44 research outputs found

    Preparation Of Conjugated Thermo-Sensitive Poly (Nipam) For Affinity Precipitation Of Enzyme

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    Affinity precipitation is a recent technique for the purification of enzyme. The precipitation is based upon the interaction between a target enzyme and ligand which binds to the enzyme in a specific manner. Primary-effect affinity precipitation, in which precipitation is a direct result of ligand-enzyme binding, has been the focus of this research. The n-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) monomer was synthesized using two methods, chemical and irradiation grafted process polymerization. The various amount of mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) to monomer preparation used resulted in hydrophobic modification of carboxylated poly (NIPAM). Both methods did not have big impact on the lower critical solution temperature (LCST) of polymer but resulted in conjugation of ligand indicating significant difference in synthesized process A ligand-enzyme system used in this study was p-aminobenzamidine-trypsin (PABA-trypsin). Initial studies with the PABA-trypsin system succeed to produce precipitation due to complications with the use of p-aminobenzamidine (PABA) as a ligand. An affinity precipitant for ligand-polymer was then successfully synthesized by conjugation of PABA to thermo-sensitive poly (NIPAM). The effect of molecular weight, reaction time, ligand PABA load, pH condition and addition of NHS on conjugated PABA-poly (NIPAM) were examined including the amount of ligand conjugated and dried weight precipitate of polymer. Trypsin as single enzyme was replaced by enzyme mixture of trypsin and chymotrypsin to evaluate the effect of the specific interaction ligand-enzyme during affinity precipitation. Both methods of preparation polymer chemical and irradiation grafted process successfully were used in the evaluation the reversibility of the precipitation and recovery of the selected enzyme after precipitation. PABA conjugated with thermo-sensitive poly (NIPAM) was used in the affinity precipitation of trypsin. Polymer and ligand concentrations used in conjugate preparation showed remarkable effect on the trypsin recovery. Trypsin precipitation efficiency amounted to 97% and recovery was 81% using prepared polymer by chemical process, and synthesized conjugated poly (NIPAM polymers by irradiation grafted process show the trypsin precipitation efficiency amounted to 95% and recovery was 83%

    The Performance and Characterization of Biodegradable Plastic from Tapioca Starch: Effect of Modified Chitosan

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    The performance and characterization of biodegradable plastic from tapioca starch was studied. Modified the chitosan was one of the ingredients for produce  the biodegradable plastics. The produced biodegradable polastic were thin sheet plastic, elastic and transparent. The biodegradable plastic performance had tensile strength between 2,26-3.73 Mpa, elongation ranges from 17.24 to 76.76%, and water absorption ranges from 30.81-268.9%. In antioxidant analyze, apples are wrapped in plastic and had significant mechanical properties changes on 8th day.Morphology scanning result showed that in the chitosan-polyNIPAM there were no cavities may caused high hydrophilicity in the biodegradable plastic

    Pemanfaatan pati tapioka dan kitosan dalam pembuatan plastik biodegradable dengan penambahan gliserol sebagai plasticizer

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    Tepung pati sering disebut dengan nama tepung tapioka dihasilkan dari ektrak umbi singkong. Pati tapioka dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan utama dalam pembuatan plastik biodegradable. Tujuan penelitian untuk membuat plastik biodegradable dari pati tapioka dan kitosan dengan menggunakan gliserol sebagai plasticizer, sehingga dapat diketahui pengaruh dari penambahan kitosan dan gliserol terhadap kualitas plastik biodegradable. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif yang meliputi analisis kuat tarik dan elongasi serta analisis biodegradabilitas sedangkan analisis kualitatif produk meliputi analisis gugus termal dan analisi gugus fungsi. Konsentrasi gliserol yang digunakan adalah 1,5 ml; 2,5 ml; 3,5 ml dan 4,5 ml dan konsentrasi kitosan 0,35 g; 0,45 g; 0,55 g dan 0,65 g. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai kuat tarik sebesar 21.20 Mpa; nilai elongasi sebesar 11,76%; sedangkan nilai permeabilitas oksigen berkisar antara 4,82x10-6sampai dengan2,66x10-5(Barrer); nilai penyerapan air berada pada nilai 58,37%. Proses biodegradasi di dalam tanah yang mengandung bakteri EM4 dapat terurai habis selama 18 hari

    Uji Mekanik Plastik Biodegradable dari Pati Sagu dan Grafting Poly(Nipam)-Kitosan dengan Penambahan Minyak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) Sebagai Antioksidan

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    Nonbiodegradable plastic is packaging that can be decomposed by microorganisms so that a viable alternative to replace conventional plastic packaging that cause problems for the environment. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of the mechanical test and others consisting of three variables and each variable consists of three  level of concentration. The first variable was additional grafting of Poly (Nipam) - chytosan consisting of 5%, 7% and 9%. The second variable was additional glycerols which were 15%, 30%, 45%. The third variable was concentrations of cinnamon oil which were 10%, 15% and 20%. This research produced a thin sheet of plastic, transparant, and elastic and it had a slightly yellowish translucent color. The tensile strength value was about 1.34-2.57MPa, 36.22-66.30% of elongation value, and 22.22% -58.82% of water absorption. Antioxidant test was performed by wrapping an apple with biodegradable plastics containing cinnamon oil. It could inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The apples changed significantly on day 8. In biodegradability test, this plastic was decomposed after buried for 56 days in the soil.ABSTRAKPlastik biodegradable adalah kemasan yang dapat diurai oleh mikroorganisme sehingga menjadi alternatif untuk menggantikan plastik kemasan konvensional yang menimbulkan permasalahan bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh terhadap uji mekanisnya dan lain-lain yang terdiri atas tiga variabel dan masing-masing variabel terdiri dari tiga taraf kosentrasi. Variabel pertama adalah variasi penambahan grafting Poly(NIPAM)-kitosan yang terdiri dari kosentrasi 5%, 7% dan 9%.  Variabel kedua adalah variasi penambahan gliserol yang terdiri dari kosentrasi 15%, 30%, 45% dan variabel ketiga adalah variasi penambahan minyak kayu manis yang terdiri dari kosentrasi 10%, 15% dan 20%. Penelitian ini menghasilkan plastik berupa lembaran tipis, transparan, dan elastis serta memiliki warna bening sedikit kekuningan. Plastik yang dihasilkan memiliki nilai kuat tarik sebesar 1,34-2,57 MPa, elongasi 36,22- 66,30%, dan penyerapan air 22,22%-58,82%. Hasil uji antioksidan dilakukan dengan membungkus apel dengan plastik biodegradable  yang mengandung minyak kayu manis mampu menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, apel mengalami perubahan signifikan  pada hari ke 8. Pada uji biodegrabilitas plastik ini terurai dalam tanah selama 56 hari.</p


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    The rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in the world impact increased water pollution. Human activities, such as dam constructions, excessive water consumption, severance of river flows, compaction of riverbanks, and excessive use of riverbed vegetation, disrupt river flow and alter the original hydrological cycle. In response to these conditions, this study aims to analyze water quality and river quality status to set up a watershed environmental management strategy in Aceh Province as a case study. River water quality was analyzed descriptively by comparing the results of laboratory tests with parameters, namely TSS, pH, BOD, COD, DO, total phosphate, nitrate, and fecal coli. These parameters were then transformed into the environmental index (Water Quality Index and Pollution Index). It was found that Water Quality Index (WQI) results are shown from 50 to 70. WQI with the Good category is at Kr. Weh which is in the Central Aceh city. The medium-less type is found in 10 watersheds. The water quality with the category of Less is found at 3 points, namely Kr. Aceh, Cr. Doy, and Cr. Daroy. The quality of the river water in the Aceh region, from upstream to downstream, has decreased in quality with a lightly polluted status based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No. 27 of 2021 for class II

    Uji Mekanik Plastik Biodegradable dari Pati Sagu dan Grafting Poly(Nipam)-Kitosan dengan Penambahan Minyak Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum burmannii) Sebagai Antioksidan

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    Nonbiodegradable plastic is packaging that can be decomposed by microorganisms so that a viable alternative to replace conventional plastic packaging that cause problems for the environment. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of the mechanical test and others consisting of three variables and each variable consists of three  level of concentration. The first variable was additional grafting of Poly (Nipam) - chytosan consisting of 5%, 7% and 9%. The second variable was additional glycerols which were 15%, 30%, 45%. The third variable was concentrations of cinnamon oil which were 10%, 15% and 20%. This research produced a thin sheet of plastic, transparant, and elastic and it had a slightly yellowish translucent color. The tensile strength value was about 1.34-2.57MPa, 36.22-66.30% of elongation value, and 22.22% -58.82% of water absorption. Antioxidant test was performed by wrapping an apple with biodegradable plastics containing cinnamon oil. It could inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The apples changed significantly on day 8. In biodegradability test, this plastic was decomposed after buried for 56 days in the soil.ABSTRAKPlastik biodegradable adalah kemasan yang dapat diurai oleh mikroorganisme sehingga menjadi alternatif untuk menggantikan plastik kemasan konvensional yang menimbulkan permasalahan bagi lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh terhadap uji mekanisnya dan lain-lain yang terdiri atas tiga variabel dan masing-masing variabel terdiri dari tiga taraf kosentrasi. Variabel pertama adalah variasi penambahan grafting Poly(NIPAM)-kitosan yang terdiri dari kosentrasi 5%, 7% dan 9%.  Variabel kedua adalah variasi penambahan gliserol yang terdiri dari kosentrasi 15%, 30%, 45% dan variabel ketiga adalah variasi penambahan minyak kayu manis yang terdiri dari kosentrasi 10%, 15% dan 20%. Penelitian ini menghasilkan plastik berupa lembaran tipis, transparan, dan elastis serta memiliki warna bening sedikit kekuningan. Plastik yang dihasilkan memiliki nilai kuat tarik sebesar 1,34-2,57 MPa, elongasi 36,22- 66,30%, dan penyerapan air 22,22%-58,82%. Hasil uji antioksidan dilakukan dengan membungkus apel dengan plastik biodegradable  yang mengandung minyak kayu manis mampu menghambat pertumbuhan mikroorganisme, apel mengalami perubahan signifikan  pada hari ke 8. Pada uji biodegrabilitas plastik ini terurai dalam tanah selama 56 hari

    Analisis Implementasi Konsep Nafkah dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Perekonomian Keluarga di Desa Karangsari Kecamatan Kembaran Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Karangsari Village is a village located in the Banyumas Regency, Central Java. From existing data, one third of the population is in the poverty line. Even though almost all of its territory is relatively fertile agricultural land, but it is not supported by quality human resources, due to the low level of education due to dropping out of school. from this it can be concluded that When the head of the family has a low education, the impact is that the provision of a living is the main axis in building family welfare. This study critically analyzes the responsibilities of a husband as the head of the family in his role in realizing the family's economic welfare. The responsibility to provide a living is a consequence that must be carried out by the husband after the marriage. In other words, this study aims to provide a general view that the implementation of a living is considered capable of alleviating poverty in the family environment. The more a husband realizes the obligation of living and tries to fulfill it, it means that he can build and nurture a family well in economic prosperity. Through the analysis of basic needs, this study traces the economic welfare of the family which is influenced by the awareness of the responsibilities of living, which includes the needs of clothing, food and housing. The implication of this research is the necessity to optimize the concept of living in improving the economic welfare of the family


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    Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) is an important agenda in the education system in Malaysia today in line with the Malaysian Education Development Plan (2013-2025). Practices that integrate HOTS implementation has been across the entire subject with by sourced from levels of Bloom's Taxonomy, Anderson and Krathwohl. However, for Islamic Studies which is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, implementation HOTS elements need to be translated through Islamic education philosophy of education that puts perfection in mind the major thrust in promoting this culture of thinking skills. The emergence of figures such as Ibn Khaldun's talk about the overall education of the mind based on the concept of God has established in the perspective of understanding diversity in this HOTS. Therefore, this study used the analysis process for analyzing the literature by examining the contents of which have in common synonym or fell within the purpose of the performance-based element of teaching higher-order thinking (HOTS). The findings resulted in four major elements in need is an integrated HOTS namely through aql tamyizi, aql tajribi, aqal nazori dan hakikat insaniyah translated through the implementation process based on the concept, integration and impact. Overall, the implementation of the PdP Islamic education should emphasize integrating HOTS guidelines have been established by Ibn Khaldun to ensure value appreciation and practice by the student meets the requirements established by the reference-based Islamic Educational Philosophy. Kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (KBAT) merupakan suatu agenda penting di dalam sistem pendidikan di Malaysia masa kini selaras dengan pelaksanaan Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025. Amalan pelaksanaan yang mengintergrasikan KBAT ini telah merentasi keseluruhan mata pelajaran bersumberkan kepada aras Taksonomi Bloom ubahan Anderson dan Krathwohl. Namun begitu, bagi mata pelajaran Pendidikan Islam yang berteraskan kepada Al-Quran dan As-Sunnah, pelaksanaan elemen KBAT perlu diterjemahkan melalui Falsafah Pendidikan Islam yang meletakkan kesempurnaan pendidikan akal sebagai teras utama di dalam memacu pembudayaan kemahiran berfikir ini. Kemunculan tokoh-tokoh seperti Ibn Khaldun yang membicarakan secara menyeluruh pendidikan akal berteraskan konsep ketuhanan telah mengwujudkan kepelbagaian di dalam perspektif kefahaman KBAT ini. Untuk itu, kajian ini menggunakan proses penganalisisan secara analisis kepustakaan dengan meneliti isi kandungan yang mempunyai kesamaan sinonim atau terangkum di dalam maksud pelaksanaan pengajaran guru berteraskan elemen pemikiran aras tinggi (KBAT). Dapatan kajian menghasilkan empat elemen utama di dalam keperluan untuk menginterasikan KBAT iaitu menerusi aql tamyizi, aql tajribi, aqal nazori dan hakikat insaniyah yang diterjemahkan melalui proses pelaksanaan berasaskan konsep, intergrasi dan kesan. Secara keseluruhannya, pelaksanaan PdP pendidikan Islam yang mengintergrasikan KBAT seharusnya menitikberatkan panduan yang telah dibentuk oleh Ibn Khaldun bagi memastikan nilaian penghayatan dan pengamalan oleh pelajar menepati kehendak yang ditetapkan berasaskan acuan Falsafah Pendidikan Islam

    Modeling and kinetic determination in affinity precipitation of trypsin

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    A mathematical model was proposed to allow the analysis of kinetic enzyme in experimental of affinity precipitation system. The methodology was tested using a system composed of enzyme, ethylene glycol and conjugated PABA-poly (NIPAM). N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) is one of the monomers that have appealed to a great deal of investigation in the recent years. Its homopolymer NIPAM possesses temperature sensitivity and can act as a functional polymer with great potential. A water soluble ligand bound polymer has been synthesized by Electron Beam Irradiation for the purpose of affinity precipitation of trypsin. The affinity polymer was formed by ligand-PABA. The binding efficiency of trypsin to this polymer was dependent upon the ratio of (NIPAM), mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) as a chain transfer reagent and p-aminobenzamidine (PABA) as ligand that used in the polymer synthesis. The amount of precipitated of poly (NIPAM) present in the polymer solution also greatly affected the trypsin binding efficiency. The total binding capacity of trypsin molecules to ligand molecules approached the theoretical value which was considerably higher than that of insoluble gel matrices. Bound trypsin could be easily eluted by the ethylene glycol solution. At low molecular weight of poly (NIPAM), the conjugate polymer solution was very stable and retained its high capacity for trypsin recovery over a long period of time. The proposed analysis and simulation of kinetic parameters may be helpful in affinity precipitation technique for advanced application