4,544 research outputs found

    Photography Book Costums and Traditions of Kampung Naga Tasikmalaya, West Java

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    Indonesia is a country with vast cultural diversity as well as high historical value, due to many historical sites found in various regions including Magelang Regency, Central Java. Beside the largest temple called Borobudur, there are also several others scattered on all places of Magelang. These temples are not yet exposed to the world, namely Lumbung, Asu, Pendem, Gunung Sari, Gunung Wukir, Losari, and any other temples. These temples become the cultural heritage with its own beauty and high historical values with different functions and objectives from each other. The existence of these temples need to be preserved because of its use for science, education, religion and any other aspects. Government Tourism Office have already made an effort in the publication through websites, brochures, and magazines. After analyzing the publication, there are shortcomings in the delivery of the publication through the media. Therefore, to provide historical information and documentation of the temples in Magelang as historical evidence there is a need for putting more effort. The survey was done by the author through questionnaire and interview, the author concludes to use photobook as media to convey the information about these temples and to use photos to document these temples. Keywords Photobook, Ancient Temples, Magelang Regenc

    Suspension of Deportation: Illusory Relief

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    Although suspension of deportation was intended to ameliorate hardship, the process is extremely difficult for the alien. Statutory requirements are harshly construed, and discretion abitrarily exercised. The statute is hedged with restrictions that make relief difficult for the alien to attain. These obstacles clearly contradict the purpose behind section 244 as enunciated in Wadman v. Immigration and Naturalization Service. However, in spite the legislative purpose, the requirements are strictly construed and discretion inscrutably withheld, making suspension of deportation an illusory promise of relief

    An empirical study of personality variables related to efficiency of problem solving

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    During the last few years there has been an increasing interest in problem solving behavior and closely related area such as concept formation, decision making and creative thinking. This can be seen by the large number of papers published within the last few years. Taylor and McNemar in the 1955 Annual Review state that between 1949 and 1953, in the United States only, 125 relevant doctoral dissertations have been written and about 60 papers presented at the A .P.A . meetings besides the books written on the subject by Bruner, Vinacke, Humphrey, Rapaport. Despite the amount of work which has bean done in this area, there are still many unanswered questions


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    Bayesian regression discontinuity designs: Incorporating clinical knowledge in the causal analysis of primary care data

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    The regression discontinuity (RD) design is a quasi-experimental design that estimates the causal effects of a treatment by exploiting naturally occurring treatment rules. It can be applied in any context where a particular treatment or intervention is administered according to a pre-specified rule linked to a continuous variable. Such thresholds are common in primary care drug prescription where the RD design can be used to estimate the causal effect of medication in the general population. Such results can then be contrasted to those obtained from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and inform prescription policy and guidelines based on a more realistic and less expensive context. In this paper we focus on statins, a class of cholesterol-lowering drugs, however, the methodology can be applied to many other drugs provided these are prescribed in accordance to pre-determined guidelines. NHS guidelines state that statins should be prescribed to patients with 10 year cardiovascular disease risk scores in excess of 20%. If we consider patients whose scores are close to this threshold we find that there is an element of random variation in both the risk score itself and its measurement. We can thus consider the threshold a randomising device assigning the prescription to units just above the threshold and withholds it from those just below. Thus we are effectively replicating the conditions of an RCT in the area around the threshold, removing or at least mitigating confounding. We frame the RD design in the language of conditional independence which clarifies the assumptions necessary to apply it to data, and which makes the links with instrumental variables clear. We also have context specific knowledge about the expected sizes of the effects of statin prescription and are thus able to incorporate this into Bayesian models by formulating informative priors on our causal parameters.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Belva Ann Lockwood, Feminist Lawyer

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    Mrs. Dannett has been pursuing research in the University Archives on Belva Ann Lockwood, 1857 graduate of Genesee College and recipient of a master\u27s degree in 1872 and an honorary LL.D. in 1909 from Syracuse University. Author, lecturer and historian, Mrs. Dannett is an authority on certain phases of the Civil War. Among her publications are two novels, five biographies and histories for both youth and adults, and many articles. Her writings show a special interest in the character and accomplishment of women throughout American history

    An investigation of the new independent Christian schools: what kind of citizens are they producing?

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    This thesis investigates a network of new independent Christian schools in England, with special reference to their teenage pupils. The place of faith-based schools in British society currently constitutes a contentious issue; the nature of this controversy is explored before a description and evaluation of the schools and their educational aims is given. A wide-ranging survey is then described. This survey investigated the views, values and beliefs of 695 teenage pupils who were receiving their education in the schools in 2006. Its purpose was to discover to what extent the aims of the schools were being realised amongst their older pupils. At the same time, the survey was designed to address the criticisms aimed at faith-based schools, particularly the charge that such schools might be inadequately preparing young people for life as citizens of modern Britain. The results reveal an unusual cohort of young people. The majority of the pupils claim to hold religious beliefs and values which differ from the current norms of British society but which would not necessarily jeopardise acceptable British citizenship. The data indicate that the schools are achieving their aims of enabling pupils to develop and retain the belief system and moral position taken by their parent bodies and founding churches. The results show that male pupils hold the same beliefs as female pupils and that the older pupils are as likely to be religious as are the younger. These findings differ from those found by similar surveys conducted in other British contexts. Finally, the data reveal the existence of a small subset of pupils who claim not to hold religious beliefs and whose views and values differ substantially from those of the majority of their fellow pupils. The data also suggest that the anomalous position of these pupils is not necessarily detrimental to their well-being

    El Niño increases the risk of lower Mississippi River flooding

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Scientific Reports 7 (2017): 1772, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01919-6.Mississippi River floods rank among the costliest climate-related disasters in the world. Improving flood predictability, preparedness, and response at seasonal to decadal time-scales requires an understanding of the climatic controls that govern flood occurrence. Linking flood occurrence to persistent modes of climate variability like the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has proven challenging, due in part to the limited number of high-magnitude floods available for study in the instrumental record. To augment the relatively short instrumental record, we use output from the Community Earth System Model (CESM) Last Millennium Ensemble (LME) to investigate the dynamical controls on discharge extremes of the lower Mississippi River. We show that through its regional influence on surface water storage, the warm phase of ENSO preconditions the lower Mississippi River to be vulnerable to flooding. In the 6–12 months preceding a flood, El Niño generates a positive precipitation anomaly over the lower Mississippi basin that gradually builds up soil moisture and reduces the basin’s infiltration capacity, thereby elevating the risk of a major flood during subsequent rainstorms. Our study demonstrates how natural climate variability mediates the formation of extreme floods on one of the world’s principal commercial waterways, adding significant predictive ability to near- and long-term forecasts of flood risk.This work was funded through the Postdoctoral Scholar Program of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Voss Environmental Postdoctoral Fellows Program at Brown University
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