401 research outputs found

    Stability of the rolling process of ribbed bars based on the analysis of strength parameters

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    The article presents the results of the strength properties of 12 ÷ 24 mm ribbed bars used for concrete reinforcement. The strength properties and the ribbing geometry of the ribbed bars is a key factor in ensuring the safety of building structures. Therefore, the continuous analysis of the mechanical parameters of ribbed bars and the reasons for their change is essential for any rolling mill. This article aims to present an analysis of the strength properties of ribbed bars made of high ductility steel in 2021 in a selected production plant, and then, based on the obtained results, to perform an analysis aimed at verifying the stability of the rolling process

    Stability of the rolling process of ribbed bars based on the analysis of strength parameters

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    The article presents the results of the strength properties of 12 ÷ 24 mm ribbed bars used for concrete reinforcement. The strength properties and the ribbing geometry of the ribbed bars is a key factor in ensuring the safety of building structures. Therefore, the continuous analysis of the mechanical parameters of ribbed bars and the reasons for their change is essential for any rolling mill. This article aims to present an analysis of the strength properties of ribbed bars made of high ductility steel in 2021 in a selected production plant, and then, based on the obtained results, to perform an analysis aimed at verifying the stability of the rolling process

    Chosen examples of a new longitudinal rolling process of long products developed in the institute of modeling and automation of plastic working processes

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    In the work chosen results of theoretical and experimental investigations of longitudinal rolling process of long products were presented. The investigations were realized within last years in the Institute of Modeling and Automation of Plastic Working Processes at Czestochowa University of Technology. Presented results in majority were obtained from investigations commissioned by international metallurgical companies such as CMC Zawiercie S.A. and ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. New developed technologies were directly implemented in the industrial conditions

    Unsupervised analysis of follicular thyroid tumours transcriptome by oligonucleotide microarray gene expression profiling

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    Wstęp: Rak pęcherzykowy tarczycy (FTC) jest nowotworem którego podłoże molekularne jest mało zbadane. W podjętej analizie transkryptomuoceniono możliwość dyskryminacji raka i gruczolaka pęcherzykowego tarczycy (FTA) na podstawie badań profilu ekspresjigenów metodą tzw. nienadzorowaną (tzn. na podstawie dominujących źródeł zmienności). Analizę tę prowadzono by sprawdzić czyzłośliwość guza jest rzeczywiście czynnikiem dominującym dla profilu ekspresji genów w nowotworach pęcherzykowych.Materiał i metody: Podstawowy zbiór guzów pęcherzykowych obejmował 52 próbki (27 FTC i 25 FTA), z których wyizolowano całkowityRNA i poddano badaniu na mikromacierzach HG-U133 Plus 2.0. Otrzymany zbiór normalizowano za pomocą RMA i GC-RMA. Identyfikacjigłównych źródeł zmienności dokonano metodą analizy głównych składowych (PCA).Wyniki: Analizę funkcji biologicznej genów przeprowadzono dla pierwszych 6 składowych głównych. Geny skorelowane z pierwsząskładową pozwalały wyodrębnić 2 klastry próbek: jeden złożony głównie z gruczolaków, z wysoką ekspresją między innymi transkryptówtarczycowo-swoistych, drugi zaś, zawierający większość raków, wykazywał zwiększoną, ale heterogenną ekspresję genów związanychz odpowiedzią immunologiczną, a obniżoną ekspresję genów tarczycowych. Geny odpowiedzi immunologicznej stwierdzono wśród transkryptów skorelowanych przebiegiem pierwszej, trzeciej i szóstej głównej składowej; w istotny sposób wpływały one na rozróżnieniemiędzy FTC i FTA.Wnioski: W analizie nienadzorowanej stwierdzono, że złośliwość (inwazyjność) nowotworu pęcherzykowego może być jednymz głównych źródeł zmienności w transkryptomie tych guzów. Jednak, genomiczna odległość między grupami FTC i FTA jest niewielka,a wyodrębnione w analizie nienadzorowanej klastry nakładają się, stąd sama analiza nienadzorowana nie jest wystarczającym narzędziemdo celów klasyfikacji tych guzów.(Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (5): 329–334)Introduction: Mechanisms driving the invasiveness of follicular thyroid cancer (FTC) are not fully understood. In our study, we undertookan unsupervised analysis of the set of follicular thyroid tumours (adenomas (FTA) and carcinomas) to verify whether the malignantphenotype influences major sources of variability in our dataset.Material and methods: The core set of samples consisted of 52 tumours (27 FTC, 25 FTA). Total RNA was analysed by oligonucleotidemicroarray (HG-U133 Plus 2.0). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied as a main method of unsupervised analysis.Results: An analysis of biological character of genes correlated to the first six PCs was performed. When genes correlated to the first PCwere used to cluster FTC and FTA, they appeared in two branches; one, relatively enriched in adenomas, with homogenous expressionof subset of genes, and the other containing mainly carcinomas, with down-regulation of these genes and heterogeneous up-regulationin a smaller cluster of transcripts. Genes highly up-regulated in adenomas included some thyroid-specific transcripts. The second clusterof genes, up-regulated in carcinomas, contained mainly immunity-related transcripts. Immune response genes were found in the first,third and sixth principal components, improving the discrimination between carcinomas and adenomas.Conclusions: Our unsupervised analysis indicates that invasiveness of follicular tumours might be considered as the major source of variabilityin transcriptome analysis. However, the distance between both groups is small and the clusters are overlapping, thus, unsupervisedanalysis is not sufficient to properly classify them. (Endokrynol Pol 2013; 64 (5): 328–334


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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of polymorphisms of stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and chemokine receptor-4 (CXCR4) genes in dementia susceptibility in a Turkish population. Subjects and methods: The study group included 61 dementia patients, while the control group comprised 82 healthy individuals. Gene polymorphisms of SDF-1 3’A G801A (rs1801157) and CXCR4 C138T (rs2228014) were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis. Results: A significantly reduced risk for developing dementia was found for the group bearing an A allele for SDF-1 3’A polymorphism (p=0.009; x2=6.812; OR=0.626; 95%CI= 0.429-0.913). The frequency of the CXCR4 TT and TC genotype was significantly lower in patients with dementia compared to controls (p=0.028; x2=5.583; OR=0.215; 95%CI=0.05-0.914); (p=0.027; x2=4.919; OR=0.484; 95% CI= 0.246-0.955). Additionally, combined genotype analysis showed that the frequency of SDF1 GACXCR4 CC was significantly lower in patients with dementia in comparison with those of controls (p=0.049; OR=0.560; 95% CI= 0.307±1.020). Conclusions: Our study provides new evidence that SDF1 A and CXCR4 T alleles may be associated with a decreased dementia risk. The present study is important because to our knowledge, it is the first one to be conducted in a Turkish population to date, but we believe that more patients and controls are needed to obtain statistically significant results

    Wykorzystanie zapisu qEEG w psychologicznej diagnozie różnicowej a implikacje opiniodawczo-sądowe

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    Wśród psychologów gwałtownie rozwija się metoda terapeutyczna, jaką jest neurofeedback. Bazuje ona na technologii ilościowej analizy elektroencefalografu (quantitative eeg — qEEG). Szacuje się, że w Polsce funkcjonuje ponad 200 pracowni wyposażonych w aparaturę umożliwiającą prowadzenie terapii. Sprzęt użytkowany przez dziesiątki psychologów może być również wykorzystany w celach diagnostycznych. Wyniki badań oraz doświadczenie kliniczne autorów sugerują, że zależność pomiędzy rezultatem qEEG a obrazem klinicznym zaburzeń psychicznych można wykorzystać w procesie diagnostycznym. W ten sposób qEEG może wzbogacić arsenał psychologicznych technik diagnostycznych

    Kilka uwag o antroponimach Górali czadeckich z gminy Brzeźnica (woj. lubuskie)

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    artykuł zamieszczony w materiałach konferencyjnych "Góry i góralszczyzna w dziejach i kulturze pogranicza polsko-słowackiego(Podhale, Spisz, Orawa, Gorce, Pieniny). Literatura i język. Materiały z MiędzynarodowejKonferencji Naukowej Kraków-Nowy Targ-Bukowina Tatrzańska 21-24 października 2004"

    Fracture behaviour of bacterial cellulose hydrogel: Microstructural effect

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    A growing interest in fibrous biomaterials, especially hydrogels, is due to a fact that they promise a good potential in biomedical applications thanks to their attractive biological properties and similar microstructure that mimics its in vivo environment. Since they are usually employed as a main load-bearing-component when introduced into body environment, a comprehensive understanding of their application-relevant mechanical behaviour, such as deformation and fracture, as well as structure-function relationships is essential. To date, deformation behaviour and mechanisms of hydrogels were well documented; still, a lack of understanding of their fracture behaviour, especially structure-function relationships, could complicate an evaluation of their applicability. Hence, this work carried out four types of test – uniaxial tension, single-notch, double-notch and central-notch fracture testing – to investigate fracture behaviour of fully-hydrated and freeze-dried bacterial cellulose (BC) hydrogel. Our results support a significant role of interstitial water – free and bonded water – played in fracture behaviour of the studied BC hydrogel

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms of NR3C1 gene and recurrent depressive disorder in population of Poland

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    Depressive disorder is a disease characterized by disturbances in the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis. Abnormalities include the increased level of glucocorticoids (GC) and changes in sensitivity to these hormones. The changes are related to glucocorticoid receptors gene (NR3C1) variants. The NR3C1 gene is suggested to be a candidate gene affecting depressive disorder risk and management. The aim of this study was to investigate polymorphisms within the NR3C1 gene and their role in the susceptibility to recurrent depressive disorder (rDD). 181 depressive patients and 149 healthy ethnically matched controls were included in the study. Single nucleotide polymorphisms were assessed using polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism method. Statistical significance between rDD patients and controls was observed for the allele and genotype frequencies at three loci: BclI, N363S, and ER22/23EK. The presence of C allele, CC, and GC genotype of BclI polymorphism, G allele and GA genotype for N363S and ER22/23EK variants respectively were associated with increased rDD risk. Two haplotypes indicated higher susceptibility for rDD, while haplotype GAG played a protective role with OR(dis) 0.29 [95 % confidence interval (CI) = 0.13–0.64]. Data generated from this study support the earlier results that genetic variants of the NR3C1 gene are associated with rDD and suggest further consideration on the possible involvement of these variants in etiology of the disease

    IV Conference

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