19 research outputs found

    Orbital cellulitis as a complication of odontogenic infection

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    Orbital cellulitis is uncommon sequelae of the spread of odontogenic infection to adjacent maxillary sinuses or to distant sites such as the orbits. Once it happened, the spread of such infection can be of serious complication such as complete blindness or even more serious and life threatening situations as cavernous sinus thrombosis, intra-cranial abscess, or even death. This paper aimed to expose the guideline treatment of orbital cellulitis as a complication of odontogenic infection. It reported one case of orbital cellulitis in the emergency unit of Hasan Sadikin hospital Bandung, with complaints of pain, swelling at cheek and periorbital region, and the history of toothache. The treatment include incision drainage, extraction of tooth, and parenteral administration of antibiotic and analgesic. Odontogenic infections are derived from dental infection and can potentially spread rapidly to be ascending infection like orbital cellulitis. Odontogenic infection and orbital cellulitis should be adequately treated with incision drainage, extraction of tooth and parenteral administration of antibiotic, steroid and analgesic. Without immediate treatment, odontogenic infection can lead to ascending infection. Orbital cellulitis due to spreading of odontogenic infection is a rare case. In this case report, the patient had a significantimprovement due to immediate and proper treatment

    Penatalaksanaan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula anterior bilateral

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    Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula ditemukan 3% dari seluruh dislokasi pada sendi yang pernah dilaporkan, dan tipe dislokasi ke anterior adalah yang paling sering ditemukan. Tujuan dari penulisan  ini adalah untuk melaporkan kasus dan penatalaksanaan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula anterior bilateral. Seorang pasien laki-laki usia 35 tahun datang ke IGD Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin karenatidak dapat menutup mulut kembali setelah menguap, pasien mempunyai riwayat keluhan yang sama sebelumnya ± 2 tahun yang lalu. Penatalaksanaan yang dilakukan adalah pemberian analgesik; muscle relaxant, reposisi manual dan pemasangan head bandage. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula anterior diakibatkan oleh pergerakan kondilus kearah depan dari eminensia artikulare dan untuk penatalaksanaannya dapat direposisi secara manual ataupun dengan pembedahan. Komplikasi yang terjadi bila tidak dilakukan reposisi adalah terjadinya fibro-osseus ankylosis, jejas pada arteri carotis eksternal dan jejas pada saraf wajah. Dislokasi pada sendi temporomandibula sering ditemukan dalam praktek kedokteran gigi sehari-hari dan perlu dilakukan tindakan dengan segera dan cepat karena pasien merasa sangat tidak nyaman walaupun pada kasus ini jarang disertai dengan keluhan nyeri yang hebat.ABSTRACT: Anterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation management. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation represents three percent of all reported dislocated joints and the anterior type has the highest frequencies of occurence. The purpose of this paper is to report the case and the managementofanterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation. A 35-year-old mancame to Hasan Sadikin Hospital Emergency Department because he can’t closed his mouth after yawning. Patient had same history like this before about 2 years ago. The treatment of this patient was medication including analgetic, muscle relaxant and manual reposition of the joint. Then application of head bandage was performed. TMJ dislocation is defined as the excessive forward movement of the mandibular condyle beyond the articular eminence and treatment could be manual reposition or surgery. Complication of anterior bilateral temporomandibular joint dislocation include the following: fibro-osseus ankylosis, injury of external carotid artery and injury to the facial nerve. TMJ dislocation was acommon founding in dental practice, this condition need quick treatment due to the unconvenience felt by the patient, although severe pain was rarely found

    Penatalaksanaan fraktur mandibula pada anak dengan cedera kepala sedang

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    Management of mandibular fracture in child with moderate head injury. Mandibular fractures in child with moderate head injuries were relatively rare, the management of child patient need special considerations regarding their age and growth. Management of mandibular fractures in child with moderate head injuries need cooperation with specialists Neurosurgery. This case report aims to explain the management of mandibular fracture in child with moderate head injury. A 7 years old boy ushered to Hasan Sadikin Hospital, with bleeding at head and fracture of the lower jaw. The patient was hit by a motorcycle high speed while crossing the street with unknown mechanism there was history of unconsciousness about 20 minutes, there was bleeding from mouth. GCS 9, asymmetrical face, post suturing in the head and fracture of the lower jaw. Then, examination support, and then diagnosed Moderate Head Injury with Open fractures more than one tabula at right parietal and right mandibular angle fracture, left mandibular parasimphysis fracture. Management according ATLS, with the primary survey, secondary survey and stabilization, then craniectomy debridement. Once a patient is stabilized performed ORIF with regard mandibular growth and development of teeth. craniectomy debridement to prevent the occurrence of intracranial infection because of their open fractures in the bones of the head. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation by installing miniplat with a screw for fixation of mandibular fractures managed to restore the aesthetic and masticatory functions. Open wounds can cause intracranial infections that can develop into meningitis and brain abscess. Management of mandibular fractures in children with head injuries being successful if there is cooperation between specialists Neurosurgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    The infrared radiation effect to the trismus recovery after odontectomy

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    Impacted was defined as unerupted teeth, it could some pathological conditions such as pain, swelling, trismus, and should be removed by an operative procedure called odontectomy. Nevertheless, this procedure could cause some complications such as pain, trismus and swelling. Trismus was a jaw restricted movement condition caused by inflammation, swelling and pain. Trismus could be cured by analgetic anti-inflammation medicines, and physiotherapy such as jaw movement exercise, massaging, hot wet application and therapy used infrared light. Infrared light was an electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 0.7 μm-1000 μm. It could reduce the inflammation in cell structure, pain and less of side effects. The research was carried out to know the infrared effect to the velocity of trismus recovery. Type of research had been used is quacy experimental in a prospective way, using 15 patients with infrared radiation and 15 patients without infrared radiation. The result of research used t-test with α = 0.05 indicated that there was significant differences velocity of trismus after odontectomy recovery between infrared radiation and without infrared radiation. This study concluded that the velocity of trismus recovery was faster when applied by infrared radiation

    Pengaruh Polutan Pb terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tanaman Lantana Sellowiana dan Ixora Chinensis

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    An experiment on the effect of Pb pollutants on the growth and development of two widely used ornamental plants, i.e. Lantana sellowiana and Ixora chinensis, was conducted at the IPB Greenhouse, Baranangsiang, Bogor from mid September 1990 to the end of December 1990. The experiment aimed to determine the effect of concentration levels of Pb in the form of PbCl2 upon the growth and development of the two ornamental plants. The experiment consisted of two units, each of which was based on the complete randomized design. Treatments consisted of four concentration levels of PbCI2, i.e. 0, 250, 2500, and 25 000 ppm, applied to each unit with three replications. Observation during 12 weeks showed that treatments with 250 and 2500 ppm PbCl2 did not give significant damage to the growth and development of Lantana sellowiana. Concentration level of 25 000 ppm, however, interfered growth and development of this species six weeks after planting. On the other hand, the concentration levels used in this experiment had no toxic effect on the growth and development of Ixora chinensis


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    An experiment on the effect of Pb pollutants on the growth and development of two widely used ornamental plants, i.e. Lantana sellowiana and Ixora chinensis, was conducted at the IPB Greenhouse, Baranangsiang, Bogor from mid September 1990 to the end of December 1990. The experiment aimed to determine the effect of concentration levels of Pb in the form of PbCl2 upon the growth and development of the two ornamental plants. The experiment consisted of two units, each of which was based on the complete randomized design. Treatments consisted of four concentration levels of PbCI2, i.e. 0, 250, 2500, and 25 000 ppm, applied to each unit with three replications. Observation during 12 weeks showed that treatments with 250 and 2500 ppm PbCl2 did not give significant damage to the growth and development of Lantana sellowiana. Concentration level of 25 000 ppm, however, interfered growth and development of this species six weeks after planting. On the other hand, the concentration levels used in this experiment had no toxic effect on the growth and development of Ixora chinensis

    Pengaruh Tempe Terhadap Kenaikan Hemoglobin pada Ibu Hamil Anemia di RSKDIA Siti Fatimah Makassar Tahun 2019

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    viii, 94 hlm.; 28 cm

    Tooth extraction complication and treatments at the Exodontia Clinic of the Oral and Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry of Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung

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    The patient’s dental conditions who visited the Exodontia Clinic of the Oral and Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry of Padjadjaran University, Bandung, were generally in a severe damage stage, causing problems in extraction. This condition, as well as the operator ’s (co-assistant student) that still have limited capability,  may increase the risk of complication. This study was conducted at the Exodontia Clinic of the Oral and Dental Hospital of the Faculty of Dentistry of Padjadjaran University. It is conducted from March 13 to May 13, 2007. It is aimed at finding out the types of tooth extraction complications including the treatments towards the problems. This study was a prospective descriptive using the survey method. The study showed that there were 70 cases (64% ) of complications occurred, namely, 37 cases (6.68%) in the maxilla, and 33 cases (5.96% ) in the mandible. The complications that occurred consisted of root fracture (41 .43%), crown fracture (32.86% ), soft tissue laceration (14 .29%), maxillary sinus perforations (2.86% ), syncope (2.86% ), swelling (2.86% ), and secondary hemorrhage (2.86% )

    <p>Serial kasus berbagai metode perawatan dislokasi sendi temporomandibula berdasarkan jenis dislokasinya</p><p>Case series of various temporomandibular joint dislocation treatment methods based on the dislocation type</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Dislokasi sendi temporomandibula (TMJ) merupakan suatu keadaan dimana kondilus keluar dari fosa glenoidalis ke arah superior, posterior atau anterior melewati eminentia artikularis dan seringkali disertai dengan spasme otot-otot pengunyahan. Penanganan yang terlambat dapat menimbulkan komplikasi berupa asimetri wajah dan menggangu pengunyahan. Tujuan penulisan kasus ini adalah menyampaikan serial kasus perawatan dislokasi sendi temporomandibular berdasarkan jenis dislokasinya. Laporan kasus: Empat tipe kasus dislokasi TMJ datang ke IGD dan Poli Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung dengan riwayat dislokasi yang berbeda. Pasien berjenis kelamin dua laki-laki dan dua perempuan, berusia 33 hingga 66 tahun dengan faktor predisposisi menguap. Klasifikasi dislokasi yaitu akut dan kronis. Perawatan keempat kasus berupa reduksi manual, menggunakan metode Hippocrates dan wrist pivot, hingga pembedahan dengan miotomi. Simpulan: Keadaan dislokasi yang berbeda memerlukan perawatan yang berbeda. Kasus akut dapat segera dilakukan reduksi manual, sedangkan kasus kronis memerlukan pembedahan. Keterlambatan penanganan yang tepat dapat membuat keadaan menjadi lebih berat sehingga memerlukan penanganan yang lebih kompleks dan biaya yang lebih besar.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocation is a condition in which the condyle exits the glenoid fossa superiorly, posteriorly, or anteriorly through the articular eminence and is often accompanied by mastication muscle spasm. Delayed treatment can cause complications in the form of facial asymmetry, thus interfere with mastication. The purpose of the case series was to present a case series of temporomandibular joint dislocations treatment based on the dislocation type. Case reports: Four different patients with four types of TMJ dislocation cases came to the ER and the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic of Hasan Sadikin Hospital Bandung, with different dislocation histories. The patients were two males and two females, aged 33 to 66 years, with predisposing factors of yawning. Classifications of dislocations were acute and chronic. The four cases’ treatments were manual reduction, each using the Hippocrates method and wrist pivot, up to surgery with myotomy. Conclusions: Different dislocation conditions require different treatments. Acute cases can be directly reduced manually, while chronic cases require surgery. Delay in proper handling will severe the situation, requiring more complex treatment with higher costs