30 research outputs found

    The Behavioral Analysis of Media Social Utilization and Its Implications on the Adolescent Based on an Islamic Perspective

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    Social media users show a number that continues to grow. The use of social media has both positive and negative impacts. According to various studies, social media can affect mental health for long-term use. For this reason, research on the effects that arise due to the use of social media needs to be carried out continuously to minimize the harmful effects of using this media. This study aims to determine the impact of social media on changes in adolescent behavior. This study analyzes changes in adolescent behavior based on patterns of access to information. Furthermore, this study investigates the practice of adolescents in accessing and using information sources using Burhuss Skinner's theory and Social Islamic perspective. The results showed that adolescents tend to imitate behavior or Tasyabbuh. If it is not balanced with adequate literacy skills, changes in adolescent behavior have a destructive tendency. Study results show this harmful effect, which offers a negative correlation. Assistance and improvement of adolescent literacy competence will help adolescents reduce the adverse effects of using technology

    Urgency of digitizing school libraries in Indonesia’s post-truth era: A cross-perspective review

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    The pandemic era has changed all aspects of human activity to be online-based, including the learning process. The online learning process requires digital-based learning resources and knowledge. The condition of school libraries in Indonesia, which is still in the library automation system stage, causes the library's role as a center of knowledge to be not optimal. Therefore, this study examined the urgency of digitizing school libraries to create learning centers based on various perspectives. This study used a qualitative approach with a literature review type. The validity and reliability test used used cross-reference source checks, quick recording, member checks, and extended observation. Data analysis used content analysis with the Miles and Huberman approach model. Based on legal, psychological, health, educational, economic, social, and technological perspectives, research showed the urgency of digitizing school libraries in the post-truth era. Library digitalization has created an educational space allowing the learning process in the library through the provision of collection resources in digital collections by the library. Schools face obstacles in digitizing libraries: inadequate facilities and infrastructure, lack of skills and abilities of librarians for digitization, lack of support from schools as institutions that oversee libraries, and lack of funds provided. Libraries need to consider barriers and solutions. If realized, the library can become a knowledge center as the primary source of information providing the required information, especially for school-age users

    Electronic Information and Transaction Law, a means of information control in libraries

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    The Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia reported increased hoax news in society. Libraries as information management institutions require information control tools so that the information served complies with legal and ethical principles. Various problems often occur in libraries, such as copyright infringement and the discovery of adult content in children’s collections. The Law on libraries regulates collection management but does not explicitly stipulate what collections are permitted and prohibited. This study aims to find out Electronic Information and Transaction Law, a means of information control in libraries. This research used the content analysis method. It used quick note techniques and member checks to obtain data. Data analysis used the Miles and Huberman model. Data validation was performed through credibility testing using triangulation, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. According to the Law, legal and ethical information do not violate Intellectual Property Rights and moral norms and protect personal rights. Information also does not contain gambling, insults, defamation, extortion, violence, or threats. Information was also not fake, misleading, or hateful news. The information must be relevant, not derived from wiretapping, and free from content prohibited by the State. Based on these findings, libraries can adopt Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions as a tool for information constraints because it follows the goals of libraries to provide legal and ethical information services

    Sistem Monitoring Akademik Mahasiswa Difabel dengan Black Box Testing

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    The web-based Academic Monitoring System for Students with Disabilities is a software development that aims to monitor the academic activities of students with disabilities. This development needs to be done because the average Grade Point Average (GPA) of students with disabilities is often below the average GPA of their class. This system was developed using the R&D method with a prototyping approach. Based on testing with black box techniques that have been carried out, this system shows the accuracy of success, with feature suitability and user acceptance of the system by 100%. In conclusion, this system can be used as a software tool to monitor the academic activities of students with disabilities.[Sistem Monitoring Akademik bagi Mahasiswa Difabel berbasis web merupakan sebuah pengembangan software yang bertujuan untuk melakukan monitoring kegiatan akademik para mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas. Pengembangan ini perlu dilakukan karena rerata Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas sering kali di bawah rerata IPK seangkatan.  Sistem ini dikembangkan dengan metode R&D dengan pendekatan prototyping.  Berdasar pengujian dengan teknik black box yang telah dilakukan, sistem ini menunjukkan tingkat akurasi keberhasilan, dengan kesesuaian fitur dan penerimaan user terhadap sistem sebesar 100%.  Kesimpulannya, sistem ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai perangkat lunak bantu untuk melakukan monitoring terhadap proses kegiatan akademik para mahasiswa difabel.


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    Penelitian penerapan metode pembelajaran hypnoteaching ini dilatarbelakangi dengan kurangnya penerapan metode pembelajaran yang digunakan guru terutama terkait materi bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Penelitian ini yaitu menerapkan metode pembelajaran hypnoteaching. Tujuan penerapan metode pembelajaran ini yaitu meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam pembelajaran matematika khususnya materi bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Penelitian ini menerapkan metode hypnoteaching yang terdiri dari enam tahapan: (1) niat dan motivasi; (2) pacing; (3) leading; (4) penggunaan kata-kata positif; (5) pemberian pujian; dan (6) modelling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu soal tes hasil belajar, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan lembar observasi aktivitas peserta didik. Partisipan penelitian ini melibatkan ahli untuk validasi, 40 orang peserta didik serta 2 wali kelas sebagai observer. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis data kuantitatif menggunakan uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran hypnoteaching menempuh langkah-langkah diantaranya niat dan motivasi, pacing, leading, penggunaan katakata positif, pemberian pujian, dan modelling. Selain itu, metode hypnoteaching berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar matematika peserta didik pada materi bangun ruang kubus dan balok. Serta terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar matematika peserta didik kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Dapat ditarik kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa metode hypnoteaching dikategorikan “Sangat Baik” dilihat dari hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan. Maka metode hypnoteaching ini dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran matematika kelas V sekolah dasar. ---------- This research on the application of hypnoteaching learning methods is motivated by the lack of application of learning methods used by teachers, especially related to the material of cube and beam spaces. This research is to apply the hypnoteaching learning method. The purpose of applying this learning method is to improve the learning outcomes of students in learning mathematics, especially the material of cube and beam spaces. This research applies the hypnoteaching method which consists of six stages: (1) intention and motivation; (2) pacing; (3) leading; (4) use of positive words; (5) giving praise; and (6) modeling. The data collection techniques used are learning outcomes test questions, learning implementation observation sheets and student activity observation sheets. The participants of this study involved experts for validation, 40 students and 2 homeroom teachers as observers. The data analysis technique in this study is using descriptive analysis and quantitative data analysis using normality, homogeneity, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the application of the hypnoteaching learning method took steps including intention and motivation, pacing, leading, using positive words, giving praise, and modeling. In addition, the hypnoteaching method has an effect on students' math learning outcomes on the material of cube and beam spaces. And there are differences in the mathematics learning outcomes of experimental and control class students. It can be concluded in this study that the hypnoteaching method is categorized as “Very Good” seen from the overall research results. Then this hypnoteaching method can be used in the process of learning mathematics grade V elementary school

    Voice Biometric System: The Identification of the Severity of Cerebral Palsy using Mel-Frequencies Stochastics Approach

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    Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a neurological condition that causes problems in body movement and muscle control that can inhibit the development of children’s speech. It can be classified into several types, based on the stiffness of the muscles that they suffer. This study offers a new technique for identifying the severity CP level of children based on their speech. This study utilizes the capabilities of the voice biometrics system (VBS) to authenticate people based on their voice. The Mel-frequency stochastic model is also offered as a new approach in the feature extraction process. Because of the pattern of speech signals of children with CP which is irregular, then neuro fuzzy is chosen as a method in the speech classifier. Based on the experiment conducted to respondents, the accuracy of the technique is 87.5%. This result shows good performance of the new approach for realizing the research objective

    Panduan Dasar Penggunaan Cool Edit Pro 2.1 Modul Praktikum Teknologi Media

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    Cool Edit merupakan sebuah aplikasi berbasis komputer yang dapat digunakan untuk memanipulasi file suara seperti memotong, menyambung, menggabungkan, menjernihkan, dan berbagai macam manipulasi suara lainnya suara lainnya. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu pembuatan koleksi perpustakaan berbasis audio digital, program radio ataupun menunjang pembuatan videografi


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    The School Literacy Movement is a person's ability to access, understand, and use information and media intelligently. This movement is an effort to make schools educational institutions so that students are literate. The regulation of the main design of this movement is in Design of the School Literacy Movement. This study aims to determine the suitability of implementing the school literacy movement program based on the guidelines in the Master Design of the School Literacy Movement. This research is a mixed method research with quantitative and qualitative approaches. The data-collecting methods are interviews, observation, and documentation at SMA Negeri 2 Blitar. To analyze the data used, Milles and Huberman's theory through 3 steps; data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The validity test in this research uses triangulation and member checks. The decision of the study is the implementation of the School Literacy Action program in SMA Negeri 2 Blitar generally was appropriate with the Main Design of School Literacy Action. SMA Negeri 2 Blitar has implemented most of the program of school literacy criteria in the physical environment, socio-affective environment, academic environment, and stage of development. The achievement of implementing the School Literacy Action program in SMA Negeri 2 Blitar was 90,63 %. The researcher suggests that it needs to provide books and reading materials for the student's parents or visitors in the school environment, except classrooms, such as corridors and the head's office, and determine some required books to be read by the school members. Moreover, schools should give special attention to the XII grade students in the second semester and emphasize literacy learning against the awareness of each individual.

    Analisis Proses Pada Senayan Library Information Management System (SLIMS) Cendana Berbasis Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Di Perpustakaan Universitas Kristen Duta Wicana Yogyakarta

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    This research aimed to analyze the process of cendana senayan library information management system (SLIMS) based on data flow diagram (DFD) in Duta Wicana Christian University.. Methodology of this research used field research and the object of this research is cendana senayan library information management  system (SLIMS). Finding of this research is all of the features in SLIMS Cendana such as borrowing process, return process, library member registration process, importing book data collection process, and imposing sanctions on library users who are late returning the books can be cover with Data Flow Digram (DFD), so it can be easier for librarians to conduct library processing activities and in the information retrieval in library

    Pengembangan Model Berbasis Ordinary Least Square untuk Prediksi Pengaruh Usabilitas Aplikasi iPusnas Terhadap Loyalitas Penggunanya

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    iPusnas is a digital library application owned by the National Library of Indonesia that provides free e-book lending services for all Indonesian people. This application requires an evaluation to find out how useful it is for users. In addition, many sources of information can be accessed by the public; further research is needed to determine the loyalty of iPusnas users. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a regression approach carried out on 384 users. The measurement of usability level uses indicators of Effectiveness, Efficiency, Satisfaction, and Learnability by calculating the percentage. The development of the predictor model uses Ordinary Least Square (OLS) Estimation based on Linear Regression. Based on field data analysis, the usability level of the application is 73.66%, while the level of loyalty to its use is 56.26%. This data shows a correlation coefficient of 0.038; it offers a strong influence and has a linear direction. The OLS-based estimation method produces a predictor model equation of Y = 2.833 + 0.05X with a significance level of 0.000. The coefficient confirms the field findings that the usefulness of the iPusnas application will affect user loyalty in utilizing the application as a source of information.iPusnas adalah aplikasi perpustakaan digital milik Perpustakaan Nasional RI yang menyediakan layanan peminjaman e-book gratis untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Aplikasi ini memerlukan evaluasi untuk mengetahui seberapa bermanfaatnya aplikasi bagi pengguna. Selain itu, banyak sumber informasi yang dapat diakses oleh masyarakat dan memerlukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui loyalitas pengguna iPusnas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan regresi yang dilakukan terhadap 384 pengguna aplikasi iPusnas. Pengukuran tingkat usabilitas aplikasi menggunakan indikator efektivitas, efisiensi, kepuasan, dan learnability dengan menghitung persentase. Pengembangan model prediktor menggunakan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) berbasis regresi linier. Berdasarkan analisis data lapangan, tingkat usabilitas aplikasi sebesar 73,66%, sedangkan tingkat loyalitas penggunaannya sebesar 56,26%. Data ini menunjukkan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,038; nilai ini menunjukkan pengaruh yang kuat dan memiliki arah linier. Metode estimasi berbasis OLS menghasilkan persamaan model prediktor Y = 2,833 + 0,05X dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,000. Koefisien ini menegaskan temuan lapangan bahwa kegunaan aplikasi iPusnas akan mempengaruhi loyalitas pengguna dalam memanfaatkan aplikasi ini sebagai sumber informasi