68 research outputs found

    Collaborative Govenance in Preserving the Malay Culture of Riau

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    The Riau Government is committed to preserving the Riau Malay Culture as stated in the Riau Vision 2025. The current facts show that there is a severe weakening of the Malay Culture in Riau Province. This can be seen from the ethics, grammar, fashion, culinary, art, and Malay traditions that the Riau Malay community is starting to leave. The purpose of this study was to determine collaborative governance in the effort to preserve the Riau Malay Culture. The research method used is qualitative. The results of this study indicated that the Riau Government is not committed to achieving its vision, which is reflected in government policies. Lack of a roadmap for a cultural vision so that a network structure between stakeholders was not formed, the master plan owned by each stakeholder was not integrated, and was not interdependent, did not have a standard measure that describes procedures and authority in action, there was no function of joint decision-making and sharing of responsibilities, and there was no communication and flow of information between stakeholders so that collaborative governance in the preservation of Riau Malay culture was not carried out

    Analisis Kebijakan Desentralisasi Pendidikan Indonesia

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    This study aims to analyze the bibliometrics and content of Indonesian education decentralization. This study used a qualitative approach with bibliometric and content analysis methods. Research data was obtained from Google Scholar using Publish or Perish. The results of this study indicate that the study of the decentralization of education in Indonesia has fluctuated. In the 2012–2022 period, there were 90 papers, and they were cited 231 times. The highest publication was in 2019, while the lowest was in 2020. There are a total of 115 keywords, 22 clusters, 1137 total link strengths, and 362 occurrences. Indonesia's education decentralization policy is one of the impacts of post-reform governance changes in 1998. In practice, the authority in the education sector in Indonesia is currently not only in the hands of the central government but also of local governments and educational institutions as implementing units. Thus, in Indonesia, regional governments and educational institutions have the flexibility to manage education according to the laws and their respective potentials


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    This study aims to analyze the open government bibliometrics of Semarang and Gwangju, two of the 110 local governments that are members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Semarang and Gwangju have jointly joined the OGP in 2020. This research uses a qualitative approach with a bibliometric analysis method. Research data was obtained from Google Scholar using Publish or Perish and then analyzed using Vosviewer. The results of this study indicate that from each of the 150 Semarang and Gwangju papers, there are 5470 citations, 42 h-index, 63 g-index, 116 keywords, 13 clusters, 1293 total link strengths, and 507 occurrences in the Semarang paper. Whereas in the Gwangju paper, there are 3650 citations, 30 h-index, 52 g-index, 143 keywords, 18 clusters, 1143 total link strength, and 479 occurrences. In the 2020–2022 timeframe, the Semarang government has established four open government policies, while Gwangju has two. There is harmony between the open government policies of these two local governments with studies produced by scholars, which allows a positive contribution to the Semarang and Gwangju open government policies

    Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease among Diabetic Patients at Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus has been linked to various gastrointestinal motility disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).This study aimed to determine the proportion of GERD in patients with diabetes mellitus.Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the medical outpatient department of Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore, from October to December, 2020. Patients previously diagnosed with type II diabetes were included using non-probability consecutive sampling, and the GERDQ questionnaire was used to determine the frequency. IBM SPSS statistics version 23 was used for the analysis of data.Results: Of the 273 participants, 183 (67.0%) were male and the mean age was 51.13±12.8 years. The mean duration of diabetes was 6.97±4.76 years and oral hypoglycemic agents were used by 133 (48.7%) participants. Overall, 133 (48.7%) of the participants had GERD with a mean GERDQ score of 10.8(±1.4).Conclusion: Almost half (48.7%) of the participants have GERD; the most common symptom is regurgitation of stomach contents. Awareness should be raised, and early screening should be done to prevent long-term complications.

    Modified Shewhart Control Chart Based on CEV for Gamma Distributed Lifetimes in the Presence of Type-I Censored Data

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    This article explains the modified version of Shewhart control charts for monitoring the mean level of the Gamma lifetimes under the Type-I censored data. Shewhart control chart based on the conditional expected values (CEV) is developed which can efficiently monitor the Type-I censored. The results of the proposed control chart are compared with simple/traditional Shewhart control chart using different censoring rates (Pc). The main focus is the stability of the mean level for which we have considered the specified parameter(s) as well as the unspecified parameter(s) cases (where Maximum Likelihood Estimates (MLE) has been considered). It is observed that in the presence of Type-I censored observation the CEV Shewhart  Control chart outperforms traditional Shewhart control chart. The proposed censoring control charts always outperform when known parameters are used rather than the MLE estimate cases. The proposed charting methodology is also illustrated by an example

    Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease among Diabetic Patients at Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus has been linked to various gastrointestinal motility disorders, including gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).This study aimed to determine the proportion of GERD in patients with diabetes mellitus. Method: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the medical outpatient department of Sharif Medical City Hospital, Lahore, from October to December, 2020. Patients previously diagnosed with type II diabetes were included using non-probability consecutive sampling, and the GERDQ questionnaire was used to determine the frequency. IBM SPSS statistics version 23 was used for the analysis of data. Results: Of the 273 participants, 183 (67.0%) were male and the mean age was 51.13±12.8 years. The mean duration of diabetes was 6.97±4.76 years and oral hypoglycemic agents were used by 133 (48.7%) participants. Overall, 133 (48.7%) of the participants had GERD with a mean GERDQ score of 10.8(±1.4). Conclusion: Almost half (48.7%) of the participants have GERD; the most common symptom is regurgitation of stomach contents. Awareness should be raised, and early screening should be done to prevent long-term complications

    Knowledge causes and practice of self-medication during COVID-19: A population-based survey in Pakistan

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    Background: Self-medication (SM) is a public health issue upsurge day by day and its side effects accelerate the burden on healthcare, pharmacists, and the economy. The demand for self-prescribed medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic was found to be on the rise globally.Methods: The survey was conducted during June-August 2021 to analyses knowledge, causes, and practices of self-medication in Pakistan. The Chi-square test was used to examine the relationships between the categorical variable: The Pearson Correlation coefficient determined the relationship between quantitative variables. Age, gender, marital status, education, profession, field, knowledge, causes and practice of SM were variables included in survey.Result: 203 responses were received in the online survey and results from demographic factors were 104 (51.7%) male, 114(56.7%) single, 20-30 years (42.3%) age group, 44.8% were MS/M. Phil, 31.3% were teacher and 74.1% respondents belongs to the bioscience field. 20.4% considered it good practice while 42.3% responded to it as an acceptable practice. Quarantine was the most significant factor for SM during COVID-19 (68.7%). Discrimination after infection (37.8%) was also of higher priority and SM practiced under the influence of friends and social media, emergency illness, distance to hospitals (19.9%), and prescribed by medical personnel in a health facility (31.3%) followed by own self (22.9%), 19.9% by a friend, and 15.4% by pharmacist. 52.7% used self-prescribed antibiotics with the appearance of symptoms of fever, chills, and tiredness (37.30%). Conclusion: This population-based survey suggested that legislation, awareness campaigns, media, community, and government should play their part to fight misinformation about alleged COVID-19 preventive medicines on different platforms


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    Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) memiliki peranan penting dalam perekonomian negara, baik dari sisi penciptaan lapangan kerja maupun dari sisi jumlah usaha. UMKM Cendawan House memiliki kendala dalam aktivitas usahanya berupa belum dimilikinya pembukuan yang baik, struktur, dan pembagian tugas sehingga berdampak pada tingkat produktivitas dan pemasaran produk yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka dilaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian dengan mitra pengabdian yakni UMKM Cendawan House yang berada di Kelurahan Tebing Tinggi Okura, Kecamatan Rumbai Pesisir, Kota Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan yakni pemberdayaan melalui sosialisasi manajemen usaha untuk mengatasi masalah manajemen UMKM Cendawan House. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah mitra memiliki pembukuan yang baik, struktur, dan pembagian tugas serta wewenang yang jelas yang kemudian juga berdampak positif terhadap peningkatan produksi dan pemesaran produk yang dihasilkan. Dari kegiatan ini disimpulkan bahwa permasalahan yang dihadapi mitra dapat diselesaikan setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan ini

    An acoustic investigation of primary and secondary lexical stress of Urdu

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    This paper investigated acoustic correlates of primary and secondary stress in Urdu language. Urdu is not a sufficiently researched language in the context of lexical stress. A few researches (Mehrotra, 1965; Hussain, 1997; Nair, 1999; Mumtaz, 2014, and Qurrat-Ul-Ain & Mahmood (2017) discussed stress in Urdu/Hindi language. Perhaps, Qurrat-Ul-Ain & Mahmood (2017) study is the first to phonetically document the presence of secondary stress in Urdu using the cue of duration. The present study focused on the four popular acoustic cues of lexical stress to see how Urdu lexical stress (primary as well as secondary) behaves against these cues. The stimuli of the study consist of six tri-syllabic words (embedded with low-back-long vowel /a:/ in all syllables) uttered by nine female Urdu speakers from Lahore. Four popular stress cues (duration, vowel quality, pitch, and intensity) have been analyzed to see their correlation with Urdu lexical stress. The analysis reveals three levels of lexical stress: primary, secondary, and unstressed. Vowel duration is the strongest cue to correlate with the levels of stress in Urdu while stressed segments prone to have higher values of intensity. Overall, a trend of lower F0 and higher formant values could be seen against stressed syllables. The study, however, needs to be expanded further by using words having other vowel sounds. Moreover, the phenomenon of word final lengthening can be taken into account in the potential researches
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