5 research outputs found

    The effect of corporate image, customer perceived value, relationship quality and switching intention among Islamic banking customers in Malaysia / Nor Hashima Hashim, Sharifah Latifah Syed A. Kadir

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    Considerable attention is now given to the concept of relationships between service providers and their customers due to the rapid changing marketing environment and in particular the retail banking sector. The switching behavior phenomena are worth investigating because by assessing switching intentions service providers can implement defensive or offensive marketing strategies for their customers. This study develops and empirically tests for examination of the relationships among corporate image, customer perceived value, relationship quality and switching intention in an Islamic retail banking context. The model is tested using structural equation modeling analysis approach. The conceptual model allows Islamic banking service providers to determine which among the two factors impact switching intention, enabling Islamic service providers to determine appropriate strategies to reduce defection among their bank customers

    Sustainability of TQM Implementation Model In The Indonesias Oil and Gas Industry: An Assessment of Structural Relations Model Fit

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    Abstract: This study purposively is to conduct an empirical analysis of the structural relations among critical factors of quality management practices (QMPs), world-class company practice (WCC), operational excellence practice (OE), and company performance (company non-financial performance or CNFP and company financial performance or CFP) in the oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. The current study additionally examines the relationships between QMPs and CFP through WCC, OE, and CNFP (as partial mediators) simultaneously. The study uses data from a survey of 140 strategic business units (SBUs) within 49 oil and gas contractor companies in Indonesia. The findings suggest that all six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through WCC and CNFP. Only four of six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through OE and CNFP. Hence, WCC, OE, and CNFP play as partial mediators between QMPs and CFP. CNFP has a significant influence on CFP. A major implication of this study is that oil and gas managers need to recognize the structural relations model fit by developing all of the research constructs simultaneously associated with a comprehensive TQM practice. Furthermore, the findings will assist oil and gas companies by improving CNFP, which is very critical to TQM, thereby contributing to a better achievement of CFP. The current study uses the Demings principles, Hayes and Wheelwright dimensions of world-class company practice, Chevron Texacos operational excellence practice, and the dimensions of company financial and nonfinancial performances. The paper also provides an insight into the sustainability of TQM implementation model and their effect on company financial performance in oil and gas companies in Indonesia. Abstrak: Studi ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis empiris hubungan struktural antara faktor-faktor kritis dari praktik-praktik kualitas manajemen (QMPs), praktik perusahaan kelas dunia (WCC), praktik keunggulan operasional (OE), dan kinerja perusahaan (kinerja-non-keuangan perusahaan atau CNFP dan kinerja-keuangan perusahaan atau CFP) di perusahaan minyak dan gas yang beroperasi di Indonesia. Tambahan studi ini meneliti hubungan antara QMPs dan CFP melalui WCC, OE, dan CNFP (sebagai mediator parsial) secara bersamaan. Studi ini menggunakan data dari survei terhadap 140 unit bisnis strategis (SBU) dengan 49 kontraktor perusahaan minyak dan gas di Indonesia. Dari temuan menunjukkan bahwa enam QMPs memiliki hubungan positif yang tidak langsung dan signifikan terhadap CFP melalui WCC dan CNFP. Hanya empat dari enam QMPs memiliki hubungan positif yang tidak langsung dan signifikan terhadap CFP melalui OE dan CNFP. Oleh karena itu, WCC, OE, dan CNFP berperan sebagai mediator parsial antara QMPs dan CFP. CNFP yang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan pada CFP. Implikasi utama dari penelitian ini adalah, bahwa manajer perusahaan minyak dan gas perlu mengenali betul hubungan model struktural, dengan mengembangkan konstruk penelitian secara bersamaan yang dikaitkan dengan praktik TQM yang komprehensif. Selanjutnya, dari temuan, akan membantu perusahaan minyak dan gas dalam meningkatkan CNFP, yang sangat penting untuk TQM, sehingga berkontribusi untuk pencapaian kinerja yang lebih baik dari CFP. Studi ini menggunakan prinsip-prinsip Deming, Hayes dan Wheelwright berdimensi praktik perusahaan kelas dunia, praktik keunggulan operasional Chevron Texaco, dan dimensi kinerja-keuangan dan non-keuangan perusahaan. Paper ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang keberlanjutan model implementasi TQM dan efeknya pada kinerja keuangan perusahaan di perusahaan minyak dan gas di Indonesia

    Sustainability of TQM Implementation Model In The Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Industry: An Assessment of Structural Relations Model Fit

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    This study purposively is to conduct an empirical analysis of the structural relations among  critical factors of quality management practices (QMPs), world-class company practice (WCC), operational excellence practice (OE), and company performance (company non-financial performance or CNFP and company financial performance or CFP) in the oil and gas companies operating in Indonesia. The current study additionally examines the relationships between QMPs and CFP through WCC, OE, and CNFP (as partial mediators) simultaneously. The study uses data from a survey of 140 strategic business units (SBUs) within 49 oil and gas contractor companies in Indonesia.  The findings suggest that all six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through WCC and CNFP. Only four of six QMPs have positive and significant indirect relationships on CFP through OE and CNFP. Hence, WCC, OE, and CNFP play as partial mediators between  QMPs and CFP. CNFP has a significant influence on CFP. A major implication of this study is that oil and gas managers need to recognize the structural relations model fit by developing all of the research constructs simultaneously associated with a comprehensive TQM practice. Furthermore, the findings will assist oil and gas companies by improving CNFP, which is very critical to TQM, thereby contributing to a better achievement of CFP. The current study uses the Deming’s principles, Hayes and Wheelwright dimensions of world-class company practice, Chevron Texaco’s operational excellence practice, and the dimensions of company financial and non-financial performances.  The paper also provides an insight into the sustainability of TQM implementation model and their effect on company financial performance in oil and gas companies in Indonesia.      

    E-Procurement Service Quality in Malaysia

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    The electronic government in Malaysia has fully adopted and developed the applications and practices of ICTs, in order to provide better online services in enhancing the credibility of government. In order to understand service quality issues within this new delivery channel, this paper investigates E-procurement portal/websites’ through the use of E-Service-Quality (E-S-QUAL) and E-Recovery Service-Quality (E- RecS-QUAL) scales by using a questionnaire survey distributed to 400 respondents. The collected data was analysed using Smart PLS 3.0 to test the relationship between efficiency, system availability and privacy, responsiveness and contact. The results show that both E-S-QUAL and E-RecS-QUAL strongly influence perceived service quality and behavioural intentions. In addition, the evidence of perceived ser- vice quality on its role as a mediator of was significant. The findings constitute an empirical contribution to the extension of literature in the application of the electronic service quality