38 research outputs found

    ICT usage amongst lecturers and its impact towards learning process quality

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    The use of ICT in education has caused substantial changes in learning and brought many benefits to higher learning institutions. However, the development of ICT in the institution of higher education in Indonesia is a minus value compared to other Southeast Asia countries (e.g., Singapore and Malaysia). This is due to several factors which are the lack of knowledge and lack of motivation, especially in Medan, North Sumatera. Medan as the fourth largest city in Indonesia has a low penetration of ICT utilization compared to the other cities which is smaller than it is. Previous studies have found that there is a positive relationship between variables, which are motivation towards ICT usage, knowledge level towards ICT usage, and ICT usage towards learning process quality. This paper addresses the issue by demonstrating a method of study to identify the impact of ICT usage towards learning process quality by lecturers in Medan, Indonesia. As a result, the application of the quantitative research design and data collection through survey questionnaire was considered as the most appropriate method to receive the outcome of the study. Statistical techniques which are the descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis methods proposed as the means to analyze the data

    A Model of Virus Infection Dynamics in Mobile Personal Area Network

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    In this paper, the authors explore the mobile network security focused on the virus threat. Firstly, the authors explain the importance of mobile network security which sometimes not really takes into considerations by users. This paper then explains the virus threat of mobile devices virus where it explains how the viruses spread. The threats can be in three major forms namely the virus spreading via mobile personal area network, virus spreading via internet access and virus spreading via messaging. Lastly a model explains the dynamics of the infection on Mobile Network is introduced

    ICT Usage Amongst Lecturers and Its Impact Towards Learning Process Quality

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    The use of ICT in education has caused substantial changes in learning and brought many benefits to higher learning institutions.However, the development of ICT in the institution of higher education in Indonesia is a minus value compared to other Southeast Asia countries (e.g., Singapore and Malaysia).This is due to several factors which are the lack of knowledge and lack of motivation, especially in Medan, North Sumatera.Medan as the fourth largest city in Indonesia has a low penetration of ICT utilization compared to the other cities which is smaller than it is.Previous studies have found that there is a positive relationship between variables, which are motivation towards ICT usage, knowledge level towards ICT usage, and ICT usage towards learning process quality.This paper addresses the issue by demonstrating a method of study to identify the impact of ICT usage towards learning process quality by lecturers in Medan, Indonesia.As a result, the application of the quantitative research design and data collection through survey questionnaire was considered as the most appropriate method to receive the outcome of the study. Statistical techniques which are the descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis methods proposed as the means to analyze the data

    The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Technologies to Enhance Learning and Training Experience: During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Beyond

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    During the global pandemic, we now live and work differently, forcing government decision-makers to find innovative, new ways to learn and train that will still be feasible during the pandemic. As we move slowly away from the Covid-19 shadow, upskilling and reskilling students are crucial for learning and professional development. Consequently, the pandemic has highlighted the necessity for transforming distance learning and opened new opportunities for immersive virtual exchanges. Nowadays, virtual reality (VR) has a significant role in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper proposes the potential of integrating VR technology in learning and training perspectives as an effective strategy or approach used to complete students' experiences. The purpose of this study is to develop and design a virtual environment (VE) that guides students through the educational process at high levels of performance. The focus of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a VR simulation for students. In this study, we have designed a VR simulation using Unity 3D software connected with the Hp reverb G2 headset. We collected data by a survey which indicates 50 samples attending a soft skills training course. The results revealed that virtual learning (V-learning) in VR is much more interactive and effective than traditional learning methods like E-learning and classrooms. This study contributes a significant role that the adoption of VR technology can be extremely beneficial to educators in helping students enhance their skills and continue the educational process in universities

    Model of behavioral attention towards using ICT in universities in Libya

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    Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the advances utilized as a part of educational tools, and it has been played an effective integration between technology and the lecturer for good quality of teaching and learning. However, a number of researches have been conducted to examine the factors adoption and acceptance of technology, but there is limited on lecturers’ behavioral intention to use ICT in university. Therefore, previous literature has been addressed a series of issues and problem which affect the successful implementation of ICT in the education of Libya such as a lack of policy, poor recourse and lack of skill as well as good infrastructure. The aim of this paper is to examine the factors influencing the lecturers’ intention to use ICT among of the factors suggested by previous literature that may influence lecturers’ intention to use the attitude, behavioral control, Self-Efficacy and ease of use are presented in the following section. Technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior were adopted to explain the behavioral intention of lecturers to use technology or ICT in universities. The model and theory of Technology acceptance model (TAM) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) were used to explain the behavioral intention of the lecturer to use ICT in Libya universities. The behavioral intention to use technology has an impact on how lectures are delivered to the student, and subsequently expose them to the latest and updated information about education

    Design & investigation of 10x10 gbit/s MDM over hybrid FSO link under different weather conditions and fiber to the home

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    In this paper, we design and investigate 10-channels of mode division multiplexer (MDM) over hybrid free-space optics (FSO) link in several weather conditions to achieve the maximum possible medium range and fiber to the home (FTTH) for high bandwidth access networks. System capacity can be effectively increased with the use of MDM over hybrid FSO-FTTH. In this study, a 10-channel MDM over FSO-FTTH system has been analyzed in different weather conditions that operate at 1550 nm wavelength. The simulated system has transmitted 100 Gbit/s up for a distance of 3200 meters FSO in superbly clear weather condition. It also transmitted 100 Gbit/s up for a distance of 650 meters FSO during heavy rain. The validation of this study is measures based on eye diagrams bit-error rates (BER) that have been analyzed

    The influence of user mobility in mobile virus propagation: An enterprise mobile security perspective

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    In this paper, the authors review the usage of mobile devices in the enterprise and also the major impact from the infected mobile devices.Then the authors highlight the virus threat to enterprise mobile security and how critical the problems are.The authors then discuss the mobile virus infection dynamics which are the Bluetooth infections, mobile emails infections and mobile internet infections which are the threats to the enterprise mobile security. Then the authors discuss on the influences of user mobility issue in spreading mobile viruses before concluded this article

    Systems success measurement: instrument & framework a new perspective

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    There are major concerns regarding the previous research that can be said as having poor measurements, lack of theoretical grounding, and concern heavily on investment justifies. Some are also considered as having weak survey instruments, inappropriate data collection approaches, and lack of agreement on the dependent variables measurement that resulted in its incompatibility. Several related issues pertaining to high rates of systems’ failure that justify the heavy investment costs and affect the systems’ success of measurement. This matter had raised a high concern, especially for the researchers, practitioners, organization managers and systems administrators. Thus, the successful measurement of any systems is vital. The purpose of this study is to provide a framework and a high-quality validated instrument based on the literature review and experts’ validation. Subsequently, it can be used in the future studies to efficiently assist in the systems’ success measurement. The statistical test of 344 users with the smart PLS for the instrument shows an excellent result

    Nias-mukalla web based systems success measurement and students satisfaction evaluation based on security factor of systems quality engineering theory (ISO 25010) and other factors

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    Latest studies reported that systems success measure suffers from mix of results and limited models that help in success measurement and evaluation. Because of systems models are domain specific and context related, there is a dire need for taking the measure to other perspectives like using related external factors such as management support or using software engineering theories such as ISO 25010. This study aimed to move the measure from a business perspective to other perspectives. This study investigated NIAS-Mukalla student satisfaction based on security, management support, computer anxiety and usefulness. All these independent variables found to be positively and significantly affected the satisfaction of the users. NIAS-Mukalla students were satisfied with the web-based systems

    Decision making process in keystroke dynamics

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    Computer system intrusion often happens nowadays. Various methods have been introduced to reduce and prevent these intrusions, however no method was 100% proven to be effective. Therefore, to improve the computer’s security, this writing will explain the application of KD in the application system. The effectiveness of KD could not guarantee one hundred percent to prevent the computer intrusion, but it can be used as a second level of security after the login page in the application system. The pattern and time taken while typing by an individual is the core for the second level of security check after the login page. This writing will elaborate and conclude past studies related to KD on the aspects of decisionmaking process. Various methods of processing KD data that have been used are listed and the results of the study are compared. The results of this writing are expected to help new researchers in the process of evaluating KD data