of the competitiveness of a higher educational institution. The result of the analysis is the constant, systematic improvement of their own professional competencies. And only under this condition, the teacher will be able to rely on the authority and respect among students and colleagues. It is noted that the current state of higher education dictates the necessity of finding new ways of solving problems of increasing the efficiency of not only training, preparation of a specialist in the labor market, but also the efficiency of the activity of a higher educational establishment in conditions of autonomy. Conclusion. The positive image of the teacher, and in general the educational institution, will increase the authority of the professions and specialties of higher education. And philosophy itself should assume responsibility for the formation of the future teacher, since since ancient times, philosophy has been, is and will be the reason for the comprehension of wisdom. The image of a modern teacher largely depends on his professional competence in practical skills and the ability to instruct students to study the theory in close relationship with practice. After all, knowledge becomes effective only in the applied aspect, in particular, when applying the principle of “theory-practicetheory"


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    Aim of the study is to evaluate the diagnostic value of leukocyte index in predicting clinical outcome in women with pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID).Materials and methods. The analysis of clinical outcomes in 75 women with pelvic inflammatory diseases. We studied general clinical and biochemical parameters and performed physical examination by standard methods. Based on the data obtained  we counted standard leukocyte indexes.Research results. All patients in the first two days undergoing various transaction volumes (hysterectomy, supravaginal hysterectomy adnexectomy, tubectomy). Postoperative complications were observed in 16 (76.2%) patients as manifestations of wound infection, hyperthermia. After treatment there was a normalization of leukocyte indices in the majority  of patients (88.0%). The most prognostic value for clinical outcome in women with  PID  had hemathologic  intoxication index (HII) and  Kalf-Kalif  intoxication index (KKIL).Conclusions: 1. Women with PID  had severe anemia,  hypovolemia, leukocytosis and  monopeniya.2. The highest prognostic value   to assess disease severity in women with PID had HII (J = 0,38), and KKIL(J = 0,37). Целью исследования является оценка диагностической ценности лейкоцитарных индексов в прогнозировании клинических последствий воспалительных заболеваний органов малого таза (ВЗОМТ) у женщин.Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ клинических исходов у 75 женщин с гнойно-септическими заболеваниями органов малого таза. Всем женщинам проведены иссследования общеклинических и биохимических показателей, а также физикальное обследование по стандартным методикам. На основании полученных данных расчитывали стандартные лейкоцитарные индексы.Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. Всем больным в течение первых двух суток проведено оперативное вмешательство (экстирпация матки, надвлагалищная ампутация матки, аднексэктомия, тубэктомия). Послеоперационные осложнения наблюдались у 16 (76,2 %) больных в виде инфицирования ран, гипертермии. После проведенного лечения произошла нормализация показателей лейкоцитарних индексов у большинства пациентов (88,0 %). Наиболее прогностически ценными в прогнозировании клинических последствий у пациенток с гнойно-воспалительными  заболеваниями органов малого таза были гематологический показатель интоксикации (ГПИ) и лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации по Кальф-Калифу.Выводы. 1. Для женщин, болеющих воспалительными процесами органов малого таза, характерны умеренно выраженная анемия, гиповолемия, лейкоцитоз со сдвигом влево, относительная моноцитопения.2. Наиболее высокие прогностические характеристики в оценке тяжести заболевания при данной патологии  имеет гематологический показатель интоксикации (J=0,38), котрому незначительно уступает лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации (J=0,37).Мета дослідження – оцінка діагностичної цінності лейкоцитарних індексів у прогнозуванні клінічних наслідків запальних захворювань органів таза (ЗЗОТ) у жінок.Матеріали та методи. Проведений аналіз клінічних вислідів у 75 жінок із гнійно-запальними захворюваннями органів малого таза. Всім жінкам проведено дослідження загальноклінічних та біохімічних показників, а також фізикальні дослідження за стандартними методиками. На підставі одержаних даних розраховували стандартні лейкоцитарні індекси.Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Усім хворим протягом двох перших діб виконані оперативні втручання  (екстирпація матки, надпіхвова ампутація матки, аднексектомія, тубектомія). Післяопераційні ускладнення спостерігались у 16 (76,2 %) хворих у вигляді проявів інфекції рани, гіпертермії. Після проведеного лікування відбулася нормалізація показників лейкоцитарних індексів у більшості (88,0 %) пацієнтів. Найбільш прогностично цінними  в прогнозуванні клінічних наслідків були у пацієнток із гнійно-запальними захворюваннями органів малого таза саме гематологічний показник інтоксикації  (ГПІ) та лейкоцитарний індекс інтоксикації  за Кальф-Каліфом.Висновки. 1. Для жінок, хворих на запальні захворювання органів малого таза характерні помірно виражена анемія, гіповолемія, лейкоцитоз   із зсувом вліво, відносна моноцитопенія. 2. Найбільш високі прогностичні характеристики щодо оцінки тяжкості захворювання при даній патології має ГПІ (J=0,38), якому незначно поступається ЛІІКК (J=0,37)